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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1001 KB, 1500x753, ETH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10137692 No.10137692 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck would you bet against this?

Just even as a hedge for your shitcoin speculation?

reminder: Al lthe BTC clones that tried to be a better bitcoin and capitalize on its rise in 2014 died.

Now we have lots of eth clones. hmmm

>> No.10137811

I really hope one of the clones kills this thing. BTC too actually. ETH has fucking problems.

>> No.10137929


so why not bet on it fixing them unless you are trying to profit from it?

>> No.10138392

i have 5 ETH for shitcoins what should i buy?
im looking at shitcoins that will have an actual use.

>> No.10138836


>> No.10139720

Because a shit ton of ICOs hold ETH and are going to sell lmao. The pump to buy ETH for ICOs is done.

Its plummet time retard.

>> No.10139745

Lets be real here. Eth is hands down a better platform than btc. But both need to die. They are previous iteration tech and its time to evolve.

>> No.10139783

I love this "muh tech has to continously evolve and anything thay isn't the shiniest new vaporware is trash"
you don't understand the point of an immutable triple entry bookkeeping system at all... no wonder it's easy to make gains from these iPhone buying redditors

>> No.10139805

>inb4 you fags made /biz/
>your argument is invalid, otherwise we would be having this conversation via telegraphic morse code

>> No.10139817

why do we still use this same old tired 4chan layout over a decade later instead of something fresh with more features etc?

>> No.10139866

That is a solid point. But your point is being confused with convenience. 4chan is a way for, well anybody, to express any idea while anon. In its current form, it will never attract the masses. I like to think that is by design. Better tech will draw the normies, hands down.