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10051561 No.10051561 [Reply] [Original]

RIP - another one bites the dust...

>Imminent moon mission

>> No.10051597

I'm sorry for making high quality memes and telegram stickers influencing others to buy, I truly am

>> No.10051678

What happened?

>> No.10051691

Just give it like 9 months you impatient fucks

>> No.10051802

>It is a long term hold
>Long term


>> No.10051821

I'm the one who made the telegram fud stickers because I wanted people to sell

>> No.10051842

Then you have saved several lifes, good job. I am never trusting sandniggers, pajeets, or chinks. Seems like my ideology saved me some money too

>> No.10051849

>Working with the Central Bank of Jordan
>Licensed Financial Intermediary
>jCash alpha invites are going out to people who completed their KYC or are eligible if they complete their KYC
>Quarterly update in a few days
>Talal is attending a conference in China with extensive media coverage
>Two top-tier VCs are using CryDRs in their funding rounds
>Piloting with one of the largest commodity exchanges on the planet
>In talks with another Central Bank

I really don't see what the problem is. Its a question of when not if.

>> No.10051867

>I really don't see what the problem is. Its a question of when not if.
They are blind

>> No.10051886

>CB of Jordan?
The whole country is a shithole, look at the fucking GDP.
>Another CB?
You are telling the yourself over months now. How often talal said / promised something and backpaddeled few moments later?

>> No.10051906

>Ignores virtually everything
>Starts spewing bullshit because he doesn't actually have any counter-arguments

This is the quality of the fudding.

>> No.10052047

i literally have to buy more even though i can't afford it. this shit is so fucking underpriced

>> No.10052108

You can cope all day long. You can dream about making it, that's the key of delution. Just look at the price.

>It is a question of when and not if the project exit scams

>> No.10052115

$207k 24 hour volume....

>> No.10052136

think it will keep falling?

>> No.10052177


Yeah bet all those ico eth buyers regret holding long term

>> No.10052185

I'm not coping I'm looking at the facts. Please feel free to dispel any of the things I have stated above though. I've been posting facts and you have merely been shouting bullshit because you almost certainly lost money on this and are now throwing a tempter tantrum.

But feel free to shill me your shitcoins so I know what someone as obviously intelligent as you is in right now. You aren't afraid of telling us are you now anon?

>> No.10052286

I'm thinking of unironically going all in, can't think of a more undervalued coin. Token economics are great, team is strong, project is massive in scope, they have amazing connections... I can't help but think that I'm either completely delusional or I'm one of the rare ones being able to see a gem in the sea of shitcoins, there's no in-between with this one

>> No.10052300

Why the fuck didn't I sell at 56 cents last pump and buy in lower? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.10052322

As a rule never go all in. I'm not even all in on this despite how successful I think it will be. It's only 50% of my portfolio. It's weird for a team to have this many connections and have so much going for the project and be so close to actual implementation and use but have no real hype around it. But it came out back in February when the market was already going to shit and things got worse. Maybe it goes nowhere or maybe it goes to the moon but based on nothing aside from what they have accomplished in the past few months this is going to be another Ripple.

>> No.10052340

Yeah going all in is risky but then again I've lost money trying to diversify in shitcoins, will think about it but I'm at the very least buying more

>> No.10052358

>still replying to the cringeworthy forced FUD posted by the same fucking telegram faggot
You retards never change.

>> No.10052375

Increase your position sure but don't actually go all in. Tether up some of your funds so if it goes lower you won't get JUSTD and can DCA. Going all in really limits your options. If you decide to buy something it is typically best to only buy half of what you plan on and buy the rest if and when the price reaches a better point.

It is better to be half rich than totally poor.

>> No.10052399

this is exactly how i feel about hydro. they're doing pretty much everything right (except for paying for advertising, you choose if you feel that's right or wrong), even announcing a top 20 bank client in the coming days/weeks, yet next to no hype. guess its just the bear market

>> No.10052417

You're right, already made the mistake to buy impulsively, won't do it again. Thanks anon

>> No.10052519

What happened to their Telegram group?

"No longer accessible"?

>> No.10052523

Works fine for me.

>> No.10052622

Wow... I got banned from their TG??

"This group is no longer accessible"

Haven't even been posting anything for weeks. Way to screw over investors....

>> No.10052633

That's what happens when you're a pajeet

>> No.10052652

You really aren't missing much. It is still pure cancer and the only reason to even open it is to search to see if Talal or Yazan said anything before closing it again.

>> No.10052656

have 70k stack right now and will increase to 100k in the next few days

I know its risky as hell but whatever, my life is shit already

>> No.10052689

>It is better to be half rich than totally poor.
a really good motto for crypto desu

>> No.10053170
File: 819 KB, 750x1005, JNT 2018-2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wallet bro, where are you?

>> No.10053194

10k enough to make it (if its 10% of the portfolio)?

>> No.10053993


>> No.10054022

> XXX has the actual potential to revolutionize the industry and gain adoption.
>insert XXX with whatever crypto you want to shill
>sell at ath
ezpz money wz

>> No.10054289
File: 159 KB, 281x355, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already have 55k jnt
should I buy more?

>> No.10054505

yes you blood well should!

>> No.10054773

You have plenty. Though if I drops to 8 cents I'm probably buying another 100K.

>> No.10055039

I just moved more fiat into JNT. I didn't think we'd see these prices again. It's too good to sleep on right now. I'm the poor fag, so I don't have nearly as much as some of you. Up to 14k though.

>> No.10055073

The order book is razor thin. It could dump to .5 in an instant.

