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10069492 No.10069492 [Reply] [Original]

The Smartcontract domain name was registered before the bitcoin white paper was released.

Sergey Nazarov = Satoshi Nakimono

Do you want to believe?

>> No.10069563

Bumpskidoodle, this is important and anons who don't know should know.

>> No.10069698

Aye one more bump, how are anons not talking about this?

>> No.10069719

He probably bought it later from the original 2008 registrant

>> No.10069721

fake news

>> No.10069725
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>> No.10069737

Everyone knows that Satoshi is Nick Szabo. He literally invented bitcoin and smart contracts in 1990(?)
Sergey has been in the scene for long enough to understand the importance of smart contracts, so got the domain early.

>> No.10069749
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>client transfer prohibited

>> No.10069761

So even if Sergey isnt satoshi, he has deep connections to the future of blockchain, which only serves to reassure Chainlink's future

>> No.10069774

>Sergey is Szabo

It all makes sense now. Fuck me this is big

>> No.10069796


For real tho theres no way this isn't big in some way.

>> No.10069837

Yeah, anyone who has researched LINK understands that it is the bridge between blockchain tech and real world application.
Anyone who has watched previous videos knows that swift/microsoft aren't rumors. Sergey literally says "we ARE working with SWIFT and MS".
People fud either for fun, or because they haven't looked into it and think it's a meme on this board.

>> No.10069864

Its sad that some people will get left behind because they dismiss this project as trash because of fudders. Im happy I'm on the rocket waiting for takeoff, and Im trying my best to help any other anons on board. Theres plenty of room for us all to make it :)

>> No.10070924

how do we know it was sergey who bought this domain, and not just some domain flipper who bought thousands of domains with common buzzwords to flip them?

>> No.10071297

Close but no cigar Anon. Here is the real deal. Szabo created smartcontracts.com domain in about 1999. In 2008, 6 days PRIOR to Satoshi announcing Bitcoin, Szabo re-registered the expired domain of Smartcontracts.com., which is an incredible coincidence. Fast forward to 2014 and Szabo apparently sells or transfers the domain of smartcontracts to Sergey. Also happens to coincide with the year Satoshi "poofed" and moved on to a diff project never to be heard from again. Not suggesting Sergey is Satoshi, although it is possible, and would somewhat explain how a dude in a flannel fricking shirt gets invited to be on a stage and speak with the likes of many of the biggest names in Crypto on a regular basis. It would also explain why Swift seeked him out several years ago to help them automate their processes. At the end of the day my opinion is Szabo and Hal Finney along with possibly others were or are Satoshi Nakamoto. However, I do believe that Szabo handed the effing keys to the future financial revolution to Sergey to finish the dream. If Sergey delivers, we are gonna be rich. Hodl on Marines.

>> No.10071335

makes sense, thanks anon.

>> No.10071742

It's funny you guys mention the original registrant and Nick Szabo in the same thread. Szabo is the original registrant and he put Sergey in charge of creating decentralized oracles, smart contracts are Szabo's creation and he wouldn't let some underqualified moron handle the most important part of them. Sergey is the real fucking deal and you can bet your ass him and Szabo have some sort of deal going on behind the scenes.

>> No.10071764

because it's months old we've all already see it, newfag

>> No.10071796

Nazarov is a hypeslut who jumps on whatever the current fad is in cryptocurrencies and cryptographic platforms, with close to zero understanding in math or software engineering.

>> No.10071899

Hasn't szabo being satoshi already been disproven?

>> No.10072216

Nick, pls go.

Nick literally cant disprove that he's Stoshi, and we're keen to this Mr. Szabo.

Meanwhile, Craig Wright gets publically humiliated wherever he goes.