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10268009 No.10268009 [Reply] [Original]

So I stopped smoking weed exactly one week ago today. I've been a chronic smoker (basically always high) for the past couple of years. Any /biz/ anons have any advice for me?

My main question is this.... What the FUCK do I do with all this time I have now? It seriously feels like every day got 300x longer.

>> No.10268054

Job, hobby, gym, gf, music...

>> No.10268061

Don't do gf, everything else is a ok

>> No.10268091

I gave up weed 3 weeks ago

I know your feeling. Get out and do shit. I picked up jiu jitsu. Make a list of books to read and start. Pick up something creative to do, like an instrument.

A fog lasted for about 2-3 weeks. It’s starting to clear. Also drink lots of water and get plenty of sleep for your neurons to recover

>> No.10268102

I quit weed a month ago. Simply do ANYTHING you want. Read something. Watch something. Find something to do, there's plenty you can do. You're still early in quitting so it can be difficult to let go, but the reality is you don't need weed for anything, literally just do what you used to do but without weed. Trust me it gets easier, just don't relapse. Weed is fucking useless.

>> No.10268116

i quit about 3weeks ago started to have some mild headache and vivid dreams and now its getting better. Can get up on normal time work out a little and been more productive over all. Kept my self busy with research watch some good shows. Go out and hang out. Everything is just little better hang in there anon you will get better

>> No.10268118

Exercise. Weights, calisthenics, hiking, rowing, running, yoga, sports, etc.

>> No.10268124

some relaxing tea and e-cigarrete

>> No.10268127

>t. incel
in all seriousness though, don't do gf out of desperation. only do it with someone that you are sure you want to be with for a long time.

>> No.10268143

Quit a year ago. Just coming out of the brainfog now. Dumbest thing I ever fucking did.

>t.fell for the combat ptsd meme

>> No.10268145

quit cold turkey 2 months ago after 4 years of multiple blunts a day

i go to the gym for 2-3 hours daily now, and when i get home i relish being able to sit down and relax
might not be the best solution for you, especially if youre an unmotivated sack of garbage
but it worked for me, so it was a win-win and im feeling much better in general these days

>> No.10268163

oh i should add, if you find it really hard and tempting to smoke again
consider vaping, and not weed vaping, nicotine vaping.

i know its embarrassing and blah blah blah but just do it in the comfort of your own home, nicotine vaping is far better than being a stoner

>> No.10268164

I have quit weed numerous times.
Then, in sobriety, I dont see the harm of taking a hit. After that one hit is an undefined stretch of months where I am back in a haze. Then I quit again.

I have very little control over my use of time and find life monotonous, I guess. Really helps me face another mediocre day that Id rather not face.

>> No.10268225

i'm on day 11. i've gone a month before but relapsed. hoping my brain will rewire if i stick with it since I still feel hazed all the time

>> No.10268404

>Quit a year ago. Just coming out of the brainfog now
damn it takes THAT long? how long were you smoking?

>> No.10268446

For about a year and a half. Everyday for about a year. Only smoked in the evenings though. But it was still high thc strains.

>> No.10268499

I quit about 1 year ago. This was from doing daily blaze sessions, leaving work early to do hash oil with a blow torch. It was pretty easy for me to quit. After a few weeks I started thinking about other things. For the first year, I would occasionally dream about smoking, then be dissapointed I gave in, but that's just your brain testing. Its part of the healing process.

You need to replace one addiction with another. A healthy addiction, dont start fucking vaping like another anon suggested. I've started jogging and lifting weights. I tried learning a musical instrument, but I found it hard to stick with it since I wasnt actually playing for anyone. You could try getting a gf. I'm still working on that one, though...

>> No.10268557

I stopped smoking pot a few months ago, I use CBD oil currently and I like it a lot better.

It relaxes me without feeling out of control.
But yeah the amount of time can even be intimidating

>> No.10268566

Smoking is too harsh on my lungs after all these years so I vape it in a Mighty. Daily for 10 years this year. It's all about moderation, I never feel unmotivated or lazy, just helps me enjoy the life I'm already living more.

>> No.10268586

get a fucking job

>> No.10268589

I'm a drug addict, some of you may or may not be

But I've been through a-z, currently ending a 1 year meth run
OP you're on the right road, stick with it. Weed can mess you up, it all started with that degenerate morale stealing plant

I sadly moved on to other drugs, and have been on an on off cycle for like half my life. You dont want to go down the road I have, just keep busy. Be productive in your free time , if you stay home and play vidya or trade crypto/fap with all your free time it will lead you back to weed.

