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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10227510 No.10227510 [Reply] [Original]

how are you really still not buying F3D? we've been out for 2 days and already are sitting at number 3 on dapp radar. tick tock wagecucks, freedom is just within your grasp. I got 40% roi in 3 hours, whatre your shitcoins doing?


>> No.10227519

>that 30 year old boomer that shills f3d instead of p3d
get real, punk

>> No.10227520

wtf is that 200ETH in the pot on day 3?

>> No.10227521

lmao /biz/ only wants to be poor. Theres no point posting these threads here anymore. They only talk about their linkys and 0x.


>> No.10227523

desu p3d and f3d have been the only coins keeping me afloat. Working products with revolutionary tech and transparency, what else can we ask for?

>> No.10227524
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>> No.10227528

and 800 eth total eth in buys

>> No.10227536

The ETH shown on the main page is the ETH that the winner would take home if they won. There is more ETH in the contract that is held until there is a winner, that ETH will then be split to p3d and f3d holders depending upon which team the winner chose. Very Addictive!!

>> No.10227541

I wish /biz didn’t love holding onto bags instead of actually buying something of value :/

>> No.10227546
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everything team-just releases, makes everyone who pays it very rich.

>> No.10227549

wait you get divs during the round and also a share of the pot at the end? wtf wtf wtf

>> No.10227550
File: 328 KB, 1200x900, vitalikme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

biz please! You actually have something here. You are still on the ground floor for something that is about to go parabolic.
200 eth is nothing compared to what happens when normies find out.

>> No.10227551

Honestly i don’t even get how they get these badass ideas

>> No.10227553

fuck off pajeet

>> No.10227557

nah nah the ETH on the page is total pot. This gets shared between winner, key holders and p3d holders. Total ETH coming in is if you add up ETH in the teams.

>> No.10227563


>> No.10227567

T. Professional Shitcoin daytrader

>> No.10227568

both p3d and f3d holders benefit for holding each coin for dividends from each purchase of f3d. Keys are auto sold at the end of the round and you receive what your keys were worth, and a portion of the pot at the end. crazy crazy crazy idea, awesome guys. this should be spread.

>> No.10227570

once the normies find out you'll all very be upset. I was the one who kept posting in here telling you guys. now im sitting on 130% and i just want you to come up with me. cmon /biz we can escape

>> No.10227581
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supposedly it's just justo

>> No.10227599

We've been consistently getting like 200/300 new addresses playing the game every day since it came out. It doesn't take a genius to see that this is going to go parabolic by the end of the summer... And that you should put in literally as much eth as you can right now

>> No.10227607

Don’t you guys understand how this works? Is this board full of absolute fucking morons?
>buy in now while key price is insanely cheap (only 5x initial price)
>wait for pot size to grow from Youtubers, people playing on twitch, twitter threads, normies on reddit pushing this shit to the front page daily
>people continue to play for airdrops
>the pot size is massive
>keys are expensive

As long as two whales or two bots are playing this shit will just continue to grow

get in now

>> No.10227612

t . Filthy street shitter that needs to shill Ponzis to buy a bowl of rice for the week

>> No.10227636

imma buy me a rice factory with my divs, hand out rice to pajeets that shill ponzis, then tell them to shill FOMO3D instead HA

>> No.10227640

BEST project in cryptospace! We will wormhole ETH! But guys... read the faq: http://exitscam.me/faq

>> No.10227644

>get free dividends
>get part of the exit scam
>if you win, get the entire pot

Seriously, find me a better lottery than this.

>> No.10227654

no because there isn't one

>> No.10227656

no. 1 gambling game on dappradar - earning nearly 10% dividends per day atm. Keep them coming

>> No.10227659

they don't stop

>> No.10227673

Godamn you people are getting fucking desperate...
You might as ho short/long btc on bitmex with 100x

>> No.10227681
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the game is designed so that everyone who gets in, makes profit off people fighting over the pot.

>> No.10227702

I think ur missing the point here

>> No.10227726

lmao these are the people that dont buy in

>> No.10227734

i know, its beautiful

>> No.10227751

brainlet here, when does this round end? when 1 of the whales runs out of funds?

>> No.10227756
File: 49 KB, 383x85, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be poor. Win this pot. Check out the fast mode! https://exitscam.me/fast

>> No.10227764

Well thats l i t e r a l l y the million dollar question.

But yes, I think it'll only end when everyone runs out of money.



>> No.10227780

so the whales pump this to a certain height until fomo decreases, end the round, all ppl are ready for round 2 and this shit is going straight to Alpha centauri?

>> No.10227784

The round won’t end for months dude. The key price scaling is slow as dick

>> No.10227799
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>> No.10227814

but at some point only whales can decide when it will end because normans cant keep up?

