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File: 131 KB, 768x624, Psychology-of-Market-Cycles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10183080 No.10183080 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10183097


>> No.10183108


>> No.10183112

wherever you want baby

>> No.10183115


>> No.10183117

>market cycle

Enjoy your losses

>> No.10183126


>every day people still post about "making it" and "the next 100x coin"

>> No.10183134

what i mean by this in every thread about btc you will find people displaying all parts of the spectrum. the sentiment is not universal like that chart suggests people think on different timelines some will say the golden bullrun already happened some say just wait for it let's talk in 2020...

>> No.10183135


brown skins late to the party hoping to buy cheaper.

>> No.10183144
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>> No.10183147

your meme graph says we are recovering from that triple bottom

>> No.10183148

>still euphoric about his gains
We have a long way to go fellas

>> No.10183184

Sold december bought back 5 weeks ago
Complacency it is

>> No.10183186


yes complacency looks legit xD

its 80 pixels away from the top which is 20k the price is 1/3rd of what it was

the bottom is about 320 pixels away from complacency which means we need to multiply the price 4 times (320/80) by .33 which equals

6500 *.33 = 2145
2166 *.33 = 707
722 *.33 = 233
240 *.33 = 77

Guys the Bottom of depression is going to be 77 dollars :D we are totally at complacency guys SELL EVERYTHING WE are going to be poor xDDDD

There is no chance that soros and the boys would buy bitcoin at 100 dollars xD they will let it go to 77 dollars so we the anons can buy it again and be the new leaders of earth :D

>> No.10183202


ive divided by 3 instead of multiplying by .33 thats why i got different numbers at the start i forgot to edit those too

the bottom is either 77 usd or 80 usd based on those retards

>> No.10183213



On January 4th I honestly thought "THIS IS IT IM GOING TO BE RICH, NOT GONNA SELL TIL IVE MADE HODL xD" (Euphoria)

Probably felt for the next few weeks that it was just a temporary dip and it would bounce back. (Complaceny)

Anxiety and Denial probably took place on the first trip to 300 billion Market cap on the way down.

Depression was at the end of march for me. We had a somewhat suckers rally in april/may.

Not like this meme chart is accurate, but I think we are going to move sideways for abit and go up. Might take a few small rallies to get people confident enough to buy the dips again and send us up.

>> No.10183216


>> No.10183231

Hope you're right, I suspect we'd be around "anger," meaning more room to drop (maybe even 3k) but then we start our recovery

>> No.10183250

nah, the absolute bottom is about 5th of last ath.
but it will be only touched for a moment. for the time being we will be around 3rd of last ath before the next bull, and that's around current levels maybe slightly lower.

just look at how bitcoin behaved in it's previous bubbles...

>> No.10183267

By 5th do you mean 20%? Can you provide any examples of what you're talking about in the last bubbles? I don't think we had such a clear "triple bottom" (or at least something that looks like one) before

>> No.10183278
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>> No.10183287

At the highest point in Capitulation

>> No.10183292

Are you thinking Summer 2019 for the next rally?

>> No.10183294

dude anyone who wanted to capitulate did a long time ago stop forcing this idiocy! this is not bitcoins first rodeo.

>> No.10183298

I agree with what you said and I got similar feelings in that time, but the thing is, when was the Panic/Capitulation time? I never saw one since January

>> No.10183302

before the next halving it can start ramping up then yes possible.

>> No.10183315

That's a little under 1.5 years IIRC

>> No.10183332

my strategy is i accumulate till that carefully for now it can still go lower so my goal is to buy up to 2 btc at as low prices as possible. my average is not about $6.4k, but if it goes lower i will adjust it lower. when btc hits 2-3 times my average, i cash out half of it and keep 1 btc indefinitely. it will eventually hit $100k or $1mil even or go to zero at that point it's free.

>> No.10183349

Reasonable strategy

>> No.10183358

How big is your current portfolio btw?

>> No.10183395

right now at 0.3 btc i'm basically dollar cost averaging it as it goes down and sideways until i hit my 2btc goal. i was waiting for $5.3k to buy next but it never fell that far this time. now i wait and see a bit there is no hurry.

>> No.10183428

I'm talking price wise, this chart does not correlate well with price/bagholder sentiment.
Because I feel like Depression but we still have a long way down.

>> No.10183445

Unironically anxiety

>> No.10183479

i don't think it has much lower to go.

actually dollar cost averaging btc might not be a bad strategy. you cash out time to time as it goes up. in a rally you can cash out a lot. of course if you timed successfully you would beat dca by a considerable margin but this dumb strategy is pretty low risk on a deflationary asset long term.

i have to make a spreadsheet sometimes what it would have meant to dca btc from 2010 with monthly adjustments. i got a feeling it would have been pretty nice yield.

there is a strong urge to try time the market but it doesn't really work out for most people.

