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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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10008560 No.10008560 [Reply] [Original]

At first, I was hesitant because Jordan is worth around -100 million dollars and is one of the biggest pump and dump scammers in the world, then I realized that he was a pump and dumper. He is able to recognize a scam, so I just sold all my Bitcoin at $6100.

Thanks for buying my bags, /biz... See you at zero.

Link to full vid:

>> No.10008571

Shut up Jordan

>> No.10008594

>he bought boomer bitcoin
I was like you once, then I studied the blockchain. Here’s a tip for you brainlet: blockchain is the future, not bitcoin.

>> No.10008663

blockchain is a solution looking for problem

and cryptocurrency evangelist are people with vested interest to keep the price going up until they cash out while understand neither cryptograhy or currency

>> No.10008675

He's continuously looking on the right while talking and my basic body language knowledge tells me he's lying.

But he's also right, Bitcoin is fighting after a huge speculative bubble to find its real value, there's nothing wrong saying that we're running out of fools because that's actually what give BTC value, the fact that you buy today at 6000 and you want to sell it at Idk 50000, and who buys at 50000 is sure he will sell it at 1000000, this is exactly the "Greater fools theory", there will always be a greater fool after you, until it won't. And whoever bought in December was the greatest fool of this cycle.
But also who bought at 1000 in 2014 was the greatest fool then, so the truth is that what's happening to Bitcoin is completely normal.

We all know that cryptos are a risky market that can go to 0 anytime soon, especially if it lacks of liquidity, but is far from being dead.

>> No.10008704

The greater fool theory works with any investment.

>> No.10008783

What does BTC have in the pipeline that will drive adoption/price? Lighting Network? Cmon, that's crap. There's nothing in the pipeline.

>> No.10008820

Pro blockchain but not pro bitcoin. Crook doesn't realize the best blockchain still belongs to bitcoin.

>> No.10009118

"You can ask CNBC about this."
If he was selling ketchup popsicles, I'd eat his ass.

>> No.10009158

There is no pipeline.

>> No.10009525

Greater fool theory? You mean the way stocks have worked for the past 100 years? Stupid fcking mouth breathers in biz.

>> No.10009586


This lol. People like to pretend stocks are somehow above this when it's actually exactly the same shit lol. You buy it in hopes of getting more money out of it than you put in. That's literally every investment lol.

>> No.10009759

This is exactly why biz is dying. It has been invaded by hordes of low IQ retards from reddit, pol, and summer f4gs. JORDAN BELFORT CALLED BITCOIN A SCAM ON APRIL 11. THE DAY BEFORE THE START OF THE LAST BULL RUN. The video of him calling bitcoin a scam on April 4-11 in 2018 was deleted from youtube. And i can't find it anywhere to show you mouth breathers for proof. Holy sht you retards need to neck yourself. NYS!!!!


>> No.10009763
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This guy just has sour grapes. He said in a previous video that he heavily researched bitcoin in 2009 or whatever and decided it wasn't a worthy investment. He never bought in during any of the bubbles, supposedly. He will permanently be butthurt because money is the single thing on the planet that he cares about.

>> No.10009779

If he had good analysis he wouldn't have to resort to scamming people for money

>start investing in the greatest bull market in history(90's lead up to the tech bubble)
>have to scam people to make a profit


>> No.10009797


>He said in a previous video that he heavily researched bitcoin in 2009

Who the fuck actually believes that lol? He found out about it last year like all of the other normies and is angry he missed out on all the gains and wants to see it go to 0 now. That's all there is to it.

>> No.10009801

except stocks actually generate profits which they pay out to shareholders. crypto generates 0 revenue because its not used for anything except child porn and speculation. People use companies like Boeing, CocaCola, Microsoft etc. for shit other than speculation

>> No.10009855


Nope. People buy them because they think their value will go up and for the dividends of course. That's it man. Stop living in a fantasy land already.

