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10000336 No.10000336 [Reply] [Original]

Please tell me WHY? WHY would something just go up and up?

Seriously ?

>> No.10000349

HODL does not mean that everybody thinks it always goes up.
It means that you don't panic sell when you already reached the bottom.

>> No.10000358
File: 23 KB, 244x388, SMART HOMER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's about not missing the liftoff Anon.... read about the effect of not holding stocks during the key days during the year. If you were not holding today and the price of BTC started rising $1k per day, when would you buy back in?

>> No.10000361

I did, still am. Bought between 75$-800$ per BTC. Not much but I still have quite some profits left. I am down for the year, up for 5 years preceding 2018. Obviously cash out when you are sitting on fat profits. Little reason to hold on 10.000% unrealized gains.

>> No.10000363

Practically infinite supply due to automation, just need an excuse for distribution.

>> No.10000367

Nice try to FUD hodlers though....

>> No.10000375

Yeah but there is quite a big fucking range between the 1000% gain top and LOSING 60-70% from that. For me this is people not having a plan and excuse it by "muh wallstreet".

NOTHING goes up forever. Read economic history FFS

>> No.10000378

as a decemberfag, going up was the only thing I knew, I disregarded going down as just a small bump on the way up, I unironically believed that it was a new, valuable market emerging and I caught it just in time
a very costly lesson, hope it pays off in the future

>> No.10000388

I prefer buying into a strong trending market any day, since if you are down 5% , the price must go up 10% for you to be at 5% profit. and so on

I am so much annoyed by this stupid meme shit. You don't need to be a pro trader, but MAYBE consider selling something if what you own go DOWN for SIX fucking months? At least don't complain on an anime nazi board

>> No.10000444
File: 49 KB, 498x573, I think I know....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed about the complaining part. However, to be out of crypto for a couple days or weeks during a crypto run up will kill you.... then you rush in and it corrects... lol. Crypto is like no other market on earth - better to be in than out...

>> No.10000454

Also, never try to time the markets. This is a golden rule in investing.

You may be looking at this all as what is called "day trading" - that is not investing, it is gambling.

>> No.10000458

i like to hodl because its fun being part of crypto.. the memes are worth it.

the odd gains is fine too

>> No.10000466

I bought and hold ETH because I sincerely believe in its utility; just waiting for sharding and PoS so it actually becomes usable

why would I risk my stack by pretending to know which direction the market is going in? none of you clearly have any idea either, you're just deluding yourselves

>> No.10000478

that's for buy in yes. but to not cut a loss when you are down 20% in ANY market is beyond stupid.

>> No.10000479

>Invest in something you think has potential
>Entire market plummets due to XYZ reason
>"Why aren't you selling at a loss?"

>> No.10000499

yeah that's the reason banks and hedge funds employ traders who make a lot of money

No I am not saying I am better than them, but I at least understand risk managmeent

>> No.10000522
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WHY would you sell at a loss if you only invested what you can afford to lose? Worst case scenario you lost your gambling money, best case scenario it makes you rich.

>> No.10000532

Not a meme but a LONG-TERM STRATEGY.

May be a hard concept to grasp for most brainlets though.

>> No.10000548

Hope you at least spend some time looking into the downsides of these things.

Wider stops in general in crypto probably make more sense honestly.

>> No.10000595

Because people want to make all of the money, not some of the money. Then they get rekt so hard theyre too poor to buy a rope.

>> No.10000597

downsides of sharding and PoS?

I don't see many; inter-shard communication is an issue but is a planned future addition, and is strictly not necessary for most applications

As far as I can tell it's a good enough bandaid; casper and sharding will provide an immediate 500x gain to throughput, and with time the number of shards and things like plasma will likely bring ETH to millions of tx/s, at which point anyone who is still holding is filthy rich

>> No.10000621 [DELETED] 

For me the big issue isn't longterm though, my dreamgirl streams on Twitch and she's not a donation whore by any means, but sometimes she misses streams to take extra shifts at her job and sometimes jokes "anyone out there feel like paying my rent for the next few months?" She only has 30-50 viewers and those comments are meant completely in jest, but it's always been my dream to be able to say "sure!" and she gets the donation notification and reads "agreeablebit has just tipped 10 thousand dollars?!" "oh my god I wasn't being serious, oh please you didn't have to.." and just breaks down crying as I tell her don't worry about it, it's not a lot of money to me but I know how much this can help you, you should be doing this a career and if this helps you devote yourself full time it's money well spent.

