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10030373 No.10030373 [Reply] [Original]

There is always threads about personal problems in regards to women on this board, and it is fucking pathetic.

This place needs flags and moderation, seriously how can we petition this? This board is fucking pathetic, all of you whining undersexed virgins are absolutely pathetic in every form imaginable.

>> No.10030419

Biz has a very special board culture, it retains the old spirit of 4chan even if its off topic. The other boards are full of normies, who call you a "frog poster" if you post a pepe and they unironically don't like wojacks either. Can't even call a faggot a nigger anymore on the other boards.
It's sad that the reddit flood pushed us here.

>> No.10030441

>if you post a pepe and they unironically don't like wojacks either.

Oh god the Wojak and Pepe posters think they're oldfags

>> No.10030468

Thanks. Saged and reported

>> No.10030475

not a year one channer but I've essentially grown up on this site, began posting in 07 as a 13 yr old. It's pretty clear normies and redditors hate frogs and wojacks.

>> No.10030579


I'm an 07 era newfag and I fucking hate that shit. Zero real creativity and new things in this place anymore and those things are proof of it

>> No.10030637

Perhaps you should stay in your moderated censored safe space rebbit boomer