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File: 443 KB, 640x853, 56FF199C-8580-4290-A547-81E768B6344E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10353747 No.10353747[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Thanks to whoever shilled this to me on biz a few hours ago. Code is legit. I saw fake fud about it and checked the code and realized p3d/f3d devs were lying out of their asses. I have already 3x’d. A few whales put 235 eth and 193 eth. This has become biz’s game.

F3d at 23k
F3dshort almost at 1k

Divs are much better in f3d short because of the relatively low eth amount. The pot is huge already over 500 eth. This isn’t going to stop. If you missed f3d then this is the next one.
It is a 1hr timer not 24 hours. Math proves that this will grow faster considering all things
Thanks to op from other post. Here’s the site


>waits for fomofags to say it’s a scam and post fake fud to bump the thread
Learn how to read code.

>> No.10353756

not the real team just version

>> No.10353776

Glad I bought in when the pot was 25 eth.. thinking about reinvesting a little of the profit

>> No.10353790

so does this not give real eth then? kek im 3x thank you. go ahead and buy into f3d now and wait for the 100k+ eth to come back to even break even

>> No.10353793

Probably won't do as well as the original, however who ever made this gets first mover advantage out of all the inevitable clones. This is the powm of f3d clones, you do not want to miss this ride.

>> No.10353819


0.5 ETH on divs every 30 minutes almost! DONT MISS IT, ITS STILL VERY EARLY

>> No.10353856

yeah definitely, the higher f3d goes, the higher this can go. i didnt think itd get 100 eth in the pot, now almost 600 eth is absolute nuts. seems like people like the 1hr more than the 24. makes people spend more

>> No.10353866

count me in im definitely not missing this

>> No.10353880

holy shit its almost at 1k. someone just threw 77 eth in!

>> No.10353963 [DELETED] 

shits on fire right now. divs are even better than f3d LOL


>> No.10354007

literally cannot believe this. these divs are insane. pot is over 700 eth now

>> No.10354131

Nearly 800 now

>> No.10354135

scammers, shoo shoo, fuck off back to your Indian shithole

>> No.10354160

how is this a scam? its a clone that is more efficient and doesnt need nearly as much volume as f3d to get roi. if you listened earlier youd be up 4x...shooshoo kek

>> No.10354170

Fuck off pajeet, stop trying to scam /biz/. Daily reminder that all clones just give the final sum to the creator and are and actual exit scam.

>> No.10354181

are you that thick? its not a "scam" you fucktard. theres also over 1000 eth in it. someone shilled it earlier around 50 eth. it is only going to go up. pot is over 800 eth. stay poor, check back next week and kys

>> No.10354201 [DELETED] 


do you blindly follow whatever anyone says? use your brain for once they are lying to you that it is a scam because they want everyone to stay in the p3d family

>> No.10354207

In about 3 hours too, it took days for f3d to get that big.

>> No.10354253

finally someone with a brain, theres almost 1400 eth in it. this was shilled a few hours ago at 50 eth. its not going to stop i keep saying it


>> No.10354343

An exact physical replication of the same site as the original one yet it is nowhere mentioned that it is not the same team. There is no point in debating with shills, I'm just trying to save anons. The FOMO train is gone stop buying now, thank me later.

>> No.10354397

thats what they said about f3d at 500 eth an i listened. The train isnt stopping as there is 900 eth in the pot. lot of eyes on this now.

thanks for the bump

>> No.10354435

The way you formulate your sentences are similar to how an Indian would write.

>> No.10354465

That's fine. I am actually an American who is high off my ass from some gorilla glue. im literally collecting divs and have 4x'd by sitting here shit talking with you.

>> No.10354510

Whoever invests in this is an absolute brainlet. Obvious scam trying to ride the coattails of a popular game. Want a spoiler? Devs are taking the pot lol

>> No.10354528

code has been checked. please fud a little harder. i guess im a brainlet that turned an eth into 4. shame on me dumb brainlet pajeet me kek

>> No.10354530 [DELETED] 

Welp I'm on the train now. 4x'ed my investment from the original F3D long con when I got in at 200 ETH over a week ago, and made a good $200 in referrals from my link (theurl.me/forever).

Ready for the gains on this one, even if it's a clone. Hop on boyos, it's going up FAST as FUCK lmao I bought 300 keys ten minutes ago and am already up $3


>> No.10354533

Where is the code for this so I can check for myself to see if it's a scam

>> No.10354549


>> No.10354550

Someone better shill this shit on chinese media when the chinks wake up.

>> No.10354553


now 954 eth in the pot.this is 1hr so it should climb at a faster rate too.

