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File: 1001 KB, 1500x753, ETH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10109434 No.10109434 [Reply] [Original]

Looks like BTC mooned, those new coins that came about after BTC crashed are top coins now? CRP, ETH and NEM mooned hard. wtf! everyone said they were shit and the technology was too confusing and use-cases to hard to find.

where are all my BTC POW clones? i cant find a single one anymore WTF! I guess or best option is to buy all the ETH smart contract dapp platforms with slight innovations over eth, if we were want to get rich in next bull run, good thing there are about 50 of them now. EASY.

STAY AWAY from difficult to understand Generation 3/4 blockchains. i know there are relatively few of them but they have no future for a reason.

>> No.10109517
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We are all from the year 2014

>> No.10109552

Sharding will make eth a 3rd gen blockchain and plasma will make it a 4th gen blockchain.

>> No.10109576
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More or less.
Like before, betting on BTC itself was best, along with the small non BTC clones lik XRP and ETH or NEM. nobody wanted to buy them though.

This time, buy ETH not the useless clones. ETHS got more going for it than BTC had as it has active development anyway.

buying BTC, ETH and the new blockchains which dont aim to be eth clones. there are only 5-6 decent ones that are all ignored along with few popular ones.
Many coins are not unique enough. every BTC POW clone in 2014/15 were what people bet on. slight changes like more TPS or enterprise focused blah blah blah. none survived. we had BTC already.

>> No.10109633

Vitalek will make ETH the ultimate cryptocurrency as he is super autistic.

>> No.10109640
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>where are all my BTC POW clones
>every BTC POW clone in 2014/15... none survived

>> No.10109688
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>Let me buy one of the 50 eth clones in top 100 and hope that MY one gets put on the new most popular fiat exchange so it can moon.

LTC was fucking luck. well done to any gamblers. that is such a great investment tactic. im sure everyone though their POW BTC clone would end up on coinbase too! Or maybe you just KNEW it would. congrats on having such esoteric knowledge, why are you here?

I didnt mention LTC for a reason. it was an anomaly. Charlie was well connected in a much smaller market. we cant literally fucking gamble our money on them. go ahead and buy one of the random eth clones and hail mary though brainlet.
I'll take the easy option of picking some of the extreme few gen 3/4 projects. that tactic alst time had almost 100% success rate (NEM, CRP, ETH, ANTS). only peer coin failed and thats cause peercoin was fucking useless.

>> No.10109768
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>> No.10109830

How many chained links do you possess?

>> No.10109855
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None. Not convinced Oracles cannot be handled a better way down the line.
However its not a bad idea to buy it. better than all the generic shit people are buying now. Just be aware of other oracle projects. i consider link highly risky. its important to keep up to date on oracle projects in general and be ready to jump ship.
Its the right kind of thinking.

>> No.10109890

In what sense is it high risk?

>> No.10109916


If oracles don't become a bottle neck fast enough, chainlink will fade into obscurity.
If oracles become a huge bottle neck fast, link is one of many solutions which will be here.

IMO way too early to put a large portfolio into it. focusing on blockchains problems before anything has even gone to ship is jumping the gun a bit.

>> No.10109973

>I'm from the year 2014

>> No.10110003

I don't understand.

>> No.10110032


I think you need to really study the technology of blockchain and what link is and how it fits into the smart contract ecosystem instead of buying it because someone tells you its "necessary".

>> No.10110083

I knew you trolling me. Boring.

>> No.10110102
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lmao, legit advice, basically told you to DYOR and make sure you understand the technology. basically know waht the hell you are buying.
I never said anything bad about link, just go make sure you are informed.

you wont make it anon, you have no idea wtf you are doing do you, be honest?

>> No.10110177

I wouldn't say I know what I'm doing but I do do my own research. I've struggled more with understanding the market/cycles and trading than forming a general understanding of the technology. As far as gauging investment risk, I've faired better. I got into IOTA at 13cents but at this point I know I'm out of my depth and there are better safer investments. Getting into ChainLink this early seems very low risk to me. Whatever bottlenecks and competition on the horizon isn't going to stop me from making significant profits in the near term.

>> No.10110229


I wouldn't mind holding it. in fact i think its smarter than buying some coins like TRON. its just not too smart to have a large percentage of portfolio there. Oracles may not become an issue for 2-3 years. that means link is not going to become relevant till then.

when you start seeing oracles mentioned a lot, you know its time to move profits into link and allocate a larger percentage of your portfolio. however, if oracles do become a bottleneck fast, it means alternate solutions crop up, maybe better than link. best to keep your eyes peeled.
Its a mine field out there.

>> No.10110451

What's your favorite pick for this year?

>> No.10110493

actual 4th dimensional cambodian time traveller here, the only thing you need to make it next bull run is LINK

check em

>> No.10110526


Right now its not clear which is a winner. nobody is fucking psychic. I only make picks based on previous market conditions, as i have explained i nthis thread. so i dont buy shit like NULs, offers nothing new. maybe slight changes over eth, but ETH will develop too. and among nuls there are 50 more eth clones.

