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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10294702 No.10294702 [Reply] [Original]

Biz ive been asking for help and u ignore me
im posting two weeks and nobody gives a fu ck
can u just answer my Q unironically for once
I got $10k where where i can invest them and
start earning money tommorow which industry will flourish what to do im 20 years old with a lot of free time right now

>> No.10294717

Do your own research instead of asking for help on this brain-dead board.
>Inb4 buy Btc

>> No.10294731

I'll tell you where to invest it but I charge $10k

>> No.10294734

Dude why are you entrusting 10 thousand dollars to random Pajeets on the Internet. I get people need to be told what to do but I never thought it would get this bad. Lurk and make your own decision

>> No.10294747

ive done my reasearch but for fuck sake i have 10k and all fu ckin vr and ar companies are private and closed for me so im asking for sth
ordinary + i wont go in when amazon is at ath

>> No.10294805

kek>top kek>YOU
im looking for ideas to research and then i will consider and compare with ideas of my own and choose the best possible option

>> No.10294811

You ddin't provide enough information for anyone to help you.

How much financial knowledge do you have?
Do you have family members with successful investing experience?
What is the amount of risk you are willing to take? If you invest and lose all 10k, would you be ok with that? 5k? 1k?
What kind of job do you have?
Do you have an emergency fund? Do you have 6 months of savings?
How much do you earn?
What other investments do you currently have?

>> No.10294825


>> No.10294860

You can buy HTC or Vuzix

>> No.10294964
File: 141 KB, 556x1461, 8ae8435c8cabb31972c88d78fe65e821--retirement-savings-plan-saving-for-retirement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Put 1k cash in an envelope somewhere. This is your emergency fund. Anything you need that you don't expect and can't swing with your discretionary spending, pull from this stack. Be sure to replenish it if you do!

1. Go to BGASC and buy one 1oz gold eagle. Forget about it for five years.

2. Buy 1k each of bitcoin and ethereum and forget about it for a year. Seriously, don't check charts whatsoever, just mark your calendar then check on it when time is up.

3. Now open up a Betterment account and put the remainder in a taxable "safety net" account. Leave it there unless something goes really terribly wrong in your life and you have a massive expense to cover. You're looking to have money sitting in this account for at least five years at a time.

4. Make more money

5. Allocate to savings along the general percentages outlined above.

With this method you'll have truly jumpstarted your finances. You'll FOREVER be light years ahead of everyone else your age simply because that's how compounding gains work.

>> No.10294979

Please leave and never come back.

>> No.10295116

Fuck off retard

>> No.10295221

12% interest rate in that chart kek. Good luck getting that.

>> No.10295255

i think i have a lot
yes most of them
im the type that like the risk reward approach not mad but im willing to take some risks (7 of 10)
no job
my parents will pay my bills for the next 2 years
i have 2,4 btc right now

>> No.10295303
File: 14 KB, 300x295, 1437730210993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off you got enough help

>> No.10295358

what help retardius its like listening to every warren buffet interview compound interest blah blah blah coca-cola blah blah blah

>> No.10295513

I mean, the point still stands. The earlier one gets started, the better. OP is in a blessed situation but I fear he's so retarded he'll squander this literally once in a lifetime opportunity on shitcoins

>> No.10295527
File: 277 KB, 469x452, 1522359167620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got 10k and 2.4 bitcoin all money your neet ass didn't have to work for. And guess what faggot I did too and just like you I also tried to get financial advice spoon fed to me you new fag and because I suffered from this shit you should too. But I'll let you in on a secret if you wanna make it put that 10k in link right now faggot or regret not doing it the rest of your life. You're welcome.

>> No.10295531

Buy high dividend stocks like CXE

>> No.10295543

buy 0x

>> No.10295630

Tip #1: Investing is a high level skill that requires a deep understanding of the specific industry you're investing in, the math behind the numbers in said industry, and a knowledge of mass psychology. You are not going to be able to compete by looking for advice on 4chan. You need to treat investing like a job that requires years of study.
#2 Hire someone to do it for you. For instance you can hire a mutual fund manager. Its sort of like buying a used car; most will try to scam you so you got to visit multiple ones and see who is the cheapest yet gives you the highest returns.

>> No.10295840

>i think i have a lot
In what area? Investing isn't sports; just because you know basketball doesn't mean you know cricket.

>> No.10295842

Buy ICX on Binance

>> No.10295858

What about putting 10k into amazon as a "delivery entrepreneur" startup?

>> No.10295920

If you’re not completely socially inept, buy a pool route.
>Work for 30m-1hr/week per contract
>$100/mo per contract
>low overhead
>near 70-80% annual roi