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10031362 No.10031362 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10031442

classic nano holder

>> No.10031931

>/bit/ Bitcoin and crypto currency

>> No.10031970

irony is his advice isn't bad
it's LEAGUES better than staying at home and being a virgin

>> No.10032065

Best meme of 2018

>> No.10032638

That post reads like an excerpt from million dollar extreme. Fantastic.

>> No.10032696
File: 18 KB, 253x229, tumblr_o0y977rrgc1v0pigno1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say again wagecuck?

>> No.10032744

Made my fucking day

>> No.10032762
File: 24 KB, 191x263, 1519984666073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't go making him upset, he needs to be able to get a good sleep tonight so he can get up nice and early for us tomorrow.

>> No.10032793

I’ve somehow gone from being average and being able to pull women with no effort to being personally developed and totally ignored

Spent a year lifting and got a good haircut, now they literally try and get away from me as quickly as they can, combine this with new found impossible standards I’ve set upon myself and you got a nice lil recipie of hell cooking

Self improvement meme was fucking bullshit

>> No.10032804 [DELETED] 

>Spent a year lifting and got a good haircut
>Self improvement meme was fucking bullshit
But anon, that's literally the self improvement meme

>> No.10032810

you're obviously doing something wrong retard

>> No.10032839

Yeah I know that I just don’t know what lmao

Been idolizing suicide for about 6 months but I can’t cause it would hurt my family and friends

Life isn’t meant to be lived all alone

>> No.10032844

fucking ded

This is unironically the majority of /fit/

>> No.10032848


>> No.10032868

You are now classified as a try hard. Every stylist Ive ever had always says the same thing, as a guy you want to put in a lot of work on your appearance but it has to look like you arent trying or it has the opposite effect.

>> No.10032875

It's possible you may have gone from looking like a decent regular dude to creepy try-hard. Probably go back to your old haircut

>> No.10032877


Keep in mind that a lot of girls get more intimidated and nervous than you might expect

>> No.10032909

Are you a manlet? This is what happens to manlets who get too big.

>> No.10032924
File: 3.41 MB, 4032x3024, FEA94575-87F1-4DB7-89A0-62DAF3B776FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it’s really fucking shitty cause I’m not. I enjoy being kind to women and doing sweet things but now I know I just look like a fuckin dickhead

Did pretty sweet with crypto so I bought a enduro motorbike and I love riding it but I’m sure most women think I’m a fucking joke

Been getting really good at guitar as well so now I’ve got the whole douchebag with an acoustic thing going. Everything I thought was right was totally wrong

>> No.10032940

Nah I’m 6’, white dude

>> No.10032953

>ID: XA0eRFr0
>2 posts
You didn't walk away you retard

>> No.10032970

>Everything I thought was right was totally wrong
Gets truer as you age. Best of luck though, roasties have gotten out of hand as of late.

>> No.10032974

Because you're setting yourself in the category of 90% other boring alpha negatives that have nothing going for them besides being genetically attractive and an outgoing personality. Be yourself and don't give a fuck.

>> No.10032980

This is called getting old.

I bet you're in your mid to second half of your 20s. If you don't have a load of money, God genetics, or already have a girl who is mentally &/or financially dependent on you, then you're shit of luck.

The only time to have fun was up to 21, 23 if you looked young. Only young girls are insecure, horny and under pressure enough to fuck you after meeting in a bar.

You will never experience college again. It's over. There's no reset after death. You had your one moment. Time to find peace somewhere else, maybe get a dog.

>> No.10033022

God I fucking hate 30 yo boomers. Why can't they just die already?

>> No.10033049

Yeah I really had a damn good decade in my 20s....tons of beautiful girls, I really felt loved and appreciated. Didn’t even go to college, I work for myself now. I’ve traveled the world and seen things I could only have dreamt of when I was much younger. I rode a motorcycle across Australia, kissed a girl under the Eiffel Tower, flown in a plane around the tallest mountain in North America...all of it was just passive enjoyment. It’s just memories in grey matter. Now I’m realizing that my whole life was a mistake and there’s really no hope

Now it looks like suicide at some point. Tbh half the reason I got the motorbike is so I’d maybe die and it would look like an accident.

>> No.10033098

kill yourself for the cringeyness of this post, fucking faggot.

>> No.10033107

bubs knows how to get pussy alright

>> No.10033109

lmao you are the definition of a boomer burnout

>> No.10033119

Ever read the book Norwegian Wood? I think it might give you some closure on that. Maybe not depending on how you view the ending of the book. Tackles subject matter similar to what you just said.

>> No.10033134

Hahaha you ain’t wrong man

Let my life be a lesson to anyone younger than 29

For the love of Christ don’t be like me

>> No.10033148

That's pretty fucking stupid.

If you're mentally in that place then put some work in to fix it. Magnesium and vit d supplements, ketamine depression sessions, modafinil energy boosts. Find your booster and use wisely when in a rut short term.

Long term happiness is about having the right amount of difficulty and hardship in life. Set hard goals, but not impossible ones. That way when you achieve them you'll feel your earned the feeling and it'll be 10x. This means not always taking the easy path, but don't be a retard and walk 4hrs in the rain because you don't want to get a cab. Itemise your life into different shit, work, fun, money, family, friends, relationships and then set some goals based on your own life. Makes a big difference even if you only focus on one and achieve it. Also helps to have long term goals like buying a house, becoming your own boss, meeting wife and having baby etc. That way you have 10-15 year timeline to distract you from the monotony of life

>> No.10033166

Your days as a 30 yo boomer will come only after Gen # allies with commie AIs from MS and Google to declare jihad against you and your fellow boomerkin

>> No.10033226

>tfw spent most of my youth in front of a computer programming and studying, thinking I was doing the right thing for the future

now I'm a lifeless 25yo boomer with blank memories who can't have fun, I literally don't enjoy anything except maybe sleep.
my only consolation is having a few kinda fun teenage years before I turned all autistic

>> No.10033337

don't lift for women or you will end up being disappointed
you don't even need motivation to lift you just need to be having fun or literally force yourself with strong discipline
also remember
first the men around you will notice your gains and check you out about your looks (no homo yet)
then homos will notice your gains
then the fat and chubby women will be mirin
and only after that decent looking women will notice your gains

>> No.10033663 [DELETED] 

>flown in a plane AROUND the tallest mountain in North America
found your problem

>> No.10034141
File: 41 KB, 500x500, IMG_0337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meme of the year fren

>> No.10034272

could you send me some shitcoins before you kys, im struggling to pay rent

i might join you in a couple of years, im a 26 year old boomer

>> No.10034313

here are my shitcoin adresses
btc 1Pm2BJfgmY6ZAMd4nrBi9zsdJaJvgsbM2v
bch 1HtsMhecwRVstVEybQnEBt2br41SZNot1j

>> No.10034325

What the fuck are you complaining about. What the fuck dude you might as well be a Xhad.

>> No.10034419

> Tfw just graduated
That was it? The easiest time to get laid?
Oh god, I am so fucked

>> No.10034564

Yes, that was it. In case you haven't noticed - people either get a long-term relationship around 18-22 or never at all. I'm 27 and every single couple I know has been together for 5+ years. Every single one of them met during that period. And everyone who didn't is now forever alone and hasn't had a relationship that lasted more than a month since then.

>> No.10034710


I can't stop laughing at the thought of some ultra spergy autist taking this advice and actually doing this. Holy shit I hope nobody takes anything they read on the internet seriously.