Get out there!

>> No.10268590

Thank you guys, genuinely. Pretty remarkable that so many of us biz anons got caught up in the marijuana meme - for a long time I thought it was doing really beneficial things for my mood/creativity/thinking, but it's pretty clear to me now that, as another anon put it, it's all pretty fucking useless

>> No.10268606

Also I am prescribed a SSRI, make 85k a year, and 26. Figured maybe that info might be relevant.

>> No.10268617

I've been binge smoking (almost) literally every day for around five years... damn

>> No.10268628

I was suppose to quit smoking today and it didn’t work out. I want to quit but my life is awesome. Just wish I could enjoy my awesome life sober lol

>> No.10268636

I feel at home in this thread

>> No.10268643

Also prescribed an SSRI actually, since December. I actually think getting on it is what has motivated me to not want to be perpetually stoned.

Now, when I'm sober, all I want to do is smoke and be high. But as soon as I get high all I want to do is be sober so that I can actually do all the things that high-me thinks about doing. It's pretty fucked.

>> No.10268651

It doesn't matter honestly. I've graduated from uni, worked in various jobs and made tons of money in crypto, all while smoking weed. You might attribute success to weed, or rationalize your use in that it hadn't made you unsuccessful, but in reality it's useless and damaging in the long term. Ask yourself, do you really NEED to be high to do something? It's 100% no. Then ask yourself, what are the long term consequences of smoking/ingesting weed? do you like the constant brainfog? how about fucked up short term memory?
I've tried many drugs and I found weed to be the most insidious drug out there, which is why it's so widely accepted and liked.

>> No.10268652
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Yeah it totally wasn't the inhibition distorting alcohol that made it seem like a good idea to do heavier drugs. It was completely the weed. Nor was it coffee addiction and cigarettes or the sugar addiction that prepped you for the hard drugs.
Just blame weed dumbass it's easier that way.

>> No.10268666

>picks up jiu jitsu and starts to read
Is there any more of a pathetic cope than this? Just keep smoking lol.

>> No.10268681

Fuck off dude
(nice devil digits tho)

>> No.10268682

And here's the weed defense force. Whether you like it or not, weed IS a gateway drug. Nobody fucking gets "high" on coffee, or sugar LOL.

>> No.10268698

>blaming weed for your problems
You are weak.

>> No.10268703

Thise dreams when you’re sober tho, unbearable

>> No.10268711

This is on the verge of giving myself advice, but you should think about where you want to be in 5 years. Write that down and review it daily. Carry it around in your jacket pocket if you can. I'm exceptionally bad at doing things daily/weekly/etc but I think I can do this because reviewing them is exceptionally important. You'll find yourself making choses every day that lead you to your aspirations because your aspirations will always be in mind.

Here are mine, which I just wrote down:
>I want to live in a clean home I feel comfortable in.
>I want to have an intelligent and beautiful girlfriend who is outgoing, career minded, loves sports and wants to settle down with me and share a life.
>I want to have friends, both new and old, who I can be myself with and rely on for support. I want to treat my friends the way good friends should.
>I want to have a job I love, working with people I enjoy, doing something significant to improve this world.
>I want to be on the way to retiring early, or at least have the option too.
>I want to be fit and healthy. I want to be able to run a 5k in less than 25 minutes.
>I want to dress and look good. I want to feel good about how I look.
>I want to improve my community and those around me. I want people I know to look up to and respect me for who I am and who I've helped.

>> No.10268728

Yeah. I didn't even know about this link. Is there anything to help with this? I've unironically woken up crying/screaming from dreams twice this past week

>> No.10268734

They get high enough that they have to have it everyday or they cant work. My dad for instance cannot go a day without coffee.

The gateway drug is your mind.

>> No.10268740

Thanks for this man

>> No.10268755

I’m 33, smoked everyday since I was 19. I quit cold turkey a little over a year ago. Prior to that my T breaks wouldn’t last longer than 1-2 weeks. I had convinced myself I was bored and needed to spice things up. I believe moderation is the key. I went from blunts with friends to smoking before every activity to eventually smoking at all times. I somehow managed a masters degree, wife, a nice house, and a $150k + salary. My suggestion to quit smoking is to give it time. You have to pay the price and it won’t be easy. I took Tylenol PM and sometimes ambien for the first few months to get a full nights rest. Dive into something else, for me it’s been gardening and electric skateboards. Good luck anon, you don’t need weed to relax or enjoy life — I promise!