And I don't become pushy or feel demanding of her time after that, but I do try to initiate some conversations over skype, and our sense of humor just clicks and she notices the guitar in the background and asks if I play and I brush it off, and she's all "oh please, serenade me!" and does the joking puppy dog eyes thing and I sigh all right, and pick it up and while I could play super advanced classical guitar concertos that would be trying to hard, and I instead do a silly laid back improvised classic disney medley with fun jazz elements, and she ends up singing along, and I adjust my playing to compliment her voice and own phrasing with the subtle subtext that I would be as responsive to her as a lover..... and we end up agreeing to meet and well...a gentleman never...

But that will never fucking happen if this fucking bear market never ends, what the fucking hell??!?!?!

>> No.10000641


>> No.10000690
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>> No.10000709 [DELETED] 

best post so far

>> No.10000710


>> No.10000722

Some reading material for when you have time fren
While you wait to try to secure millions of transactions per second let's make sure things are being built in order.

Even the people working on sharding don't have a clear definition on what the fuck sharding is. Last I heard the main PoW chain may have to stay and all these other things will work with their own rules. Needing only 32 ETH is attractive but there's people that may try to abuse that.

>> No.10000751

For me the big issue isn't longterm though, my dreamgirl streams on Twitch and she's not a donation whore by any means, but sometimes she misses streams to take extra shifts at her job and sometimes jokes "anyone out there feel like paying my rent for the next few months?" She only has 30-50 viewers and those comments are meant completely in jest, but it's always been my dream to be able to say "sure!" and she gets the donation notification and reads "agreeablebit has just tipped 10 thousand dollars?!" "oh my god I wasn't being serious, oh please you didn't have to.." and just breaks down crying as I tell her don't worry about it, it's not a lot of money to me but I know how much this can help you, you should be doing this a career and if this helps you devote yourself full time it's money well spent.

And I don't become pushy or feel demanding of her time after that, but I do try to initiate some conversations over skype, and our sense of humor just clicks and she notices the guitar in the background and asks if I play and I brush it off, and she's all "oh please, serenade me!" and does the joking puppy dog eyes thing and I sigh all right, and pick it up and while I could play super advanced classical guitar concertos that would be trying to hard, and I instead do a silly laid back improvised classic disney medley with fun jazz elements, and she ends up singing along, and I adjust my playing to compliment her voice and own phrasing with the subtle subtext that I would be as responsive to her as a lover..... and we end up agreeing to meet and well...a gentleman never...

But that will never fucking happen if this fucking bear market never ends, what the fucking hell??!?!?!

>> No.10000806

>ast I heard the main PoW chain may have to stay and all these other things will work with their own rules
That's my understanding too; the shards report back to the main chain, and the main chain delegates validators to shards

I know none of this is set in stone or certain in any way, and I won't even claim to understand it technologically (would be a full time job), but the general optimism from the developers working on it makes me believe we aren't that far off

>Needing only 32 ETH is attractive but there's people that may try to abuse that.
how so?

thanks for the material though, always interesting

>> No.10000855

Go away.

>> No.10001090

>buy high sell low

>> No.10001191

I fellt for it :( i thought im gonna get rich fucking meme killed me

>> No.10001284

When you're testing new ATHs on your portfolio, you're excited to HODL to see how much higher you can go.

When things dip below your ATH, you're always going to think of your ATH as your 'real' net worth. So you can't sell now or you'd be selling yourself short.

