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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10343102 No.10343102 [Reply] [Original]

>USD is a centralized, worthless, inflationary fiat currency
>Bitcoin is decentralized, store-of-value, secure, deflationary new-age real money

>USD is one of the most stable currencies as DXY has been 90-100 for the last 50 years, stores wealth and is market driven by the American economy
>Bitcoin is a string of digits, kept it on easily-hacked exchanges and its value is purely driven by speculative, greedy lolbertarians who just want to cash out in USD eventually. It as a store-of-value as it lost 70% of its value in months.

/biz/'s destiny

>> No.10343128

cryptofags BTFO

>> No.10343195

Tell me something I don't know.

>> No.10343209

Im amazed that theres still people who believe cryptos isnt a tulip-bubble (a string of digits rises from $0.10 to $20,000). I guess it has something to do with how greed blinds and the general IQ level

>> No.10343277

I'm amazed that there are still people backing up fiat currency after having lost 90% of its value in a couple decades. Fucking retard.

>> No.10343283

They dont care. Some of them made huge profits on it and somehow think theyll make it again

>> No.10343308
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I don't even care about "Iz bitcoin real moneys?". I just want all the crypto shills to stop clogging up 80% of biz with their pump and dump schemes.

>> No.10343315

Oh you mean inflation? You do realize that deflation is far far worse you fuck?

>> No.10343331

>The deflation myth

OMG have you really fallen on these retarded ideas that inflation is good for society because it forces people to invest their money and then all the magical things that happen with that? God fucking damn it. You're beyond reasoning.

>> No.10343346
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>> No.10343379
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>when you can't stop working because the money they pay you looses value against consumer goods by 3% p.a
>when you think a basic life necessity (shelter) is an investment and indebt yourself for life to live in one because houses don't get cheaper like consumer goods
>tfw modern pople are so poor they perceive worthless consumer goods as valuable

>> No.10343403
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This is a market, like stocks or forex, you can buy low and sell high to profit.
Look at Canadian MJ market, it had cycles like btc as well, because these are capped at relatively small market caps and when the hype comes in, there comes volatility and money to be made. And lost of course.

>> No.10343412

send it

>> No.10343470

Too much inflation is shitty. Stagflation is shitty. But high growth with a little inflation is possibly the best outcome. And investments is by far the largest driver of the economy, you fuck

Okay, gold is more expensive. So what?

People work to, e.g., get qualified for mortgage, so they can buy a home and see their home equity eventually surpass the debt as house prices rise.

>> No.10343511

deflation or stagflation isn't bad you retard. there needs to be a natural correction to growth or you eventually get fucked by a flash crash like in 08, also any problems associated with this growth is much harder to deal with since while on paper it's flat rate, it's actually compounding on itself and growing exponentially. the bigger it is, the much harder it is to fix it like how our cultures are literally fucking itself and it doesn't know how to deal with the sudden massive integration of the internet. environmental concerns are increasing exponentially as well, since inflation is also positively correlated with population growth. and no one with a brain would think this planet having 10+ bil humans for no fucking reason other than we have to keep growing and pass on our debt to future generations is a good idea.

>> No.10343581
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the difference between now and even half a decade ago there would be corrections and multi year long bear markets, not massive red dildos that fucked everyone instantly with no warning. the dips you've shown is just a retracement and not a real correction, as the bull trend is still continuing and the gains you've made buying this shit last year would give you 10x gains. if that's not bubble territory waiting to fuck everyone with a massive dildo like the 08 crash i don't know what is

>> No.10343614

Im glad youre not running the monetary policy of my country if you think deflation and stagflation is fine. And growth corrects itself in the market, unless its propped up as in 08. Its the policy makers job to make sure that it doesn't happen again. Also
>debt is bad
Its called credit and its the most fundamental part to why we have grown to fast the last 200 years

>> No.10343669

it lost 70% of its fiat value because it pumped 20x

>> No.10343681

easy credit is extremely unhealthy, and that's why this debt bubble will pop

>> No.10343708

Easy credit is why the West developed much quicker than the rest of the world. Now, the lenders have it in their interest to lend to borrowers who can repay, so tell me - which debt "bubble" are you referring to?

>> No.10343712
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>growing fast is good
you know what the definition of cancer is? yeah it's the same thing when it applies to the economy. we're fucking this earth and society just because of muh inflation and debt = good memes. the only reason you say this shit is because you're not gonna be the one paying it lmao, future generations will. and i notice how you didn't mention that this market isn't propped up as well, and no, it's not the their job to not make it happen again. they can do whatever the fuck they want and it won't harm them because the risk and burden is shifted onto the population not themselves. it's also why you can't sue the feds but they can do whatever the fuck they want to you. you didn't provide any counterargument other than using circulatory reasoning to say that debt/growth is good so try again retard and make sure you actually reply with some sense this time

>> No.10343822
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>Easy credit is why the West developed much quicker than the rest of the world

>> No.10343847

>fucking earth and society
We are dealing with the environmental issues and its becoming more and more profitable to be green. Society is not fucked, its just your narrow-minded imagination.
>not policy makers job to correct it because theyre not responsible
OK. If you believe that, you might as well believe the president doesnt do anything for his country, because its the population thats responsible.
>future generations will pay
Pay for what exactly? They're born into the most advanced, civil world ever seen. They're the luckiest people alive

>> No.10343879

Don't even bother, this guy is beyond salvation. He's defending debt now. GOD FUCKING DAMN IT, HOW IS IT THAT PEOPLE LIKE THIS EXIST?

