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10274736 No.10274736 [Reply] [Original]

How do I profit from global warming?

>> No.10274740

help fix it. invest in sea walls.

>> No.10274748

Alaska/Syberia/Canada investments.

>> No.10274751

Sell books to righties, saying global warming is a scam. Sell books to lefties, telling them how to reduce global warming.

>> No.10274752

sell ice cream or something cold, faggot

>> No.10274765

Non sarc answer slavery. What youthink will happen to the hot countries in the equator when desertification hits and millions of refugees come flooding in.
Lots of hungry mouths governments wont be able to coupe and basic law and order will go out the door.
The desperate will be exploited..bitxhes and kiddies will be sold off to horny rich guys who want them for their own person harem. The men will work on construction

>> No.10274768


>> No.10274775

>how do I short Venice?

>> No.10274788

invest in lithium and battery tech or some other meme environment friendly shit
the holy grounds of Venice will be raised to the heavens by God before the end

>> No.10275153

Nigga, lithium (batteries) are not at all environmentally friendly.

>> No.10275219


Buy up farmland that has lots of water and can grow lots of shit.

>> No.10275227

Buy land in Siberia.
I'm actually serious.

>> No.10275232

you're not wrong but he better be prepared to HODL a few centuries

>> No.10275235

Thesis Climate Assets

>> No.10275251

tons of land in siberia that will ber eady for agriculture I know.
buuuuut! isn't the current situation in siberia that there are tons of methan gas coming out from the ground that was trapped since today because of perma frost?

>> No.10275284

Side question here, it seems the earth magnetic field is on the verge of flipping, this will lead to a transition period that in fact may consist of an ice age and the earth exposed to strong solar flares. In this scenario what will be good companies to invest?

>> No.10275340

unironically SpaceX

>> No.10276148
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this, but since their stocks are not fore sale you can invest in Alphabet inc (spacex partial investor) for the time being. or bigelow aerospace lmao

>> No.10276157

Invest in refrigerant

>> No.10276277

That's a moronic idea.

>> No.10276355


>> No.10276443

invest in fusion reactors/tech

>> No.10276461

Where is this? I wonder if they know what's coming

>> No.10276473

>I wonder if they know what's coming

>> No.10276603

Anthropogenic global warming is government-funded scientific theory. Its purpose is to regulate and exert state control over industries related to the energy sector. Alternative theories as to what are the main drivers of earth's climate and temperature exist, and some are very credible if not more, yet the are purposely not funded and hidden under the rug.

What does that mean? Anthropogenic global warming is a narrative to obtain public consent to the following:
-handouts to cronies for "green energy" that usually ends up being a disaster or an outright scam
-protectionism in the oil sector (only a few big companies allowed through an extremely complicated regulatory scheme that is extremely expensive to comply with)
-protectionism in most other energy industries
-protectionism, regulation and increased gov control in the car industry
-increased taxes in a variety of "non-ecologic" products.
That is why government money in science is a cancer.

How to profit from it though? 1) Be in government pulling off this scam. 2)Be involved with any of the big players in these "evil" industries environmentalist regulation actually benefits. 3)Scam government with green energy investment plans that end up failing and give yourself a +500k yearly salary for it (aka "pulling a Solyndra"); etc etc.

You are late to the party.

>> No.10277508


>> No.10277549

So in this whole discussion, why is it relevant whether it's anthropogenic or not?

We're the ones who'll suffer its consequences through massive drought, flooding and mass migrations.

We're the only ones who can do something about it.

We're not some lobster who'll enjoy it getting warmer until he's boiled.

>> No.10277577

Compared to alternatives, they are environmentally friendly. Wait, don't tell me you actually believed the fake news "study" claiming that EVs pollute more than ICEs?

>> No.10277597

Male, Maldives. The main island

>> No.10277622

Catastrophe claims smart contacts

>> No.10277631

Lol you really are desperate to get some attention for your shitty conspiracy theory huh ? Days are long alone aren't they anon ?

>> No.10277641

just imagine if the new years tsunami hit that place...

>> No.10277674
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There is only one answer.

>> No.10277796

i feel like you're confusing actual global warming with the gov's response to global warming.

> -protectionism in the oil sector (only a few big companies allowed through an extremely complicated regulatory scheme that is extremely expensive to comply with)

this is way way way true, but what's also true is that the oil companies are the biggest investors in green energy. through regulatory capture they're making sure that they don't just control oil, they control all energy.