>> No.10268759

Yes, Weed can help with those dreams

>> No.10268771

your missing the point that coffee is'nt as psychoactive as weed
i have nothing against stoners or weed (smoked some times as a teenager before it got boring/i was busy with life), but don't rationalize it like its something as coffee
retarded shit like this is the reason stoners are seen as retards

>> No.10268775

I’ve been weed free for a year, only lapsing about 5 times since. Weed is a meme.

>> No.10268782

they stop after some time. your mind is working things out that got suppressed by the weed.

>> No.10268797

I go through phases of smoking weed. I’ve gone years without touching it but last year a few smokes once again turned into a situation where I was pretty much always high

It’s amazing how you self deceive: “I’m just as productive”, “It’s not harmful”, etc

It’s such a shitty drug and while it makes stuff seem more interesting at the time weed is just an enormous time vacuum that saps your morale, makes you passive, lazy, and all sorts of other stuff

If you can smoke it on occasion without it becoming a habit but if you smoke it more than once a week don’t delude yourself that it’s helping you in any way

OP, it’s easier to just never smoke that shit than to smoke occasionally

I hate how pathetic weed makes me and stoners in general make me cringe

>> No.10268798

I know what you mean, but they stopped. I usually got them 2-3 days into t-breaks.

>> No.10268841

I quit about a month and a half ago, from basically 1/8 a day habit. I find now that I am able to smoke a tiny bit with friends (a few hits once a week), and have a much healthier relationship with weed after a month away. Staying active is key, take up a new hobby (for me it's been an open gymnastics gym where I'm learning to backflip). Also, do a lot of reading as it's hard to read while high. You'll find after the first couple weeks, you'll no longer crave the feeling of being high. In fact, it'll seem almost daunting with the anxiety that you'd get from it.

Make plans with friends, go out and socialize more often. You'll be much sharper and more social. Better at talking, less awkward.

And then when the time is right, you can smoke a little weed and play videogames for old time's sake. Just not in the morning.

>> No.10268864

I know this is 4chan and it’s probably impossible since you all autistics but having a lot sex really help. I’m fucking useless in bad when i smoke

>> No.10268865

Quit 2 months ago, I'm slightly sharper, yet still extremely foggy. This gives me hope

>> No.10268894

Idk what you're talking about, weed makes sex 10 times better

>> No.10268913

Ya man it caught up to me pretty quick because I was all fucked up from Afghanistan. Started to have severe panic attacks along with depersonalization. Finally went and did some EMDR therapy and now its all but gone. Feels good man.

>> No.10268922

Cuddling im fog is not sex

>> No.10268929

Ya dude you'll be fine.

>> No.10268957

>blaze daily
>workout daily
>don’t feel hazed unless im high
>no problem going out with friends
I am joe rogan

>> No.10268967

honestly, like everything, smoking weed and fucking is great sometimes, but it's meh if you do it EVERY TIME

trying to stop smoking here too
and cigs

>> No.10268986

How's the girlfriend doing?

>> No.10268989

nice to add I live in Uruguay and everytime I try to stop smoking some fucker gives me weed because there's simply weed everywhere

>> No.10268993

So when I was in japan I had to stop, first week was rough, I was totally restless and wasn't hungry ever. After that I felt perfectly fine.
Now back in Amsterdam and back to smoking weed daily. Pretty sure it doesn't matter too much to be honest.

>> No.10269009

i know this feeling, it's like people want to drag you down. It happens in other aspects of life too. It's mostly a sign you're doing good

>> No.10269011
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How do you faggots even "know" when the brain fog is over? How can you even remember what it was like before you've stopped? Stop larping

>> No.10269015

I just cleared the house of a friends son who did MJ and was neet.
Honest answer? Clean your house. He's dead because of the amount of dust his hydroponics and smoking built up overwhelmed his immune system already addled with drugs

>> No.10269024


>> No.10269039

No problem anon. If you do end up writing your own list, please post it. I'm pretty interested because it would help me as well. If you dont end up doing it, let me know too.

>> No.10269063

My responses become quicker and wittier. I'm more in the moment instead of on autopilot. I empathise and actually listen when someone talks. I speak louder, have more confidence, laugh more about small things in life and feel way more motivated.