>> No.10009905

where do you think those profits from stocks come from. Where to do you think boomers get their devidends. The "greater fools" are us millenials wagecucking as slaves so boomers can retire. Why do you think wages are so low. Why do you think "productive is at an all time high".
Money does not grow on trees you stupid fcking mouth breather. Wealth is not "magically generated" and neither is returns on stocks.
You need to fcking neck yourself because of how retarded you are. I dont even have a degree in economics and i understand how the economy works. Please neck yourself.... retards like you are the reason why boomers are taking advantange of millenials because there are so many of you brainlets walking this earth sucking boomer d1ck and brining the rest of us hard working millenials down.

>> No.10009919

This. Blockchain is pure garbage tech. I am tired of faggots saying "bitcoin sucks, but oh blockchain is teh future". No it is isn't faggots; that is the most hackneyed shit ever parroted by faggots who know nothing and want to sound educated on the subject.

>> No.10009936

Hey look another nocoiner staring at future tech and wondering where it's being applied now.
The potential is enormous not the impact. Buy in a few years if you must wait for the earth shattering blow.

>> No.10009989

Only a handful of stocks pay shareholders. You own imaginary "equity" that you can hopefully sell to someone else at a profit. A few people own the company go public dump shares on the normies and collect a 300k salary. Free money for them and the cucks at the bottom scramble for crumbs.

>> No.10010025

people also use it to pay bot herders to give them their encrypted data back

>> No.10010045

You literally just followed the advice of the biggest scammer in the world lmao, good job.

>> No.10010053

People in America think things will always go back up. They don’t. Look at the fucking Nikkei (Japan’s stock market). It peaked in 1989 and is still like half that value. That was fucking ~30 years ago. Fucking faggots think they can buy the S&P 500 index and get 10% a year and retire a millionaire are in for a rude awakening. China JUST fucking crashed to 2016 levels. Also btw, China never recovered from 2008.

Look at the fucking world around you. The demographics are shit. Are you really going to buy fucking garbage companies like Netflix with a p/e ratio of over 200 with shit original content while it is up fucking 80% this year alone? Are you retarded? Who seriously hasn’t already got a Netflix subscription if they want one? ALMOST ALL THE GAINS are from fucking market manipulation/stock buybacks and retards FOMOing in like it is crypto. Look at its balance sheet; it is a garbage company.

We are in for a 50% drop in the US stock market and we aren’t recovering this century. We could fucking drop 50% and still be at the fucking levels we were at in 2000/2008. We could drop another 50% from there. Wake the fuck up you delusional fucks. This boomer Jordan fuck is going to get raped if he is still in equities. He can shit on bitcoin because it is shit, but then he shills his shit.

>> No.10010054

Why are you guys making fun of him when he previously called Bitcoin a "pump and dump" during its high in December 2017?

>> No.10010082

this guy was right when he said bitcoin will fall.
time when pajeets and chongs were shilling shit coins and bitcoin will reach 100000 meme was alive.

>> No.10010086

because he called it a scam in Feb 7 before the bullrun dumbass.

>> No.10010094
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>> No.10010102

Okay but he also called it a scam in December, which was the top.

>> No.10010116

All bitcoin accomplishes is to waste electricity

>> No.10010118

He resembles George soros in this pic

>> No.10010133

Hey everyone look at me I'm a famous scammer and I had a movie made about me. My opinions are important

>> No.10010137

it wouldn't have mattered if he called it a scam or not back in december. Because in December 17 bitcoin was at an all time high and it was obvious to anyone with a quarter of a brain to realize that it was going to skydive to the bottom. It was obvious that bitcoin was going to go down, and Jordan belfort was not doing you any favor and was simply going with the HERD. This situation is different, because bitcoin is reaching all time lows. each new week, and there is too much uncertainty in the market. So Jordan's call on bitcoin going lower would not make any sense unless he's trying to profit off of normies again. If you don't realize this you're fcking retarded and should NYS

>> No.10010139

Dude was a salesman, what does he know about technology

>> No.10010141

every point before december was ath for bitcoin

>> No.10010185

not really , The bull run lasted from Nov30 to devember 07. every new high after december 07 was simply the result of new normies fomoing in ready to be dumped on.

