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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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10343297 No.10343297 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10343326

It cost me $300 this morning. ETH is the butt of crypto.

>> No.10343337

Augur my friend

>> No.10343348

I had to pay 1000$ to send a friend 5$. Is this what vitalik meant?

>> No.10343355


WTF? Wasn't ETH way cheaper for tx? Wasn't it even a selling point comparing with BTC?

>> No.10343360

ITT retards, brainlest and fudsters


>> No.10343364


>> No.10343365

Couple of months ago it was about 30 cents to send/exchange a huge amount of ETH and now its a minimum 60$. To think I was going to invest in ETH. I love the project but they need to sort these issues fast.

>> No.10343367

A little bird told me that Augur is on the verge of ditching Ethereum for Tezos due to lack of scaling. Is there any truth to this?

>> No.10343371
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>> No.10343377

I've checked ethgasstation. It doesn't change the fact in my real world use of ETH. It's costing 60$.

>> No.10343383

If you want to send tokens on ETH, then the going rate today for that is close to $500.
>world computer
my ass

>> No.10343386


It's not a meme? It's really 60 fucking dollars for a transaction? WTF what happened? Volume caught up to the tech?

>> No.10343404

I'm not meme'ing. I'm dead serious. I heard about the network being clogged up. Didn't think it would last a long time or that it would spike gas prices as much as it has.

Just checked today how much gas I would need to transfer my ETH and it ended coming up at 60 USD. It was costing pennies even last month.

ETH is a great project and I want to see it succeed but this is showing how poor the scaling on the network is.

>> No.10343406

how did you "check" it? you can just send with less gas and then wait forever you know

>> No.10343409

And to think the next scaling solutions will hit the network only in 2022. The future is not bright. XLM might just overtake ETH in the mean time... or the value will just flow back to BTC.

>> No.10343421

very easy to check it with a script, if you host a node

>> No.10343429

Shapeshift. The plan was to buy ETH then exchange it. It said the minimum amount of gas needed was around 60 USD. If that's true great but from I heard that means waiting 24+ Hours.

It's sad, they seem to have a huge group of people behind them. They need to make these changes soon or be left in the dust.

>> No.10343444

Do you hate capitalism? Shitalik said this was good for ETH

>> No.10343482

I don't hate but have a disdain for it. I struggle to see how this good when competitors are having low gas prices, large scalability etc.

>> No.10343499

If you mean flee to BCH then yes, but if you mean BTC then you would be trading one high-fee crypto for another high-fee crypto

>> No.10343506

>wat is LN

>> No.10343528

WTF it cost me the GDP of the world to pay for my McDonald's with OMG

>> No.10343529
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>> No.10343539
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You screenshotted ethgasstation and photoshopped it just to participate in some online argument? That is desperate.

>> No.10343549
File: 24 KB, 463x871, OP_is_a_fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. You're full of shit.

>> No.10343559

>but mah naturally centralizing-by-design layer that weakens Bitcoin's overall security

How about unsolvable routing problem that prevents LN from scaling?
How about centralized developers that WANT high tx fees?
How about core devs that fought tooth and nail against asicboost mining, and now fully endorse it on BTC now that they're profiting from it?
How about a Blockstream CSO that says Bitcoin is for the rich only?

Sounds like a worthless, uninteresting currency.

>> No.10343571
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B-b-but muh superior tech!!! Bitcoin is a dinosaur who can't scale!!!

>> No.10343576

An entirely optional secondary layer has no impact on bitcoins overall security.
Thats like saying dice sites have an impact on bitcoins overall security. Dude what.

BTC devs are far more decentralized than bcash. Cute how you ignore faketoshi patent trolling with nchain. Btrash is shaping up to be closed source.

>> No.10343579

>implying it takes more than 4 seconds to do

>> No.10343604

Congrats I guess. In MY real world use it is not like this.

hey maybe I'm doing it wrong but if you expect new money to flood in, when they don't know the ins and outs of it all. Well good luck.

>> No.10343632

>entirely optional
why is it so hard for you faggots to realize it isn't optional whatsoever.

>> No.10343636

Use LTC. Everybody is bitching, how shit LTC is but transactions are cheap and fast.

>> No.10343642
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Holochain will be 10 million times more cheap that ethereum in usage for dapps and for organizations to build upon

>> No.10343648

nigga lightning network is no different to escrow service or something in me eyes
its optional bro..

>> No.10343654

Reminder ChainLink relies on this piece of shit ETH that will die soon enough (therefore link dies too)


>> No.10343661
File: 64 KB, 638x558, 1505443414921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LN will fianlly come and save us all and make btc useful again!
>ln is just an escrow service bro... totally optional bro...

>> No.10343668

i didnt say the first line and i dont think that at all
but whatever bro nice strawman
now kys

>> No.10343678

BCH shill

>> No.10343682
File: 49 KB, 645x729, 1512443450039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i didn't say it and i don't even believe it bro... nobody else thinks it either bro.... second layered solutions are the only way forward but are entirely optional bro....

>> No.10343924

He's full of shit, probably paid by block.one to fud

>> No.10343947

bullshit, it cost me $10,000 to send 5 cents today.

>> No.10343959

It costs me $1000 for hodling!

>> No.10343963

nobody wants retards to interact with the first layer, though
the master plan to deal with your kind is to have dapps running on sidechains and abstract the crypto part away
if you desperately want to use cryptocurrency so you can feel like a big boy, stick to litecoin or something