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10038267 No.10038267 [Reply] [Original]

I'll post this only once. Screencap this.

Watch the yield curve inversion. Long story short - it's coming. This is a huge deal. The tarriffs/fake numbers on employment and GDP/deficit spending - all will come tumbling down on Trump. The economy is literally going to collapse 08 style, or even worse. I say even worse because in 08 we didn't have the dollar that went through 3 LSAPs. Most likely, we're going to be heading for a stagflation. That means the dollar is going to collapse + no employment as terrible numbers will come to light.
TL;DR - Shit's about to hit the fan

This is what everyone on this board should take into consideration:
1) Initially, Crypto will get pumped big time because people will search for a safe haven
2) Lower prices on cryptos we're seeing now will encourage the initial huge pump - so start buying now
3) You should keep in mind though that these will be very short term gains - so sell when demand is high and don't ever look back
4) After that, find a real safe haven - crypto will be pumped and then eventually dumped when people want more safety - that's how bad shit will get. When I say safety I'm mean emerging markets, gold, etc. - so start thinking about using your money from the huge bitcoin sale on that

Good luck and thank me later.

>> No.10038279

I'll bite

What is crypto going to do after the short term massive gains? Will it ever recover?

>> No.10038284

LOL u still mad hillary lost faggot, eat shit nigger.

>> No.10038290

>long story short
no no. tell us why
inb4 1 post by this ID

>> No.10038294
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We are so close. They will pin the 2018 global economic crash on Trump, exactly 10 years from the eve of the previous one. The S&P has been pumped since 2008 with their own borrowed money, creating an endless cycle of lending that gives only the illusion of growth.

It's all about to come down.

>> No.10038301

A huge recession is coming, he's right. But not this week or next. We have a couple years.

>> No.10038309

LOL if they try to oust Trump its civil war 2.0 you think basedboy faggots like op could win against rednecks and the military? Would be the easiest fasted civil war ever. Try it you fucking retard niggers, Trump goes America falls and the 4th reich is born.

>> No.10038312

It might. But that's more long-term and honestly, I can't say anything about that. My prediction is based on shorter term (which is more important at the moment). The whole analysis is based on the idea that the situation will force people to move to safer havens than crypto - which, if you think about it, happens every time. Things like emerging market stocks/metals etc.

Every recession/economic slowdown in the past 50 or so years had a yield curve inversion before the event. It's considered a very important predictor of economic health in finance.

>> No.10038330

Economic crashes don't muster civil war tensions, the risk of wasting resources is too high. people hunker down, shut the fuck up and save money during a crash.

as much as you dream of a "4th reich" it's not fucking happening. trump tried to pump the market on good sentiment alone, but even he is beginning to realize that the kikes are preparing to dump everything. he will be ready to lead through this.

Get ready for "the storm".

>> No.10038331

why buy crypto when I could just buy gold m8?

>> No.10038335

ive been trying to fucking find a thread like this all month. ive had my eyes on the market but this shit keeps on being propped up by plunge patrol. you reckon it will actually happen this week? how sure are you my dude

>> No.10038346
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>send me 0.00000001 gold pls
bitcoin is literally infinitely more valuable and transactable than muh shiny boomer metal, buy at least 0.1 btc or stay poor through the crash

>> No.10038348

it's like gambling vs investing in an IRA. one is boring and safe hutbthe other is fun af

>> No.10038352

Gold is definitely going to rise. It always does when shit like this happens. So the wisest and safest move would be to move there now without the whole crypto sale shenanigans I'm discussing.

But the legendary crypto pump and dump that should occur if my predictions are correct, will give you a couple of lambos on top

>> No.10038355

what i wanna know is why gold is dumping

>> No.10038390

Call me crazy but whenever I look at the economic growth numbers, something just doesn't sit right with me. I've been having this feeling for the past couple of years, but it's gotten worse with Trump around cheering about how good the economy is doing.

I don't know if it will happen this week. I think it's very very close though. My main reason for saying that it's happening this/next week is all the buzz around Dow's recent shit performance and the yield curve analysis.