>> No.10010196

Just about the same as you, cuck

>> No.10010209

This. Honestly I don't even know what to buy anymore, because everything just seems like overvalued shit

>> No.10010253
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that's not saying anything

>> No.10010275

Farms and stocks outside the fucking USA.

>> No.10010289

We need a decentralised monetary system not controlled by central banks. Bitcoin has to be a political and ideological choice first and foremost. Second of all they need to get it to work in terms of fast transactions and slow speeds, the BCH people have a point, but we need the real BTC to start working better..

>> No.10010336
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I don't think BTC will recover now that BCH is around. It'll snatch the crown soon enough.

>> No.10010380

Kek tells you to get out, do soemthing else, lots of better ways to make money, then pitches you his sales system at the end.

Hes probably right about this being the beginning, but I'm staying in! Hopefully to buy the bottom :3

>> No.10010424

Many people view the whole BCH movement as a scam, Roger Ver trying to steal the brand with bitcoin.com.. It's shady, and a few billionaires control a huge share of BCH, it doesn't have the same network effect. But they do have a point in that BTC should be "cash", and not gold. It needs to have fast and cheap transactions, and it shouldn't be that hard to do..

>> No.10010446

BTC wont reach mass adaptation because too many morons are hoarding it.
Our true coin will be one that will lead humanity to freedom by using and developing it, obliterating the chains of tyranny, not just getting in early and buying 1000 for $10.

>> No.10010461
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>not really
ya rly

>> No.10010624

Yeah we need to start businesses that run purely on BTC, or rather the whales need to start them. We need an endogenous ecosystem, where the currency is actually used, and worked for. And yes we need as many people as possible, and a wider distribution.. but right now BTC is still number 1, and it's decentralised, it's open source, it's still the most viable candidate for a global currency, better than USD, yuan, or anything else..

>> No.10010644


>he heavily researched bitcoin in 2009

no fucking chance.

>> No.10011067

usd is already a global currency

>> No.10011728
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Thing is those people usually haven't done their homework and just believe what their echo chamber tells them. The same people that made Bitcoin what it is today now support Bitcoin Cash, if nothing else that should count for something. Bitcoin isn't a brand btw.

>> No.10011754

>bitcoin isnt a brand
yea it is

>> No.10011756 [DELETED] 

Always do the opposite of what jews say.

>> No.10011794
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>> No.10011821

its only riding on its name. how is it not a brand? how is satoshi not a brand?

>> No.10011824

Like I'm going to listen to a guy who doesn't wear a seat belt.

Nice try, OP.

>> No.10012001
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difference is a brand is something that a company has possession of. nobody owns the name bitcoin. you could fork bitcoin and claim to be the true vision tomorrow if you want to. as long as you get enough people on your side you have every right to the name.

>> No.10012033

He's buying

>> No.10012074

It doesn't generate shit, it redistributes wealth. That's it. The greater fool is the wagecuck who is used to pay dividends, and the guy who will buy high your stock.

Markets don't create value, they simply redistribute it from the wagecucks and the retards to the elite.

>> No.10012094

this is unironically bullish

>> No.10012097
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It's the most overhyped tech in existence. All smoke and mirror. Nothing that a normal Database cannot do

>> No.10012102

just becuase you dont know the owner doesnt mean it isnt owned

>> No.10012130

Neither BCH will be Cash. It's all speculation

>> No.10012146

last time he said that we recovered from 6k to 10k

>> No.10012224

just bought 100k

>> No.10012234

he always looks like he's coked up

>> No.10012275


How can stupid people be so confident?
How does the human brain allow that combination? It would lead to extinction in a less comfy world.

>> No.10012314

>17k subscribers
Kek nobody cares

>> No.10012364



>> No.10012482

Is owned by who ?

>> No.10012549
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looks exactly like 2017/18

>> No.10012570
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>> No.10012598
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>> No.10012611
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>> No.10012618
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And finally one person who is not a December newfag, kek

>> No.10012628
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* I meant this one, lmfao

>> No.10012701

large mining pools

>> No.10012746

Most stocks don't pay any dividends retard, stocks allow 3 things:
1) speculations
2) taking over a company (only for already very rich people)
3) raising money for a company (only for the company)

2 and 3 don't interest 90% of the market, they are just in for 1.

