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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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10248278 No.10248278 [Reply] [Original]

Fomo3D is a decentralized, trustless blockchain game running directly on the Ethereum network. Here are the basics of how Fomo3D works:

This is a lottery game in which the last person to buy a key at the end of a round wins the pot!

During a round, people can purchase 1 or more keys which adds time to the timer and marks them as the current leader. With each key purchase during the round, the key price increases slightly.

Players receive a stream of passive income from the game as keys are bought during the round.

When the timer reaches zero, last person to buy a key wins! (F3D players/P3D holders get a piece too!)

With a few cool added game mechanics:

Players select from one of four teams which determine certain rules during the round.
P3D holders receive dividends on each key purchase and at the end of the round.
Players can purchase a vanity URL and/or refer your friends to the game for extra rewards.
Buying keys offers you a % chance to receive an "airdrop" winning ETH from a growing side-pot!

I've already made pure my money back on this shit


>> No.10248321

How high can this go though? It's already at 350 ETH

>> No.10248363

Potentially forever. The timer will never run out solely because of greed.

And if the day comes that the timer runs out, it just starts all over again.

>> No.10248403

So potentially a key could cost like 1 ETH? Wouldnt that make everyone in now rich? Or am i missing something

>> No.10248425

Yep, that might happen. It's a race to the bottom, where finally the keys price must approach the sum of the pot.

>> No.10248455

Potentially it could even exceed 1 ETH. And it won't take long to make all your money back then it's just all profits.

>> No.10248596

Damn i think I'll put 1 ETH in to try it out

>> No.10248807

GL anon

>> No.10248845

Just passing by to tell you all I broke even today.

Feeling comfy, that's it.

>> No.10248961
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Grats anon it really is a comfy feeling

>> No.10249037

How many days did it take?

>> No.10249066

>shilling intensifies
t. everyone outside of your discord

>> No.10249145

When did you get in? I've only gotten 16% back since yesterday. I'll probably break even when the pot is around 1100 ETH

>> No.10249156

whats the flaw

where's teh catch

>> No.10249227

Don't be a fool like me who realized this after I spent 1 ETH.
Create/use 2 Metamask accounts.
Register a referral name on FOMO3D for 0.01 ETH.
Switch to 2nd Metamask account and purchase your keys with the first accounts referral.
Receive 10% back immediately from your purchase on account 1.

If all goes well, feel free to share some of the savings

>> No.10249653

there's no catch
some people are just upset when the scheme is a mathematically sound and transparent smart contract with a gentle curve going x3 from 0 to 1500, rather than a chink shitcoin where the "developers" materialize tokens out of thin air and offer them in a pre-sale to whales who dump at x20 on exchange listing

>> No.10249682


highest it will ever be is .15 eth, but that also means the price willl never be too low , it'll just get to the point where even the common man can still buy. .15 is for all the eth in the world too. at 10,000 eth in the pot the price is still very reasonable

>> No.10249697

So glad I listened to biz on this one. Just sad I forgot to buy ico price and waited until 200 eth pot. But I'm not complaining, very comfy and exciting to see how this experiment turns out

>> No.10249729

I'm assuming as the key price goes up, the return per key stays the same.
If the cap is 0.15 eth, does that eventually imply diminishing returns per key?

>> No.10249821

not necessarily, right now people might be buying because they want the divdiends, but when the pot is $1 per buy in, people may not be buying in to try to win the jackpot, will have to see how that plays out.
although with expoentional key price increase, I could see this taking off

>> No.10249863

Hopefully whales will enter when it is at $1 per key and start a bidding war. Lets say at that point the pot is $800,000. Even if the bidding war ends up costing them $200,000, thats still a great return on their money.

>> No.10249909

Damn this is cool

>> No.10249914


here is my ref, Im here to answer questions all night, just dropped about $250 more into this, then going to constantly reivesting divs. my plan is 100% the first month, then go 75% reinvest, 25% withdraw, continue on that path. then probably go 50% in 50% out until the game is over.

