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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10317932 No.10317932 [Reply] [Original]

What's for lunch today wagies?
I spent all morning preparing a delicious brunch for me and my girlfriend who is also a neet. We make money off crypto so we don't need to work anymore.
After brunch I think I might continue practicing wood working or go to the gym. Maybe I'll go for a cruise in my cadillac. anyway what are you worker bees eating in your thirty minutes of leisure time?

>> No.10317937

...yeah, no. LOL NICE LARP

>> No.10317979


>> No.10317980
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Fellow NEET here.

It's a really nice day outside so I'm going to walk to the local park and sit next to the river to relax, chill and contemplate life.

>> No.10317998
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The NEET copies are reaching ATH. Being a wagie sucks (if you don’t like your job), but being a pathetic NEET who hasn’t achieved anything worthwhile in life sucks even more. I run my own online business, but I don’t look down on people who work regular jobs. I look down on loser NEETs though.

>> No.10318031
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Sounds comfy :)
Going full time crypto neet has been awesome. Aside from gains, getting to spend time with friends and family during the day has made it worth giving up my eng job.

>> No.10318067
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>tfw an hour lunch every day and sometimes I take two hours

>> No.10318090
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Yeah being a NEET with a nice pile of crypto is amazing.

It's like the free Simoleons cheat in SIMS.

>> No.10318110
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Oh, I just spent the morning eating a healthy breakfast, working out, and taking a long, nice, hot shower.
I made some sandwiches from fresh ingredients for lunch, i have the time to do that after all.
Also it's a beautiful day today, which is why i will head outside for a while in order to keep my vitamin D levels at their optimum.

>> No.10318112

Lol what kind of cück would want a gf in this day and age

Get the fuck off my board boomer

>> No.10318130

Scouts honor, During the December bullrun I saw a beautiful yogi trading shitcoins on bittrex at Whole Foods

>> No.10318134
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I don't even need to cook for my hotel provides me both lunch and breakfast!
Just imagine that, daily two hour feasts on a 4 star buffet!
Now if you excuse me i'm off to workout before heading to bed so i can wake up early and enjoy a comfy morning.

>> No.10318161

c'mon now OP, Yogi's are one thing but females being successful traders.....larp

>> No.10318237

I spent today being a neet. I might put pants on in a few hours.

>> No.10318251
File: 160 KB, 769x1280, 00865C53-112C-4B07-BF37-18079B729E74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it’s Wednesday wagies (hard to remember the day when everyday feels like Saturday), you know what that means...it’s hump day! Halfway through your wagecuck week, you just have to put up with wageslaving for a couple more days then you can get your weekly designated two days of freedom! Me on the other hand...I’ll be enjoying myself at th beach today. You’d be surprised how empty the beaches are at midday on a weekday, I am sure you can also enjoy the beach on your weekend, just make sure to get up extra early so you can beat all the other wagies for a prime spot.

Well time to go for a swim!

>> No.10318316

Neets pretending to have active social lives is the biggest larp on /biz/

>> No.10318419
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>> No.10318430

Fapping 5 times a day to your 2d waifu isn't self improvement.

>> No.10318450

This. I also highly doubt they are keeping up any consistent gym regiment

>> No.10318491

The image says waifus, did I imply that I do that 5 times a day? No need to ragie mr wagie

>> No.10318552


>> No.10318572

Wagecucked in the morning and now im at a cyber security class
Productive day fuck you neets

>> No.10318596

>We make money off crypto
so you're not a NEET then? why do you make these threads? NEETs have to survive off collecting autismbux and you clearly have a source of income.

>> No.10318801
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Feels good mang

>> No.10318871

>NEETs have to survive off collecting autismbux and you clearly have a source of income.
You think NEET = no income? lol
Not in
Education (student)
Employment (wagecuckoldry) or
Training (training to be a cuck)

Someone who daytrades crypto (successfully) can call himself a NEET

>> No.10318978

traditionally that is not how NEET is used. you're putting your own spin on it so you can make this stupid meme threads.

>> No.10319424

Someone who daytrades is not a neet. He has a job as trader and is elf emplyed.

>> No.10319493
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I think I'll order some delivery for lunch. The extra charge for delivery and tip is worth it so I don't have to drive anywhere.

Life is neet.

>> No.10319527

Lol I look down on people who work shit jobs all the time, and so do you. Get off your high horse

>> No.10320102

I do that at times too. But often times I like to get some fresh air and go for a walk to my local take out joint. I'll chat up the cute Chinese cashier while her husband wageslaves in the kitchen. Or I'll talk up the cut Latina who works the counter at my local Mexican food place while her daddy works in back. Life is good fellow neets. Only thing I have to do is trade once in a while to keep the money flowing. And truthfully sometimes a little work can keep one down to earth with the wagies ;).

>> No.10320171

Just had a sweet onion chicken teriyaki sub from Subway only have 30 mins so swallowed that footlong like it was a BBC

>> No.10320930

Defined "achieving something". Only 2% of people truly achieve something significant. They invent something, they win a Nobel prize, they become one of the best in their career fields (as long as that career is relevant like scientist or doctor), they start companies that cause a positive impact in the world, etc. The remaining of 98% don't achieve anything special. Getting a degree? Getting promoted in a irrelevant company? Having a family? Yeah, big deal. At least neets don't fool themselves.

>> No.10322136

My girlfriend and I play yugioh together. We are probably the only two people on the planet who still play this game, but we're just happy that we found something we both enjoy doing. Usually she is watching some TV show I don't care about like Game of Normies or whatever, and I'm usually doing digital art on my computer.

We use mturk money, doing surveys to buy our yugioh cards. Her parents help us pay for rent and stuff.

>> No.10322183

Guaranteed your gf is fat. Get back in the basement loser.

>> No.10322206

Mine isn't, but she has the absolute worst eating habits, so I bet she will be a porker eventually, which is when I will dump her for not staying attractive. She eats like a child. She will not eat anything except meat, cheese, salt, sugar, and empty carbs. It makes it very hard to plan meals or share a really good meal when one of the eaters eats like a fucking 10-year-old

>> No.10322214
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>4 star

broke boy detected

>> No.10322608

nothing. i dont eat the whole day until i come home from work after 10-14 hours. this way i conditioned my brain to think my body will only get nutritions if i work. it´s been 2 months since i started to do so and im actually way happier all around and dont feel as much as a wageslave as i done before.
thanks for asking based neet

>> No.10322822

Joke's on you, cunt. I have a job and I also work my wood on the reg.