>> No.10183545

I think when people were posting 75% of threads with pink wojaks, that was panic. Also a lot of people said "BTC WILL NEVER GO UP AGAIN, IM LEAVING" etc. Also tons of people sold and left and still aren't back in. I think going down lower is possible, but based off the fact we have touched down here multiple times, I don't think we are going that much lower.

BTC can go lower if the market divorces itself from it though. I suspect this will happen in less than a year.

>> No.10183563

We already broke the "triple bottom" trend on this last sell off, this is just a temporary correction, trust me we'll be touching low 5k soon without a doubt. A great possibility we'll even hit low 3k during the actual Depression.

This is actually a good thing because if we bounced off now without any kind of accunulation period, the next bullrun would be short lived. And that bullrun should've already begun by now if that was the case but we found new lows just recently, this correction is taking too long for that kind of play.
We need a long accumulation period before we see the next bullrun like we witnessed in 2017.

>> No.10183577

Deluded, the case after disbelief

>> No.10183581

everything is possible i started buying because it's also possible that some crisis (or some faggot printing tethers) triggers a premature bull. that's why i don't wait for clear cut bull market. it happened when btc hit $3k and started going down it never hit below $1k as i expected.

>> No.10183596

I guess I'm saying I felt the panic was in Late january/early feb. I think after that all the panic sellers got out. People bought the dip though, and it went up, then it slowly went down until march.

Most of the dropping is done. Not saying you have to buy today, just wouldn't wait too long. Seems like prices don't respond to FUD like they did in January/Feb. That is a sign we are close to the bottom.

I think institutions are ultimately plotting/hoping to be able to buy tons of crypto assets and then they can easily inflate the price and sell to boomers. I think clarifications need to be made on the regulations for that to happen.

>> No.10183619

I think you are putting WAY too much into the meme lines here. This is a new market, and a change in regulations could send us on a crazy bullrun at any moment. It isn't going to follow the trends of a typical market just yet. Sure, 10 years from now, I suspect crypto market caps will look and match the traditional exchanges. Right now though, anything can happen.

>> No.10183684

The WS market meme chart is not a log chart, you stupid piece of shit.

>> No.10183707
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It's time to accumulate OP.

>> No.10183885

>people think on different timelines
people bought on different timelines

>> No.10184108

and that is why the market is unpredictable despite what some fags believe.

sentiment is fickle and everyone has different ideas and there are inputs greatly influencing price movements that are outside of price history or usual market strategies and by nature not predictable.

>> No.10184140

I want to know how long those saying complacency have been in this shit.

>> No.10184157


>> No.10184171
File: 211 KB, 480x454, 1470161605558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends what time frame this chart is, if monthly then we are fucked

>> No.10184184


>> No.10184212


>> No.10184215
File: 525 KB, 774x800, HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10184218

every green day (almost never) i know its going down again. dont know where this puts me on your chart

>> No.10184220

Between depression and disbelief

>> No.10184240

guys i have a few thousand left in bitcoin should i just sell it or hold it?

>> No.10184274

realistically sell most of it if you have something else to do with the money but hold some of it just for the memes sake so you don't get completely suicidal in case we all start getting rich without you

>> No.10184284


we're on the low volume, slow bleed down part. right after anger. we're on the small, pitiful pump up that will bleed down for the next few months. the sucker's rally will start later this year.

>> No.10184286

i dont need the money at all its just play money. forot i even had it desu.

>> No.10184306

between fucking disbelief and beyond disbelief

>> No.10184341
File: 577 KB, 767x880, btc-psych.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or more likely

>> No.10184362

Wow. It's followed it exact. This can't be right

>> No.10184389

not exactly and it doesn't have to follow it exactly either. with each bubble people get wiser about the game. some bought at sub $1k first they not gonna panic when price hits $9k lol they know even if it goes lower there will be a $50k sell opportunity.

>> No.10184472

i first bought btc at $420 and i sold on the up knowing the bubble will inevitably burst after 1k or so. sold at $860 i was quiet happy with that like newton, didn't get back in because i just felt this impeding doom that this insanity can crash at any moment. and also it was cumbersome to buy at no moment i saw opportunity for great gains.

then it hit $20k... and i was like wat. so now i'm trying less to focus on perfect timing. i'm thinking the next ath will be around $50 to $100k depending on overall sentiment at the time and politicos chiming in with regulation pro or contra. so yeah it's time to buy for me.

>> No.10184499

It’s not exact and the time scale is arbitrary. Once you’ve been here long enough you’ll see this every other week. On the daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, those dumb mothafuckas never see clearly. Now I’m down with the capital BTC, homies don’t fuck with me.

>> No.10184527

>time scale is arbitrary
that is true investopedia states that timescales vary and you can see these fractal booms and busts on different magnitudes on top of each other. so basically a chart only shows the sentiment change of those that are viewing price on the same timeframe. and only those that are mostly clueless.

