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10184291 No.10184291 [Reply] [Original]

Stronk independent womyn now entering crypto, your reign over crypto is over men


>> No.10184300
File: 160 KB, 680x474, sat-o-sh-i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satoshi = always a woman

>> No.10184307

man I can't wait to take their money, reverse alimony baby

>> No.10184309

Is that why everything is crashing?

>> No.10184322

Can men have anything to themselves anymore?

>> No.10184330

The space is something like 90% men. Might as well be, and that's not because of any other reason than they don't care

>> No.10184338

No that’d be sexism

Shut up men, one of those brave women said this is the next step of the feminist movement. The women are coming and there’s nothing you can do about it

>> No.10184339

Sweetie, this is not how the world works anymore.

>> No.10184371

Men: not much talk. Just doing. Job done.
Women: follow our talk on how we will achieve something one day and how the old white male needs to change im order for us to acchieve huge things and how society needs to change and how over 9000 hold us back #neverme #victim #theuniverseisagainstme

>> No.10184380

Yeah, whenever something is new and being pioneered, it belongs to men. Then women and minorities come next and destroy it and we move onto the next thing.

>> No.10184403

The gender agenda is the most retarded neoliberal shit. Can't wait for a pendulum to swing to the other side, should be fun to observe.

>> No.10184409

MSM is so obviously canned at this point, nothing you see there is reflective of society. Hopefully blockchain technology makes them even more irrelevant in the future.

>> No.10184421
File: 262 KB, 904x573, 80975A30-CF17-40F2-8C64-9940D49AC3B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dumb cunts can‘t into risk
>dumb cunts can‘t into containing their emotions
>will FUD and Shill them all day erry day and take their money

>> No.10184439

every god damn time

>> No.10184451

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again—men will always earn more than women. They take more risks, and spend a lot more time finding ways to earn money. Despite close to 100 years of legislation to hinder men relative to women, men always find novel ways to generate wealth.

By the time the government completely invaded universities and set up its gynocentric curriculum, men dropped out of school and became Bitcoin millionaires.

Despite trillions in legislation to promote equality, a new patriarchy just emerged. A Bitcoin was worth just a few cents in 2009, and is now worth around 17,000$. The Bitcoin empire, and its market capitalization of $350 billion, is now worth more than Israel, Ireland, or Denmark. And like any system that isn’t regulated by the government—it’s entirely controlled by men.
I was taught that the patriarchy existed because men were physically stronger and coerced women into a subordinate role. So what’s their excuse this time? It’s not like you need physical strength for mining Bitcoins.

Coinbase, a website where cryptofanatics can exchange their currencies, conducted a survey recently. At least 95% of it’s users were male. That’s a whopping majority. The 5% of women were probably there to sell the Bitcoins that men gave them anyway.

>> No.10184460

I knew about Bitcoin when it first came out and still didn't buy in

Fucking hate myself for it, I'd be a millionaire

>> No.10184461

Bitcoin, which was originally the project of a pseudo-Japanese anonymous weeaboo in his unemployed years, turned out massive and profitable. It’s at this moment that it became a feminist issue. Put this one on your calendar—March 8th is Bitcoin Women’s Day. If you want to contribute, join the Facebook page of BitcoinWomen, they already have 39 members and a profile picture.

To demonstrate that women can do it too, a feminist named Galia Benartzi tried to create her own cryptocurrency. “We have an opportunity to rebuild the financial system,” she said. “Are we going to do it with all guys again?” Her cryptocurrency, Bancor token, had one of the worst performances of all cryptocurrencies, according to Bloomberg.

Here’s what’s funny about the fact that women don’t own Bitcoin. For close to 100 years, the government has forced the involvement of women in all spheres of life. After trillions in programs to transform them into men, women weren’t able to properly identify this unprecendented opportunity. Despite a century of efforts on the (male) taxpayer’s dime, a new patriarchy the size of a country emerged in just a few years. And now girls sell their nudes in exchanges for 1/1000th of a Bitcoin."
In 2010, thousands of women were employed full-time to promote feminist theory and legislation. Their goal: to smash the patriarchy. They gave us female superheroes, they voted for Hillary, they were in total control of published media, they replaced university professors, they put quotas for female executives, they took half your income to fund all of these programs… but the Bitcoin train went right past them.

Bitcoin is a perfect example why there will always be some sort of patriarchy. Men will always find ways to be wealthy, because they have motivation to do so. By the time a system is successful and the government makes it “female-friendly”, men have already moved on. Our weaponized autism cannot be unloaded.

>> No.10184486

Bancor is currently worth $3 though

>> No.10184500

We seriously need women in crypto you retards should be happy about this. Do you hate taking money from retards?

>> No.10184556

>we need panic selling weak hands who will demand regulation after falling for obvious scams

fuck em let em buy bitcoin when its at $1,000,000

>> No.10184568
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>> No.10184577

about time. I desperately needed women to enter the market so I can unload my bags on them.

>> No.10184578
File: 104 KB, 750x950, IMG_7413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually good news women do things based on their emotions, which means as soon as there is the slightes amount of fomo on whatever coin they will jump all in and loose their money to us.

>> No.10184829

>Miss Universe Spain
>Miss Universe
>Universe Spain

>> No.10184903

The next bags these women buy won't be gucci or versace, but chainlink

>> No.10184907

Its actually even better than that: Women act on their emotions, STILL they want to invest into an otherwise risky market. This is probably the mots bullish signal ever.

>> No.10185049

Unless you are mixed out of existence via your women :^)

>> No.10185601
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This shit happens every single time. White or Asian men come up with a new technology, invention, scientific theory... and there's no women or other leeches to be found. BUT once all the leg work has been done the leeches appear. And they use the same excuses every single time.

