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10023674 No.10023674 [Reply] [Original]

i'd trade all the money in the world to be young again (16-24) and have another shot at qt 3.14s. Alas i'm stuck being a 30 year old depressed boomer with nothing to look forward to except false hopes striking rich from my shitcoins. I guess what i'm trying to say it is if you are in that age group right now, you should be trying to enjoy your youth and make good memories. Money doesn't fill a huge empty void in your heart of missed experiences.

>> No.10023689

im 23 and i feel like my life is already over.

17 was the peak. after that its all over.

>> No.10023703

looks like you peaked in high school

t. 32 year old self made millionaire dating qt 3.14s all over the world

>> No.10023708
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kek jokes on you, me had nightmarish childhood and dont have any nostalgia

>> No.10023714


listen to me man, you'll say the same thing and wish you were 23 again if you don't make changes at 28. Life is fucking brutal and shows no mercy. we know that 4chan attracts a certain type of people, not he most social type, but 23 is still very young, i'd kill to be your age right now.

>> No.10023717

About to hit 24 and 30+chicks slayed by the D

>> No.10023722

it really isn't about age. if i told u who i dated last ud pee ur pants

>> No.10023731


fair play to you, but i did never peak in high school but might have been slightly happier only because i was dumb.

>> No.10023733

same tho

>> No.10023747

and looks like you're still making excuses instead of facing things that are actually holding u back desu

>> No.10023795
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29 y/o "soon to be boomer" reporting in

Sit down anons, strap yourself in and let me spin you a thing.

This may seem cliche as you've probably heard it before, so many times so that the meaning and significance has worn off.

Life always seem more enjoyable when you're young

>youthful health
>lack of responsibilities
>no hindsight to reflect on
>no real ability to formulate future vision of yourself
>your residual impression of yourself is very malleable when you're young and this provides the illusion of options, choice (the one true freedom in life)

It is biologically impossible to perceive your emotional state in the future without looking at it through the emotional lens of today hence we are never happy with the future even when it turns out the way we planned.

Anons, life is about purpose, find it, develop it and don't let it go, life isn't about discovering yourself as it is about developing yourself and nothing will structure a character filled with stoicism, virtue and content like purpose does.

>> No.10023815

migth be this.

i decided what my purpose with my life is when i was 17 and never changed. also my life has largely been uphill since (with some steep valleys of course), i don't think i ever was happier than i am now, and high school was literal hell

>> No.10023842
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>2 LTRs (1.5 year and 4 year)
>n count is 8
>no gf

i feel like a greedy fucker but i would kill to go back to being younger, when i was starry eyed about girls and love
i know that the next time i get into a serious relationship i will be far more jaded than my previous ones and i fear it may stop me from ever feeling love like i once did

fuck i dont want to keep getting older anons

>> No.10023844

wimmins are babby's first aspiration. Power is the patrician goal.

>> No.10023874



what is your purpose in life?

>> No.10023945

self made millionare doing what

>> No.10023951

it's too complex to explain on an imageboard to someone i don't even know

>> No.10023958

made my fortune from software i've written (entirely on my own)

>> No.10023960

I think I'd prefer all money in the world desu.

>> No.10024007

look up MGTOW

live your life for yourself and stop stressing about stupid shit. As soon as you stop giving a fuck about women you free yourself from that trap of servitude and everything becomes clear.

>> No.10024020

Idk man 30 is still young. did you not age well?

>> No.10024021

Is that you Mr McAfee?

>> No.10024049

This is exactly me, i'm a depressed 30yo boomer who wants to be 20 yo again.
I regret everyday my young days, I don't understand why the time runs so fast.

I've lost my dear love gf, a dead fœtus(RIP), friends, familly members(RIP), my wealth, my good looking face ( girls don't look at me like in my 20's anymore), money, hope and smile.
The only thing thinks i've gained in 10 years is weight, a bad looking face, a wagecucked job, and a beretta 92FS. I think I'll hear his last whisper soon.

>> No.10024059


no, i look over 40

>> No.10024078

and what the fuck would you do at 23? some of us are short and ugly, our age doesn't matter

>> No.10024087

Cry more you fags

>> No.10024093

I'm a 27 year old boomer.
Girl I had crush and we went on one date is moving out tomorrow back to her hometown 300km from my place.

Please hold me biz I will forever stay a lonely boomer.

>> No.10024102

>a dead fœtus

tbqh the genetics you describe weren't promising so nothing of value was lost

>> No.10024120

My 20s sucked though. I was all emotionally fucked up.

>> No.10024121


At 27? Yea dude, break up at that age might mean your gonna settle for that receding hairline girl that’s still single.

>> No.10024128

you need to move on. one-itis is for people who don't have an abundance mentality. there are billions of women out there. forget about one girl, you are too attached and being attached to a woman, as a man, is not how biology is supposed to work.

>> No.10024141

Save money go incel

>> No.10024146

Problem is its really hard for me to met new people.
I'm not good at keeping the conversation going and I don't have lots of topic to talk. (vidya, anime, cryptos).

I've been single for 7 years now. Cryptos are all that I have left

>> No.10024174

Getting older is fine if you actually accumulated shit that makes your life easier.

If I became 20 again I would be broke as fuck, bitterly chasing retarded girls, generally confused about what I am doing.

I'm not some great looking person who hooked up with girls in college. But with time I've carved out a tiny bit of power and stability which I am happy to keep. At least I'm not some ugly student, I'm an ugly man with money.

t. 25 year old

>> No.10024185

Yup, 33 yr old boomer checking in. 20-29 SHOULD be the best years of your life. If you peaked in highschool, I'm sure you still live in your small home town with 4 kids to that hot cheerleader that just got fat and addicted to drugs

>> No.10024191


Enroll in a community college and move around part time low end jobs.

>> No.10024192

I'm 26 right now and life is only getting better and better every year.

>> No.10024201


>> No.10024217

I'm 33 too. 27-30 were pretty awesome years. since 30 things have sucked ass but getting rich in crypto would probably alleviate 90% of those issues.

i also somewhat believe that the near future will be so fucking cool that it makes up for all of the shit i can't do now as i get older. i'm looking for to the 2040s for example. i think aging could possibly be reversed in my lifetime. i think VR shit like Ready Player One will almost definitely exist in my lifetime. just take care of yourself and try and get rich and things should be really interesting in about 15 years.

>> No.10024227
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how can you be so cuuuute?