>> No.10354614

This is growing way too fast to be organic.
Devs invested most themselves to fake interest, as very few people actually bought keys.

>> No.10354628
File: 25 KB, 747x524, 1532143492696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a scam.

If you are dumb enough to fall for this, there is no hope for you.

>> No.10354643

Found this in the code

// community rewards


admin.transfer(_p3d.sub(_p3d / 2));

Anyone like to explain?

>> No.10354649

Literally not a scam. Did you even read the contract anon? The image is fake

>> No.10354653

This is exactly what I found lmao, knew I had to do my research first

>> No.10354656

this has been proven to be fake. they made that at 60 eth and look at it now

>> No.10354658

I read through the code myself and no the image is not fake, goddammit people don't fall for this scam

>> No.10354659
File: 55 KB, 450x450, 1530379898891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First thing I do when I make it is eating some hot boy pussy. who here bussy gang?

>> No.10354660 [DELETED] 

>aka the variable holding the value for what would normally be the ETH allocated towards the P3D divs

Yeah the devs are funneling the P3D rewards to themselves but that's it. Those are small comparatively.

>> No.10354671
File: 9 KB, 248x189, 1488790287515s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>devs are funneling the P3D rewards to themselves
>but that's it

>> No.10354705

How long is this gonna last? I just bought 80 keys at 975

>> No.10354709 [DELETED] 
File: 146 KB, 671x519, 1502688372540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah which is like what not even 5% in addition to the 2% community rewards?

Who cares? It's a clone. You wanna wait for the official version? Go for it brother. Meanwhile I am going to sit comfy in this one making gains. It's up to you

>> No.10354742

not as long as the original one, but it should last quite a long time.

>> No.10354745

you have 5 posts and now youre mentioning this. you sound desperate

>> No.10354781

you know the feels. people who dont know how to read code just listen to others but its fake and can be proven. why dont you diff check it if you think im lying. go to diffchecker.com and put this contract in (fomoshort) 0x0aD3227eB47597b566EC138b3AfD78cFEA752de5 and then put this contract in (f3d) 0xA62142888ABa8370742bE823c1782D17A0389Da1 and check it yourself.

mic drop

>> No.10354894 [DELETED] 

Honestly it's ridiculous, and the fact that JUSTO literally just now put in the announcements of their discord the same exact FUD makes me leery of their motives. Clearly they either didn't read the code for themselves or they are shamelessly going along with the fud to promote the official game.

Either way this is already seeming to spread like wildfire, so fuck it.

>> No.10354906 [DELETED] 


Lol the code is different in one part so it must be a scam? They're literally banking on no one knowing how to read a smart contract so that they can call it a scam

>> No.10354927

thats what im trying to say. their cult is full of normies. and thats a good thing for them becuase they can sway them with a simple announcement. the kool aid is strong over there. much props to team just but fomoshort is where its at right now. itd take a year to 4x in f3d rn. the volume is too high. i 4x'd in almost 5 hours in fomoshort.

it is 1hr instead of 24, keep that in mind, more divs theoretically


>> No.10354935

Anyone that buys into this fake version is a complete retard.

>> No.10354967

am i retard if i made 4x? please help me sir

>> No.10354969 [DELETED] 

Then I must be one rich retard.


>> No.10354981


This will be hacked soon. All clones have gone into the shitter by hacks and scams.

>> No.10355008


go to diffchecker.com and put this contract in (fomoshort) 0x0aD3227eB47597b566EC138b3AfD78cFEA752de5 and then put this contract in (f3d) 0xA62142888ABa8370742bE823c1782D17A0389Da1

if this one is hackable, so is f3d. you be the judge

>> No.10355172

so the fudsters are done? nice

>> No.10355287
File: 120 KB, 747x935, f3d_developer_lies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10355319

got em. fomo3d devs are literally lying to their followers lol. so much for transparency. more people are starting to realize this


>> No.10355322

Already 2x on my initial deposit on Fomoshort

Poorfags need to get on this asap because the original fomo3d is a whales game now

>> No.10355349


>> No.10355358

Iam in

Screw the fudders, just follow rule number one. Dont put in more then your willing to lose.

Its not hard. Have some fun

>> No.10355373

thats what i said and am almost 5x since. feels good to finally be apart of one of these. this really is biz' game

>> No.10355401

If it isn't the random shitcoin of the week shilled by pajeets and neets.
Last couple of weeks it was 0xBTC, before that it was NKN, I could go on but at this point it's getting out of hand.

>> No.10355419

Just check the code before you buy in guys, its an obvious scam...

