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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10206918 No.10206918 [Reply] [Original]

Got Trezor to store my crypro
What are some good hiding places for the Trezor?

>> No.10206923


>> No.10206939
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I keep mine in my ass

>> No.10206954

In the microwave

>> No.10206994

You don't have to hide it, that's the point of the pin. You should be worrying about hiding your seed words.

>> No.10207004

inside a pair of cheap flip flops. use a knife to cut out a part in the heel and stick it in there. then put them in the front of your closet with your other bullshit. unless you're in mumbai no one is going to steal your shower shoes. also i'm assuming you have more than one trezor and aren't putting all your e-shekels on one.

>> No.10207042

In your closet hidden under a bunch of crap, or buy one of those false wall sockets

>> No.10207110

In your cpu, not even kidding

>> No.10207173

>use untraceable crypto
>hide them on a hardware wallet
>hide the wallet
>hide the password
>hide the seed words
>cloak and dagger shit on how to remember things
>get in a coma

>> No.10207197

surviving a coma and waking up to million+ shekel hospital bill would be the best scenario to not remember where you hid your trezor.

>> No.10207288

I am putting them on one. What's the problem with this?

>> No.10207307

two is one, one is none. have you memorized your seed phrases?

>> No.10207357
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Why memorise when you can just tattoo them on your gooch?

>> No.10207379

Prison wallet, if you please

>> No.10207388

font size depending i suppose a novel tattooed around your asshole isn't...the worst decision you can make. when the hairs grow back it'll be well hidden. k i'm sold. do it.

>> No.10207603

pajeet spotted

>> No.10207937

Honestly finally the funniest thread ive seen in weeks on /biz/. Thanks for getting me one more laff in b4 I end it all.

Also, insider here. Buy/build a think metal box with a water tight seal. Go to the woods 3 hours from you house. Hide box in woods. Do this while half gassed. Then only go and retrieve it/seeds when youre going to cash out of this ponzi in 10 years. The extra steps make it hard for you to trade it away and make you buy into the HODL meme.

>> No.10208025

>be year 2028
>crypto boomed and is mainstream, can buy anything with it. Just not your shitcoins, those went to 0

>> No.10208723

? The fuck? D/m/y is logically correct you dumb nigger.

Im Australian btw

>> No.10209104

its the fact that it says 10 July you retard aussie, we are on 9th this side of the globe. Also thats a m/d/y format you nigger