>> No.10024305

Way to optimistic man.. something like ready player one would involve revolutionary technology i couldnt see for at least past your gone

>> No.10024337

Stop basing your perceived impression of future on meme movies

>> No.10025104

>mfw 30 and women say I look like 18 yo

life’s good

>> No.10025612

Im 25yo and I m a fuckup who wasted his entire life. I want to go back to school and will try the exams next winter though

>> No.10025717

>You might be a self made millionaire but you still have responsibilities, in HS you had non.
>You might be fucking QT's but you will never feel that overwhelming sensation of falling in love in HS ever again.
>You might be a fancy lad with girls around him and lots of friends but you will never feel that carefree wanderlust you did as a teen doing things with a group of your best friends.
>You will never know how it feels to walk around hundreds of people and genuinely know that they idolize you for you and not your money or something you can do for them.

Don't kid yourself Anon, some people might have peaked in high school but peaking in high school is a lot more fun than peaking in your 20's-30's. It's only better than what YOU had in HS.

>> No.10025763

I am 31. And although I have am currently incredibly depressed and stressed the fuck out. 27-29 was the prime of my lifetime so far. I guess it sounds like self improvement bull shit. But its not that incredibly hard to snap out of a pessimistic view on life step by step. Throughout 27-29 all I did was work out, read, freelance, travel and smoke weed. All on a extremely tight budget. I was as anxiety ridden as I am now, but I was quite confident in improving myself. And it fucking worked. Unfortunately I have little control over my PTSD, accompanied depression and anhedonia. But I feel like I will snap out of it soon and create the next prime period in my life.

>> No.10025772

Im 20 year old neet jumping from job to job and just did coke with an older buddy for free, instead of getting amped up like usual i got depressed. What gives?

>> No.10025927
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Made it in crypto. Currently taking a shit in Ibiza at 22.

Life's good.

>> No.10025954

20-25 year old girls still like guys in their 30s (well, up to about 37), you just have to grit your teeth and the semi socially unacceptable factor

>> No.10026013

>tfw 20 year old and I already look like I'm in my 30's


at least my gf enjoys it

>> No.10026061


What I miss the most about being 17 was simply the intensity of everything. I don't know how else to phrase it but it's a universal quality that when you're a teenager reality APPEARS more movie-like. You know how when as an adult you read young adult novels and they make you cringe, the thing is when you're 16-19 everything really is a lot more intense and colourful. The highs and the lows. When you're in your mid to late 20s everything is sort of dwarfed by your own knowledge of the sheer breadth of experience you don't have, so everything feels ultimately inconsequential. I am incapable now of truly 'being in the moment' if you excuse me using such a tired trope, but basically being a teenager is a lot like being perpetually on a very mild dose of psychedelics. You feel like the 'protagonist' of your story, which fades as you age, even if you were a lonely loser, it felt like you were the main character who happened to be a lonely loser.

Now I'm stuck perpetually looking for this state of being that doesn't exist, a state of being that *feels* like its meaningful, even if it isn't.

>> No.10026065

Lucky you bro

>> No.10026067

27 year old boomer here, how do I find purpose? How do I find that thing to dedicate my life to? I'm tired of wagecucking my dead-end job and feeling lost. I'm tired of filling the void with television and video games.

>> No.10026140

This guy gets it. Even if you make it after HS you never truly make it.

>> No.10026162

21 y o boomer here. Also virgin. How do I get laid?

>> No.10026282

stop jacking off and watching porn

100% guarantee you will be in the fucking moment after 30-60-90 days

life is pure joy and magic

theres lust for adventure running through your veins

>> No.10026303

You're depressed because you never moved on. There is joy in every phase of life, you just have to learn to embrace it. Trying to live like you're 20 when you're in your 30s is going to make you depressed. I'll be 33 this year, still making great memories and enjoying every day.

>> No.10026332


>> No.10026336

35 here. Married with kids. Not much hope. But don't give up anons. You will all get old. A tleast I have a cutie wife. Good kids. But not much savings, no house. But a good income. My wife and kids live a good life. Me not so much

>> No.10026341

alot of older men i know told me the best time in life begins if you´re 50

>> No.10026348

It's also a great way to get colon cancer and atherosclerosis.

>> No.10026350

I can't believe all the complaining I'm hearing here. Are you healthy? Then you have everything, you're just wasting it on trivial bullshit. At 20 years old I became homebound and disabled. That was a decade ago. I watched my hopes, my dreams, my social life, my career ambitions, my desire to date and marry all go down the toilet. Everything I worked hard for, everything that made me "me", ripped away. I watched myself die while still being alive.

I am at best a bedwarmer. I still live at home with my mother and always will because I cannot care for myself. I'm "lucky" if I have the strength to shower once a week, which absolutely kills me but I will not ask my mother to bathe me. I do not even have enough strength to meet my needs let alone do anything I want to do. I don't leave the house for months at a time. There will be no marriage or no kids.

There is no treatment and no cure. This will be the next 50+ years of my life. I am here because disability expects me to live on $700 a month and it's not nearly enough, so I'm trying to learn about crypto and how to do it. So far I don't understand any of it, but I'm trying. But I still get up every day and try and do something meaningful, however small, like putting forth the energy to make this fucking comment. I don't care how old you are or what you look like, if you are healthy I would trade places with you in a heartbeat, and I would start going and never stop. The things that you place so much importance on in truth are not that important at all.

Stop for a moment and instead of thinking about how miserable you are and about everything you don't have, start thinking about the things you do have and what you are thankful for. That you have a job, a roof over your head. You live your life as you please. Your body works and does what you ask of it. You arent constantly in pain. Your water is clean. You have the money and understanding to invest.


>> No.10026351

Start smoking and bail

>> No.10026355

herp derp

>> No.10026358

You're a fucking idiot

>> No.10026362

>making some retarded kids when you dont even have a house and areny happy by yourself

top kek as they say

>> No.10026363

If you think that you are going to find happiness in another person, or another person is magically going to make your life 100% better, you are very, very mistaken. Happiness and fulfillment *have to* come from within. That's why there are people with everything that are miserable, and people with nothing that are the happiest people you will ever meet.

I recommend meditation if you are hungering for love and fulfillment in your life. People assume it's just a way to quiet your thoughts, but what no one seems to share is that when you do it correctly you feel an immense amount of warmth and love fill up your being that, even after you are done meditating, will stay with you for the rest of the day. Where this love comes from, I don't know. Perhaps a higher power, or maybe even you find a way to unlock that door and allow yourself to finally love yourself. I don't know. You will probably scoff as I used to. But please, give it a chance. Just 10 mins a day for a week.

For those interested, this is a great book for beginners that really helped me when I first started out. It's a cheap, short read. The technique he teaches really does seem more powerful as it was the first time I was able to "feel" anything during meditation.

Meditation Within Eternity by Eric Pepin


I hope this helps at least one person. Sorry for the length.


>> No.10026366

relationships are bullshit but I do agree that only in teenage years can one experience the kind of carefree naive relationship must people seek. in adulthood life becomes too complicated, everyone becomes more jaded, busy and tired and relationships turn into a fake transaction trying to imitate a youthful fantasy.

>> No.10026377

Enjoy your heart attack and ketoacidosis.

