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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10192716 No.10192716 [Reply] [Original]

>"male-dominated workplace"
>under-qualified women are consistently hired for diversity reasons
>men who are perfect for the job get fired because they aren't diverse enough or some other pathetic reason
>women cannot be fired from any job for any reason or they'll sue for sexism
>men can be sued with zero explanation
>women without any skills or abilities can make thousands of dollars a month just by flashing their tits on webcam
>men with college degrees struggle to make decent wages
women are so fucking full of shit. the only reason they make less money on average is because they are lazy, spoiled, and just want everything to be handed to them.

>> No.10192733
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yeah thats pretty common knowledge nowadays desu senpoi~~~~~~~~

now are you going to keep being bitter about it, or take 500mg of estrogen a day and become a trap and profit alongside them?

>> No.10192739

Is this bait?

>> No.10192756

Women can and do get fired all the time, and if your dignity means so little to you, you can make a chaturbate account and become a camwhore just like them.

>> No.10192757

Why post /pol/ slide threads when there's nothing even in the catalog worth sliding? Serious question.

>> No.10192861

Fucking numales are complaining that they cannot compete with incompetent and under qualified women. Would you like a trophy for trying to get a job?

>> No.10193059
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I have a senior position, gf is just above rookie position, even though she's been working there for over a year now. She keeps nagging all day about how she DESERVES to get a promotion because "even though she doesn't close as much as others do, she ACTS like a senior."

The level of fucking entitlement is just staggering. I wish I was making this up. Just what in the world is wrong with women's brains? Typing this out makes me want to punch a wall and I'm not a violent guy in the least.

>> No.10193089

>being a man in 2018
just get that tranny surgery you want so much you fag

>> No.10193264

Just get a sex change you fag.
>not getting a sex change to meet diversity quotas

>> No.10193266
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fuck off cuckolds

>> No.10193596

How about you fuck off nu-male.