Only withdrawing enough to cover gas costs atm.

This game will last months and months, a year is optimistic, but no way it won't last month, will still be incredibly cheap, any reasonable person would buy this.
Don't you realize this is the worlds biggest version of those auction sites that you bid a penny and the price went up. Only instead of a shitty dyson- it's enough money to never have to wageslave again, yeah I think we can find 3880 of those per day.

>> No.10249936

im constantly reinvesting my divs, I put maybe $400 in in cash and I made like $78 in eth today, can only imagine what that is going to be in a few months, Im going to let this accumulate a little bit before I start to syphon off it slowly

>> No.10249975

price will be linear, will rise very slowly, even if there is 10,000 eth in the contract the price per key would sttill be something like .004 eth or something like that, people would be willing to pay that 3880 throughout the day, I can totally see that,
seeing this all is getting me very excited to see what the exponential gains are and could be

>> No.10250005
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I would not be so quick to reinvest after a week or so, never know when it will taper off and bring really slow returns.

>> No.10250073

meh slow returns are fine by me for a while, the price is going to be rising much faster than people don't realize, we are going to have somewhat exponential growth, protected by smart contract. price is going to always be low enough to find 3880 people willing to buy a $1 lottery ticket.
remember how people go crazy when things go main stream we are still so so so early for this game you wont believe it, we are going to make the news. .01 eth for a chance to never wiin again.
look at the lottery, 350,000,000 to one odds, but the normie doesn't realise the odds, but the $1 is more of an espace, to let him thing he has a chance, this game will share a similar void.
mix the lottery will reddit r/the button, which could only be clicked one time by each user on reddit...as well as no monetary benefit at all....and lasted for 2 months

>> No.10250133

I do share some of your optimism but I don't expect normies to rush in on this. If presented with this game most won't know how to use ETH/metamask and give up.
The growth we see now is from early investors wanting divs later. However, I do agree at least 2880 keys a day will be purchased for a loong time.

>> No.10250148

okay lads, this is the last good opportunity I feel to put fresh fiat into,
my recomendation is .10 about $40 atm, lets you be eligible for 1 airdrop , buys you a fair number of keys to start with, can still be able to rise expoentially for you and make you in the range of around 5-15 eth through the life of the contract, if it's as good as it's claimed to be.
if it fails you're out $40 at the end of the day, but if it takes off, you can have a funnel that will allow you to put .10 eth a week into your favorite shitcoins.
hell I made over 1,000 req tokens worth out of this today. could accumulate undervalued shitcoins with this through the rest of the bear market

>> No.10250167
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>> No.10250178

I see your concern for normies, but honestly I think the value to rising keys is very important as well. The floor we need to keep up with is 3880 coins per day sold. thats pretty much what the base is, even one day below that and we are out.
as long as we hit the number the contract will increase in value. and as long as the contract is alive and increasing in value, people will be constantly trying to purchase keys, not just for the jackpot, but because holding them is shares in the state for this lottery

>> No.10250233

I believe the floor is (2 x 60 x 24) 2880 keys daily, so any future calculations you make will be more accurate. Hope we struck a passive gold mine anon.

>> No.10250264

Anyone have a rough guess of how much I could make using 5 eth

>> No.10250284

anon think about it, 2880 is very affordable spread over 7 billion people, many of which will by multiple keys per day.what is it? .00000001% of the worlds population has to particpate, this is those places that cost 10 cents a bid, only uoure not buyiing a tv, youre buying an escape form being a normie, everyone will take that chance

>> No.10250302

Something of an ether a day, maybe 0,8.

Would you help an anon out by the way?

>> No.10250305

.5-.8 eth is a rough guess,
but to be honest, the game is experiencing high volume right now, not sur how long that is going to last. I think right now is the last good entry point

>> No.10250325

use pls Im shilling here non stop , I just paid for an account, I could use that funds to help shill your bags to others

>> No.10250386

the p3d contract has nearly 6000 eth, no reason this can't reach the same level.