>> No.10026378


>> No.10026385

don't be depressed forever. fuck shitcoin keep just a few sky and btc and better start plan a vacay, leave u re fuckin keyboard and let devs do the work for u to increase u re income. i don t plan to waiste my life trading around, i make good research and choose self-running bizzz

>> No.10026392

my best memories are from being online the whole time

>> No.10026396

Enjoy all of the cancer and autoimmune diseases of plants, faggot.

>hurr durr the diet we ate for 5 million years actually kills us muh LDL
Fuck off

>> No.10026401

You best be joking, nigger.

>> No.10026414

>17 was the peak
I'm 33 and 19 was the peak for me, I think. It was awesome. Old enough to run around, feel alive, be ignorant to the ways of the real world and totally optimistic. That year always pops into my head.

>> No.10026416

But we didn't eat a carnivorous diet for 5 million years. We ate an omnivorous diet. Even our closest living relative eats 95% of it's calories from plants.

You seem to be forgetting the gathering part of hunter/gatherer.

>> No.10026419

>So far I don't understand any of it, but I'm trying.
What's not to understand about cryptos, m8? You can read about what a blockchain is.

>> No.10026436

lol what's it like to go through life being this much of a retard?

>> No.10026442

False. We literally hunted almost all large animals to extinction we ate them so much.

To understand the scale of what that means, consider the fact that ONE cow can feed a person for an entire year.

>closest living relative
So, not US? Why the fuck are you concerned with chimpanzee digestion systems? How about caring about humans?

Do you want to know how closely our pH acid resembles scavengers? Aka opportunistic carnivores primarily, and only herbivores in times of famine.

Children universally hate vegetables for a reason. You're giving them backup shitfood. They're telling you "what the fuck I'm your CHILD you should be hunting for me"

>> No.10026455
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Anon, you're entering your Dirty Thirties.
Welcome to the golden age.
Or did you spend your youth fucking off?
Then yeah just kys.

>> No.10026476

Travel to new countries and find novel experiences. Basically going out of your comfort zone will make things intense again... but it wont feel like it at the time, only when you reflect upon it again later and have some nostalgia for it, same for your teens.

>> No.10026478
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>He's still waiting to strike it rich from shitcoins, in 2018
>he has not yet become independently wealthy
>he thinks Money doesn't fill a huge empty void in your heart of missed experiences.

>> No.10026514

33 yo boomer. can confirm. fuck 20-25 yo all the time. conversation is terrible- but if you want to fuck them you have to put in the time.
Trick is just asking them small details about their lame ass job or school- or "culture". They will blather for hours and feel like you care. all their answers are the same. There must be millions and millions of copies of the same woman.

>> No.10026537

are you good looking? because I have a very good face and tall, and I work out. And Id love to fuck lots of young thots but its very time consuming. how much time do you spend before penis in vagina

>> No.10026556

Well, for me, my 30 (currently 36) are the best years. Probably because i was doomed by face skin illness for fucking 8 years and my face became clean at 26. Right now i'm fit (TRT), looking young (no alcho, no smoking) and upper-middle class here in France. But yes i still have some pain in my ass because of my awful 20+.

>> No.10026611

Don't be deluded, anons, life gets better for a man that doesn't give up. If you're a woman, well tough shit.

>> No.10026622

they probably know you're just trying to get into their pants, but women crave attention as much as men want sex, so everyone's just playing the game.

>> No.10026643

Spot on, men need to be needed in life, find someone who needs you and everything will change. My neighbor has a dog and I simply scratched her back a few times, now she sleeps on my doormat and waits as long as it takes to see me, she runs out to welcome me when I come home and sometimes stares in my eyes like she's trying to tell me something. Now that's therapy, anons.

>> No.10026650

yes-ish. 8.5 out of ten. Just make sure you dress your age not like a skater kid. Form fitting shirts (cheap vnecks from Express) and get a tan (dont over due it). Dont worry about getting megabuff, just dont have lots of body fat, it really shows in the face.
I dont drink. so my plan is usually 2 dates. 1 date get late dinner and talk (you have to pay). next date is either a walk in a park for an hour or so. Keep asking about them. If it goes really well you'll be invited back first night. If not at the end of the 2nd date say "let's go back to your/my place".
It will work 4/5 times. so cost you 50 bucks for the meal (go cheaper meal, a good "dive" or hole in the wall. saves money and makes you not seem "try hard"

>> No.10026701

cant you like make a tinder profile with description-only swipe me if you want to make sweet sweet love at my place

or something?

>> No.10026751

Youre thinking like a guy. 1000s of guys have that profile and women hate it. Girls want to feel desired and feel like they are unique to you.

>> No.10026758
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>tfw 18 year old KHV that just graduated HS
>no friends, no connections.
>did nothing during HS, but sleep, and play video games.
>too dumb for STEM.
>15k USD in crypto (OMG and ETH) 7k in stocks.

Will I make it anons? Does it get better? I'm thinking about buying a shotgun and offing myself if things don't get better, is 18 too young to do that? I feel tired of life already.

>> No.10026760
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I know exactly what you mean, anon. I had some 10-15 years where I basically just spun my wheels waiting for something, anything to happen. When I finally caught my stride I found myself in my 30s, old friends gone, everything different and incapable of feeling anything. I literally felt like a stranger when talking to people and listening to their problems. I'd be watching the news and hear about people getting blown to bits, shredded, stomped or what not and feel nothing, just apathy. Guess what, I played video games and fapped non stop during that time so now when I finally got some outside obligations I'd go out and feel glimpses of that amazing me I used to be. Just keep pushing, keep finding new people, start reading physical books and move, move, move. Don't get caught in the quicksand and think it's a great place to take a nap. Don't sink into nihilism, keep fighting and you'll get it back.

>> No.10026771

My suggestion is to start reading physical books, just let yourself be drawn to random books and your subconscious will lead you to the right answers. I turned my life around this way. Join the local library and start from there.

>> No.10026844


I don't understand this mentality. I didn't start having loads of sex until I hit 28 or so, anyone from age 18-35 or so.
Before that I was a virgin and had only kissed a few girls. Sounds like you have money, so you can travel and get experiences and buy everything you need to pursue interesting hobbies.
Youth is vastly overrated. It's not a cliche to say youth is wasted on the young. If I could go back in time to 18 with a press of a button, I definitely would with all the experience I have now that I'm a 30 year old boomer. I would absolutely slay, get ripped off my higher T, start pursing the profession I have now and be much richer.
But hindsight is 20/20. Don't be sad for what's lost. Sometimes the key to a better life is realizing just how much you've wasted.
Read interesting books, cut out the computer, go for a run, if you have the money, travel the world (it can be done for relatively cheap if you stay in hostels). Life is short, you can fill that life with enough experiences to live more than most other 30 year olds.
Yes there's still time.

