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File: 13 KB, 696x368, Stellar-price-predictions-2018-Moderate-returns-but-good-development-potential-USD-XLM-price-analysis-XLM-Stellar-News-Today.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10328875 No.10328875 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10328892


>> No.10328903

yeah boiz

>> No.10328922

nooooooooooo, I need to accumulate more!

>> No.10328936

This is exactly the reason why people don't invest new money into crypto

>> No.10329053

holding since april last year and i gotta say im sitting comfy :) fuck the ibm membership we are going on fucking coinbase!

>> No.10329187

Coinbase + cheapest coin listed = normies

>> No.10329206

EOW price ?

>> No.10329230

What the fuck has been going on with this lately?? Up 45% in the last week. And don't tell me the coinbase thing. First, that's a rumor and with Fairx, Coinbase won't even matter. What am i missing?

>> No.10329236

If you bought a month ago, congrats. If you buy now, you buy at the peak of the pump.

>> No.10329239

Hint: Islamic-banking

>> No.10329245

Sharia law compliant
Coinbase is only doing it to pretty much compete with New york exchange: BitLY, which got Stellar checked out as a non security trading coin
IBM making big rounds with Stellar in meetings around the world
StellarX is coming out, which will be THE SDEX UI
if you paid attention, Central backed tokens and others are being shilled non-stop by IBM, and they keep hinting at Stellar

>> No.10329278

Was it good to sell some today? It is up about 20 some percent since I bought. I just feel like there will be a lull before next pump. I have a feeling coinbase isn't going to announce if it is a sure thing right away. They seem to take a long time with this shit.

>> No.10329287

Wow, good news finally cometh. I put about 70% of my stack into xlm last december. Been sitting on it since. Stopped paying attention with bear market. I'll probably never sell anyway considering I didnt when it hit 90 cents. Oh well, the ride is fun.

>> No.10329289

Lmao. Coinbase announced Stellar to say Fuck you to Ripple. They listed a fork off Ripple simply because they hate them over an old grudge. Get with the time gramps.

>> No.10329292

same, bought around ATH and been sitting on that shit since then

>> No.10329301


>> No.10329321

When their partnership with IBM was announced people bought it and sold it again for BCH and the valuation returned to normal.

Thats when I bought in because I didnt understamd why people sold again. Feels good to be in since 2,4 cents or so. Other coins fand simple tokens feel a bit underwhelming compared to what Stellar has going on. So Im just holding.

>> No.10329336

Nice trajectory stellar snake

>> No.10329346

>he hasn't joined community pool

>> No.10329348

Usd backed token on xlm

>> No.10329367

Stellar got everything going for it. 1000EOY!

>> No.10329372

The most comfy hold in my bags, bought it right at the bottom.

>> No.10329433

I share your views

>> No.10329534

>t. ripplebaghodler
o-ok, just a grudge between Coinbase and Ripple.. that's why Stellar got tested.. lol

>> No.10329544


I wish lol.

>> No.10330019

this baby literally helped me break even these last 48 hours

>> No.10330183

Reminder that of all the real-world assets that will eventually be tokenized on to Stellar (stocks, bonds, commodities, real estate), only Lumens will have zero counterparty risk (no Anchor to trust) and thus become the primary store-of-value token of the global economy because...

...within 10-20 years every legacy exchange (DOW, Nikkei, CME) will have their lunch eaten by Stellar DEX, since it will be cheaper to trade on (1 cent per 300,000 txs) and have the most traders around the world using it, thus generating demand for allocating Lumens to the conservative portion of their portfolios, alongside tokenized gold and bonds.

Did I mention that Stellar is the most AML/KYC-compliant protocol? No government bans on XLM any time soon. Oh, and first-mover advantage in what is essentially a winner-take-all race for developing the Internet of Value.

But good luck to OMG and WAN.

>> No.10330191

Used to be my third biggest hold, but now that it's outperformed most of my other holdings it's my main bag lel.

>> No.10330203

We're going to make it fren!

>> No.10330302

I still have 1000 OMG and I've never been less confident in this project to be honest. Not sure if I should dump and never look back or hope they start delivering.

>> No.10330310

do it fgt, more 4 us

>> No.10330362

You realise I was talking about dumping OMG right?

>> No.10330379

>holding OMG
sorry anon please buy a real project. All OMG has is the approval of a community leader.