>> No.10227889

in long game, keys will not get very expensive. At 10K ETH in pot, they will still only be $0.88 each (based on ETH = $500)

>> No.10227968

making good divs off f3d, bretty comfy hold

>> No.10227987

Just found this thread. Do you means by holding keys or is there a f3d token ? is P3D more profitable ?

>> No.10227990 [DELETED] 

I can't buy a single key. Metamask says there was an error while resubmitting the transaction. wat do?

>> No.10228022 [DELETED] 

Help plz, I want to give you money

>> No.10228346

P3D tokens got about 0.5% in divs the last 2 days
F3D keys got about 10% in divs during the same time period

P3D pros:
- will never disappear
- can sell at will
- will benefit from other games released to the P3D ecosystem

F3D pros:
- faster dividends
- scheme is almost guaranteed to go for months, and comes with a daily minimum contribution of 1.5 ETH
- keys being destroyed at the end of the round will scare away a certain amount of people, which leaves more room for you to get early

the balance leans heavily towards F3D for now... give it one month and new F3D entrants might get fucked in the long run (but the game will still go on, the appeal of winning the pot is too big)

>> No.10229267
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Bump for snek team power.

>> No.10229393


Lol nice.


>> No.10229483

almost at 90% roi in just 3 days...

pot keeps growing, not even CLOSE to ending.

>> No.10229681
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Lol it is paying a good reliable ROI with no sign of showing down. Predict this will go for months, good way to hedge some eth in the shit market atm. But use the real url ffs https://exitscam.me/f3d for fomo3d

>> No.10230012
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>Not investing into the true and only ...

>> No.10230022

Eh, P3D is good enough for me.

>> No.10230037

Please go to this link to deposit funds into Fomo3D game: https://exitscam.me/deposit

>> No.10231379

This is the only fun thing left on /biz/

>> No.10231447

FOMO 3D is a pyramid scheme.
Convince me it's not.

>> No.10231553

The objective is to get the final pot, or "exit scam" the "investors" since it's a parody of the cryptospace. For it, you need to be the last person to buy a key. Every key that is bought adds 30sec to a timer and the timer is capped at 24h. So everyone has a chance

The keys are cheap as fuck and raise in value veeeeery slowly, the same cannot be said about the pot which is growing a lot everyday.

Everytime someone buys a key half of the money goes to the other key holders, so buying now will give you dividends from the people fighting for the final pot. And there will always be people fighting for the pot. This first round can potentially last for months and you will certainly get profit from it. You also get a portion of the final pot when it eventually is exit scammed by someone.

Every other doubt you have you can read on the website since the devs are very open with it http://exitscam.me/138

>> No.10232259


if you buy keys using my ref link i'll give you 5% back (i get 5%)

>> No.10232391

Thank you.

>> No.10232656

If you buy 1eth worth of keys, how fast do you get back your initial investment?

>> No.10232763

Could be just a few days at the rate it’s going. I honestly think it hasn’t even gotten actually popular yet.


>> No.10233006

divi divi

>> No.10233201

What team is /biz/-approved?

>> No.10233233

From what I've read in this thread, A bit more than 3 days for 100% ROI

>> No.10234023

Snek team, for the superior dividends.

Definitely not. I'd say three months tops if you just use f3d dividends. But really, depends on your strategy. You could buy a ref and use it to get 10% of what People put into the game. The problem is you don't get their dividends but really that would be very pyramidish. You also could buy some p3d to get even more dividends. But once the dono actually kicks in the growth will be ridiculous. Three months for breaking even is extremely conservative.

Leaving a ref cuz why not

>> No.10234140

you fags can make the threads look at least a little real

>> No.10234244

Most are definitely shilling but there are some curious anons here.
It's more about informing I guess. The idea is good


These guys are fucking dishonest though.

>> No.10234300
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>> No.10234330

For real /biz/lets, if I throw in 100usd rn I can get it back within little over 3 days?

>> No.10234420

3 days? maybe, depends on how much it will rise, but I'd notcount on three days maybe a week or two.

Still, pretty good returns.

>> No.10234442

I'm counting on the fomo that it will generate so, I don't know.

>> No.10234476
File: 266 KB, 1024x764, shadow_the_hedgehog___legendary__sa_style__by_shadoukun-d9p01g0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll remind you that the original project capped at what ,18k eth?
this much prettier piece of shit is sitting at 450
and with the key system forcing people to keep throwing money at it
this long con is gonna run for months, maybe years.

consider using my ref
thank you good sirs

>> No.10234515

This garbage is back? Please get off muh /biz/

>> No.10234662

>don't distract me from shilling muh link and 0xbtc!

>> No.10234738

Such blantant shilling for your shitty penny auctions
Scam within a scam

>> No.10234861

Ok, why do you think it's a bad idea to buy it?