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10343605 No.10343605 [Reply] [Original]

Giftomon discussion thread, join us or stay poor:

Let's share tips on strategies and help newcomers.

>> No.10343673

shut the fuck up your pajeet fuck there's enough of these ponzi scams flying around we dont need another one
fucking kill yourself

>> No.10343687

Wat. It's not a ponzi scam you brainlet.

>> No.10343696

don't compare this to pajeet3d. it's so comfy

>> No.10343740

I’m just mining some of these gifto coins in the game, no chance I’m going to spend $1 on it.
Mfw - feels pretty comfy
I mean it might be a shit coin, but crypto for tapping a few buttons? Why not

>> No.10343781

Friendly reminder that you're mining coins for the devs when "playing" this crap (check CPU and GPU usage), probably earning them more than you get from playing.

>> No.10343800
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>> No.10343804

Are you sure about that?
I just play it on my phone,
I can clear it from my browser and delete history/cookies.
Re log in later and it has still be churning away in the background.
How does this affect my phone in any way? I don’t believe it does

>> No.10343850

If there is one of the top 30 players on here, can you field a weak team please?
Gotta get to a rating of 1800

>> No.10343942

I doubt it is that hard to grind through the levels? My score is 1,441 and I’ve only played it on and off for 2 days so far.
Haven’t spent any money on the game, nor do I plan to.

>> No.10344016
File: 305 KB, 1920x1080, gifto_mining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have any explanation for that use of processing power, while the game isn't even loaded, I'm listening.
For computers yes, not sure about mobile devices - but I don't think using those for mining would be worth it.

>> No.10344159
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Naicu team, OP

You mine them, they mine you.

>> No.10344277


Yep you're right the game takes waaaaaaay too much resources

>> No.10344294

There have been some changes. You can get 100 batteries per day by doing 60 arenas a day, that is enough to supply for 4 epics mining 24/7, as they reduced the battery cost for mining also. If you have more, it would be wise to split them to other accounts.

>> No.10344379

You can start making money by breeding once you already have 2.5 GTO

>breed 5 times with whites for 0.5 each time
>sell the offspring for some 1.1-1.5 GTO depending on how much greens you get
>win the 1 GTO reward for breeding 5 times a day
>26% chance you will get at least one rare, which you can sell at 5 GTO and recoup your loses and profit

>> No.10344418

is there any rule against multi-accounting?

>> No.10344425

Explain how it's a Ponzi scheme

>> No.10344457
File: 9 KB, 222x28, Screenshot at 2018-07-20 20-28-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does breeding's cooldown time work? I need to wait like two days before i can use the same mon to breed again now. Is it merely random or the more a mon's used for breeding the longer the cooldown will be?

>> No.10344484

The more a mon's used for breeding, the more the cooldown will be. The same thing with the "generation" counter, mons that were born out of generations of breeding will need longer cooldowns.

>> No.10344603

Damn that sucks, and the whole no incest too. I guess all these makes it so you actually want to rent some mons but then your own higher rare mons will basically become useless/takes too long to breed eventually.

>> No.10344610
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Is all good, frens.



Can someone ask and post results here, sadly I promised that I don't bother her anymore, oops.

Thanks, didn't know that. If one parent is gen 0 and one gen 5 is the child gen 1 or 6?

>> No.10344888

Asked her but no response yet

>> No.10344893

just asked that


aparently the mod abandoned the GTOExplorers chat

>> No.10345246
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>> No.10345594
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My heart was not ready for this. I gave her 1 GTO coin and she did a heart symbol with hands, thanked and spoke some English. Normally they don't seem to speak english there.

The platform sure works fine, it was smooth and my gifto wallet was linked instantly when I downloaded the app. Beats other cryptos without any use case.

>> No.10345802


>> No.10345874

That's the uplive platform?

>> No.10345935

Ye, both my giftomon and uplive account are registered on google, so they synced instantly. Then just download the app on phone, click and you can send GTO gift.

>> No.10346494

>If one parent is gen 0 and one gen 5 is the child gen 1 or 6?

gen 6, always one gen higher than the highest parent

>> No.10347165
File: 58 KB, 645x729, 1530247145067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Open up your task manager and check your GPU and CPU usage

These Pajeets are using this game to mine with your GPU/CPU in the background of the game. If you do play it, close it down IMMEDIATELY after finishing what you need to do. Don't give shitskins your energy.

>> No.10347193

I just want a cozy collectathon desu

>> No.10347234

pic related is (you)

>> No.10347402

Found the shitskin

Running a shitty little game isn't suppose to Wall you GPU to 80-90%. You're just fucking butt blasted I'm calling you out. Shill fuck.

Mods, ban these advertisers.

>> No.10347444

sorry but i don't have shitty gpu like u

>> No.10347597

Firefox seems to work better for this game than chrome on my shitty meme laptoo

>> No.10347682

xDD okay, this is epic

shit skin shill

>> No.10347699

what should I do to get my first purple?

>> No.10347705

invest in XLM

>> No.10347761

Häng dich auf du deutscher Zigeunerbengel

>> No.10347780

Buy GTO and start breeding rares or play the game for a month

>> No.10347861

Gto is going to moon real soon. Delete this I’m trying to accumulate

>> No.10347918

what are the odds of getting an epic from the trade-in? I already bought one to get the mining slot but i'm feeling tempted.

>> No.10347942

best way to breed an epic?>

>> No.10348031

just buy one if you can. You should only be breeding whites to get the mining slot.

>> No.10348186
File: 77 KB, 658x877, 1518086804018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got a purple and 5 Mining slots open

feels good af

>> No.10348205

Why do you fuckers keep shilling this scamgame? No wait, I get it. You are paid to do this.

>> No.10348207

what site is that?

>> No.10348214

Not high enough. I bought 5 boxes and the highest I've received is a blue.

>> No.10348289
File: 92 KB, 750x1000, ShioriComfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good shit my dude. I need 15 more breeds to get my 5th slot. Almost able to get my purple as well.
that's shitty.

>> No.10348311

Paid, yes, we get paid by playing the game.

>> No.10348337

Brainlets getting swindled here is the best thing I've seen in a while

>> No.10348359

this is not a pajeet scam, the company behind this game a giant korean social network.

>> No.10348448

So many idiots talking shit about this game have not even tried it. Throwing terms out like ponzi clearly shows they do not even know what that term is . Brainlets I swear. Also mining is done in game it has nothing to do with mining like btc