>> No.10026882


This. Don't relive the past. To a toddler, everything is interesting.
this doesn't mean the toddler has the right perspective, it means it lacks experience.
people who lose interest in experiences merely need to upgrade their experiences.
being single and in your late 20's or early 30's is such a blessing for men. you can travel, enjoy sex with multiple partners, find a passion and make money with the right training.
i look fondly on my late 20's after wasting my early 20's playing WOW. Got to see a lot of things around the world and meet interesting people. changed my life, and suddenly women didn't seem so intimating anymore.
if you're stuck in place, it's because you aren't moving. motion, by necessity, changes your perspective.

>> No.10026910


who gives a fuck about age. do whatever the fuck you want and stop caring

>> No.10026927

Dude I’m 45 I feel the same but the real actual boomers wish they were me. WTF.

>> No.10026931

thanks for the book recommendation

and thanks for the reality check, reminding us rest how lucky we are; in our everyday meaningless struggles we tend to forget what’s important, alas such is human brain, we cannot know hapiness if we don’t experience sadness, hope without despair, etc.

>> No.10027126

This anon knows, start reading books

>> No.10027253

literally retarded

>> No.10027295

So, you know, lads, this is what mostly awaits you in your thirties:
Your friends will be busy with their own families and wont call you anymore to hang out (Its way harder and harder to make new friends at this age due to life circumstances anyway).
Your health gets worse. Your back will start to hurt more often. But you try to ignore it. Sports injuries that used to heal by themselves in a matter of days, take weeks now.
You´ve lost your enthusiam for most things. You had potential but you never did anything serious with it. Your chances at becoming famous, a sports pro or anything like that have sailed.
You are still going to the gym but not for the "gainz" but your goal now is rather to get rid of the back pain and not look like a slob.
You´re at 1/2 of the weight you used to press when you were 25. But thats ok.
You´ve experienced too many shitty ppl, friends, colleagues, women, girlfriends to have any hope left for humanity.
The once abstract thought - that one day you WILL die - becomes more real to you. You realize that you are past your peak and many things, you included will never be as good as they were, ever.
The things you used to do to distract yourself with - media, TV, radio, gaming - dont do it anymore as you´ve realized that most of them just promote degeneracy and empty consumerism. You´ve met a few nice girls along your way, regret letting go a few, and wonder why in hell you held on to others. You´ve learned that women dont want nice guys and all the bullshit your parents or society told you how to treat them. Since you´ve last been single you realize the sexual market looks bleak - for a woman to be single at that age - there are most of the time very good reasons for that - either they have children, are fugly or are psychopaths.
So now all you are now looking at is another 30 years of wagecucking before you can eventually retire.

>> No.10027345

Idk, teens were fun and wild. But became an addict and 20s were a literal hell on Earth. I found AA and it sucked at first. But now I get to be with a bunch of nutjob friends whenever I want. Find your group of realn nutjob friends. I wouldn't trade my early 30s for the fleeting fun and sex of my youth

>> No.10027350

This actually made me fucking depressed as fuck.

-22 year old college grad

>> No.10027357

I'm a 27 year old soixante-huit-er and life is over for me too

>> No.10027411

When I was in my twenties I always thought I would have my shit together by the time I was thirty, now at 35 and getting to terms with the fact that nothing ever gets better and getting older just SUCKS. Most of you guys here are in your teens and twenties and while - yea, life can suck at that age aswell - at least you have lots of time still to make a change. You better get off your ass and do it now because it wont' get any easier, let me tell you.
Good luck.

>> No.10027416
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Legit 30 year old boomer here. Fucking oof man.

>> No.10027424
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dystopian future is today

>> No.10027447


I almost agree with all of this. I wouldn't quite say that everything at 16-19 was hugely more intense but it maybe looks that way looking back. I just felt more naive back then. In a good way.


>10-15 years of wheel spinning

I'm on year 3 of that and I'm 27...

>> No.10027454 [DELETED] 
File: 1012 KB, 740x900, darkest ever dark.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My chest is deformed so t-shirts don't fight well, intimacy with civilians it's impossible because if they feel my chest being uneven my boner would be killed instantly. I cope with hookers.

Also I have premature ejaculation (none of your bs advice will work) this also cemented any chances at a normal life.

So yeah im a zombie ever since age 11 when sex started to matter and alfas-betas were forming.

So I cope with Bitcoin and hookers.

>> No.10027477

bro i also have a deformed chest and the same shit happens, but i spent the last 5 years lifting hard and now ppl call me big man

>> No.10027489
File: 1012 KB, 740x900, darkest ever dark.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My chest is deformed so t-shirts don't fit well, intimacy with civilians it's impossible because if they feel my chest being uneven my boner would be killed instantly. I cope with hookers.
I would need to lift for like 3 year then get a custom pec implant on the affected side but this wouldn't make it look right completely since it's a bit caved inwards on the ribs too. Its not gruesome but its enough to kill the vibe because the girl will notice and my will go soft, kills the moment.

Also I have premature ejaculation (none of your bs advice will work) this also cemented any chances at a normal life.

So yeah im a zombie ever since age 11 when sex started to matter and alfas-betas were forming.

Im 28 years old, never had a gf, have barely left my house since then.

So I cope with Bitcoin and hookers.

>> No.10027490
File: 58 KB, 658x523, 1528844460897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

s-stop it pls

>> No.10027497

>turning 24 in a few months
>kissless virgin
>never had a gf
>depressed, cant find enjoyment in anything
>no friends that care about me
>50k link on ledger

am i doin alright or what

>> No.10027515
File: 80 KB, 900x900, dark wojak 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must have pectus excavactum where it caves IN THE MIDDLE nad your pecs when developed in the gym can sort of mask it right?

well for me one side is perfect (aesthetic atually) but my other side is fucked. I can't grow hair on the affected side. It's like it didn't fully develop somehow, in the womb or something, I dont fucking now, dumb retarded ass doctors didnt even give my parents a proper diagnose of what went wrong.

Now im stuck forever in pain seeing health realtionships form while i cant even have fucking intimacy with beautiful young girls for life. Im fucking insane, every summer is just pain,.

>> No.10027529

I think this guy gets it, it's just like video games; once you clear the area finish all quests, you have to leave your comfort zone and go to a higher level area, where you will have trouble dealing with high level enemies and harder quests. after all, how can you level up if you stay in the starter zone the whole time?

>> No.10027531

im a 33 year old boomer and this is pretty much bang on.

>> No.10027543

Sounds like you need to stop feeling sorry yourself.

>> No.10027571

Sounds like age isn't your main problem. We always long for what don't/can't have. When you're 50 yo you'll say "i'd trade all the money in the world to be young again (30-35)". Change your life now instead of dreaming about what could have been. You're literally doing the exact opposite of the advice you're giving.