The other anon who said that it's coming in a couple of years is absolutely right to be skeptical about my prediction - but I think we both agree that it's coming - the illusion is about to end.

>> No.10038400
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>when /pol/ tries economics

>> No.10038412

i think it's a good sign. it shows that people are still believing the bullshit economic growth numbers, and are not yet aware of the fundamental flaws in the economy, which means that there's still time to make money off of their conceit

>> No.10038491


you're correct in that it's definitely going to happen, but this is a classic bear trap, you're gonna see a run-up of a lifetime, the likes of which we haven't seen since the 1920s.

Learn the PUTW. It's a fairly new instrument that I'm pretty sure was designed for maximum rape of the markets. Think 'Credit Default Swaps from the Big Short' x1000

Nobody is going to screencap this but you. You're almost certainly wrong about a recession in a week or two. try 18 months +-2

>> No.10038499

So, how are you positioning your own investments in line with your predictions?

>> No.10038557

please lord I need m0re time

>> No.10038693

Are you suggesting to buy GLD and BHP (metal play) and a ETF for Emerging Market. Just finished reading “Zero Hour”. Conforming to exactly whatever you have written

>> No.10038709

Le 56% military

>> No.10038710

cash is probably safest

>> No.10038718

Explain more please man

>> No.10038746

He's taking about USD being devalued. Cash is the least safe in that scenario.

>> No.10038788
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>When I say safety I'm mean emerging markets
What a fucking knob. I hope you’re 12 OP.

>> No.10038852

Thanks just bought €100k boomerstocks yesterday.

>> No.10038882

Just read “Zero Hour”. You will get a well-argued rebuttal. If you know any portfolio manager try asking him/her.


>> No.10038889

> safe havens
> EM


>> No.10038920

we've been overdue for a crash since 2015, at the time we predicted the kikes would blame donaldo for it, and now local soibois try to spin the artificial and obviously unsustainable propup obama did as a good thing
the longer you cheat, the harder you fall. this should not be rocket science. at some point cooked GDP numbers through immigration or housing can't make up for the fact that no, a 90 iq subsaharan african will never be a motor for the economy the way a 130 iq native european can be, and no, building cities nobody lives in does not create wealth
you all gloating behind the perceived safety of your ivory towers in san francisco or new york will sooner or later discover crabs in a bucket mentality will not save you when the chosen make their exit

>> No.10038946

thanks newfag but ive been on this board long enough to know to do the opposite of what anyone here says.

>> No.10039115

We are waiting for China to establish the one belt road initiative so they don't need America for exports. At that point they will drop the US dollar. This will result in massive devaluation, and China will all of a sudden swap with America for #1 economy.

Psstt... Walton coin is crucial to the one belt road initiative.

>> No.10039132

To expand, read this article:

While keeping in mind points it's missing, such as the one belt road initiative.

>> No.10039149

Good luck with that view fren.

There’s a reason smart hedge fund managers have been shorting Chinese newly-built ghost towns for years now.

China needs the US a lot more than we need them. If the US falls...there is no world power. We bring the whole economy down with us.

>> No.10039159

Said this before and I'll say it again. Obama handed banks ten trillion dollars. They can spend $1 in 100 different places at once. We will be in a bubble worth popping at a quadrillion dollars.

>> No.10039169

Also a reason Chinese billionaires are buying up land en masse around SF, Birmingham airport, etc.

They know it’ll be way cheaper to manufacture closer to their customers and that China manufactures mostly bull shit.

>> No.10039178

Don’t rely on BS amalgam general sources like investopedia to develop your views. Look at what smart money is doing, including smart Chinese money.

>> No.10039215

How does the Walton connection work given the announcements about Matrix AI Network being the 'exclusive' partner? Is that a load of hot air?

>> No.10039278

One belt one road is engrained into Walton at a National level. A lot isn’t common knowledge yet. Without sounding like a shill I do believe they will be a major part of China’s government control later down the track.

>> No.10039296

Grabbing some popcorn before the day starts.
Big flush today.
Enjoy the show.

