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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10052959 No.10052959 [Reply] [Original]

This coin ruined my life.

>> No.10052966

did it kill your dog and rape your mother?

>> No.10052978

No you ruined your life by putting all of your hope and more money than you could afford to lose in something as unsure as crypto

>> No.10052980


It gave me PTSD and Insomnia.

>> No.10053121


>> No.10053134


Fuck you. At least REQ is still 2x above its Oct price. This dog shit coin is back to early Aug levels. Fucking piece of shit

>> No.10053143
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>over $700 per coin

>> No.10053335

I must admit it kinda feels good to see you rage so hard.
The best part is the fact that you'll be driven to suicide over the next few months.
Natural selection at its best. I love you, Charles Darwin.
One less gambling mindset on this planet.

You should learn a thing or two about hard work and risk management.

>> No.10053346

hows that sugar free monster taste

>> No.10053779

>everyone i don't like is an edgy teen
This guy is blaming a high-risk asset for his own financial failure.

>> No.10053787


>muh "legit" partnerships

Gooked, chinked and nipped
You retards will never learn.

>> No.10053814

Isn't this still way above ICO price?

>> No.10053846

yes. around 30x since last summer. op is just a fucking newfag who bought bags too high.

>> No.10053907

Yeah its pretty funny if you think about it. The last 6 months have been pure misery for me. I held this volatile likely regulated by the SEC bag of shit when I could have cashed out in January and afforded a nice condo with me and my SO.

utlitiy tokens are a fucking meme. staking is a security. OMG is dead silent because theres 4 more days until their tokens unllock and then can start selling.

and the worst part is I cant bring myself to sell right now

>> No.10053936

>OMG is dead silent because theres 4 more days until their tokens unllock and then can start selling.
thanks did not know this. does this mean we can expect a dumping? been waiting for a good entry point for a while

>> No.10053956


Yeah combined with the fact that BTC will likely flash crash to 5k this week. Crypto is a big fucking scam man. I hope any equally deluded people see my posts and learn to take profits from now on

>> No.10053989





>> No.10053995

Jesus Christ you morons. Keep holding. this is the only coin in crypto that matters, if OMG isn't wildly successful (it will be) then every alt coin is also screwed. OMG > BTC > ETH

1-2 year hold.

>> No.10054051


believed that until I realized the entire business model can collapse

Also, 7 fucking dollars I want to KMS

>> No.10054103

How in the hell is crypto in general a scam? We all known what we are buying into.
OMG is by far the most genuine project out there, right next to ETH and BTC.

Then KYS. Jesus. Stop whining and do something already.
You're depressing everyone, you whiny little shit.

>> No.10054127



V. Risks
26. The User understands and accepts the risks associated with transferring ETH to the
Smart Contract System and creating OMG as exemplary set forth above and hereinafter. In
particular, but not exhaustive, the User understands the inherent risks listed below:
● Risk of software weaknesses: The User understands and accepts that the Smart
Contract System concept, the underlying software application and software platform (i.e.
the blockchain) is still in an early development stage and unproven, that there will be no
warranty that the process for creating OMG will be uninterrupted or error- free and that
there is an inherent risk that the software could contain weaknesses, vulnerabilities or
bugs causing, inter alia, the complete loss of ETH and/or OMG.
● Regulatory risk: The User understands and accepts that the blockchain technology
allows new forms of interaction and that it is possible that certain jurisdictions will apply
existing regulations on, or introduce new regulations addressing, blockchain technology
based applications, which may be contrary to the current setup of the Smart Contract
System and which may, inter alia, result in substantial modifications of the Smart
Contract System and/or OmiseGO, including its termination and the loss of OMG for the
● Risk of abandonment / lack of success: The User understands and accepts that the
creation of OMG and the development of OmiseGO may be abandoned for several
reasons, including lack of interest from the public, lack of funding, lack of commercial
success or prospects (e.g. caused by competing projects). The User therefore
understands that there is no assurance that, even if OmiseGO is partially or fully
developed and launched, the User will receive any benefits through the OMG held by him

No liability. You think Omise will risk their entire company if this token structure will go out? They can spin anyway they want

>> No.10054147


but muh genuine company.

Yeah because a genuine company overseas will risk losing Omise as a business if the blockchain/crypto/staking aspect of it becomes not feasible. The only people at risk are investors. We signed up for it. They still have 20% of all tokens to do as they please for funding etc. 20% is almost 30 million OMG.