>> No.10027578

that is irrelevant as in it will not fix the awkard shape of my chest

>> No.10027584

32 and you guys are depressing as fuck. Go outside and hike.

>> No.10027593

Most girls really don't give that much of a shit, there are women out there fucking dogs, your one weird pec isn't a big deal.
Look at this guy.
Post a pic so we can see how gruesome you are.

>> No.10027602

No, but you can stop fixating on it. You are what you are. You don't go limp because of a girl, you do it because of your own insecurities. You need to accept yourself as who you are and move on.

>> No.10027618
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>> No.10027634

23 here, but I look like a fucking 15 year old. It's not about being certain age, but being good looking. If you'd be good looking, you could have teens even after 30. What does it change if that I'm young, when women don't even want to look at me?

>> No.10027650

just because one aspect of your bod isn't great doesn't mean the rest has to suffer. Go workout for 3 years and get some joocy legs, arms, and traps. The bigger silhouette will help with tshirts. I can guide you from an anon with Pectus and can squat over 2x BW. Most importantly it will teach you to be proud of your body.

>> No.10027671

Dating a 20year old feels way off, when in your thirties. I know. Its just a different generation man. Ok, a quick ONS works I guess.

>> No.10027693

God youre such a fucking loser , just take care of yourself you fucking idiot , or you have bad genetics

>> No.10027701

Start lifting and live life-seriously. My best friend was crying about how he didn’t live life at 25 till now when he turned 40. Start now.

>> No.10027707

Notice how the term is hunter/gatherer lists hunter first

>> No.10027710
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My life between 18 and 24 has been pretty wretched - only intermittent flashes of youth and exuberance. The future does not bode well.

>> No.10027712

Know that feel

>> No.10027730
File: 487 KB, 1300x1000, 1506446477177-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO at all these faggy fucking 30 years olds, what the fuck is this Jewish psy-op bullshit, get the fuck out of here.

Guys it all depends on how you view life and society around you, but be fucking selective. If you can master this trick, youll be ageless biologically and mentally , a literal wizard , dont listen to the Jews faggot OP

>> No.10027733

Build my life as a fortress that can withstand anything (short of cancer or some shit)

>> No.10027741

i dont even want a girlfriend at this point

i jsut want to know what it feels like to have a conversation with a girl outside of work for more than 5 minutes

>> No.10027752

Cancer is fake news by the way , easily beatable

>> No.10027770

Hahahaha yeah just imagine away your receding hairline, scientifically proven memory impairment and increasingly creaky joints.

>> No.10027810

Pretty much this, I'm getting close to my thirties and already realised most of that

>> No.10027820

Go somewhere where there are women and hang out-I go to a health club with a coed sauna.

>> No.10027845

and this, my friends, is why so many people kill themselves at around this age

>> No.10027858

I must agree.

I recently switched to a high protein low carb diet and I've felt better than I have in years. No more bloating and feeling generally fucking awful or any of that shit.

I was literally suffering severe bloating for years and doctors claimed it was IBS but it's obvious know it's simply the fact our digestive systems aren't designed to handle a high carb diet. One week on various meats and I'm feeling 100%. I mean I'm frying pork, beef, lamb, fish on the frypan with a side of onions, it's that fucking simple and I'm losing weight and looking great. No sugary drinks either, coke Zero is an excellent 0 calorie alternative to sugar water and you'll soon love it if you don't initially because it's slightly addictive.

>> No.10027861

have you locked in the price at least?

>> No.10027865

27 year old wot?

>> No.10027882

You're litarally retarded.
Look how many guys are active in their 40s and 50s and fuck qt3.14s.

>> No.10027942

almost zero

>> No.10027966

This happens only if you are either rich and/or famous. The average 40/50 y/o guy gets a nagging wife and sex once a month if he cleans the dishes.

>> No.10027977

once again, this all relies if youre not a fucking ape , and that you can take care of yourself, you worthless degenerate

>> No.10028021

>sex once a month if he cleans the dishes.
being this beta

>> No.10028101

Make money, lift heavy, eat right, get sunlight every day, wear nice clothes. Being 25+ in shape and wealthy > being 16-20 retarded virgin

>> No.10028112

Unironically considering this option. This is not some teenage angst shit. This is after seeing what life has to offer and deciding to opt out early...

>> No.10028137
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Fuck you guys are making me feel like i have nothing but despair. i fucked up.
>Virgin but not kissless hugless. never had a gf
>made myself a hermit from age 19 till now, sporadically going out
>strained friendships, they are on tethers
>fucked up school, just went back but feeling stupid for getting into web development
>super fussy with women despite being decent looking and i can scrub up well.
>scared to approach most the time

is there any relief for me?

>> No.10028152


>> No.10028155

>You feel like the 'protagonist' of your story, which fades as you age, even if you were a lonely loser, it felt like you were the main character who happened to be a lonely loser.
this was beautiful.... i've never empathized so much with an anon.
you're alright. i hope the universe is good to you.

>> No.10028220

Dont give up man. I had my first real gf at 24. But since then had my fair share of girls. Just start making little changes. Go day by day. Reward yourself for going out of your comfort zone. Join a club and learn a skill. Some things DO get easier. There is still time, anon. Good luck.

>> No.10028243

man, ads have really gone too far.
just kidding. i hope your life gets better anon.

>> No.10028252

I'll bite....who

>> No.10028253

this is my greatest fear. i missed out in highschool. had a great relationship throughout college but is that it? first love is always the deepest, as they say.

>> No.10028259

You obviously drank soda and ate refined foods. Believe it or not you can literally eat just about anything that isn't absolute shit and refined and feel better.

Also, Coke Zero is still awful for you.

>> No.10028286
File: 100 KB, 800x679, 21312312412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

high protein low card diet
and coke zero in same post

muh sides

>> No.10028295


Small things, i think your right. gradual progress over time is the answer.

>> No.10028302

>is 18 too young to do that?
yes, yes it is. my best friend killed himself when i was 19. fucks me up to this day.
people kill themselves similarly to how people will jump off a building if the thing is on fire and likely to collapse anyways.
you're (falsely) perceiving your life as this burning building, when really you just need to fix the leak in the basement and clean the windows.
even though I lost my friend, i think suicide is the individual's choice - but please, wait til you're 25-30 before giving up on life entirely. the world is your oyster and you don't even realize it at that age. have fun.

>> No.10028310

You're missing the bit where 50 year old guys in general don't give much of a fuck about sex. At that age your wife will want it more than you do.
You think it's different because all of the culture you consume is juvenile, aimed directly at teenagers and reflects a teenage mindset.