>> No.10250411

You say bags but you can't sell them, nor they can lose value.

People should stop thinking about F3D as a token. It's truly a new concept.

>> No.10250492

it's an expression, but youre completely right, this is an all new concept thats really going to be like nothing ever seen before.
I keep reinvesting to get expoential growth, can't even imagine what thats going to feel like after 5 more days of reinvesting profits. this game will go on for months. reinvest early then cash out some later down the line, can't lose

>> No.10250656

is this guy lying? wtf 15th eth off of $40???

>> No.10250792

you have to remember how early in the game we are still, less than 500 eth, that's barely anything. we will recover so much, now my total estimate for that amount would include reinvesting in the game with the dividneds, if they are reinvested early on, your profit is going to be so much higher.
45,000 eth is reasonable imo, it's going to be POWH 2.0 and this is the ground floor, it's designed to always increase in value as the game is played money is always going to be pored into the smart contract at a rate which scales exponentially. but the price will always be low enough to attract a massive whale. only thing that scares me is if gas prices get rediculous at some point between now and the next 6 months

>> No.10250923

Im new to this what was POWH

>> No.10250961

the original pryamid game this company made, got absolutely massive for everyone

>> No.10251003

How'd it end?

>> No.10251095

Should I drop 100 bucks in this nice sounding ponzi guys? When would I break even?

>> No.10251185

My friend got like $20 Off $130ish yestetday

>> No.10251536

$100 is pretty safe though i'm sure you'll wish you did more in a week.

>> No.10251552

Ok i will think about throwing a bit more in it haha, but should I buy p3d or f3d or 50/50?

>> No.10251570

its still running, connected to this one, and has had like 2000+ eth go through it this week.

Its called p3d and it's pretty much constantly been the most popular dapp on the ethereum network for months.

>> No.10251578

Get f3d its still so early that you'll make a lot more buying f3d.

>> No.10251594

Dropped 400$ into this yesterday
Made 80$ ao far
Literally easiest money in my life

>> No.10251602

1. Please provide a link to the smart contract
2. What prevents the owner to buy a key and close the website in order to get the pot making everyone else unable to buy new keys?

>> No.10251609

i need some help guys

i sent like 0.15 eth using metamask and the txn got dropped. Later i tried sending a smaller amout around 0.1 and when i check on etherscan it says that hash location could not be found.

Should i just wait until this issue resolves its self or what do

also any thing i send from my wallet now has an unknown location hash.

one more thing, a random 0 eth transaction popped but that also wont go through

thansk frens

>> No.10251616

Its on the ethereum network, you can just send it money directly and it buys a key.

The website is just an interface.

>> No.10251617

1. https://etherscan.io/address/0xa62142888aba8370742be823c1782d17a0389da1#code
2. Even if the site went offline the smart contract doesn't end with it. You could technically send directly to the contract without even using the site. Also there are backup sites.

>> No.10251627

up your gas Price, use at least 20+ gwei

>> No.10251633

Can you provide a link to the etherscan?

>> No.10251773

Thank you Sergey.
Why are 2888 keys needed a day? If each key extends the timer for 24 hours.
Also to get the dividents do I have to call the smart contract or are they automatically airdropped?

>> No.10251817

A single key only increases the timer by 30 sec or something.

You have to call a function in the smart contract to withdraw your dividens.

>> No.10252053

I put in 5 grand wish me luck

>> No.10252103

Does anyone have a link to a website where you can see how much ETH that is in the contract over time?

>> No.10252120

good luck, going to put in half a grand this evening

>> No.10252138

i used up to 60 gwei, it doesnt keep going through

at work rn so i cant do that now fren
like the funds are still in my account

>> No.10252163
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>> No.10252173

if someone can give me the quick rundown on this shitty game ill throw 50 bucks in and use your ref code. how much would i potentially make with a 50 bucker?