I study the largest wallets, see if they are accumulating or selling, and if its a gen 3/4 bloclchain. if its a unique use-case even better. if its patented better yet.

ATM, im looking at FSN, ELA, IoTX, IoTA.
They all cover a new area. probably a lot more but im yet to be convinced. of couse, a larege ETH and BTC position as a hedge is a must.

>> No.10111397

Zilliqa is better than eth will ever be, stop being conservative faggot

>> No.10111474

LMAO, I will never sell my 200 ETH and been holding since $10, ZIL is just another try hard just like OP is saying wake up niqqa. ETH will be the last one standing for token platforms , IOTA for micropayments. I would rather own TRX than ZIL some shit nobody heard of lol

>> No.10111633

>prefering trx and iota over ZIL

you definetly didn't took even 5 minutes to read about it. or you did and acknowledge that ZIL is miles better, and being the emotional investor you're, you try to fud it with no basis.

or you're just brainlet.. probably this

>> No.10111774

what do you think of tokens that benefit ETH? like RLC which will provide offchain computing for dApps.

>> No.10112032

Thoughts on sky?

>> No.10112049


So you have any idea how many coins were “miles better” than byc in 2015? But they died. All of them. Didnt matter. Zil doesnt bring anything new enough to the table. Eth with casper and plasma, what need is there for zil? Eth is end game now for dapps. Your emotionally invested in zil clearly.

Ww arent here to gamble anon. Be careful. Your rhetoric was the same as many in 2015 who thought they held btc killers.

Now its the same but with eth. Nothings trying to be a btc killer now. Everyone is trying to make an eth killer.

Buy the new inovations. Not eth clones trying to overtake eth. Worked so well for neo right.

>> No.10112324


not saying its not good for a pump and dump. not saying it wont moon a little and rise with the tide. but we are here for the ent ethreum not fucking riding off btc going up. may as well hold btc.

>> No.10112374

>>10109434Roger Ver, Jihan Wu, Calvin Ayre, The 8btc mod (19hZx234vNtLazfx5J2bxHsiWEmeYE8a7k), Jiang Zhouer, the bitcoin.com cofounder, the Coinbase founder - all BILLIONAIRES who can complete the flippening with their own cash TODAY.
They're not doing so because they'd rather invest in BCH adoption. BCH adoption is skyrocketing while btc adoption is dropping.
In a few years both St Kitts and Antigua will use BCH as their main currency (Roger is working on St Kitts, Calvin is investing in Antigua more money than their GDP exclusively because of BCH adoption), Craig Wright will increase transaction counts by circumventing corrupt governments in Africa for money transfers (this one is not certain but very possible considering his funding), Roger is speaking to VIP-s every other day, including Japanese bank CEO-s, stock exchange owners, etc. Brian Armstrong will push BCH and shit on BTC subtly every chance he gets, bitcoin.com wallet is the most popular mobile wallet and it literally shits on BTC, propaganda/censorship effects are fading, Purse just added BCH meaning that normies can use it to get 20% discounts on amazon, Koreans love BCH and they seem to matter at least as much as Americans and significantly more than eurofags, miners are looking for ways to destroy BTC in the next few years otherwise their profits will crumble, LN is proving more and more of a failure every single day, Wright will patent-troll startups into moving into BCH, tipping on github is now possible with bch, smart contracts are coming in November, stress tests are a massive success, charities are popularizing BCH in struggling countries (Venezuela today, others will join in if trouble arises), Free Society project is progressing well, Circle is adding BCH next few weeks, Ayre who became a billionaire from gambling is going to create BCH-only online casinos

>> No.10112836

OP, what about ADA?
Is this considered a 3rd gen?
Hoskinson is a legit heavy hitter in this space and it's designed to avoid all of ETH's shitty flaws from the very beginning.

>> No.10112890


ADA falls under the complete vaporware category. I do not buy it myself or palce bets on it. it will have nothing materealized for years. one of the problems with crypto is situations like ADA.

Maybe it will be great (and yes it is new generation blockchain) but for now vaporware.

>> No.10112932

What is considered vaporware? They have a testnet with smart contracts on it now.
Do you mean a functioning product to the public?


'The team successfully launched the KEVM test net as they prepared for it intensively last week. Their efforts towards the scheduled test net – IELE, continues as they have verified a new mechanism to run independent builds of Daedalus at the same machine works, whether on Windows, macOS, or Linux.'

>> No.10113011

thought this is one of those pretend threads and was so confused by the tone of the posts

>> No.10113031

I may have to re-evaluate it.

>> No.10113351


>eth clone
>comparing neo to ZIL
>he forgot to mention that it's actually worked great for neo, x5000 in one year, even better returns than eth.

you sound more clueless than the other guy. seriously, take an hour and read their whitepaper/test their new testnet, you will probably be disappointed to see how good it is.

btw i don't think it'll overtake eth but for the better of the crypto space, i think it should.

>> No.10113886

Holy shit, he's right.