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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10118683 No.10118683 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about our current, past or future business

Old bread:

>> No.10118933
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I'll bite.
Short term plan is to start a youutbe channel because of some niche content I make. It's not your traditional V-Log, there's a lot of B-roll because I hate how I come across on camera, (people say I'm a "good presenter". nah, I'm just a good editor).
The intention is to use that to go into full on content marketer mode or a 'influencer' building an online brand, frankly I'd rather just so the content marketing thing - I don't want to be famous, not even internet famous, however for the time being I'm making my face and voice front stage - firstly because everyone I know is a lazy sack of shit who won't want to crank out 2x 5 minute videos a week with me, and secondly because this way I can leverage my persona and any exposure I generate.
So the problem is coming up with video ideas which are on-brand and have value propositions relevant to my target audience, they're hard to think of especially ones that aren't too talky or require me on camera.
Secondly I don't have a dedicated video booth, it means I have to set up a backdrop, light, camera every fucking time and then do several takes to get one or two takes I can splice together -- so obviously I need to figure out how to streamline this workflow. I've got the post-production workflow down pretty well.
Lastly I need to build some templates for graphic elements - title cards, transitions, logos and shit.
The idea is I want to release one video a week, but shoot like 3x back to back in a session (less time setting up lights and cameras, faster post-workflow).

Long Term - like I said I want to monetize this somehow, I don't know how. I know that once I have even an iota of exposure I'll be able to figure out ways to generate traffic and then monetize that traffic - either selling my video making services, paid social media posts or sponsorship. I don't know, I'm still working that out.

>> No.10118987

I've been telling myself I was going to do exactly what you just said for the last 2-4 years.

>> No.10119005

How far did you get? What was the point you lost momentum?

>> No.10119385

> Secondly I don't have a dedicated video booth, it means I have to set up a .....
Approach other streamer/youtuber asking how they are doing it. Done right you may get some helpfull input.

>> No.10119404

I bought a camera. I shot a number of test videos, but never had the balls to post shit. So now I just imagine being a successful YouTuber. It's pretty delusional ngl. And depressing.

tl;dr live ur dreams or live in regret like me.

>> No.10119474

I don't need their advice: I just don't have the physical space to have one permanently

Hmmm I'm kinda at that point now, uploaded some stuff on private links.

>> No.10119570

why do you think it is to late to upload some content?