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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10181457 No.10181457 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10181467

Chill bro.
I used quant on this baby and it will moon soon.

>> No.10181477


>> No.10181523

I don't own any REQ anymore but I keep it favorited on Binance because I'm sadistic and like watching holders get JUSTed

>> No.10181531

if you didn't sell when they announced they would be outsourcing their development, then you are a retard

>35 million ico
>5 million to shitskins to code
>30 million for yourself


>> No.10181536

>implying we aren't praying for it to sink to 1c so we can buy more

>> No.10181546

Yeah chill bro

>> No.10181562

I can relate to that feeling but I think at least one person would suicide if it got that low

>> No.10181565

Forever whitepaper

>> No.10181572


My decision end of Oct was to either all in VEN or REQ

>> No.10181579
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I'm chill bro

>> No.10181777

Req will be $10 eoy

>> No.10181813

Honestly some of you are here to fud or pnd. Real truth—this project and team turned out to be a major disappointment. Their focus is all over the place. They failed to deliver on any of their Q2 goals. Their products look shitty and anateurish so far. The fact that they’re trying to hype up a reddit mod meetup—a fucking a mod meetup—shows how tone deaf they are when it comes to priorization of goals. Who the fuck cares about your stupid community hand holding fucking meeting. Market for real or perish. This is a dog eat dog world in crypto, work harder and focus instead of handholding a bunch of redditors.

>> No.10181823

This is very fucking spot-on. They need to get their shit together. Or not because they're already made from the ICO.

>> No.10181827

The digits!

>> No.10182292


nice get tho, my last 777 was a FUCK posting.

>> No.10182309

Literally this so much.

Every fucking update for the past 6 months has been dogshit, yet every time you have some cunt on reddit saying 'not every update can be a gamechanger'.

Shit project, had so much potential but they've realised they can't implement fiat and until they do it's just gonna crash and burn

>> No.10182407
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Im on my phone so it's a pain in the ass to look for sources. Didn't find anything after a few quick searches. Give source plx

>> No.10182416

weve been warning you guys for literally 6 months
the project is good in concept but the team is shit
biz could build a better team

>> No.10182531

you really don't understand software development.

i'm a software dev. i'm bag holding REQ because in cryptos it's all about the code. their github have continuous commits. they already have mainnet launch and token burn launch. unlike other projects with no code just a bunch of marketing hype and pump and dump.

REQ team is vetted by ycombinator. At least I trust them not to exit scam.

>> No.10182559

Confirmed retard
Been Fudding off and on for half a year. It was clear as day then. And clear as day now. The fundamentals and code isn't the problem. For whatever reason this coin has absolute shit price action. It could be the team is gay and sucks at delivering, it could be the community just doesn't find it useful.

Regardless , keep waiting for your code updates. Regardless what this team announces you will get shit pumps. Big dumps, and lots of bleeding.
You are so deluded and clueless I almost feel joy that you are losing so much.

Keep holding , you obv have the right idea......

>> No.10182744

Here’s something for you to chew on. I used to support Req as a good project. Months ago my connection at YCombinator said that a promenint partner there didn’t like the team and “didn’t think the Moneytis team was good.” I’m now realizing how I should’ve paid attention to that statement, because the team is revealing how bad its leadership is. I’m not larping. I think people ought to know.

>> No.10182788

>they switching a blockchain
nuff said

>> No.10183215

did u actually look @ the github commits u claim they are making?? they aren't doing jack sh*t... they fix maybe 1 typo a week in the README file.

>> No.10183218

feels like stealing at these prices!

>> No.10183329

Can ANYONE please tell me when this bich will botom ouf

>> No.10183342

it's bottomed, but its there to stay. pretty much stable coin

>> No.10183368

>give money to frogs
>dont sell when they announce they are outsourcing central parts of the project to pajeets
>dont sell when it hits 1 dollar