>> No.10054197


and one more point before i stop bitching. they can slowly sell this shit to the ground with that unlocked token amoun,t not needing proof that the funds are being used to develop the project. Anything goes. They were supposed to stake that shit and there is no staking. Its all a fucking ticking time bomb

>> No.10054252
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Is there even a semblance of a working product yet?
Or even any provable substantive development updates?

afaik this was always a promisecoin hyped by a retarded marketeer.
The basic use case isn't even hot at all, and can and will be superseded by mainstream smart contracts.

>> No.10054309

it is used in the market, it is a practical coin!
they will not destroy it!!!!!

>> No.10054320


Its 7 bucks while the entire crypto market collapses. -75% from ATH. Tell me again what real business want to risk fucking with this market at this point? OMG will host dex that are exlclusive to ETH pairings at first. No staking, no fundamental structure for this business. Its all TBD because the reality is this space is going down in a dumpster fire and the OMG team is too

Fucking want this shit to end already

>> No.10054568

What company on planet earth would carry full liability on anything? The whole point of EVERY business entity in every single country on earth is there to LIMIT liability. You have no clue about basic economics. For once in your life you read the terms on something and you go apeshit.
Business is only possible AT ALL thanks to ToS such as this. If not, the failure of any business project would lead to the owner shooting himself in the head with a shotgun and his kids and grandkids will shoot themselves the weeks after his suicide.

Take ANY ToS of any product or service you can find. Read it carefully.

>> No.10054627

Everything is open source, smartass. Go look at their github for fuck sake.
There's nothing hidden from you. Everyone is free to join the development. Go write code and make a commit.
The progress is right there for your eyes to read. Every single discussion, every line of code of every tiny aspect of this whole project. Plasma, Plasma cash, Plasma MVP, the e-wallet SDK's, ... It's all in the OmiseGo github repo. There's a biweekly live conference call. As live as it can get with all awkardness and microphone issues included. Every communication channel is OPEN to every single human with an internet connection.

There has been no "marketing" on this project AT ALL. That's the whole point. Vitalik HATES hyping shit up. There is no hype. It's all in the open. DYOR.
Point me to the hype you're talking about. Don't give me that Apple stickers bullshit. Jun's a fucking retard. Don't go blaming the whole project and team for their progress or lack thereof. You're responsible for interpreting the facts.

>> No.10054655


"they want to deliver a working product without hyping shit up" Is the first stage of defeat. There is no marketing, and like I said I spoke to the core team where Jun said he is upset with the lack of marketing.

This is a hard lesson. Never get emotionally attached to a coin. I had 7 chances to sell this for 4x. 4 times in december, 2 in february, and 1 in april.

Fucking hell man, living with this mistake for the rest of my life.

>> No.10054677
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>Plasma, Plasma cash, Plasma MVP
Those are ETH developments.

>e-wallet SDK's
Oh sweet lord.

>There has been no "marketing" on this project AT ALL.
Ok, you're legitimately demented.

>> No.10054696


exactly. this coin is becoming dependent on other projects. They fucking suck in house. If they lose the tech and plasma this piece of shit is going to the ground.

Whatever partners they have no doubt invested because they saw eth foundation and vitaliks name on it. Without that stuff this piece of shit would be another thailand processor in a sea of 50

>> No.10054702

Hype is the worst thing you could do to a crypto project. The way to tell apart a good project from a bad one in the crypto world is the project's fundamentals.

Jun is a typical all-talk-no-action kind of guy. His previous entrepeneurial project was exactly like that. OF COURSE he wants more marketing. That's his whole deal. Everyone on this project knows hype would kill this thing. Jun thinks the exact opposite. Jun loves empty promises. Stop focussing on Jun.

Those are OMG developments, brainlet. The plasma team IS the OMG team. Denying this simply makes you a plain old liar.
Even the original plasma research paper was written in the context of OMG.

ETH depends on PLASMA.
ETH cannot afford to lose Plasma. It's their nr.1 scaling solution.

>> No.10054710
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>> No.10054750

ETH is a worthless tech if it can't scale.
That's why Vitalik is a co-founder of the Omise company and is now one of the advisors. He is deeply passionate about Plasma and it's future developments. OMG is the project built around Plasma. They garantuee each other's success. OMG needs a scalable ETH.

There's many more tech being researched beyond plasma... It's just one piece of the puzzle.

>> No.10054779

>Those are OMG developments
You're fucking retarded.
Plasma was created by Poon and Buterin, OMG is simply implementing it.

