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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 204 KB, 816x816, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10271025 No.10271025 [Reply] [Original]

Holy fuck.

Literally every single jap/gook/chink coin is a fucking SCAM. Every single one of these asian pieces of shit are fucking garbage.

Everything from #11 TRON and down is complete fucking garbage. Useless coins with no real world application.

I can't believe I put money into these shit coins. People like Jun from OMG or Min from ICON, Sunny from Vechain. All completely garbage lead by fucking chink gooks.

This has been an eye opening lesson for me. There is a reason why whites are the dominant. I don't even browse /pol/. It's a cesspool. This past year in crypto has shown me the truth. It was in front of me all along and I couldn't see it.

EOS was the last big decentralized pump. Sadly I didn't ride that one.

I finally get it. I see why the West looks at asians as good for nothing scamming rats. Well, I lost all my money but I learned a valuable life lesson.

>> No.10271032

I mean EOS was the last big Westernized pump (pump of a western based coin - like XRP or ETH)

>> No.10271033

never support chinese or korean

>> No.10271034

thanks wyboy

>> No.10271039

Holy fuck water is wet

>> No.10271045

being in crypto unironically made me a racist. I no longer trust chinks. assume everything they do is a scam. even though maybe 1% of them are legit the risk of being nice is not worth the benefits. Same with pajeets. Everytime I see an indian i assume they would do anything for a penny.

>> No.10271050

Literally same. I actually fucking hate asians now.

>> No.10271062


>> No.10271063

I really like their soulless eyes, makes me think they'd make really excellent slaves.

>> No.10271122

lol the fucked up part is my dad is asian. i actually cant believe how i didnt see it. my dad is legit though. he came to the west and /madeit/ but the entire side of my chinese family is always trying to fuck him over and get money from him by manipulating him through guilt etc. no morales whatsoever. not even in family. they still try to fuck him over for money.

i have another tale of my chinese grandmother who gave my uncle all of her land. her last wish was to share the land how he wished among his brothers and sisters (my aunts and uncles). and do you know what he did? he sold the land, pocketed the cash and ran off lol.

>> No.10271126

People are realizing this just now?
Not even the Russian scamcoins are worth holding for more than a few weeks.

>> No.10271157

These kinds of coins are good bets if you know when to get in and out
Centralized money wins 9 times out of 10

>> No.10271158

Invest in German engineering OP

Wysker is the only righteous path to riches

>> No.10271254

all in REQ / PWC
the french are everything but scammer
see you in 2020

>> No.10271452

its nice that you learned a lesson i guess, but thanks for all your money lmao

>> No.10271532

Same. Aside from the gains I made, crypto has taught me a valuable lesson on the true nature of chinks and gooks. I will never trust a chink ever again and will try to buy shit from anywhere but chinkland.

>> No.10271601

same, especially the fucking indians

>> No.10271645

They are called pajeets.

>being this new

>> No.10271654

Yeah no shit.
But I like your attitude.. learning lessons is the best thing we can get from losses. It's like real life becomes the best university.

If I look at my portfolio, I hold 8 coins and none of them happens to be run by Asians. Coincidence? Probably not.

>> No.10271707


Fuck off. Indians are used as the scapegoat for all the inbred russian/slavic broken english retards that scam you fucking idiots on /biz/. Every time you faggots call them 'pajeet scammers' and time and time again its proven that it's some faggot from south east asia or eastern europe or some shit.

Hell, some guy even showed that the bazinga coin fag from december/november was actually from Netherlands based on IP lookups of his website or something.

Meanwhile, most of you actively buy and shill shitty chink projects or crappy western trash like REQ and RLC.

>> No.10271738
File: 128 KB, 645x702, 1500668046813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the message here, we buying or selling?

>> No.10271740

buy LINK

>> No.10271759

>t. Pajeet

>> No.10271773

>t. Pajeet

>> No.10272195

its weird how the japs are diferent. In china they sell shit that will kill you, like gutter oil food, plastic rice and much more. The chinese cars are death traps. But in japan they take safety in cars a priority and usually their engines are bullet proof.

>> No.10272354

i knew this a week after studying cryptos (now more than a year ago)