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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10325316 No.10325316 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone had business troubles for being pro-Trump/alt-right

Just had my Etsy store closed down for selling Trump stickers

Also, don't use Etsy

>> No.10325329

Right wing is the new nigger

>> No.10325407
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It's getting me super down

I just wish every liberal woke up dead

>> No.10325559

i fuckin hate right wingers. hope you get kidney cancer OP

>> No.10325567

Neoliberal right wingers are O.K as long as they are the pro-immigrant, free trade, anti-communist kind. Alt-right and trump supporters are idiots who don’t can into economy

>> No.10325575

kill yourself you communist faggot

>> No.10325587

>pro immigrant

shut up paco, you're entire lineage doesn't get to freeload because you hopped the border

>> No.10325605

I’m 100% white Germanic / Nordic. Also ad hominems are brainlet tier

>> No.10325611
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Fuck off you illegalite

>> No.10325621
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Unironically kill yourself

>> No.10325654

I like Etsy, they have a lot of shit you can’t find elsewhere. What was their reason for shutting you down?? That sounds pants on head retarded.

>> No.10325681
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Okay just did a quick search and they allow this?? Did you have counterfeit of the official design?

>> No.10325726

I've had trouble in the past, simply because I added the search terms "alt right" to a different listing. Emails with their staff shown that you can't directly promote the "alt right", because it goes against their policies.

So this time they just got sick of me and closed my account for being pro-Trump. Etsy appears to be run by liberals based on their promoted podcasts and gloried anti-right listings.
Etsy prohibits items that promote, support, or glorify hatred. This includes propaganda, collectibles, and curios that commemorate hate groups, even when they are being sold for historical or educational purposes.


Examples of organizations that we consider to be hate groups include:

Nazi or neo-Nazi groups (this includes the Third Reich, the Wehrmacht, or any of the Nazi Party's other institutions)
Ku Klux Klan (KKK) groups
White supremacist and white nationalist groups (e.g., White Lives Matter, the Alt-Right)
Misogynist groups
Groups that advocate an anti-gay, anti-immigrant, or Holocaust denial agenda

No counterfeit, they just hate Trump

>> No.10325751


Don't forget to buy this faggots artwork too

>> No.10326717

>Holocaust denial

No big surprise there.

>> No.10326743

I know so many liberals with cancer kek

>> No.10326804

Good, i hope you starve

>> No.10326815

Anyone wwant to buy an etsy store? I sell magical talismens, all you gotta do is trace them from a book. I'll sell you the book and materials. It makes me about $2k per year in mostly passive income. If you are good at internet marketing or normiebook you could probably clean up with this shit, I just don't have the drive or inclination.

Will trade for Chainlink.

>> No.10326832


>> No.10327581

Another shitty comment from the low IQ left.

>> No.10327670

Scab labor predatory kike spotted

>> No.10327698

It's just proof how feral the communist "liberals" are OP.

I haven't personally encountered many problems because businesses I work with are politically neutral. However I know people in both Australia and New Zealand who have had issues simply for having bumper stickers or wearing hats for Libertarian or 3rd Party's.
The left are intolerant of anyone who isn't just a sheep like themselves.

>> No.10327953
File: 277 KB, 469x452, 1514585454757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know where you are, boy?

>> No.10327969

I'm listening.