>> No.10054782

Someone’s working very fucking hard to shit on omg in this thread

>> No.10054789

this is why you'll hang yourself
it was right there in front of you the hole time, but no, you HAD to be brainwashed and take the alternative route

>> No.10054828


vitalik didnt co found omise....thats from a shitty article....donnie and jun are the co founders.

they invested in eth in 2016 and somehow convinced vitalik to get on board. I think they were also moon boys who said lets migrate our whole fucking business onto a god damn block chain while not worrying about the feasibility of gov regulations and make a staking network. yeah vitaliks a genius he can do it.

Oh herro omg investor rerry bad new today. unfortunatery proof of stake considered security so re no ronger imprement. u can still trade your omg tokens with our dex at 1 mm tps, get those kyber $500k daily volume in and mcdonalds thailand tx fees!

Yeah! Re rearry believe in blockchain incrusion. Thats why we donate 1 million dorrar to pesabase, gave stanford 5 million dollars, and established this ethereum foundation to give away 100 mirrion dorrars to other scam ethereum grants!

Erryone wins! Oh, except you cucks. Tanks for the hookers and blow through!

>> No.10054843
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Even Clif "Schizophrenic" High is no longer bullish.

>> No.10054855


Great, now even this fucking old acid user isnt bullish on it. Teeka also removed it from his palm beach update reports to, except leaving 1 line.

Face it. These faggots shilled the fuck out of this and the 27x gains were made. We bought this shit out of hype and now not even these shillers will talk about it anymore.

>> No.10054902

This happens every thread. I thought paid fud was a meme but it seems like it's real sometimes.

>> No.10054906
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>These faggots shilled the fuck out of this
According to >>10054627
there has been no marketing AT ALL.

Fucking lmao.

>> No.10054921

Also, the current price of OMG is completely justified. There's a bear market in the whole crypto world. Everyone is pulling back to fiat.
OMG has nothing special on their roadmap for the next quarter. Investing in it means you believe plasma and OMG will both succeed. But there's not much of a point in investing now in the middle of a bear market where you know for a fact nothing will change. (hence the near zero trading volume...)
>OMG is simply implementing it
The OMG team is doing BOTH the research AND development of it. Read the fucking papers. The original Plasma paper is just a few pages long.

Vitalik is the literal co-founder of Omise.
Staking is NOT a security. You're not a stakeholder in a business. It doesn't classify as a security at all. There are no dividends being paid to stakeholders in the OMG network. You need to stop spreading lies and go back to school.
Your whole opinion is based on shitposts you've read. Go and read the fucking facts for a change.
I'm willing to bet my crypto millions on the fact that the OP is American.

The only shilling being done was right here on /biz/

Announcing a partnership discussion is hype to you?
Get fucked.

>> No.10054943

>The OMG team is doing BOTH the research AND development of it.
Well that's what implementation involves, yes.

>Announcing a partnership discussion is hype to you?
Of course.
"Deeper partnership discussion" became a crypto meme denoting "baseless hype".
You dumbass.

>> No.10054953

>Vitalik is the literal co-founder of Omise.
No he fucking isn't.

>> No.10054981

OP is obviously emotionally attached to his coins and is taking a really long time processing he's been conned
therefore you get this thread every day
get over it OP
the faster you learn to get over these things the faster you'll become a good trader

>> No.10055024


Id be bitching a lot less if this fucking ninja motherfucking piece of shit team would fucking give a follow up to all the false promises in that strategy roadmap.

WHERE THE FUCK is the wallet?
Where the fuck is the cosmos snapshot?
Where the fuck are the exchange acquisitions?
Where the fuck are the partnerships?
Where the fuck is the back end dex implemented?
Where the fuck is the consensus for some glimpse of staking %?
Where the fuck is this fucking 100mm+ grant money going to? Why did you donate all this fucking money to charities and dont have a proper business for blockchain yet?

I swear this coin is looking like a cop out each and everyday that gets closer to the core teams tokens being released from smart contracts.

The fucking Enron of the crypto space. ALL talk, all donations, all taking ideas from advisors, and no fucking action. Juns presentation at edcon was fucking terrible too and that guy is in charge of this operaiton.

>> No.10055074

The OP is a manlet who can't take responsability for his own actions. He would rather blame everyone and everything around him.
It's a crucial step to adulthood for him.
Life doesn't have an undo button. We all made decisions we ended up regretting.