The entire world is running on a "greater fool" theory through debts, social insurance and real estate, the thing is that we don't have the population in the West to sustain what the boomers did so they are importing third worlders with double digit IQ to consume with debt money.

>> No.10012759
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This argument at least has some merit to it (because miners do in fact own bitcoin), but in reality, mining pools and end users and holders have a 100% match in incentives, which is a massive upgrade from the current banking system, where banks and end users have very little overlap in incentives.
Not saying it's perfect, but it's an upgrade from what we currently have, and it's better than PoS.

>> No.10012761

BTC is too hard to be used as the currency of the internet, we need something simpler in terms of UX, an altcoin will probably do it among the hundreds but it's yet to be seen.

>> No.10012773
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>> No.10012808

blockchain, implemented by governments and companies, is the solution to the most rampant inefficiencies in tons of areas
most wealth oozes out of supply chains because corrupt entities siphon wealth from customer/taxpayers into their own pockets
ill willingly pay taxes until every cent the government spends is accountable for on the blockchain

>> No.10012832

>BTC is too hard to be used as the currency of the internet
actually that's bullshit, it's easier to use than a credit card and a hell of a lot safer too. the only thing is cc transactions are much much faster right now. with ln it could change to the absolute favor of btc.

wiring and cc payments being cumbersome as fuck is what gave birth to paypal but paypal skins you ever click of the button which is why i stopped using it it's also unanonymous invasive and for you not particularly safe if you link a cc.

crypto could be the answer it could be like paypal except actually safe secure and you can choose your jew who takes a bite of your payments it creates a market (because the protocol guarantees safety there is no trust) where entry is incredibly easy (well you need a lot of btc to be a big node). if the nodes start charging more for tx-es than what people deem fair or there is one that charges even less they dry the fuck up.

>> No.10013012



>> No.10013025


>> No.10013054

wonder his aimed entry price is, or if he's just shorting it

>> No.10013059

>which is a massive upgrade from banks
if you want to escape regulation.
regulation will kill bitcoin, but expand the crypto market into the mainstream.
bitcoin at this point will never be mainstream.

>> No.10013081

>btc is easier to use than a cc
that adoption tho. it doesnt exist

>> No.10013089


He's right

>> No.10013289
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it. isn't. a. brand. no matter how much you seem to want it to be. anyone can stick the word "bitcoin" on a cap and sell it because it isn't a god damn brand.

>> No.10013383
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>no counter-arguments

No it's too hard and I would add it's too hard to use at its max potential:
- You have either to install things to interact with the funds (being a desktop software or a phone app) or register through a third party for a web wallet (Coinbase/Bitgo), in an era where web apps are everywhere it's trash.
- The private and public keys are not in a normie friendly format (it's actually a big deal because there is always the fear or losing your funds for one typo, also you can't just give an address like you would give a mail or a phone number to someone, it's impractical).

Imo the smoothest crypto experience right now is Ethereum with metamask but it has its own issues (first it's buggy and second you still have to install an extension).
The best UX would be to have wallets directly into the browser and you would just have to click on a button to buy something with a confirmation window.

>> No.10013453

So something like Brave? Unless you're developing it, you're kind of doing the same thing from the normie perspective, hoping nobody crosses you. People take it as a given now, but convincing people to put their cc information on the internet wasn't that easy some years ago.

>> No.10013461

boomer funds havent even arrived in cryptomarket yet, just you wait.

>> No.10013495


There are stocks that don't pay dividends. Berkshire Hathaway is one of the most famous ones.

>> No.10013521

I didn't use Brave but I don't think having to go through a different browser is good, people will stay on Chrome and Firefox for a foreseeable future.
You could probably write a wallet using Js and have merchants adding an extension on their shops though but it would need a blockchain able to interact natively with js or it would not be decentralized (as you should trust a node to handle the SPV) I'm just thinking out loud.
If Chrome and Firefox added a native bitcoin wallet by default it would be a huge fucking deal though.