>> No.10343885

Expansion of credit and financial innovation was as important as the industrial revolution. Read history, faggot

>> No.10343896

>Its the inflation and debt economy is to thank for everything kike
Fuck off kike.

>> No.10343937

Dear brainlet, to make it simple for you, there are two types of debt - good and bad. Majority of the population, corporations and governments have "good" debts. They're able to buy a house, start a business, invest in a facility or finance medical institutions.

>> No.10343958
File: 73 KB, 850x400, quote-the-bold-effort-the-present-central-bank-had-made-to-control-the-government-are-but-andrew-jackson-67-96-56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a disgrace

>> No.10343961

He is a fucking kike. What do you expect?

>> No.10343983

You want to get rich on buying and selling snake oil (crypto). Youre the kike

>> No.10343985

>We are dealing with the environmental issues and its becoming more and more profitable to be green. Society is not fucked, its just your narrow-minded imagination.

PROVE that it's profitable to be green. because it's not, how is it more profitable to spend more for proper waste disposal when they can just dump that shit into the ocean? why should agricultural industries care about the sustianability when they can just move onto the next area the moment their current plot of land/ocean gets fucked because we pay them so much with the very growth you're talking about? society IS fucked, i'm not sure how you can think otherwise unless you live under a rock. depression, obesity, overall health is on the decline, and you have shit like SJW degeneracy gaining traction. porn also being prevalent shows the increased progression of societal cuckoldry where people would rather watch someone do shit for them instead of themselves doing it. you can see this across everything else as well, sports, video games, youtube celebs dissecting books and politics, etc. and in the cases like obesity and drug use, it proves that people do not give a shit about "profitability" and the long term because if they did, they'd realize the massive amount of cost that comes with their shitty habits which includes massive financial burden on their finances and the health insurance industry.

>OK. If you believe that, you might as well believe the president doesnt do anything for his country, because its the population thats responsible.

learn to read retard, i'm saying the RISK is shifted onto the population. they still do shit, it's not just for the people but for whatever corporations are backing them

>> No.10343989

>Pay for what exactly? They're born into the most advanced, civil world ever seen. They're the luckiest people alive

they will pay our debts and deal with environmental consequences that will lead the start of a massive correction and years long bear market, fixing our waste disposal problems and adjusting our habits for sustainability is not going to be cheap. in fact global warming alone will be slated to cost trillions of dollars in the near future, and no, it's not 50 years later, it will be within a decade

>> No.10344007

bitcoin is the first currency that cannot be debased the implications of that invention cannot be overstated
it is not snake oil

>> No.10344013

So Andrew Jackson was wrong about central banks. Sucks for him. I bet you think Trump is right as well when he calls the entire media in the US for fake news?

>> No.10344014

Bitcoin is disinflationary, not deflationary

>> No.10344017

>Snake oil
Literal fucking boomer kike.

>> No.10344024

Tell me more about unlimited inflation please

>> No.10344033

you are the epitome of the delusion he is talking about in that quote

you are like a slave that thanks his master when he whips you

>> No.10344055


>> No.10344094

>rsi in 80s on all timeframes
>icos with no product doing 10x
>normies saying trx will be worth $10,000 one day
>weekly MACD cross
no warning you're saying?

>> No.10344142

Tesla, Vestas (largest wind manufacturer), Orsted (Northern Europe's largest energy company with 100% focus on renewable energy) just to name a few.
I'm not sure about agriculture or marine life, but I think they'll be more attention to it
Society is degrading, I agree, but its not fucked. You're looking at all the black points without noticing theres a lot of white points as well

Start cutting military funding in half, raise the taxes on the 1% and increase capital gains tax. Then you start paying off the deficit. Environmental issues might be expensive, but it wont lead to recessions

>> No.10344162

>Cut the military funding
>Raises the taxes on the rich people
Oh you fucking kike you can't help yourself. Deport immigrants, and dismantle welfare and you can kill yourself you piece of shit.

>> No.10344194

You pay 7000 dollars for a mathematical algorithm. Its snake oil

>> No.10344245

Trump-faggot detected. I dont care what you do, its your shitty country. But there are easy ways to eliminate the deficit without affecting the average joe too much

>> No.10344274

>have money
>money deflates
>money can now buy more
>this is bad

Oh yes so terrible. Imagine all the doublethink and bla-bla-bullshit you must have in your brain to actually believe this.
Deflation is only bad for people who are hopelessly indebted. Government is the #1 offender in this regard.
This is why the general public (and you) has to be indoctrinated into thinking some inflation is good with keynesian poppycock BS.

