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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10008513 No.10008513 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck me biz let me tell you something.

Australia is fucked for High skiled graduate jobs. Here is some info for you know

>We have the gove allowing everyone in on 457 visas from overseas.

>We have 100+ applications on jobs on seek, linkedin etc.

>We have catch 22's on 3 years exp for entry level jobs, which are ((set up for employers to hire 457s))

>The only people who get high skileld grad work are people with mom dad or uncle steve in the company.

>There isnt affirmative action here. Only if your a female.

>Unis here admit more people than the market demands

>Gooks bought up all the property and farmland making it super expensive

>Country has a crisis but no one talks about it


Need biz's advice on what I should do now.

Did a civil eng degree, fell for the mining in australia meme.

Didnt get a job after 1 year. So took some profits off crypto and travelled around last year.

Now I need to restart and think of a new plan going forward.

Priorities are working overseas, so i need to find a place where I could work. Any ideas?

If not I know I need to get better skills for the long term future so, I've signed up to at least do 1 semester of computer science in a month. but the plan is to do that while learn programming, another language, network and go overseas forever immediately after. Rate my plan. What should I do instead.

Fuck this gooked country I just want out now , wouldn't even mind teaching english or something in Dubai

Wish i could use the Civil Eng degree but what countries need it pol?? Maybe Dubai or someshit ideas biz, need your brains on this one

>> No.10008603

Pajeets also invading burgerland for STEM

>> No.10008623
File: 63 KB, 620x348, 9BAA1E52-B9F9-4D58-B568-08EA93B0EF54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuk u asshole. U want mad gains white man? Listen to batmanjeet

Pls use moni to buy 50 cheap android device. Next muster up ur courage and install Brave. U must now pay my frend saurabh to develop auto watching script. Install to android device and watch 1 5 minute video. Collect payment! 0.006$ per video, almost 1.50$ an hour, 300$ weekly, 1200$ monthly
Pls use moni to buy 50 cheap android device. Next muster up ur courage and install Brave. U must now pay my frend saurabh to develop auto watching script. Install to android device and watch 1 5 minute video. Collect payment! 0.006$ per video, almost 1.50$ an hour, 300$ weekly, 1200$ monthly

>> No.10008637

I'm aussie you bots

>> No.10008678

>wouldn't even mind teaching english or something in Dubai
Wouldn't that require an English degree or maybe even a Cert in teaching? That's the reason I gave up on the idea of teaching English in Korea or Japan - the qualifications. Which is a shame because I love talking about participle and imperative moods and stuff.

>If not I know I need to get better skills for the long term future so, I've signed up to at least do 1 semester of computer science in a month. but the plan is to do that while learn programming, another language, network and go overseas forever immediately after. Rate my plan. What should I do instead.
That's not a plan though - you need to tell us where, what industry you'd apply for work for and where. Are you gonna go into data mining for marketing, are you gonna work for the backend on those customerservice bots for companies, are you going to write simulators for material stress testing? Don't just say "I'm gonna learn programming and network" - I need to know to what end.

>> No.10008848

The english plan would eb to get a TEFL certificate and apply for jobs. In the Gulf Dubai region

The Comp Sci plan would be to end up working as a software or web developer/ programming wise, I am already starting to learn Javascript and CSS HTML.

The end goal would be having the skillset to work internationally or remotely.

>> No.10008916

>I am already starting to learn Javascript and CSS HTML.

You're never going to make it beyond pajeet tier wagecuckery.
Programming is like art now. So many idiots think they can do it, but most produce shit.
It became kind of like composing music. You can probably do it, but your band will most likely be shit and nodoby will ever listen to it.

>> No.10008996

That is a good plan Batmanjeet. I will find me a cheap $50 phone and try this plan. It is good we have heroes like you watching out for us. God bless Batmanjeet

>> No.10009105

Choose your degree based on employability. Why study something that has thousands of others studying the same thing and competing for the same jobs. Id suggest studying something in technology and or maths. Or get a trade, Australia has a massive deficit of skilled trades people and they get paid well.
People need to stop blaming others for their decision to study something that is in low demand for employment.

>> No.10009174

Thanks for the hard facts. Thats why I've come to biz to understand what I should be doing in this field before I get underway. Please offer suggestions.

Thanks for the advice. The mistake I made was that when I started Civil is that Mining was still in a boom phase. It ended and all propects went too. In the past few years, I've traveled and grown up from school and I now know that I want to pursue my professional career long term outside of Australia. It was fun growing up in but in your 20s-30s unless your a parent it is boring and isolated as fuck.

What technology or maths field would you recommend that I investigate mate.

>> No.10009453

Yea this country is GOOKED. But have you been to a recruiter? Seek is shit for finding jobs.