>> No.10039365

>Psstt... Walton coin is crucial to the one belt road initiative.


>> No.10039371

How do I look at that?

>> No.10039387

tone the autism down a little, you're coming off like a delusional fanatic

>> No.10039392
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>> No.10039429

>whenever I look at the economic growth numbers, something just doesn't sit right with me.

>I've been having this feeling for the past couple of years
So you've been wrong for a while now and missed massively bullish markets.

>It's gotten worse with Trump around cheering about how good the economy is doing.
Let me guess. You voted for Hillary.

>I don't know if it will happen this week.
Contradicted your original post.

>I think it's very very close though.
Truth is you have no idea, go to sleep.

>> No.10039449

look at gold price in 2008, it just felt down faggot

>> No.10039453

oh ye I'm retarded

>> No.10039572

>One of the biggest fishes on the market suddenly changes the rules of the game
>It backfires as expected
>Sudden yield instability due to increasing risk
>It will crash next week for sure!
go sleep

>> No.10039584

Yes, because sounding sane to facebook people who ended up on /biz/ should be our prime concern.

>> No.10039598

I like link but meanwhile gravio just released euro, usd and rouble trading pais and is going to be the first realtime system offering crypto/oil/gas trading pairs based on realtime production statistics

>>10038785 → →

And all of this is there, now actually happening.

>> No.10039612

this. its gonna be in 1-3 years. its already starting to stagnate a bit but the mega downbart that will trigger the whole thing is still couple years away

>> No.10039715

people will finally realize when everything is crashing that chainlink is the most secure placeholder of value

>> No.10039885

Lol, just lol

>> No.10039939

the best meme on this board. a recession will wipe out crypto becuse you need new money to pawmp eet.

>> No.10039964

Devaluation of usd, commonly referred as the "sovereign currency crisis", will mean a bitcoin goes to 100k in a couple months
Go to your local burger shop and see what 10 usd gets you
In 2 years it will cost 20
There are places in germany where a coffe costs 4 euro, its unreal. A kg of copper costs 5 euro
Consumer prices have decoupled from the real economy and its not a good thing

>> No.10040051

go to your local burger shop and try pay with crypto. ayy tomato

>> No.10040055

as long as the boomers suffer like we did, I don't care about money anymore

they must feel the weight of their sin

>> No.10040062

Wait until september. Recessions really hit in september historically

>> No.10040073
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Buy Bitcoin, it is the future

>> No.10040084
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Fuck Howard Marks, if an all of you classic money gamblers.

>> No.10040134

>economy crashes
>money is tight
>"hey lemme keep spending money on electricity to keep this meme network up though"
not gonna happen anon

>> No.10040172

that's like saying no one would spend money to mine gold if the economy crashes

>> No.10040247

oh anon, you're not gonna make it

>> No.10040248

And what was the Fed balance sheet like those previous times? In terms of maturity and size?

Also that's US only, but there's nothing US-specific about the proposed dynamic of flat yield curve = recession. So how robust is it internationally?

Spoiler: you won't like the answers to those questions.

>> No.10040294

This has little to do with crypto
Point i want to make is that its a bad sign when people are willing to pay the equivalent of two pounds of copper for a burger
Coupled with alarmingly low savings rates this tells me that my generation doesnt assune personal.financial responsibility and fully relies on the government to provide for them if shit ever hits the fan. Germany is export oriented so a decline jn demand due to an econonic downturn couls hit its economy hard. If gov spending is the only way to keep europe afloat the central bank will hand out money by the boatloat, making it worse
Current political climate and attitude of "state should provide by taking from the evil rich" adds to the fire

>> No.10040304

Electricity will become much cheaper as solar improves

>> No.10040330

>t. 75 iq 56%er

>> No.10040337

this thread is about next week anon

>> No.10040343
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Oh good, its the Commie thread!

>> No.10040347

I think its going to bw slow decline of the usd purchasing power, not an overnight hellblaze
But the premise remains the same

>> No.10040375

God, i hope your right anon.