>> No.10028348

don't forget you already made it, fellow anon

out of 250 million sperm cells that your dad made while making love to your mom, you won. think about it; 249,999,999,999 others didn't get the chance you got. the fact that you are here posting on this board is a miracle unto itself.

with that kind of perspective, what will you do? you didn't give up back then when the competition was fierce, don't give up now"

>> No.10028360

goddamn. my problems do pale in comparison. hey, if you wanna learn about crypto Im happy to tell you what I´ve learned during the last 2 years (quite alot) I have a crypto discord (https://discord.me/kryptokings))

>> No.10028372

Women are the worse investment of all. They can only make you lose money and time, never give anything back and once you stop your payments they just leave you with nothing to show for it.

You should buy dogecoins though, that's a good investment.

>> No.10028402
File: 95 KB, 653x490, wojak sunset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see most of you are around my age (mid 20s). Still on the crypto? Not nearly making as much as I used to... I feel like a 30 yo boomer as I can't keep up with the times. How do you all still do it? How do you keep young and fresh and informed in this grind?

>> No.10028420

Just meme, everything will be okay if you meme.

>> No.10028432

I'm a 27-year-old NEET and I feel pretty alright desu. My main issue is that I don't know how to make IRL friends as an old man with no normal job. I don't even know where to start. When we're kids we can just sperg out in each other's general direction and become friends, but as adults it's fleeting niceties before we go back to our own lives moments later. I don't know how to bridge the gap.

Can anyone give me some advice on this?

>> No.10028444

I may be similar to you except I don't even like anime and I grew out of vidya:(

>> No.10028447


we have to meme BTC to 100,000 dollars

>> No.10028479

25 NEET here, you're fucked. Go around chans making sperglo jokes and that's about it the normies will think you're a mistake anyway you paint yourself.

>> No.10028494

Only way is to do some activity where you meet the same ppl again and again. Then go from there. Be open and fun. Then organize a BBQ, or something for example.

>> No.10028499

I think we're more likely to see the dissolution of civilization as we know it desu. Cracks in the foundation of the multicultural experiment started showing back in the 60s/70s

>> No.10028506

You aren't very intelligent are you.

No, pastas and bread etc.

There is nothing wrong with coke Zero, if you uneducated mongs ever studied Chem or biology you'd know that. The only bad part is it discolours your teeth as any soda does.

>> No.10028513

It doesn't matter how old you are. It only matters how old you look.

>> No.10028522

Similar to you too
I wish I could run into some of you guys in real life and form some actual bonds

>> No.10028561
File: 619 KB, 1536x2048, as.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'7 45yr Asian immigrant pre-dreamer, no pussy in HS. Opportunities but autistic N low confidence. College dropout, 90s porn, min wage jobs till 23. Immigration issues = return to homeland. Fucked 80-90 flat faced pussy. Moved to UK college. Fucked maybe 80-90 "models" in London's Soho. 1990s = gems with fresh Eastern Europeans. Swedish girl 9/10 from college falls in love with me for some reason, had enough confidence N sexual experience to follow thru. Lived together, moved to Sweden. Realizes I am autistic = end. Fuck 3 Euros in Sweden. Goto study in Poland, homely French girl feels comfy with me N we livetogeher. Get job @Barcelona-Spain. Fuck 1 girl @work + fuck 40-50 girls in bar "Kiss Me." Basically buy 1 drink=kiss, 2 drinks=BJ in front of everybody, 3 drinks=fuck there or bathroom/coatroom. Lots of South American N Eastern European qts circa 2005-2008. 2008 economy crashes. Back 2 homeland, marry qt-virgin. She's in school, I move to US.

Get 6-fig job N now in mid-30s N always only had 18-24 yr old pussy. Dump native wifey. Next 9 years fuck ~400 girls @backpage. Most on drugs but some epic experiences with 9/10 18-20 yr qts who most men in 30s-40s will only dream of. 2016 save 20yr heroin addict using 52 BTC weaning her off boy N girl. 2017 she's clean, has a job N loves with me for saving her. Crypto taking off = regret having 0 BTC and broke. Buy much BTC as I can N max CC in April. Enough off crypto to buy house N almost paid off in 2017 + 350K. But "stuck" with a 9/10 qt when I am 45yr autistic Asian. Conversations suck, different tastes N she wants kids. Also look like creepy old Asian fag with a qt in public. People think I am lucky (no STDs btw) but jaded with life, girls, pussy, work and money. Nothing feels the same @45 but happy suicide attempt @23 failed.

>> No.10028568

Pastas, bread, etc that you buy at the store are processed food. If you buy bread with more than 4 ingredients it isn't going to be a good experience.

Coke Zero and literally everything with artificial sweeteners are terrible for you.

Also, the poster you quoted mentioned a carnivorous diet, you adding anything but meat makes it omnivorous.

>> No.10028588

I've met my current wife when is was 32. She was just 16 at the time. Legal in Belgium. So all hope is not lost OP.

>> No.10028595

>Be open and fun
And then walk away.

>> No.10028596

>tfw almost in my thirties, and feel pretty much the same
I have a job that pays ok, but I hate it, it has become boring af, I see the same fucking faces every single day and my coworkers are fucking retarded
I also have a gf, that I'm not sure I want to keep anymore after more than 5 years of relationship, she can't find a job after looking for years...and is also a bit obssessive, at this point she only holds me back
However I'm ugly af, so I don't know if I dump her I'll ever be able to find another woman, close to my thirties most decent girls are already with someone, and if they aren't, they are probably ugly or have some kind of mental problem...I also have no desire to have kids
This is my situation right now, literally no idea what to do and unhappy af, any kind of advice would be appreciated desu

>> No.10028602

>(none of your bs advice will work)
Hey cripple-anon, take 10 grams of kratom and half a viagra or cialis about 2 hours before you visit the hooker and jerk off once right before you go.
You will last and fuck her brains out. GUARANTEED

you can thank me later

>> No.10028612


we have it good my man

>> No.10028620

fuck off Mohammed

>> No.10028626


>> No.10028646
File: 71 KB, 1040x510, 56782824-D6FB-4CCC-8C0C-0A8320C016AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There you go. This will make you feel better.

>> No.10028653

That's one hell of a ride.

>> No.10028672
File: 1.41 MB, 1170x902, 1463702997386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people calling themselves boomers when they become 30
do you anons not understand how generations work? everyone in the thread is a gen x, millennial, or gen z. No one in this thread is a fucking boomer. You would need to be 47 - 64.

>> No.10028692
File: 37 KB, 409x582, guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just make sure you dress your age not like a skater kid. Form fitting shirts (cheap vnecks from Express)
Got any fashion advice? I still dress like a kid but I don't really know of any alternatives. I wear oxford shirts sometimes but in summer here where it's hot and humid that's not a serious option and the only people who do it are brown immigrants.

tldr what do i wear in summer as an adult
pic related looks fine but im pretty sure he's just wearing swim trunks and a polo, not exactly a relaistic option for non-beach wear most of the time

>> No.10028722

same except..