>> No.10355422

youre literally an absolute brainlet. lmao my sides

>> No.10355424

lol youre an idiot. not a scam do the diff checker here for yourself then

go to diffchecker.com and put this contract in (fomoshort) 0x0aD3227eB47597b566EC138b3AfD78cFEA752de5 and then put this contract in (f3d) 0xA62142888ABa8370742bE823c1782D17A0389Da1

>> No.10355518

>23 posts by this ID
you're really trying to go down with this ship

>> No.10355526
File: 25 KB, 1042x558, goingup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10355529

Put in 5 ETH already withdrew 7 ETH 5 hours later. This thing is Top Notch!

>> No.10355535

i created this post so its my duty to answer questions and defend against baseless fud. 4 hours ago i said the pot was at 500 eth. now its at 1000 eth.
>go down with this ship

the game has 4x'd me. the cope...

>> No.10355541

https://fomoshort.me/1hr this is the place to be.

>> No.10355596

i lost the fomo 3d train went in fomoshort about 3 hours ago and its giving dividends..so for me its working...just broke 1000 eth on the pot...no link no referal try it with 20 bucks and see for your self.

>> No.10355604

same feels anon. almost 1100 in the pot now. europe is just waking up

>> No.10355669

Wow all this is some next lvl scam bait.

>> No.10355678

code will take all your eth

it is a scam

>> No.10355736

Wow it s like everybody is making money...you have to try it!it s sure money!Surely this isn t a scam!seriously this is just ridiculous if actualy someone fell for that.

>> No.10355763


thats funny. allyou say is scam but fail to provide any concrete evidence. here, let me make it easy for you. go to diffchecker.com and put this contract in (fomoshort) 0x0aD3227eB47597b566EC138b3AfD78cFEA752de5 and then put this contract in (f3d) 0xA62142888ABa8370742bE823c1782D17A0389Da1

you can compare the contracts side by side and see theyre the same. fomoshort just has an 1hr timer and a better chance at roi. im up 5x already. stay poor i guess

>> No.10355802


anyone got the orignal pic?

>> No.10355855

No they aren't

lines 1161-1165 were added to the code and that's just the 1st thing I found, total IT brainlet hier

>> No.10355879

Not scam at all. Bought some keys and already made a withdraw. Let's spread the word.

>> No.10355888

what youre not understanding is that the underling function of the code wasnt altered. its not a scam and is working just like f3d is. only difference is 1hr timer, bigger pot growth, and you dont need 200k of eth like you would need in f3d in order to double

>> No.10355900

must they start this stuff always on weekends?
i can only process withdraws from my exchange on weekdays. and no, changing exchange is not an option.

t. not a coinbase-cuck

>> No.10356003
File: 81 KB, 466x316, BEWARE3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

phishing scammer scum

>> No.10356036
File: 175 KB, 747x935, 3427202C-D9A7-4671-9D64-074EFA8FC287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re an idiot who only believes what others say. DYOR you nignog. F3d devs fabricated lies. Check the code yourself. Listening to others and being a bitch has caused you to miss a 5x.

>> No.10356041

Go to diffchecker.com and put this contract in (fomoshort) 0x0aD3227eB47597b566EC138b3AfD78cFEA752de5 and then put this contract in (f3d) 0xA62142888ABa8370742bE823c1782D17A0389Da1

You’re welcome. Post better fud next time. Also, thanks for the bump. Couldn’t do this without you

1100 eth in the pot

>> No.10356073
File: 203 KB, 680x399, 46d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smart contracts are coins

>> No.10356114

If this isn t a scam, then bitconect 1000$ eoy

>> No.10356609

I Checked guys, the fud is fake and this one is fast as fuck

>> No.10356694

Thanks for the thread... just put in 2 eth... fuck it let’s see what happens... it’s already gone up, not by much, but there it goes...

>> No.10356833

this copycat f3d is really dead at 1.1k eth.

>> No.10356862


Are you saying that because it’s the weekend and you aren’t able to get some keys? Lol... it’s not over till the timer stops right?.. how is it dead?

>> No.10356887

Another scam just like powh3d that was shilled here back in March. Scumbag anons trying to scam his bizbros and even posts a pepe with it, you will get what's coming to you

>> No.10356896

oh no no, i mean the thing has no traction and its slow when compared to f3d at the same time

>> No.10356912

Noooo, this is fake. Holy shit. How could you do this to fellow anons. What the fuck.


>> No.10356918

These are gold if you get in early. It's already far too late for the original FOMO 3D. Yesterday it did 10x. Now not even 2x. It has already plateud and no one buying now will even make back their own