"This field is dominated by privileged men" or "we need some diversity".


>> No.10185634

wtf lol. it's not like there is a stop sign for women. i can't believe these feminazi cunts. i don't feel excluded from high-stakes poker i could enter any time and get slaughtered right and proper. whos fault is that?

>> No.10185647

European men. American mutts haven't came up with anything worthwhile since the 80s

>> No.10185653

>And now girls sell their nudes in exchanges for 1/1000th of a Bitcoin

Technically men sell the same thing for less.

>> No.10185665

what do you think crypto is? It is an escape valve from the shitty politics and monetary system that benefits women at the expense of men.

>> No.10185675

Satoshi nakamoto is Craig wright's shy Asian wife.

>> No.10185681

also all the actual software devs are male. go figure.

>> No.10185682

They want white men to show them the ropes, even do the investing for them, then take credit for it. Women in a nutshel.

>> No.10185695
File: 906 KB, 2544x4000, bant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek. Everything you use is American, filthy Euroshit

>> No.10185770
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this will happen but unironically. most seasoned male investors can't even handle the crypto market, just imagine women trying.

>> No.10185775
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You sure about that?

>> No.10185790


>I knew about Bitcoin when it first

>when it first came out

yeah i didn't buy bitcoin until after the disney reboot

>> No.10185914

The incel thread of all incel threads

Why do you feel so threatened? Whats it like knowing you will never find a good woman?

Sad virgins

>> No.10185935
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>shows graphic that doesn't help his point at all

>> No.10185944
File: 217 KB, 630x636, FE319C59-94B7-42B2-8174-588C9EAFF5DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I‘m happy when these vagina retards give me their money.

>> No.10185946

this is an incel thread but the fact remains the crypto markets eat most men alive, women don't even stand a chance. I won't pass up the opportunity to sell my bags. "threatened" is not one of the things we are feeling right now. I see women entering into crypto and all I see is dollar signs.

>> No.10185948
File: 142 KB, 1050x741, plebbitfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back to plebbit you go

>> No.10185994

Too bad your parents had sex and made you. They must be really proud of their obese, boring, sad excuse for a son.

Kys before your dad does, your mom probably wishes she swallowed

>> No.10186015
File: 27 KB, 600x400, 105313025-1530817757236sg-blockchainsummit-070518.600x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more the Unwarranted Self Importance that oozes out of issues like that.

>Perianne Boring, the founder and president of the Chamber of Digital Commerce, speaks at the DC Blockchain Summit in March.
is this Sergay's gf?

>> No.10186076

These women are doing god's service. We need more liquidity in this market if you know what I mean.

Imagine knowing that you're dumping your TRON bags on a stay-home mom.

>> No.10186107


The purpose of my post wasn't to support/help my point. The purpose was to defeat/counter your point that Europeans use American products more than Americans use European products. Which it did.

Also I tried to find as easy to read graphic as possible because I know that Ameriguns (like you) might have problems with more difficult ones. However I obviously failed to do this as clearly you couldn't understand the graphic no matter how easy to read it was.

>> No.10186131

what "space"? shut your effeminate mouth, nu-male.

>> No.10186248
File: 350 KB, 1280x960, a3b3b01c-7334-4158-af2f-d07f28721462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this threatened by women.

Top quintile women are pushing out bottom quintile men. It's that simple. Don't be a bottom quintile faggot. Plus they're all whores who'll spend probably a decade less time earning $ than you will.

>> No.10186281

Why should women get into crypto when neets will happily give their crypto to them for free when the get rich?

>> No.10186337
File: 860 KB, 2404x1260, IMG_20180207_182404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.10186443

they are actually just pushing their own shitcoin.
they are not buying anything worthwhile.

>> No.10186468
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Date night

>> No.10186861
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>> No.10186879

like that guy who gave his roastie asian roommate $100k in ETH, then killed himself while she was at her boyfriends cabin for the weekend, then she posted a question on r/personalfinance asking how to liquidate it while dodging questions on how she got it

>> No.10186900

Men are better at everything. Even better at being women.

>> No.10186903

>"My primary goal is… to promote diversity in the space, and get women involved and let them know it's not as hard or as nerdy or as techy as you would think it is," she said.

>> No.10186917

Good. Women love wasting money on bags.

>> No.10187055

ffffuuuuu that must burn ouch!

>> No.10187332
File: 146 KB, 632x752, pissy feminist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women always making it into a gender issue, not even once did i ever think about how few women were in crypto until these women brought it up. just enter the space without making a big deal out of it, jesus christ

>> No.10187354

guess my privatekey, bitch. You may be able to leech money from fiatcucks, but crypto wont work like that

>> No.10187380

I cannot wait until the group of girls start their own blockchain and get hacked due to incompetence.

>> No.10187393

Good thing they're not planning to do any research and coding, just flap their mouths.

>> No.10187418

why the fuck do you care? gender is only a thing cause you make it to be one. wouldn't you rather talk to a bitch who actually knows something about crypto rather than a dumb bitch who is just a yes women.

>> No.10187421

Shoo shoo roast beef

>> No.10187451

>still thinking its about gettin women into a field and not just leeching money

>> No.10187502

it's possible some cynical jews trying to rip off new wave feminists and college libtards with floating this idea that nobody thought of for obvious reasons. basically could be a bait for shekels.

>> No.10187519

I m all for it.more money in the market.Why you people so thretened by women?

>> No.10187641


Math is hard

>> No.10187872
File: 75 KB, 1200x675, B11C3316-9784-4BC7-9556-D69480CF4F20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figuring out what shitcoins to buy and which shitcoins to shill