>no 50k link
> 26
>find enjoyment in working out/meeting new people, but i just have a hard time finding hobbies.

i ruined chances with some cute girls, im thinkin about just goin back to cold approaches.

>> No.10028726

Jesus Christ that was a pain in the ass to read.

>> No.10028727

i could keep joking about this subject, but I see it will just create a vicious cycle of shitposting

I do hope you look into the negative effects of Coke Zero, or even any processed beverage. Stick with good ol' water, albeit it can be boring as tastes go. Squeezing juices from fresh fruit is another way, but don't buy prepackaged. Wine is also nice due to its antioxidant properties.

However, people don't have the same diet, every one of us is different. If it works for you and you won't loose teeth and liver in the process, I guess, good? Best of luck to you!

>> No.10028729

> 70 year old " Wish I could go back and work for the company"
> 50 year old " Wish I could have put that business idea into action, not be stuck working here"
> 30 year old " Wish I was young again, have no responsibilities"
> 20 year old " Wish I was older"

Anon, the past is gone and the future is unpredictable. The only thing you have is this moment. Our destiny is set, what was meant to be will be, and there is nothing you can do to change that. Life is a road trip on a single lane road, we may be driving but at the end we can't control where the road takes us, an infinite void of existence called death, the only thing that is in our hands is to enjoy the ride.

>> No.10028771
File: 23 KB, 530x612, justed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me my most intense years were 19-23 (I'm only a few years older now), basically when i was living on my own in college. I felt the most free then, was lucky enough to not have to work at the time and could just fuck around and go to classes. I lived on my own for the first time and fully developed myself. I did a lot of drugs etc, learned and built some serious skill, and have a lot of great memories from that time. HS was awful and I'm glad it's over and want to never feel that again.

After graduating and moving into a career of ~100k salary, everything has pretty much been worse. I work in software, horrible industry to be in, soul sucking, even at the "best" companies. Every day I am trying to escape the hole I have dug myself into. I know I'll get out eventually (everything I've ever tried to achieve, I do, it's only a matter of using my insane level of grit and time).

>> No.10028818


I never said carnivorous diet, but a high protein diet with some vegetables is essential for good health IMO. There is no evidence artificial sweeteners are bad for you, the sweet molecule (i've forgotten the name) is found in most c4 plants and is harmless.

You're making up a lot of nonsense you seem to know very little about. Pastas, breads etc are not processed at all and I didn't drink much soda before but a fair amount of milk, these are all carbohydrates (aka sugars) - we haven't been eating these types of foods for very long (a few thousand years up to maybe 5k years)

>> No.10028870

>White bread isn't processed.
>Aspartame isn't linked to weight gain.

>> No.10028901
File: 1.37 MB, 1716x1144, Screen Shot 2018-06-09 at 5.37.05 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need to go back.

>> No.10028903


>that pic

How did he do it, lads?

>> No.10028919

LOL virgin incel

>> No.10028933

>best time in my life was when mom and dad paid for everything and i had no responsibilities and was surrounded by others who were in the same situation

no shit.

>> No.10028961

Why would anyone think boomers would have a hard time getting 18-24 year old tail?

>> No.10028971


How is software soul sucking? Don't you get to build stuff? Isn't that fulfilling?

>> No.10028977

30 is the new 20 you just don’t workout and are an unathletic fuck

>> No.10028993

while glucose and other simple sugars are harmless, in nature they are found along with fiber which slows the absorbtion in the body. Drinks with artifical sugars have no fiber and they overload the body, not to mention in liquid form they bypass the satiated feedback you would get after eating kilos of fruit. and they have thus, we can conclude they are not healthy.

and that's not mentioning aspartame linked to like 80+ diseases.

also, you could argue the pasta or bread you make yourself is not processed. unfortunately, the pasta and bread you buy in stores have so much additives in them to extend shelf life, improve taste, color, fluffiness in bread that it is lunatic to say it's not processed.

From wikipedia:

Food processing is the transformation of cooked ingredients, by physical or chemical means into food, or of food into other forms. Food processing combines raw food ingredients to produce marketable food products that can be easily prepared and served by the consumer. Food processing typically involves activities such as mincing and macerating, liquefaction, emulsification, and cooking (such as boiling, broiling, frying, or grilling); pickling, pasteurization, and many other kinds of preservation; and canning or other packaging.

>> No.10029010

I’ve never had so much attention from women in my life now that I’m 30. Girls from 22-40 want to date/fuck.

The key is to get /fit/, or fitter at least, and be confident. You may not have a great face but you’ll look and feel better if you drop the weight.

If you don’t sort this out now, you’ll be a lonely cucked 40 yo who wishes to be 30 again.

>> No.10029030

you can't fix your chest but you can fix your attitude towards it and become more secure.
because it IS a fact that people with chests like yours are getting girls and making friends. why can't you do the same? you just started the game on Hard. but you must try and play.

>> No.10029046

30yr old gen z reporting in

>> No.10029055

>If you'd be good looking, you could have teens even after 30
until you try to bond or even hold a decent conversation and realize that thot is talking about the newest flavor of xxxtentacion-esque shit-tier entertainment while you're worried about limiting downside on your 2019 expiry stock options -- the connection won't be there.

>> No.10029075

look up one of those sip and paint things. hella women go to these with their single friends. and since people are tipsy and are already sharing a common goal (painting something that isn't shite) you have so much time to break the ice.

>> No.10029143

baraquis degenere

>> No.10029152

I've been working since I was 15 and saved up a lot, so lolno try again faggot

it's hard to explain until you've experienced the corporate grind, it's not like programming that you might enjoy or be passionate about, you're just a tool to be used by fatass executives for their profits, I maybe get 1-2 hours of enjoyment on a good day, but the rest is bureaucracy, catering to the needs of others, rotting in a shitty office, e.g., not at all ideal for creative types. This goes for even game companies (maybe especially). Perhaps there are some unicorn smaller companies out there I've yet to find.

>> No.10029174

sounds like a hell of a life! let's roll

>> No.10029207

When I was 27, I quit my software dev job and travel to China and south east Asia. I took a language course at Beijing language and culture university. Fuck Chinese girls and party like I was 22 again.

Now I’m a 37 year boomer with two kids.

I still jerk off to the girls I fuck during that year.

>> No.10029267


I didn't realise we were on a children's board, who the fuck eats white bread over the age of 10?

Aspartame isn't linked to weight gain as far as i'm aware. I just had a look and read some faggy attention seeking studies, nothing more.

I can vouch that I am losing weight quite nicely.

>> No.10029324

Came here to post this

>> No.10029389


I don't know what bread you buy but if you are not buying bread from a bakery you're pretty fucking stupid. There is no proof that aspartame is linked to any disease sorry to burst your bubble.

