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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10197892 No.10197892 [Reply] [Original]

When will they jail this guy?

>> No.10197907

why does everything he shills dump, and everything he passes on pumps?

>> No.10197909

just realized he looks like the black alex jones. cannot unsee

>> No.10197942

Why would you jail a black man who actually dresses himself in a respectable manner, has trigger discipline and doesn’t have corn rows. I say make him emperor of Africa.

>> No.10197946

is it not against the rules to post offensive non-business related stuff. like NIGGAZZZZ witha gun!!!

>> No.10197962

he passed on NKN... not kidding, this deluded nigger pasts only good projects. that's because scam projects pay him to shill... and NKN doesnt have to do that, because they're legit

>> No.10197966

probably something to do with his skin coloR

>> No.10198182

akademiks did nothing

>> No.10198228

His $20k investment in icx at ICO made him 2 million.

That was his golden ticket to be considered a guru in the crypto space.

However since then everyone sees him for what he is, a lucky nigger that has nothing to offer anyone.

>> No.10198337

Tip the SEC