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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10121364 No.10121364 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw homeIess
What coins will go up 2000% in the next month?

Not even larping, I really am homeless. Parents kicked me out said I was too old to live at home. I'm 19 so I don't see how but anyway, I went to a food bank 2 days ago, and literally slept in a tent. My phone is the only possession I have left to my name and I use it to access the internet otherwise I'd be totally locked out tier. I had to sell my gaming pc and pretty much everything else already

>inb4 larp
>inb4 get a job (I had one before this happened, and I'm looking)
>inb4 stay with a friend (I literally have none, I'm on 4chan)

I watched everyone on /biz/ get rich meanwhile I'm in the gutter. Do I just kill myself now or what?

What do? Or what would you do if you were me?

>> No.10121415

do not tell them you are homeless when you go for interview, because they wont hire you

>> No.10121438

Do you have any homeless shelters in your area? If not, then is the climate warm enough for you to be able to live in a tent for at least three more months?

>> No.10121440

First step. Become street smart. Then start hustling the smart way. Good luck anon.

>> No.10121445

What kind of parents kick their kids out of their house when they know they have no job? I just seems so reckless and irresponsible

>> No.10121458

Those kind of parents who never wanted anon in the first place.

>> No.10121474

white parents lmfao

>> No.10121512

My portfolio is up 12% so far today so I'm feeling generous. How much money do you need for a month or two?

>> No.10121540

I figured this out already. Had an interview and as soon as I explained what happened with my other job the tone changed.

No, not warm enough otherwise I would have and yeah I've looked into it but it was full. They gave me the tent I'm using.

I'm already street smart somewhat but don't want to become a criminal.. unless it was the only option.

No, I had a job. They kicked me out and I LOST my job.

>> No.10121558

I would take you up on that but I can't because it's banned on here and I don't want to get banned since biz is my only escapism from my situation. I mean I have email

>> No.10121574

Find a hostel and a job or claim benefits. It’s what I did when I was kicked out at 17. I signed on the dole, lever in a homeless hostel and did bar work for 4 years. Make sure you study for a trade part time and in a few years you will be fine. GL!

>> No.10121589


>too old to live at home

lol wtf is it with american boomer parents and doing this shit. This is why immigrants are getting ahead of you retards, they live with family until they are married and have a business

>> No.10121595

Boomers, transformed from humans into energy vampires with a Chronos complex over a lifetime spent (((consuming))).

>> No.10121603

Sucks to hear that, but if you've got your health, then you still have a lot of options open to you. In most places it's possible to get a low-tier wagie job like cashier or equivalent on the spot. It's obviously not exactly the best career path, but I would suggest you to take whatever you can get at the moment to get off the streets. Whatever happens, don't despair, you will look back on this as a learning experience in a few years and laugh at the hardships. And try not to wreck your health, it sounds like typical boomertalk, but it is literally the most important asset you have.

>> No.10121622

This is decent advice. Also, forget about crypto until you're back on your feet anon. Don't bother cashing out unless you're one of those crypto millionares already....but I doubt that the case or you wouldn't bother posting this. You'll figure it out.

>> No.10121629

From what I can tell a good support system at home is the difference between may successes and failures
Yeah I do and someone else told me that too but at the same time I mean, a lot of homeless people end up super fucked up

>> No.10121645

In what country do you live? In some countries (like France) it is illegal for parents to kick their children out if they can't live on their own.

>Check the law and sue your parents if you can

>> No.10121659


it's burgerland, it's actually encourage on their own fucking news to kick their kids out and now apparently they can sue them to leave:


>> No.10121669

I said that to them and they said you are over 16. From what I read online this is normal but not normal for other cultures

>> No.10121683

That's not a kid anon....

>> No.10121691

INS ecosystem

>> No.10121693


It's their kid, no matter what age he is. Although he's a normie that had a child with a whore so he doesn't get any sympathy just on that alone. If he were mentally ill and autistic I'd feel sad for him tho

>> No.10121709

Oh ok, that sucks then. I would however advice you to seek for free legal consulting just in case, it's still way better than just looking by yourself online

If you can't do anything legally, I would agree with >>10121574

>> No.10121738

Gib sum eth good sir.


>> No.10121754

I need 5k for 2 months. I'm not homeless tho, just going through tough times.

>> No.10121760

You're going to get banned for begging. I'm homeless on the street and still not begging. Truly shameful anon

>> No.10121781

First things first.

Get a P.O. Box.
Get a cheap gym membership with showers.
Find a laundromat and Library close to those things. If you can't don't worry, it's not a big deal but it helps.

The P.O. Box, Gym, and Laundromat will have you looking presentable for interviews. Don't explain your situation to anyone aside from friends/family as they will not understand.

Begin applying to anything and everything. You need a job ASAP. I would recommend a temp agency but it is often terrible work for low pay. Be clean, be presentable, and apply for unemployment/cash assistance from the local government. Contact churches and chairty organizations, they exist to help. If you're not devout you better start getting that way to get help.