It's a gradual process.

>> No.10269068

don't you have memories of before smoking? if you have at least 1 vivid memory before weed then you know what's it like to be clear headed.

>> No.10269079

Words come to you quicker (vocab improvement). Anxiety is drastically reduced. Your thought process is clear. You get shit done and it isn’t half assed.

>> No.10269093


>> No.10269097

That's literally next day after smoking. Rest is drug-induced anxiety which is the reason why you shouldn't smoke
That's not how memories work

Social support groups are in >>>/r9k/

>> No.10269102

godspeed anon :)

>> No.10269118

The most prominent thing for me was that I suddenly had problems finding the right words sometimes. That never happened to me before smoking weed.

>> No.10269132

This thread is motivating me to kick the weed habit and stay off it. You guys rock.

>> No.10269173

dudes for real. i stopped smoking for a few weeks already and it is helping me alot. i went to travel on the west coast to get my mind off the bear market and to explore with some of my crypto gains i made last year and it 100% helped so much. havent even thought about lighting up and kicking it when i got back. thinking about getting another wagecuck job to get more trading capital to put into crypto now that the bottom seems to be in. been working out and exercising, goin to beaches, enjoying the nice weather. we're all gonna make it. weed just makes me think too much and sometimes it puts my mind where i dont want it to be.

>> No.10269191

>That's not how memories work
And that's coming off a stoner, kek
can you remember how certain things smell? then you can remember what clear-headedness feels like, unless you're so fucked up weed made your memories a soup

>> No.10269195

its also crazy how much anxiety it gives you. at my old wagecuck job every night i got home i needed to smoke to be able to get me through work because i hated it so much and it numbed the problems and stress i had. when i went back the next morning things were just worse...brain fog, social anxiety, didnt feel like talking to people much, just plugged away and shit.

>> No.10269198

I'm genuinely glad for you. However, lots of people seem to be affected by this depressed like foggy state. I am one of those people, and one anon even said it took him one full year to lose that state of mind.

The big reason I had to quit was because I'm not reaching my targets at work anymore, because I can't connect to a single soul I'm talking to. After 2 months I'm finally seeing some slight improvements for the first time and you can't believe how happy I am because of that.

>> No.10269202

this thread is motivating me to never even try weed tbqh

>> No.10269228

its good to try a couple of times especially when you are at a festival or somewhere with friends. but its really dumb to just do at home by yourself. it affects your motivation. im not even against it or anything, i just feel like personally its done me more harm than good. there is something fucking refreshing about being able to wake up early, exercise, physically feel good and get shit done during the day

>> No.10269241

That's not how memories work
The trick is not to stay in your room for the whole day, feeling sorry for yourself. Also, eating junk food, not sleeping well, not moving, drinking sodas etc. is equally bad or even worse for your brain, motivation etc.

>> No.10269247

>because i cant connect to a single soul im talking to.
this is exactly what im talking about. im usually an introvert to an extent, but for the most part i can definitely connect with most people and people who meet me think im pretty chill and easy going for the most part. but after smoking weed i lose motivtion for small talk and just genuine conversation about anything, and i become a loner within my thoughts. again some may feel different than others with its affects but I think i've figured it out at least for myself

>> No.10269253

This often gets brought up in these threads, but a great supplement when kicking the habit is HTP-5.

It helps clear the fog faster and eliminates any type of short term "depression" that comes when stopping cold turkey. A 100mg tablet before bed should do it. Stop after 3-4 weeks.

>> No.10269272

Broke up with the bitch. I want to be single for another year.

>> No.10269276

thanks man. i will definitely look into this. for the people who need some sort of way to destress ive found that L-theanine helps and you should definitely take a look at trying it instead of smoking weed. also lifting l-theanine and mixing it with some preworkout/caffeine/coffee is a god tier stack. makes you feel focused af.

>> No.10269285

Introvert salesman reporting in. Ha

>> No.10269289

the idea was to smoke it in a park or right there in the shop idk
but if it fucks with motivation it might not be good to do it now I guess
maybe later this year but fuck sometimes I just want to get drunk or try weed at last

>> No.10269298

This is what a weed apologist sounds like. They seriously believe drinking soda has equal effects on your brain as weed. lmao

>> No.10269306

Maybe you're smoking too much weed? I've seriously cut back my use to few bowls before i go to sleep and i found it much better on my wallet and my productivity.