>> No.10184555

Yeah, this time around I think we are seeing a textbook correction followed by a textbook consolidation. Now is clearly the time to start slowly accumulating. I will not be shocked if BTC breaks down to 3-4K but I will be mildly surprised if it retraces to anything lower than that. I think now is a clear time to begin buying slowly as I said

>> No.10184596
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>> No.10184660

and remember

>"intelligence is the best distributed resource everybody thinks they got more of it then the majority of the population" - G.H.
>"the stock market is a device transferring money from the impatient to the patient" - W.B.
>" no price too low for a bear or too high for a bull" - L.W.
>"be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful" -W.B.

>> No.10184669
File: 82 KB, 635x767, ED520E34-997E-4189-AB50-4696F0ED71ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10184796

shopped brappers?

>> No.10184939

Bitcoins golden bull run came after trump was elected. Stupid goys thought the world was going to end and crypto was the only safe haven. One people came to the realization that trump was ok, bitcoin crashed. There needs to be a new catylyst for the next bull run. As long as things stay stable, btc will stay stable. If a war breaks out, or the kike bankers get scared and start losing control over fiat currency or something, then bull run 2.0 will come. You faggots expecting a random bull run to start again now are delusional.

>> No.10184962

you find a better correlation with printing tethers than trump.

>> No.10184964

these hoes aren't even fuckable

>> No.10184965

nah those are real I've actually smashed the one on the left

>> No.10185051



>> No.10185265

Everyone is just waiting for the next bull run, no one is even considering that it might never come.

>> No.10185292

> Everyone is just waiting for the next bull run, no one is even considering that it might never come.
Disruptive technology still in its early days (despite the edgy kids saying it vaporware, it already has use cases) only valued at 250 billion (the whole industry). Yeah, the bull run that might never come makes sense

>> No.10185325

Forget it, some people on this board are destined to die dumb, poor and bitter

>> No.10185380

Some of us have hearts though and want to help others

>> No.10185398


>> No.10185428


Tbh I have no fucking clue where we are. Not at euphoria though.

>> No.10185443

Complacency obviously.

>> No.10185475

>Some of us have hearts though and want to help others
lol, sorry for your loss

>> No.10185483

I'm going with complacency as well but it's an opinion, I'm not acting on it.

>I think institutions are ultimately plotting/hoping to be able to buy tons of crypto assets
I think they have a very specific shopping list, not buying a lot of different assets, just a few.

>> No.10185573
File: 208 KB, 1000x652, fijjdj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. Bitcoin has done this before. This is more of a correction than a couple years of bear. if anything it goes sideways after hitting $5k. It may not go there. I'll post all the calls you need.

>> No.10185587
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>> No.10185640
File: 29 KB, 970x443, bulltrap or bullrun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one. Mt. Gox was bad news that caused the market to shit the bed. See what bitcoin was doing before that? We are there again now. Berkshire Hathaway is $283,700.00 a share. This market is meteor in a galaxy.

>> No.10185721

It's not about it going to die, there are cycles within cycles but people may be underrating just how impressive it is how high it's been going for how long, the amount of time we have to spend not going up can last a while and we're having a bit of trouble reaching 7K.

>> No.10185744

Anyone who thinks we're in complacency has brain cancer

>> No.10185777

Counting from the 29th, does that make more sense to you?

>> No.10185828

this. no one has suffered enough for this to be the bottom. it's got to hurt.

>> No.10185899

Because 80% drop was a walk in a park, you guys are delusional, it can drop and it can go up. NO ONE FUCKING KNOWS where this is going short to medium term

>> No.10186155

It hurts trust me

>> No.10186171

Most alts are 70-90% down. 90%. How is that not suffering? BTC took a 60% dive. What the fuck are you investing in that a 60-90% drop is not significant?

>> No.10186657

Are you out of your mind? I went from top to bottom 130k to 22k. You're fucking high.

>> No.10186669


>> No.10186695

We just passed anger, headed towards depression which we’ll hit in Q4

>> No.10186713

I want to kill myself everyday since February. Currently 90% down I mean ok going to 99,9% will not make a difference.

>> No.10186779


>> No.10186802

>Berkshire Hathaway is $283,700.00 a share

Yeah and it was $7,100 back in fucking 1990, so what's your point?

>> No.10186820

Reading the replies, makes me think we are in Denial phase

>> No.10186827

this guy fucks

>> No.10186863

>no one has suffered enough for this to be the bottom
lol that's pretty arbitrary. i feel like this is not the absolute bottom either but i'm not convinced it can go much lower. an other 1k maybe sure...

>> No.10186870

a month ago there was plenty panic pink wojacks in every second thread. yeah that's what panic looks like nigga.