>WHERE THE FUCK is the wallet?
There was never any talk of a wallet in the typical sense of the word. There is a whitelabel e-wallet SDK, which is a huge success. It's nearing its final stages and everything has been delivered as promised.
>Where the fuck is the cosmos snapshot?
Look at the github repo. It's pretty much dead. I'm glad about that...
>Where the fuck are the exchange acquisitions?
They acquired 3 of them already.
>Where the fuck are the partnerships?
Some have an NDA, the rest are disclosed DAILY on their Reddit page
>Where the fuck is the back end dex implemented?
This is still in progress; exactly as described by their roadmap. There has been no form of delay on this at all
>Where the fuck is the consensus for some glimpse of staking %?
Not determined yet. I assume it will take at least a year.
>Where the fuck is this fucking 100mm+ grant money going to? Why did you donate all this fucking money to charities and dont have a proper business for blockchain yet?
Where did you get that number?

>> No.10055085


>> No.10055092


the ecf has 100 million in grants to give away.

and what 3 exchanges did they acquire

>> No.10055093

Bro, chill out.
You're supposed to go all Zen from the ephemeral-sounding meme names like Fuseki, Sente, Honte, Aji, ... in the roadmap.
That's the only purpose that new-age bullshit has.

>> No.10055150

>They acquired 3 of them already.

>> No.10055336

I accumulated ~5,250 of these tokens. I will personally smash that chink's face in if this turd doesn't make me rich by 2020.

>> No.10055361

I got 6500 myself.

I'm just waiting for a good ratio with ETH and may dump at that point.

Plasma is NOT OMG. And everything about Omise itself feels barely any better than the typical chink crypto scam.

There's no reason that, even with the success of Plasma, that OMG should appreciate in value. ETH could very well get all of the attention from that success anyway.

>> No.10055442

I had 55000 of these shittokens and now I have 0. That is how disappointed I am in this project that had all the ingredients to be number 3# on CMC right after bitcoin and ethereum

>> No.10055470


Same. fuck this shit, they ruined staking. I held 9,500 of these. Im so upset that I didnt sell and go into eth/btc.

>> No.10055490

For some perspective, this coin has been out less than a year. It took ETH over a year before it finally got running. If there's any sign that the project is not going to be completed, I'll dump it immediately. However, considering that they had 5 mil to give to stanford, I think they're doing alright for now.

>> No.10055522

Omiselets got NIPPED

>> No.10055704
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Thanks for buying my bags. Why do you always buy AFTER the pump? Why do you always wait until it's shilled on biz before you look into the project? Did you even consider the loss vs. win potential buying shitcoins in the top 100? If you're even aware of what OmiseGo is (trying) to do you should also know that it has alot of competition. There's one in particular that recently deployed to ropsten, capable of 15 tps per user(address) with no practical restriction on the number of potential addresses. It's called striim and chances are you will ignore this and buy my bags in the future

>> No.10055733

stop shilling striim faggot NOBODY CARES.

and your "analysis" pic is fucking retarded

>> No.10055893

Out of curiosity, what coins do you think will moon?

Any side by side comparison of xyz altcoin versus OMG is laughable. Apples and oranges.

>> No.10055959
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Not bashing, i find omise to be a very interesting project. If i had 6,5k tokens i'd be biased and defensive too. I am simply trying to point out that OMG is already on the 21st spot on cmc, so how fast can it really appreciate in value? Personally i see more growth potential in project valued at 150 times less than omise

>> No.10055972


>> No.10055973

>10 cents per token per day staking

>> No.10056000

t. newfag
your not wrong, but its in the newfag remit to gamble on shitcoins. Most of the coins you are hodling will be dead soon.....most likely or hey you could get lucky

>> No.10056047

NEWFAG terminated!!

>> No.10056307
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These are simply the reasons why devs ditched omisego and plasma for payments. Devs halted their originally planned project when they realized they were unable to build what they wanted with the tools they were given and the lack of progress over time. Now they're building their own foundation instead of relying on plasma
nice digits. im not into shitcoins but i've had my eye on this one because of its close relations to Telenor, a mostly government-owned telecom giant i grew up with. my memefolio consists of 95% btc/eth/xmr

>> No.10056410

It's just a dex coin. There's unironically 20 different dex coins. At least those have working products. Does this sack of a shit even have a wallet yet?

>> No.10056452


Kek. This stupid fuck doesn't know shit. Does he even have a phd in statistics or work experience with a quantitative trading firm? Knowing how to use prepackaged datasets and arima models in R doesn't make you a fucking forecaster.