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10376264 No.10376264[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10376275

better to be an Incel than an Insect

>> No.10376284

once you see one you've seen them all. you should really be interested in her brains than her vagina.

>> No.10376291

Women are overrated, lube is better and will never take have your money and all your friends.

>> No.10376307

Come along with me to Thailand this December, anon. I'll even buy you your first fuck.

>> No.10376332



>> No.10376445

Well damn. I'm sorry you're autistic AND poor.

>> No.10376474

this. vaginas are pretty much overrated by people who have never seen them in person.
You will become completely disillusioned when you realize that the ugliest, fattest bitch you know, well her vagina is almost indistinguishable from the hottest girl you know, and it basically feels the same because all women are loose as fuck nowadays since hookup culture turned them all into whores
Just get an onahole and skip the drama

>> No.10376482

inb4 wake up in a bath tub with missing organs

>> No.10376489


HAHAHAHAHAH, no pussy squad

>> No.10376498

this is a bigger problem than your vagina situation. How old are you anon?

>> No.10376513

Dude it's not that great. I mean go watch some VR porn. Pretty real. It's not just about the vagina my friend, it's the long lasting relationship that is important. Anyone can get a gf you just have to stop being beta.

>> No.10376534



>> No.10376548
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>he thinks losing his virginity will fix his loneliness
AND (this is the best part) will fix their depression
fucking dying rn

>> No.10376565

>you will become completely disillusioned when you realize that the ugliest, fattest bitch you know, well her vagina is almost indistinguishable from the hottest girl you know, and it basically feels the same

So much this. Just fuck some fat incel female and be done with it

>> No.10376599

I third this motion.
Op are you looking for a 27 year old 8/10 to fuck? The odds are against you even if you werent a fucking autist. Find a 22 year old fatty, it will be fun.

>> No.10376674

What country are you from OP? If you are in Europe, you have 0 reasons to have never got your dick wet. Save up, get a prostitute, and get it over with. At MOST, we're talking $300USD you'd have to pay. DYOR so you don't get scammed with a call girl from a backpage who is going to try and milk you for as much as you can. Once you get over that initial hump, shit becomes much easier and there is infinitely less pressure on your end.

>> No.10376728

women are for fags, if you want action bang a ladyboy

>> No.10376745


I've done fairly well for myself and have pretty much crossed off every type of girl I've wanted to have sex with and you're fucking spot on. Pretty much every girl I have had sex with has said "I've been told I'm really tight!" That's really just them admitting they're a whore. The truth is, you'll never find "the perfect girl". If you happen to find someone who shares your same beliefs, makes you happy, and isn't going to turn into a disgusting pig, put a ring on it. Western society has destroyed modern women, so the idea of the grass is always greener on the other side is just wishful thinking. You'll always long for what you don't have. You have to be appreciative of what you do have and make the most of it.

>> No.10376751

>erotic monkey
>pay for membership
>see reviews for local escorts so you don't go to jail/get mugged
>pick one

>> No.10376809

Hey op I'm pretty bored atm so o could chat with you about your issue. I think that even you crave for sex you should focus on building relationships first of all. Actually I don't have the same issue as I have pretty much femenine attention but actually I have few friends because I isolated on purpose focused on my finances, now I'm ok with money but with a poor social life wich is depressing me a little right now.

>> No.10377034


Not all pussy looks the same, and its not about just the pussy. Its about how well the pussy compliments the entire hip area, and the pussy itself. I love pussy, some are much more enticing than others. You have no idea what you're talking about. Feel, yes they all feel pretty much the same once you're inside though.