>> No.10269315

Also, do read upon the effects of various additives

>> No.10269324

definitely better than smoking everyday. try to cut back at least one or two times a week. youll start to see once you stop doing as much, you basically dont care anymore

>> No.10269349

You just claimed sodas affect your brain equally or WORSE that weed, and now you're showing me how to google "sugar affects on brain" as if to support your claim. Nice bro. Are you high right now?

>> No.10269417

What do I care anyway

>> No.10269449

I don't know. You made that retarded claim and now you're backing off when you're called out for it.

>> No.10269521

Pretty much the same but a plenty vape.

>> No.10269655

keep spending the money you were spending on weed but this time put it into a cash flow generating asset like owning LINK and running a node for example.

>> No.10269702

I also noticed a big difference in how I felt life was going based on whether or not I smoking thc oil pens and concentrates vs just flower.

>> No.10269763

I dab every day lmao. But sometimes i randomly stop for months. It works for me, i dont try to justify it, i just damn like my ice wax

>> No.10270078
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double down on the brazilian jiu-jitsu

t. purple

>> No.10270144

Same situation but it wasn't intentional, my supply was cut. Don't know about you but I'm angry all the time and I don't feel the need to eat almost anything. I keep telling myself that life is fun without it but seriously, I have to make such a major effort to dumb down to integrate in social contexts and worst of all with myself that I find it discouraging to say the least. Sex drive is also much lower, god damn it

>> No.10270169

just order it lol

>> No.10270184

just go back to smoking weed
it makes everything better

>> No.10270185

Your chems will eventually level out. Lack of dopamine is impacting multiple aspects of you body.

>> No.10270217

OP and anyone talking about relapse on weed is a fucking faggot, weed is nothing, if you let it control your life you’re a weak minded faggot who doesn’t deserve to have it, spark it up every now and then who cares just be a man

>> No.10270231

I stopped smoking because I got arrested and laws in bumfuck usa are retarded (up to 7 years if I break probation)
I was a couple dabs in the morning and 1-2 grams of flower everyday smoker
it took over 50 days to piss clean and about 8 months to start feeling "normal" again
I'm going back to daily smoking in a legal state 1st day I'm off probation
it makes everything better

>> No.10270262

Also anons- this podcast me a wake up call. Essentially research is showing that weed fucks up with your REM and deep sleep- so you can’t get a full brain recovery. Your brain recovers when you sleep by smoking or continuously drinking alcohol. So you’re burning yourself out. I read his book- highly recommend it as well.

The guy Dr. Walker is a neuroscientist and has taught at Harvard and is now at Berkeley.


No homo. But this thread is awesome. Thank you guys for sharing your experiences. This Going into my Archive list.

>smoked weed 3 years straight to cope with life setbacks. Starting to think weed has contributed to those setbacks. Today is a new day and to chew some gum and kick some ass.

>> No.10270284


You’re a fucking faggot, if you need a book to tell you doing anything repetetively without taking a break is bad for you then you’re a single diget IQ faggot

>> No.10270297

>cope and also to get offf adderral.. was too dependent on the adderral. So weed did help to kick off that bad habit.

>> No.10270307
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>it makes everything better

I know this feel.

>> No.10270317


Anon- Do you have anything more productive than to post stupid comments that no one really cares for on a Saturday? You obviously don’t know my full history so foh. You must have a social iq of a slug. If you want attention go back at throwing signs to the directions of the weed store.

>> No.10270318

Thanks for sharing, will look into it.

Mostly unrelated but you should listen to Joe's podcast with Paul Stamets, it's about magic mushrooms and I can guarantee it'll genuinely blow your mind at least 2-3 times.

>> No.10270320

I quit because money, but realized that it gave me anxiety when I was on it. I don't blame it entirely but it was a factor in causing me to fail all my classes due to absences in 2 semesters of uni.

These dreams are freaky though
>2.5-3 years smoking

>> No.10270326


I’m not the moron with a weed “problem”

>> No.10270332

Anyone else smoke daily for years and then one day lost all desire to smoke?

>> No.10270337

The worst point was when I actually did go to my classes and then couldn't leave my house for finals week. Failed all of them.

>> No.10270348

Holy fuck you millenials are soft.

“This week on Weed ruined my life”


>> No.10270360

Anon- Then stop playing mr.doctor you cunt. You sound like a swj fucktard “at least I don’t have a ___ problem”. We all have issues as humans- and some of us fell for the MJ meme to cope. Does that make you a better person since you didn’t? Obviously not. If you can’t respect that then go back to Facebook and post your perfect fake life.

