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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10087018 No.10087018 [Reply] [Original]

Get hyped, be first in something for the first time in your life.

>> No.10087034

Here's the article that explains what it is: https://powh3d.hostedwiki.co/pages/Fomo3D%20Explained

>> No.10087051
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Come at me bro, my ETH is ready!

>> No.10087060
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fuck is this gey shit?
>just have iron hands they said
>you cant lose if you dont sell they said
fuck out of here faggots

>> No.10087061
File: 74 KB, 1366x272, 3lJ6SMn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you want to earn money or what?

>> No.10087076

You're just illiterate, don't project that onto others.

>> No.10087087

nigga p3d made me 24 ETH in 3 months without selling a single token.

>> No.10087103

forgot to tell you that you should probably kys, poor faggot
Never ever ever gonna make it.

>> No.10087124

This is fucking stupid, nobody is going to use this shit. An ICO for a fucking ponzi game? KYS pajeets

>> No.10087134
File: 44 KB, 1016x234, fuck you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga i bought in at the top, and im still holding, my value of p3d is pennies compared to what i invested, i never sold, i reinvested all the way down, this contract is broken by nature so you need to make another fake bullshit contract which also works the exact same way,

get the fuck out of here, scammers i bet the discord told you to come here and shill

faggots get a life stop stealing other peoples ethereum

>> No.10087142

You are not even trying to understand what the talk is about and yet you are forming opinions.

>> No.10087159

>exactly what biz incels said when p3d was first shilled here

I remember those times, biz will never fail to entertain me

>> No.10087165

It was never about the token value. It is about the dividends. Dividents come from the volume. If the volume is low, everyone receives less dividends. Fomo3D is a solution to this problem. If you care about the toke value, you sould not have invested in the fist place.

>> No.10087167

Honestly... at this point it's just getting sad. The whole POWH3D concept is DEAD, so are these stupid pyramid scheme ETH games.

Just let it fucking go

>> No.10087193

It is not a pyramid and it is not a ponzi, go educate yourself on what these are and on ecomonics in general before spreading bullshit

>> No.10087194

How is it possible to be on 4chan and buy on the top?
This was shilled here when 200 ETH was in contract, 400 ETH, 600 ETH, 1200 ETH, 1700 ETH... AND YOU BOUGHT AT 19000 ETH.
I know you're baiting, but jesus fuck how weak is your brain

>> No.10087196

lol are the retarted m8? ill just say gr8 b8... dont troll faggot.

p3d is fucking dead project made by a ghost that scammed everyone over and over. wtf are you smoking?

volume is low, its been 6 months now.
fool me once,

>> No.10087201

yea lottery/probability/gambling games might as well not exist they're so dead. great point.

>> No.10087235

Even worse; it was shilled here from the start. Imagine the ETH that people missed out on.
t. invested at around 80 ETH with 1 ETH and got 18 ETH in divs on my wallet.

>> No.10087250

Team JUST, the creators of P3D and Fomo3D have nothing to do with previous iterations of POWH. The volume in P3D is low, nobody is saying otherwise. But the developers came up with the solution to this problem, and that's why I have created this thread, to tell you guy about this. You could DYOR or you could go invest in a shitcoin, the choice is all yours.

>> No.10087271

Quite a bit of the feedback (read: attacks) on our platform are claims of the product being a Pyramid or Ponzi scheme.

The "Proof of Weak Hands" mechanics don't actually match any of these labels, but we understand it's hard to grasp this initially. We recognize that a trustless smart-contract managing value in this way simply was not possible before this point in computing history. There's no scheming here at all -- it's upfront, honest and completely transparent.

The way we like to describe this is to point out that in any places where we use pyramid imagery, the pyramid is mirrored with an upside down replica in the sky to represent that we've shifted the focal point between the two tips

In the case of a standard pyramid scheme, the first investors benefit the most heavily from the game as newer investors funnel money to the top. In a reverse pyramid scheme, the goal is upended to try to exponentially grow by trying to reward the newer investors the most.

In our case, neither is true. We simply punish everyone.

The shape instead forms an hourglass with both sides fighting constantly. Like an hourglass, the flowing sand (eth volume) between the two pyramids is the primary component of this game, rewarding neither the first investors nor the last. But simply everyone who holds the token as hard as they can through the many price fluctuations.

Call this an "Hourglass model" if you must assign a title, at least that would be accurate.