If you have friends that will let you couch surf now is the time to ask. What state are you in?

>> No.10121818

You are young, healthy and appear to be able to read and write quite well. You could also look for restaurant work like bus boy etc.

>> No.10121849

Most importantly, DO NOT LOSE HOPE.

This shit fucking blows but you will claw your way out. Get a knife so that you can defend yourself. You'll probably never use it but it's better have it and not need it.

>> No.10121863

I'm at the library right now using the wifi and yeah working on the rest. My main problem is I have too much pride and cannot ask for help. I mean I went to a shelter, and they said there are so many homeless they cant help. You have to understand I want to maintain my dignity and I value this more than most probably. Which is a problem because others dont have that issue and many homeless ive met so far are fucked up and alcoholics or on drugs etc.
Like I said I had an interview and told them why I lost my previous job and the tone changed instantly and I didn't get it despite it going well until that point. I have no friends either I mean Im pretty autistic which again only makes shit that much harder

I am already looking

>> No.10121972


Lose that, fast. You can maintain your dignity and ask for assistance. It's important to swallow your pride as this is bigger than your pride and your life very well may depend upon it.

There's no shame in asking for help just be willing to put in the work to make it happen and be honest in your intentions. You will make it, Anon.

>> No.10122100

Find a hostel in which u can do few hours per day for a bed, check craigslist, look on couchsurfing for some volunteer organisations, alco check on the internet if u have any b&b for domestic works.

>> No.10122148

i would rather an hero than lose my dignity
not OP btw

>> No.10122162

Don’t worry anon, use whatever money you have to buy BCH and you will make
It. Roger Ver, Jihan Wu, Calvin Ayre, The 8btc mod (19hZx234vNtLazfx5J2bxHsiWEmeYE8a7k), Jiang Zhouer, the bitcoin.com cofounder, the Coinbase founder - all BILLIONAIRES who can complete the flippening with their own cash TODAY.
They're not doing so because they'd rather invest in BCH adoption. BCH adoption is skyrocketing while btc adoption is dropping.
In a few years both St Kitts and Antigua will use BCH as their main currency (Roger is working on St Kitts, Calvin is investing in Antigua more money than their GDP exclusively because of BCH adoption), Craig Wright will increase transaction counts by circumventing corrupt governments in Africa for money transfers (this one is not certain but very possible considering his funding), Roger is speaking to VIP-s every other day, including Japanese bank CEO-s, stock exchange owners, etc. Brian Armstrong will push BCH and shit on BTC subtly every chance he gets, bitcoin.com wallet is the most popular mobile wallet and it literally shits on BTC, propaganda/censorship effects are fading, Purse just added BCH meaning that normies can use it to get 20% discounts on amazon, Koreans love BCH and they seem to matter at least as much as Americans and significantly more than eurofags, miners are looking for ways to destroy BTC in the next few years otherwise their profits will crumble, LN is proving more and more of a failure every single day, Wright will patent-troll startups into moving into BCH, tipping on github is now possible with bch, smart contracts are coming in November, stress tests are a massive success, charities are popularizing BCH in struggling countries (Venezuela today, others will join in if trouble arises), Free Society project is progressing well, Circle is adding BCH next few weeks, Ayre who became a billionaire from gambling is going to create BCH-only online casinos

>> No.10122169

Kill your parents and inherit their house.

>> No.10122211

This is good advice

>> No.10122255

I cant man I've tried
Its easier the more dumber you are not to sound like a dick but its true
the other people ive spoken with since are all not even too concerned about anything
If circle adds bch it will skyrocket and i already know that bch is a great buy but i am in no position to buy crypto right now otherwise i would already be holding it
Thanks for the genuine rec though anon

>> No.10122347

sign up for military

>> No.10122454

I gotta go but if any anon has any advice or whatever feel free to email me: ncrower@airmail.cc
I get real fucking bored when the day is done and t bh the escapism is good plus I can't always use data to post on biz god damnit

Goodbye anons, thanks for the advice in this thread

>> No.10122532
File: 142 KB, 592x590, 1513376291842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you got the keys to your parents house get in when they work and take spruce, cash, electronics and the car keys. sell the spruce and electronics in the next step. in the final step, sell the car. if you need extra cash, you can blackmail your mum or dad. everyone has something to disguise. if you dont know, find out.
now you have a good pile of cash. rent the cheapest room you can find. get a mattress, wifi and cheap laptop. you can also use the laptop/pc that you stole from your parents.

now find a job that is close to your home. if it´s further away, get a used bike for a few bucks.

focus on education, network with others and improve yourself. dont give up brother. you will make it. if the moment comes and you´re about to lose hope, always remember the earth is just an insignificant flash in the infinite universe.

