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10064807 No.10064807 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw coworkers all hate me because I'm introverted

anyone else have this problem?

>> No.10064823

i thought about this problem before but then i realised i would kill anyone on the team if they ever spoke to me so it was solved in my own head

>> No.10064829

Yep. I think the main reason is that I miss social cues and don't know how to make small chat. I don't have any interesting stories to tell so conversations are always dull and short. They think I'm a weirdo or retarded.

>> No.10064833

Don't worry about it anon. You don't need them anyway.

>> No.10064843

They're all filthy nolinkers anyway, who cares

>> No.10064846

they don't hate you, they probably ignore you or feel bad for you but don't know how to help. your anxiety makes them think that they hate you
>t. also suffered from extreme anxiety... still get bouts of it sometimes

>> No.10064847

Went to a party and did xtc with co workers and boss shit was fun. I'm not even extremely extroverted.

>> No.10064853

I’m shy as hell around my coworkers after two years but they learned to love my autism

>> No.10064856

I'm an introvert. Just be friendly and if they want to have a conversation, try to make it about them. Then take a deep breath after they fuck off lol

>> No.10064858

>I’m shy as hell around my coworkers after two years but they learned to love my autism

Are they all male?

>> No.10064885

All introverts have that problem anon.
The lead singer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, who's a charismatic narcissist even mentions it in his book he said that if you're shy or not in the mood to talk people can misinterpret that as being about them, that you're too arrogant to talk to them.
It's called a "Fundamental Attribution Error".
The good news is - Your problem isn't unique to you anon
The bad news is - Only you can fix it.

>molly makes people outgoing
In other news, water wet.

>> No.10064889


>Tfw made friends with other intelligent introverted coworkers and we talk about politics and anime. The odd thing is they are pretty cute, conservative young women.
>Even more shocking is they both have never been in a relationship because they are looking for men who aren't beta, but aren't retarded chads. Just relatively sane, nerdy men who are confident and who can carry a convo.

I'm in a relationship now so I'm not interested, but you can still find good introverted women out there.

>> No.10064897

they're all women actually. Maybe they feel bad for me. either way working there really helped me learn how to talk to women a little