>> No.10087288

Is this a scam or a fraud?
An understandable question given there are a lot of scams in Cryptocurrency. You are probably familiar with scam-like operations like Davor and Bitconnect. The important thing to remember is that:

Scamcoins generally have big pre-mines where developers take a huge amount of coin for themselves. P3D has no pre-mine.
Scamcoins generally involve shady anonymous site owners holding your money while you "earn". These owners could take your money and exit scam you at anytime. P3D has no one controlling your money, the exchange is entirely operated by an Ethereum open-source smart contract which cannot be changed! Owners cannot take Ethereum you put into the contract, even if they wanted to.
Scamcoins usually make false promises about guaranteed returns or other claims of ROI which cannot be sustained. P3D makes literally no promises and is completely open and transparent about the mechanics of the system.
In short, this is not a scam. This is a unique exchange powered by smart contract which taxes all transactions (buy, sell, transfer) in order to pay out earnings to all token holders! The developers keep no extra fee beyond the tokens they hold.

>> No.10087309

imagine a few months from now the seeing people who intentionally didn't throw money in p3d or f3d despite seeing all these posts lollllll

>> No.10087336

>etherhell months after everyone got bored of etherhell because it was botted to death
but hey, surely this will work out for you guys this time

>> No.10087373
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>> No.10087402

Fomo3D in a Nutshell
Here's Fomo3D in a nutshell:

This is a strategy game in which the last person to buy a key at the end of the round wins the pot!
During the ICO phase, buy as many keys as you want as all players pay the same average key price.
After the ICO, people can purchase keys which resets the timer marking them as the current leader. With each key purchase during the round, the key price increases slightly.
When the timer reaches zero, last person to buy a key wins! (F3D players/P3D holders get a piece too!)
With a few cool game mechanics:

Players can select from one of four teams which determine certain rules in the round.
P3D holders receive dividends on each key purchase and at the end of the round.
Buy a vanity URL and/or refer your friends to the game for extra rewards.
Buying keys offers you a % chance to receive an "airdrop" multiplying the keys you receive!
Game Overview
This is a game in which the grand prize winner is the last person to purchase a key before the countdown timer runs down to zero. Every time a key is purchased, the buyer becomes the new "holder of the private keys" and additional time is added to the countdown timer.

Each round kicks off with a short ICO phase, during which all players will be able to buy keys for the same average key price, determined by the total amount of ETH invested during this phase. Once the ICO phase ends, then the round begins with the timer set and starting to count down. The price of the keys will now start to get slightly more expensive with each purchase. When the timer reaches zero, the last person to have purchased a key wins the round!

The ETH in the pot is divvied up at the end of the round: the winner receives half, with the rest of the pot split between all F3D players as well as to P3D holders. The specific way the ETH is divided between the F3D participants and the P3D holders is entirely dependent on which team the winner was representing.

>> No.10087429

you guys really defending this project? wtf has happened to crypto? i miss 2016 crypto

do you even remember who shilled this? trevon james, craig grant, harj, adam hole, all the scammers that shill hot potatoe scams

>> No.10087438
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>> No.10087450
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>legitimate crypto projects get buried and FUD'D endlessly on /biz/
>scam cryptos like 0xBTC spammed endlessly
>discord pajeets flooding in to promote their next scam
>it's literally etherhell with some bows attached to it
>"ours will work because we'll spam it everywhere :^)"

>> No.10087458

well, feel free to bot and see what happens :^)

>> No.10087468


1 thread on /biz/ does not represent the crypto market, just look at Chainlink's chart.

I would worry more about those verge and tron shills on reddit creating a massive crypto bubble.

>> No.10087505

Well they decided to shiil this project themselves and use the game mechanics (referal links) to their advantage. When it was no more profitable they jumped the ship. You knowm like most of crypto youtubers do.
You never know before an actual release, but the testnets were pretty crowded. When the devs announced an 1 eth prize to anyone who won the first test round, the round lasted about 3 days, that means during 3 days someone bought a key during 90 seconds since last key purchase. Says a lot about what it can be like with real eth.

>> No.10087552

Guys like you missed out on free ETH during the start of PoWH3D. Just saying.

>> No.10087671

when the king pajeet scammer that made your contract is the one you quote.

is this a cult like skycoin? get me out please

>> No.10087764

What is bad about quoting the lead developer of a project? Who and for how much scammed anyone in P3D?

>> No.10087835
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>> No.10088000
File: 92 KB, 640x668, 1475946F-7C2A-4A29-BCAF-8C7027676476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just bought back in after making 8eth the first time. Fomo3d divies go to P3D holders as well right? Cause I’m sick of these “games” i just want to relax and collect dividends

>> No.10088014

yeah, you get divies just for holding p3d when others are playing fomo3d.
also: checked

>> No.10088090

Lol, I don't have PoWH3d, and at least I can understand it's just a fucking smartcontract that calculates dividends, no one is scamming anyone... It's just fucking risky to put money there, you are dependant on the emotion of other people, that's about it, they are fucking clear as water explaining that.

>> No.10088637

Bump for your sake

>> No.10088659
File: 72 KB, 1184x675, PoWH3D_P3D_Charts_powh_trade_11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smart money coming in

>> No.10088757

Just let it die...

>> No.10088804

What is your point?