>> No.10122624
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You know what you must do.
Become the ultimate jew.
Pretend to be jewish and ask the orthodoxy to help you out with food and shelter and work. Show that you've had a religious epiphany. Emphasize that you've got a jewish mother, but both her and your father have mostly white blood. Then channel your inner mega jew like Soros and become a muslim informant for extra cash.

I believe in you anon. Become the ultimate /biz/nessman.

>> No.10122649

Get a job, save up for a plane ticket and basic necessities, move to Europe (Germany, Austria) for free education to escape the US debt slavery and build up in a economically stable environment where it's literally impossible to be homeless and hard to miss out on education and opportunities.
If all works out you'll have a masters degree in about 6 to 8 years and you'll be sitting pretty economically in your mid 20s with a huge array of options to advance your career in either Europe or the US.

>> No.10122691

A lot of homeless people end up fucked up because they already have a fuckton of mental issues. People with a clear mind will find a way off the streets. People without any semblance of one will find their way back to the streets even if you give them millions or welfare.

Fuck off robot.

>> No.10122922

Follow what this guy says: PO Box and Gym for showers.

You can also rent small storage sheds cheap, at $12 a month or so. Dress clothes, any possessions you squires, etc can be kept here, clean, and without fear of theft. Also let's you carry a smaller daybag and look less homeless.

If you poke around in garbage cans at wealthy apartment buildings, you will find a lot of nice clothes, shoes, and much more. Same with dumpsters at grocery stores, especially produce heavy stores.

Get a tent and sleeping bag even if its cold. If its cold, wear multiple wool or fleece layets at night. Clothes can be acquired cheap used. You can get a tent from Walmart for $30. Small woody eras in major cities provide nice tent spots and if you lose a $30 tent, meh.

Hot water from 7/11, Starbucks, etc. can be used to make coffee, oatmeal, and couscous. Peanut butter. Wheat bread bananas. If in USA get food stamps and $190/month in magic government cheese.

Pan handling with a sign might not be glamorous, but you could make enough for a tent, a cheap headlamp, and use sleeping bag and interview clothes with that money, as well as pay for your PO Box and gym membership.

>> No.10123005

I got to go now anons. Thanks for all of the advice, again my email is: ncrower@airmail.cc feel free to drop advice or even just boredom I dont mind and like i said I get bored at night and have absolutely nothing to do

Jesus christ anon lol I cant do that
Kek again thanks for making me laugh in these dark times anon
Sounds too good to be true and not so easy to do that in reality
I am pretty autistic like I said so its not easy at all. thankfully Im not easily swayed by pressure etc so im not fucked up like most
Thanks for the legit advice my friend, I do all of that already or at least most of it. I just refuse to stand with a sign or any of that because its too much a blow to my pride and yeah, I have tent etc. Eventually I will save up and buy a car or van probably before i get a place I'm thinking

>> No.10123020

I don't think people like this existed irl?I pity you

>> No.10123030
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>> No.10123035

tell your parents they are contributing to the jewish agenda. people cannot get a head in life without a savings of some sort at that age. they literally want you to fail. your parents are kikes.

>> No.10123036

What do you mean? Neither did I until it happened to me, anon. Shit is fucked up. Went from having a job, happy relatively anyway, to literally living on the street, no job, in like a week.

>> No.10123247


>> No.10123352
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your parents abandoned you. it´s your good right to rob and blackmail them. gratification feels good trust me. it wont help you in the long run. but it will help you extremely to build the basics in a fast pace. combine my advice with the clues of the others in this thread. information is more valuable than you think. there is no good or bad. you lost everything. now give up your morals and you´re entirely free.

>> No.10123694


>> No.10123726

>op's parents call the police and give him a felony charge for breaking and entering
>OP is now permanetely unemployable

>> No.10123856

statistically most cases of burglary are unsolved. if you plan good you fine. no risk no reward. if he gets caught then >>10122649

>> No.10124810

Fuck you cunt piece of shit

>> No.10124838

I was homeless for a good while aswell OP, just break into your parents house and stay there untill they call teh cops. Jail serves hot meals and free rent. Sorry to say this, but if you really can't get on your feet this is your best option. (Did this myself)

>> No.10124924

I emailed you OP. I can't send you shit or anything I would if I could. Maybe some anon can, don't know if you would take it either considering the other anon offered. But I gave good advice

I was in your situation before too

>> No.10125042

i’m pretty sure in some states it illegal to get kicked out without at least a months notice

>> No.10125498

Jesus Christ, American parents are total garbage. Why even have a kid in the first place. Now they'll probably schedule a vacation in the Caribbean and sip piña coladas on the beach while you're homeless and leave no inheritance. Typical boomer mentality.

>> No.10125540

>too old
wew I'm almost 23 and my parents are glad I still live with them

>> No.10125575

I feel bad for the guy man makes me realise how lucky I was to have good parents

>> No.10125588

again with this bullshit larp, this thread is a copy from jan/feb 18


>> No.10125821


Honestly this is exactly what I would do. As bad as it might be, it's better than meningeal jobs for years collecting bitshekels.