I buy bread from a bakery or make my own on occasion.

>> No.10029496


I seriously cant believe everything Im reading on this board as well. If you dont like your current situation? TAKE ACTION to change it. Seriously, stop complaining and start doing whats necessary to make your life better. START working out consistently. Follow a schedule and Go to the gym even when you dont feel like it. Eventually you will see results and develop a healthy addiction to seeing more improvements in your body and keep going. You dont like your job? Find a way to quit and follow your true passion. Im a firm believer of "If there is a will there is a way". Some of you have been comfortable too long and its killing you (literately). Get outside your comfort zone enough and you will start to see changes. Things may have been better or worse in the past depending on who you are but what are you doing right now to make your current situation better? You are THE only person who can truly save yourself. I dont care if you are in your 20s 30s 40s or 50s. Take action.

>> No.10029770


>> No.10029786
File: 165 KB, 984x888, 1529916956751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am complacent.

>> No.10029965

You may get good looking roasties on the hunt for comfy lifestyle
Prime qts care mostly for the looks, not for old boomer
You can pull it off, but it is much more difficult.
Id trade my wealth to be 18 again. Everyone 25+ would if it was even remotely possible.

t. Eastern euro richfag

>> No.10030051

fuck everything, build your business and keep working. Donald Trump style. DO it to do it, not for the moneys

>> No.10030092

There are a ton of young women who fuck older guys for reasons not related to money.

>> No.10030167

The vast majority of young women fucks young men +7 years max.
Some young women fuck older men, and out of those the most do so for the wealth related reasons. Plus they bang Chad on the side still.

You either Chad yourself or end up provider.

>> No.10030170

this post inspired me to look into methamphetamines
thank you anon

>> No.10030179

>approaching 21
>last time I kissed a girl was 3 years ago
>had to pick up CS major because no one would hire an arts econ major
>friends are graduating and leaving
>never approach women because I'm too insecure

At least I'm kinda /fit/. Hopefully I can hit 405 squat before my body breaks down.

>> No.10030188

Go to a gym maybe take some classes

>> No.10030199

desu most of the boomerification of the soul starts when you stop doing jackshit, aka "studying" and enter the dreadful world of having to work to be independent. it's easy to feel like you're living an intense dream when you've got no responsibilities and, even better no clue of what being responsible is.

i guess making it is kinda like trying to get back to that state of tranquility where you don't have to worry about money and cash. ultra rich kids with inheritances are basically children all their life because they can afford not to care. on the other hand, pretty sure that the greatest generation never knew this peaceful state, considering most of them were getting shrapnel'd in the war at 18.

>> No.10030211

So what you're saying is that you can either be happy and a shithead or suffering and a good person, but not both?

>> No.10030244

a degree of suffering is necessary for a person to grow up. best case scenario is: make it through hardships and enjoy the peace you earned with dedication and hard work.

>> No.10030263

are you old enough to have lived this yourself or are you speculating? my guess is the latter
not saying you're wrong

>> No.10030283

i'm going through the suffering phase, even if i see a bit more hope than a couple of years ago. literal 30yo boomer.

>> No.10030290

Buy a motorcycle and a boat and be somewhat fit

>> No.10030332

I'll say this now as a pretty young guy. Getting /fit/ is one of the best things you can do for yourself. It makes you stop feeling like shit and have more confidence.

Even though I don't pull at all and get no girls, I feel pretty good about myself and has helped my confidence

>> No.10030334


MGTOW? You mean the philosophy that preaches about men going their own way, yet it's followers seem intent on complaining about how shitty women are instead of actually doing anything productive? Their paranoid garbage is a waste of time.

>> No.10030342


I will never stop trying to make gainz at the gym

>> No.10030469


This is probably true for all people who stayed small when they were young. All the guys in their 30s/40s I see at the gym are generally the biggest guys there.

>> No.10030502
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>> No.10030533

It’s a long term investment-as you get older people fall off, they get fat or so out of shape they are unhealthy. If you stay fit you suddenly move up the charts even though you are the same person you were.

>> No.10030554
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I'm 35 and I already have painful arthritis in my hip

>> No.10030568

I'm 28 and wish I could go back. After getting in a relationship I lost my fiscal and physical gains. Not sure if relationships are for me when there are so many options. Thanks for the advice, /biz/

>> No.10030626

I’m 26 and I finally feel like my life is starting. Just graduated from law school, making good money, skin is finally clear, I put on some weight cause I’ve been a skeleton my whole life, about to get my braces off. Life is looking good.

>> No.10030699
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i wish i was 80 so i could die in like 2 days

too pussy to kms now

you want to be young but i dont care i already wasted most my youth as a neet 24 y.o vigin loser fag in parents house

>> No.10030712

OP I'm 24. What advice do you have for me so I don't end up like you when I'm 30?

>> No.10030723
File: 134 KB, 860x1375, tumblr_p8itlfY3Ra1s2yc47o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so youre wagecucking as a boring ass lawyer and thats making you happy

that sounds like hell

i cant wake up in the morning and try to act professional around people its too much

>> No.10030742

Shut up fag I’ve already done it all, money is the next thing and the thing that will now sustain my somewhat peaceful life. I’m not even at my final form yet.

>> No.10030815
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you'll make it fren

pls buy chainlink

>> No.10030935
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Reading this thread should make ALL of you realize something: 4chan is heaping pile of shit to waste time.

>> No.10031553

Any particular reason why? Just so I can learn and understand? I am taking the suggestions I get very seriously.

>> No.10031564

read the whitepaper

>> No.10031569

Or maybe it just attracts a certain demographic? Or literally everyone is depressed?

>> No.10031608

Is this it? There are a lot of white papers but I'm assuming you are speaking about the one related to investing.


>> No.10032232
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we're all gonna /make it/

>> No.10032301

Look at this boomer, he thinks he isn't boomer.

>> No.10032338

boomer cope

>> No.10032373


as far as investing, go to coinbase, buy some btc, then go to binance, send your btc there, and buy CHAINLINK

>> No.10032408



Great Jason. I’ll need comments on that term sheet by Saturday morning asap. Thanks for all the hard work.

Trust me. Your misery is only beginning

>> No.10032646

20 year old and i've the same mentality

>> No.10032965
File: 7 KB, 271x186, download (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will. Thank you. Thank you to everyone who offered advice and gave me suggestions. I learned several new things today.

>> No.10033178

I look absurdly young for my age and it isnt attractive to the women I interact w, despite decent looks otherwise. Pumped for my later 20s idgaf

>> No.10033603

22 here
what do i need to do to not become this meme

>> No.10033767
File: 171 KB, 1343x2015, FB_IMG_1519588702908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U just live in the wrong country move some place where materialistic sluts tun rampant like eastern europe

>> No.10033918

21 year old, 60k+ LINK will i make it ??