>> No.10252184

Reset Metamask (reinstall and add the accounts again)

I had the same problem and this fixed it, Metamask gets fucky sometimes

>> No.10252236
File: 651 KB, 660x495, imageedit_60_5091104611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is going to last a LOOONG time, you'll make what you put in, in a couple days - the key prices are going up slowly but there are a lot of bulk key buys. Some people already made 100% ROI, even 200% ROI it's no joke

exitscam me/671

>> No.10252284

alright fren thanks for helps will try today

good prayers come to you if it works. also if it doesnt work fren thanks

>> No.10252286

its pretty much taking from the rich and giving to the poor the game.

>> No.10252465

Remember to always but keys in bunches of exactly 0.1 eth.


>> No.10252539


>> No.10252555

Go in two days ago, thanks anons for awaring me on this. Refs and dividens gave me a 170$ profit as of today. If I make it I'll give back.

>> No.10252580
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Is there a fee? How do the creators benefit from this? What's the catch (there's always a catch).

>> No.10252591

10% fee

>> No.10252619

You could make an insane shitload if this goes mainstream. Take your chance.

>> No.10252781

pretty much agree, but sometimes gas prices are ass and the airdrop rate can be as shit as .1%

>> No.10252826

POWH holds also get a cut, it's how they are able to shill for the max gains

>> No.10252915

From observing my earnings im making between 12-33$ an hour at the moment. Not bad desu

>> No.10252959

Is there a real life word for this kind of scam?

>> No.10252974

This just leads me to believe no whale would ever put big money in towards the end hoping to win the pot. At this point I’m guessing the devs or others have a script to track the pot and script to buy a key should it ever get within a certain range of time left. While that’s not inherently bad because the timer will keep extending, I suspect as the divs get split between more and more people that the roi will shoot through the roof at some point in the next 3 or 4 weeks.

>> No.10253070

Ponzi scheme, it works as long as you can get more people putting in money after you.
The late buyers are the ones to get fucked over.

>> No.10253117

Did y'all notice they added a wiki? Lists the teams (snek, bull, bear, whale) and how divs are distributed based on their buys/if they win as well as some other info like about that big red button none of us have seen in person yet but all pray to http://exitscam.me/wiki

>> No.10253145

Nice try

>> No.10253157
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Part of the wiki..

>> No.10253277

Shoot through the roof? How so

>> No.10253306

to anyone thinking about this game even a little, I say buy in a small amount, the fact that we haven't moved below 23:55 since the game started proves that there is a lot of interest in this game and key prices increase on an exponetial level

>> No.10253492
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>> No.10253549

Ok thats it, i am putting a grand in it

>> No.10253682

Reasonably clever

>> No.10253794


What do you guys think of this?
Total market cap 68000 usd only. High return high risk (but endorsed by bitcoin.com nevertheless).
Basically a bcashies ancap patreon with no censory.

>> No.10253894

I think you'll make more in fomo3d but that could be decent low cap buy

>> No.10253912


When I click to withdrawal my dividends it doesn't actually let me withdrawal. It just acts like I'm trying to deposit more.

Is this a scam?
help a brainlet out

>> No.10253940

a ponzi scheme is defined by the claim your return on investment comes from some non-existent product
without fraudulent claims regarding the source of the money, you can't have a ponzi
it's closer to a penny auction where the auctioneer's fee is shared between every participant, or a lottery with a cashback

>> No.10253963

You know you have to pay gas for every transaction in the ethereum network right?

Are you using metamask?
https://ethgasstation.info/ Anyway use this to check for gas prices.

The same thing would be needed if you use any kind of descentralized exchange in ethereum.

If anyone felt helped by this, by all means, use my ref. http://exitscam.me/138

>> No.10253973
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Also daily reminder the team you should chose is BULL

>> No.10253974

Check the community button, there is a Discord with a Faq. I just had to reset my Metamask to buy keys from my vault.

>> No.10254095

go team snek

>> No.10254333