>> No.10040385

Mining halted as PM prices tanked during '08 recession, summer af in here. Were you alive in 2008?

>> No.10040394

no argument

>> No.10040399

crypto mining has variable difficulty

gold mining difficulty does not

>> No.10040440

Actually this. They'll never grow out of their childhood otherwise.

>> No.10040707

Same feeling I have.
But no one is going to let it happen before the midterms. No one.
It's not in anyone's interest the behavior of the voters will be too unpredictable and the voters that dems are counting on won't vote for sure if SHTF.
I agree that crypto will initially pump, again, I'm not so sure about the dump while the crash is ongoing(look at Greece and Venezuela and crypto use there during the shit), after things come down, yes.
Also price of gold is manipulated by trading the paper instead of the commodity. They won't let it rise. The price of gold and silver (and all metals really) has been suppressed for years now. It may come to the point when the sheer demand bottom up for the real deal will drive the prices up eventually but I'm not so sure.
Bottom line: with some corrections, I completely agree with you.
And, no it's not Trumps fault. It's the last 40 years of fucked up monetary policy based on flawed Keynesian economics.
I mean the government gets the money for free producing nothing and people expect it to be reasonable and responsible.
When did you last see a person or a group that got a shit ton of money for nothing and behaved responsibly?

>> No.10040730

Explain PUTW please. I'm reading about it and seriously, I don't get it.

>> No.10040936

Screenshotting this shitty "prediction" doomposting and will hold you accountable for it next week.

No one's ever successfully predicted a recession and it's not about to change this time.

>> No.10041072

>what i wanna know is why gold is dumping

bags from the last gold pump and dump

>> No.10041086

>Psstt... Walton coin is crucial to the one belt road initiative.

really? REALLY? that's why they shill fake promotions and are a worthless shitcoin?

>> No.10041129

>China needs the US a lot more than we need them

Honestly I'd take the USA over China and Russia any day but no one, anywhere in the world needs US boomers, millennials or neets and US corporations have not been actually operating fiscally or in production in the USA since the 90s. Boomers and their kids killed the USA economically

>Chinese billionaires are buying up land en masse around SF, Birmingham airport

Because they want assets out of china nothing will be manufactured there ever because of living costs and water costs.

>> No.10041145

>No one's ever successfully predicted a recession and it's not about to change this time.

Robert schiller won a nobel prize for doing just that based on real PE rations, which by the way indicate a 66% fall in US stock prices to reach average.

>> No.10041200

Please explain the descriptions of this this is literally 100% wall street terminology

>> No.10041286

I remember that because I blew out my sides

>> No.10041806

>he's anti Trump

Daily reminder 4chan along with the power of kek and meme magic elected him as president. If you are insinuating you are anti Trump then you are also anti 4chan, leave immediately with your schizo theories and go back to pleb bit.

>> No.10041848

why does it always feel like 95% of the people who post their doomsday apocalypse now fantasies don't actually trade in the stock market?

>> No.10042536

>Daily reminder 4chan along with the power of kek and meme magic elected him as president

yes but just to piss people off and enjoy the power and giggles of doing so. Nothing more newfag, nothing more.

t.rigged every online debate poll by 20%

>> No.10042762

>trump can do no wrong

kys. he's been critical of the economy when he was a candidate. now that he's president he suddenly changed the tune and everything is fine and dandy. these two things are clearly contradicting each other

>> No.10042772

Any good sources on the PUTW. I kinda understand credit default swaps being insurance and betting on an outcome and all that, but how does PUTW "rape the market" any more than CDSs

>> No.10042786

>1) Initially, Crypto will get pumped big time because people will search for a safe haven


>> No.10042787
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Calls the exact time of the recession. We're already in it, brainlet.

>> No.10043052

You had me until you said emerging markets are safe wtf are you talking about emerging gets hit hardest during recession faggot

>> No.10043386

Because they get all the credit if they're right and lose nothing if they're wrong.

>> No.10043448

The yield curve hasn't inverted yet, and when it does it still takes an additional 1-2 years for a recession to happen.