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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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10220879 No.10220879 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone believe anything that crypto teams say anymore?

>100000 tx/sec!
>Sharding, plasma, masternodes, perfect decentralization all right around the corner!
>Fiat onramps soon! Mainnet huge adoption incoming!
>Big partnerships! Important partnerships! Much NDA!

At best teams keep pushing back anything substantive to the next quarter. Most of the time they just blast right past these dates and don't even adjust their roadmap or acknowledge they fucked up. Even big boys like Ethereum are pretty much blowing smoke up our collective ass at this point, pussyfooting endlessly about Casper and sharding while Vitalik researches MTF clinics and fingers his boiclit in public.

What is a single ACTUALLY SUBSTANTIVE milestone that a crypto team promised to deliver in 2018 that they've actually delivered on time, which performed remotely as well as everyone thought it would? I can't think of a single example. If you're wondering why the alt market is shriveling up like a leprechaun's ballsack right now even as BTC runs sideways, this must have something to do with it. Collective confidence in altcoins' ability to do ANYTHING useful whatsoever has reached its breaking point.

>> No.10220884

I wish i was smart enough to scam like them

>> No.10220889 [DELETED] 

>>10220879Buying BCH is the only way to make it in life

BCH is literally the new paradigm in crypto

I’m going to spread this on twitter, facebook, youtube everything everywhere

Everywhere and everyone will be buying and using BCH

BCH will go over 9000! Everyone will be using it and transactions will be so fast and cheap.

Did you not hear that everyone is buying and using BCH now?

Omg like BCH is brilliant!

Lets buy BCH and HODL forever

You didn’t think BCH could be stopped did (((you)))?

Didn’t you hear?

We will have 10 trillion market cap within the next year!

Buying BCH is the best way to success!!

I’m writing a book on BCH

BCH long foreverrrrrr and everrrre!!!!!
<3 xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Hey do you like BCH and making money?

Because I like LOVE bch!

Omg I love BCH so much!

I like talking about BCH and how fast and cheap transactions are. It is the real bitcoin. Roger Ver is brilliant and Craig Wright is Satoshi.

I love how BCH is backed by Satoshi too as it is his true vision as per the white paper!

BCH is the new paradigm!!

I’ll buy BCH and go long forever and everrr ;)

I’ve been buying BCH this whole time

I’ve been teaching others and I’ve gotten my neighbors and coworkers into buying BCH and we are all making a lot of money together.

I’m really popular now among my friends because I’m making so much money with BCH since the airdrop. A lot of my friends are making tons of money off of BCH and we’re going to make a lot more!

I can’t wait to get my own miner from vitamin so I can help mine BCH but until then I’ll just invite people to my house to buy BCH and I’ll also buy BCH in my car.

Buying BCH is the best guaranteed way to make money!

>> No.10220899

This is basically how every business work. U didnt know making money is literally scaming others to give u theirs? It's why money is considered UGLY

>> No.10220900

>Coinbase is excited to add new assets, many assets will be added in the coming months, many ERC20 tokens sirs
>4 months later
>we're adding ETC in a few months, very exciting sirs

>> No.10220901

>we're gonna make a billion dollar business
>we need $32 million tho, plus the majority of our coins we'll keep
>what for? whatd ya mean, we have 3 staff members to pay! thats why we need 32 MILLION USD AND $32 MILLION IN COIN EQUITY
>btw, we are selling some of our coins to pay our staff :^) the original 32 million?? dont worry about it

>> No.10220908

Audiocoin has had a working product since 2014
but thanks to bots, the price is hovering around zero.
I think because so many scams exist with false promises, GOOD blockchain products are afraid to employ PR

Hopefully the good ones survive this bearish beat down...

>> No.10220918

Loom Network hit all their stated targets, SDK release, sidechains. Whether it performs as expected depends of your expectations, there are concerns regarding security of Plasma Cash but that was known from the start.

>> No.10220934

Let me correct myself :
because good blockchain products threaten """"established industries"""" they are beaten into the dirt while scammy globs of shit are glorified and give cryptos a bad rep

>> No.10220951
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No. (And that's a good thing!)

>> No.10221017

I wish I could prove you wrong but I just went through all 15 of the shitcoins I hold and honestly couldn't find one example. Closest I got was REQ which at least deployed mainnet without any drama, but that was only because their mainnet didn't fucking do anything anyways.

I think DOGE may be the comfient alt hold, at least they are honest and up front about being a total fucking joke.

>> No.10221055

Thats why Ark is different

>> No.10221072

Nah, that's how runny human skidmarks operate. Remember all these awful hamfisted saturday morning cartoon morals about human lust for greed and easy solutions? They were right.

>> No.10221456

How is that bots fault? Bots aren't responsible for that price

>> No.10222082


>> No.10222143

>one click blockchain for companies
>no company wants a blockchain

>> No.10222207
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XSN, formerly POSW launched in May and is building their ecosystem. They developed and staking now runs via the proprietary TPoS algorithm (Trustless Proof of Stake) which allows your shit to remain in your hands while merchants/masternodes handle the network.

Wagerr has launched the public testnet for their sports betting service that utilizes fully decentralized oracles (none of the buzzword centralized ERC20 Casino/gamble tier shit). Once the test net concludes it's run, we'll get the first truly decentralized sports betting service that is beholden to no nation and has no borders and will be looking to on-board both individual hobbyist/pro bettors from legal/illegal markets as well as incentivising mainstream bookies to offload their volume and spread the risk. If this goes off without a hitch, it'll apparently be the first ever use case proven utilization of actual, decentralized oracles. Or perhaps that fame already went to Augur? Not sure. They just launched too I think.