I got more money to buy linkies. Practicing jiu jitsu. Reading classical work and having better Convo with people. I’m much more happier.

>> No.10270366

I've smoked or drank alcohol almost every single day for the last 15 years. I'm a fucking drunk asshole and like being a pothead, but I take a little bit of edibles every day and post on biz or go surfing. I'm literally totally content with this life forever. I know I have to do more but it just feels so fucking comfy,

>> No.10270388

When’s the last time you made a girl smile and laugh. +points if it wasn’t your mom. prick

>> No.10270406

I smoked daily for 5 years, quit about 6 months ago. The first 3 months were hell for me, since I have cripling anxiety attacks sometimes. Started running every other day, being more social, got some hobbies and I actually leave my house a lot instead of just playing PUBG/league for 8h/day

I do miss getting that mellow high on sunny days while doing outdoor activities, might take some puffs once in a while, but not sure that's a good idea

>> No.10270431


You’re a disgrace to people with real addictions. You can’t be addicted to marijuana, it’s all in your head you weak minded faggot

>> No.10270444


Make my wife smile everyday, I used to be a pothead, i still smoke, just not as much, weed isn’t the problem, you are

>> No.10270460

Anyone ever try wippets?

>> No.10270462

a job ? loooooooooool

>> No.10270470

Notice a trend in these replies? They're short term quitters that think they can "work it out." They'll be back to using and so will you because you've all forgotten why you started cannabis in the first place.

>> No.10270486

Man I feel bad for you. It took me months to recover from weed. The worst part was the nightmares.

>> No.10270497

The fucking cope from potheads and weed apologists in this thread is phenomenal. A mate of mine was deeply dependent on weed but had to stop for a job. A few months later someone showed him a video of him high and defending weed with most of the dumb deflections you see in this thread. He was disgusted with his past self
Face it, if you smoke weed every day it's probably because there's shit going on in your life that you refuse to process or confront. The suppression of REM sleep is key here: you are literally blocking your subconscious mind's ability to integrate information and plan for the future. When people stop smoking the process goes into overdrive and they have terrifying insane dreams as their brain sorts out the enormous backlog of things they were trying to ignore.

>> No.10270552

You slow? When did I use the word “addict”.

Reading comprehension much? When did I say I wasn’t the problem? I’ve stated all the pro-active things I’ve been doing since I stopped smoking. Now can weed be a negative factor.. of course it can. Is it all “just In you’re mind”. No. Read some of the latest science that’s been done on MJ. It does alter your nervous system.

Im glad you have a wife. Don’t fuck it up.

>> No.10270554

Also does this correlate to memory loss? I really wasn’t a big weed smoker, but I got one of those shatter pens and was using it for a year. I quit a month ago. Starting to feel better. But my memory is not what it used to be I’m 27 btw

>> No.10270599
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found the kike

>> No.10270611
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>> No.10270621
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check em

Making (white) babies is the only way to /makeit/ and achieve supreme happiness!

>> No.10270649


That’s cause you’re doing it fucking constantly how thick and deluded are you, smoking once in a while is harmless

>> No.10270714

Weed definitely fucks your memory up. I don't know how long it would take to get completely back to normal but a month is hardly any time in terms of your brain rewiring itself. I would keep away from the weed and see how much mind gainz you can get.

>> No.10270758

It is harmful. Again I’ll refer you to neuroscientist like Matthew Walkers research on whether or not weed is harmless on ocassion. (Spoiler alert: it is). You’re free to smoke as much and as frequent or infrequent as you’d like my dude. Im just going off the science getting published and not the sjw blanket claims.

I personally will only smoke 1ce or 2ce a year. Won’t do it anymore than that anytime soon.

>> No.10270793

Hah. Cool will do thanks anon

>> No.10270896


Living is harmful, literally everything you do in life is harmful. You’re a brainlet autist

>> No.10270950

You’re missing the point anon. Limiting the harm, tasting the vices, while enjoying life. If the enjoyment of life’s fullest capacity is being hindered by the vices- then it’s to the best judgment to take a step back. If you can smoke every other day or third day and still enjoy life- without it affecting your lifes potential as you see it, we’ll cheers to you anon.

>> No.10270975


I smoke on the weekends about once every 5 weeks. The real point is don’t let something as powerless as weed control your life

>> No.10271166
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