>> No.10330389

b-b-but muh mcdonalds partnership

>> No.10330393

Honestly why would one of the biggest enterprises in the world use a public ledger when they can just have their own? It's not like they were too poor to have some nerds develop one for them that doesn't come with the liability of effectively relying on a publically traded asset.

>> No.10330416
File: 651 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20180719-112308_Binance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am i the only one thinking this shit might form a head right now

>> No.10330436

Maybe pre-fairx insider trading. It's been a while and would be a good time for them to launch.

>> No.10330438

m-muh WcRonalds is hiring

>> No.10330443

Simple: Zero Real-World Value
They are literally modern-day scrips, worthless outside of the company.

>> No.10330463

For the same reason companies use oracle and don't develop their own databases.

>> No.10330479

Even then pretty much every crypto project is open source and readily adoptable for free.

There is no reason to rely on the public version of any of them.

>> No.10330528

Enterprises don't care about open source and availability - they need product to work, be finished and have wide support.
They don't want to hire a team of blockchain autists to inevitably support the open source project and keep adjusting it to the needs of the company, they'd rather pay for readily available product and infrastructure.

>> No.10330675

Pretty much this
For instance,
Would you pay $170 per month for a readily-available service or $2,000 for a code monkey to do the job for you, with no guarantee of success ?

>> No.10330686

the biggest issue is that OMG doesn't provide that either. All they got is some promises that sound pretty good, but in the end they would have to develop the product first.

>> No.10330766
File: 27 KB, 670x670, Kek(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ironically this. How longer until retard realize that your adoption won't come because some ausitic code-monkey create a blockchain and a bunch of pajeet tier shiller always spamming they shitcoins will replace bank and fiat.

>> No.10330792


Which is why they will use XRP

>> No.10330813
File: 20 KB, 225x225, 1531961104607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both xlm and xrp will be big, only a retard don't have them in their bags.

>> No.10331431

Are you familiar with know your customer laws? You could build your own copy of Stellar, but it wouldn't be KYC compliant. Being banking regulation compliant is the real value of a project like Stellar. Jumping through the red tape hoops of just 50 states (nevermind the rest of the world) is expensive and hugely time consuming.

Stellar is massively ahead of anything else in crypto when it comes to banking regulation compliance.

>> No.10331450

That isn't true. Ripple is ahead of Stellar when it comes to compliance but besides those two I think JNT is also compliant and an FI in its own right. However its a sand nigger coin that can't deliver on anything.

XLM at least gets shit done.

>> No.10331466

Stellar will be in the top 5 by eoy

>> No.10331544

Well it is already #6

>> No.10332085

Seriously though, what is a reasonable price prediction EOY and EOM ?

>> No.10332182

EOM $0.40
EOY if it all works as advertised? $2 maybe? I think it'll be the number 3 coin and hold a lot closer marketcap to ETH than XRP does now.

>> No.10332216


>> No.10332249

i think I agree with this - once FairX launches and IF normie base lists XLM, these numbers could be a lot higer

>> No.10332268
File: 118 KB, 1129x1200, 1520095762179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DAMN this dude is a absolute, i mean absolute retard
>private blockchain

>> No.10332335
File: 328 KB, 1000x773, antibait.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you heard about XRP yet newfriend? You know that promising parent technology of XLM that actually gets business attention?

>> No.10332363
File: 82 KB, 645x729, 1518918594881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>xrp is private

>> No.10332371

try running a XRP node, I dare you

>> No.10332387
File: 17 KB, 499x499, cdb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>promising parent technology of XLM that actually gets business attention
>parent technology of XLM
>actually gets business attention

>> No.10332393


going over .40 in a few days

>> No.10332411
File: 2 KB, 125x93, dickbag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try running a XRP node, I dare you
anyone can run a node, anyone can run a validator, even reddit fags are running nodes, xrp's source code is in gitbub, it free and open for you to copy paste it, at will.
but nobody does that because there is no benefit of using a private blockchain you retard

>> No.10332539
File: 8 KB, 250x200, 30724243_1499552890170621_1316397825432485888_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long have y been missing bruh, Ripple step up their game now. Y should use the SEC, securities FUD mate.

>> No.10332607
File: 103 KB, 403x347, 1531407853396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10332921