>> No.10055270

right here anon, everything is the same nothing is changing really
all you got to know is that gate.io has the top three wallets that currently has about 40 mil coins and counting and thats about 20% of the whole market supply, i suspect the KYC in gate has something to do with all of this but we will find out EOY
if you have extra fiat buy at these prices, thats what i would tell people but also be cautious the market is scary

>> No.10055745

Where's the faggot who kept telling everyone proudly that he shilled the ICO? Where the fuck is he? I wanna laugh at him.

I'm invested in JNT but that guy is a massive faggot.

>> No.10055790

Are the retards still at work? What were their names again?

>> No.10055791

>I didn't think we'd see these prices again.
you are right
will only go downhill from here
>The order book is razor thin.
should tell you enough if you have a brain

>> No.10056168

>extreme bagholder coping thread

>> No.10056296

>people actually bought a crypto run by araps
Do you guys really not know how incompetent arabs are? Really?

I'm a FUN bagholder and I still laugh at you.

>> No.10057048
File: 1.00 MB, 218x228, FmYjcHV.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FUN bagholder
>laughing at JNT

>> No.10057072

>Meming about FUN bagholder
>More worth than JNT ever will be
>Fun fact: JNT below presale price

>> No.10057823

I want to buy but I am afraid BTC will go down again and we might hit 0.10 or even 0.5 later.

>> No.10057864

Tether up dude and wait. It randomly pumps but I wouldn't rely on that. There is a very real possibility of it hitting the 5-10 cent range though I don't know how much you can realistically buy there isn't much on sale or anyone buying.

>> No.10057945

Why would I tether up? Like you said it randomly pump, I don't want to be scalped and lose thousands of JNT like I already did.

Buying more makes more sense though.

>> No.10058002

Because if BTC goes down you don't lose and value and if JNT begins to pump you can still buy it at extremely reduced prices. You can buy right now but you are basically asking do you want to get JUSTD but JNT going even further down or sort of JUSTD by JNT pumping without you having the highest amount of JNT you could possibly have.

Play it safe.

>> No.10058108

How much JNT to make it?

>> No.10058178

10k, the very minimum

>> No.10058188

10-50 mio
at least gaylal made it

>> No.10058238

Sounds right, will try to get at least 20k

>> No.10058706
File: 621 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is le epic based greentexting the only way you know how to "communicate"?
are you 16?

>> No.10059979

bump to stay alive


>> No.10060009

Simple question: where the fuck is the SEED money?

>> No.10060014

Who saw the partnership with MIT?

>> No.10060060

That's only true if you sell to USDT. Any other pair and you might get burned

>> No.10060291

Which is exactly what I was suggesting they do.

>> No.10060312

And to be clear there is no MIT partnership. That is people who don't know what an MIT License is being morons.

>> No.10060472

Full code audit licensed by MIT

>> No.10060513

I looked at the telegram. They saw MIT on some github things and jumped to conclusions.


This is the MIT license they think is a partnership or by MIT. It is not. It is just a software license.

>> No.10060560

So there is no partnership with MIT? I just put 2k fiat because of that

>> No.10060565

There is no partnership and the telegram continues to be retarded.

>> No.10060624

Fuck man. These fuckers baited me hard

>> No.10061034


Oh no! You just bought one of the most promising projects in crypto because of your stupidity! You need to sell quick because I don't want stupid and impatient fucks like you to get rich alongside me.

>> No.10061155

I thought these were smart people. Can't tell if they reyally thought it was an not partnership, but the fact I bought the same thing as someone who thought that an mit licensed codebase meant an mit partnership is making me want to dump my bags.

This is far more effective fud than the nine year old sheikh.

>> No.10061190

I wrote up some unbelievable larp about Victor Mezrin going rouge a few weeks ago and one of those dumb telegram niggers thought it was true and was asking the team about it. That telegram group is legit the best fud against this project.

>> No.10061360

It really is. I'm generally disappointed with downward price action but It's the market and the product is still likely months from completion and I am fine waiting. I've never thought of selling because of the price fluctuations.

But every time open the telegram and I see the stupid bullshit going on I have a minor crisis about if I should sell or not. I have to remind myself with the actual accomplishments and progress of the project and that the telegram is not the project.

>> No.10061859

this. what the fuck is the deal?

>> No.10061937

jBonds aren't done yet. They tokenized a few mil but they probably detokenized it right after. Once jCash is out the door jBonds might see some action.

>> No.10061974

Yeah I thought so too, but now I'm questioning if these fuckers are just memeing all this time. I am thinking about going all-in into Labereon. What do you guys think?

>> No.10062901

what is a sandnigger geographically speaking? arabs?

>> No.10062964

The sheikh is ten years old and the narrative of the SEED Group partnership is essentially a bootstrap to sell Jibrel to actual partners and investors. The longer it takes for Jibrel to secure this, the SEED "money" injection will be delayed and spread out to buy time. Most likely Jibrel will pump the price periodically out of their own pocket to make it look like something is actually happening. If Jibrel are lucky enough to pull this off and get the backing their need, the SEED deal will be downplayed and moved into the background.

>> No.10063023

I wonder how many people will actually believe this. The wojacks are going to be legendary when this finally takes off be it four weeks from now or a year.

>> No.10063447

JNT it will be 1k EOY I know it

>> No.10063511

That is a bit too bullish. Hitting $20 EOY would be a 3.2B cap and a 125X.

>> No.10063549

But I know it

>> No.10063641
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>> No.10063891

Okay then.