If you think any degree of inflation is good you are literally being exit scammed by governments who just want to take your money, make empty promises they can't pay for and inflate their debt away.

Stop being such a fucking TOOL.

>> No.10344292

>Shitty country
Better than whatever shitstain you come from. Take Muhammads cock out of your mouth and ass before you try to solve any problems.

>> No.10344351

none of those companies have a chance in replacing natural gas and oil that the saudis have hoarded massive amounts of, especially tesla who can't even produce enough cars to meet demand. they can only work alongside those industries in hopes that people will give enough of a shit(they don't). the only chance we have is nuclear fusion which will be thousands of times more efficient than any of those other fuel sources but it will take at least 2 decades which will be too late by then, we'd already have another 1 bil humans at that point and reached the point of no return.

also no one cares about agricultural shit aside from vegans, the amazon rainforest is getting shitfucked and ocean dead zones are increasing, and no one is pointing this out, not even the media that pretends to care about global warming

it is fucked, we have 0 mechanism to stop this cultural degeneracy, especially with a rapidly growing population. the more people there is, the harder it is to control period, just like a company(read up dunbar's number)

i agree with cutting military funding but that is just a bandaid, we need to change how the financial systems works altogether. we need to cut down on population growth which will naturally occur in a deflationary economy, increase funding in the education system and kill off teacher unions so that shitty teachers can actually lose their jobs. social security need to be cut down as well, and majority of health care costs are used on treating the obese, which need to be cut out altogether. raising taxes on the 1% is useless unless you have a global initiative to do that, because they will just flee to other countries, it's not a good solution

>> No.10344420

Ooh you said snake oil two times. I guess that means you're right.

>> No.10344427

>prices fall, profit drops, stock drops, wages decrease, unemployment rises, house prices fall less consumption, prices fall. Repeat
Wow, that sure was awesome that my money was 1% more valuable in short time

>> No.10344447

Vaporware, dogshit. Its the emperor with no clothes

>> No.10344489

>when you're so salty that you're reduced to mindless name-calling
Show us where Jihan Wu touched you, anon.

>> No.10344542

That's a myth. It's pure fearmongering bullshit. Propaganda. A cheap pro-inflation rationale. Nothing more.

The exact opposite happened during the two centuries prior to the foundation of the Federal Reserve, when money experienced constant deflation instead of constant inflation.
The exact same thing you are saying would happen is exactly what is happening under the current context of inflationary currency.

How can you be so blind? At some point you should stop repeating other people's bullshit and look for yourself if they hold up to truth.

In a deflationary currency context people doesn't magically stop having needs and therefore stop consuming too. The only difference is WHAT they spend their money into.
People would just buy less frivolous unnecessary garbage because they wouldn't be in a hurry to spend their money before it depreciates.

Stop spouting keynesian propaganda bullshit you don't even understand.

>house prices fall
>prices fall
Those are actually true. Oh so horrible! I can buy more with less!
Imagine all those young people traumatized when they find out they can afford a home and have children!
Imagine all those people that wouldn't have become homeless in a recession! We have to stop this!

>> No.10344616
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>defending the Fed
>defending worthless debt paper
>defending usury
>literally supporting the trampling of the Constitution

>> No.10344692
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>he fell for the fiat meme in 2018

>> No.10344799

>The exact opposite happened during the two centuries prior to the foundation of the Federal Reserve, when money experienced constant deflation instead of constant inflation.
Not true, there were spikes in each direction.
>The exact same thing you are saying would happen is exactly what is happening under the current context of inflationary currency.
It was a demand shock in 08, which spiraled into a deflationary scenario.
>How can you be so blind? In a deflationary currency context people doesn't magically stop having needs and therefore stop consuming too.
Im not, I simply understand why inflation is preferred to deflation. Im just not an edgy, "fuck-the-system" rebel. And no, they dont stop having needs, but when they're laid off, their wage decreases, the house equity is deteriorating and their 401k is plummeting, it affects their consumption behavior.

>Stop spouting Keynesian
Its pretty evident from the classical school to the Chicago school that stable inflationary prices is preferred

>> No.10344917

What the fuck is this

>> No.10344985

Stagflation is one of the worst economic thing than could occur. Good luck cryptofag

>> No.10345191

>stagflation is worse than hyperinflation
not gonna make it

>> No.10345387

>anyone at /biz/ gonna make it

>> No.10346414

High IQ post

>> No.10346497

>your house costs less and less each year, incentivizing you to sell as soon as possible to make more money
>but nobody wants to buy because they could just wait a few more years and buy 2 houses with the same amount of money

>> No.10346684
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USD isn't stable long term. This shit is worth pennies compared to the 20s

>> No.10346732
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Things are only deflationionary to a limit. Think of adoption of smart phones. Once you hit 100% adoption of smart phones you can't adopt them anymore and rather just maintain current value.