I would guess these are the same emotions any gambler feels as he doubles his money at the craps table over and over. He finally misses a beat but just doubles down and tries to gun for his high score again instead of quitting ahead. So for me HODL wasn't the 'smart thing' to do, it was highly emotional. I held shitcoins all the way to the bottom because shitcoins are highest risk/highest reward and I would have necked myself if we had another surprise bull and I got caught with my pants down holding 'just' BTC or ETH.

>> No.10001463
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So we the financial equivalent to a bunch of 6/10 women that think we deserve Chad because he pumped and dumped them? Fuck.

>> No.10001710

Real investor always prepare exit strategy before investing
Only scammers will tell you to HODL, because they have vested interest to inflate the price before cashing out

>> No.10001843


This. I finally came to this exact realization and consequently tethered about 10 days ago. Glad I did.

>> No.10002621

Because every time I sold something that was not an utter shitcoin I regretted it eventually

>> No.10002638
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>things go down forever

>> No.10002704

>just waiting for sharding and PoS so it actually becomes usable
good luck on that
IOST has that now

>> No.10002713

nothing goes up forever but projects with lots of potential will reach many new highs.
just because you bought at the first peak doesn't mean you're guaranteed a loss.

I literally bought a meme coin and am down 90% but this coin's potential is why I HODL it.

>> No.10003402

jesus u r creepy. thank bog that the market is crashing

>> No.10003461

Back in December there were stories of people taking out second mortgages on their homes to buy bitcoin I wonder of those "reports" were just the usual fake news from the media or if was really happening.

>> No.10003785

crypto is full of teenagers and edgelords who heard about a way to make quick money or prep for the apocalypse and throw around words they heard used elsewhere regarding stocks and money.

they don't understand any of this shit or real strategies for making/saving money.

>> No.10003792


>> No.10003848

Here's why. Crypto is not like investing in copper, or public stocks or some other mature market.

Crypto is like investing in startups. If you invest in 100 startups, it's very hard to know which one is gong to be the next dropbox (Paul Graham has actually written about this)

And the thing is, with these assymetric returns, it is a distinct possibility that ONE of your investments is going to generate more returns than all the other ones put together. Eth was an example of this for many. Neo was an example of this for many. So, given that, it is better to just place your bets and then sit back and watch.

NOW -- there is a completely different strategy, which is to trade the volatility of crypto. I don't know how to do that, and I think it is very hard to do that consistently and beat the algorithms that are doing it, especially when you factor in trading fees and taxes on each trade.

>> No.10003870

Best incel copypasta I've ever read. Keep this one anon you will be able to get mileage out of this on /v/ and Reddit for a long time.

>> No.10003890

>I literally bought a meme coin and am down 90% but this coin's potential is why I HODL it
REQ is a shitcoin. I'm sorry for your loss.

>> No.10003913 [DELETED] 
File: 3.80 MB, 1453x9999, BTCfuture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's cliffs for a summer brainlet:

1) All altcoins are shit because PoW is the only way to beat entropy and keep your money safe
2) Due Pareto law distribution, physics dictate 80% of electricity will be spent on Bitcoin and it's network effect will keep growing
3) Empires come and go dua fiatolas blowing up on a long enough timeline, and Powellcoins have no more than 20 years left to lose world reserve currency status
4) When this gap is opened, Bitcoin will be world currency reserve (because Chinks and anyone with a brain in power will have been amassing it for years while you gambled you moon tickets on pajeetolade).

Now you can continue lossing bitcoins on shitcoins and counting gains on (((USD))), then regret 10 years later about how you could have been part of the new world order's Rothchilds.

>> No.10003973
File: 3.80 MB, 1453x9999, BTCfuture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's cliffs for a summer brainlet:

1) All altcoins are shit because PoW is the only way to beat entropy and keep your money safe
2) Due Pareto law distribution, physics dictate 80% of electricity will be spent on Bitcoin and it's network effect will keep growing
3) Empires come and go dua fiatolas blowing up on a long enough timeline, and Powellcoins have no more than 20 years left to lose world reserve currency status
4) When this gap is opened, Bitcoin will be world currency reserve (because Chinks and anyone with a brain in power will have been amassing it for years while you gambled your moon tickets on pajeetolade).

Now you can continue lossing bitcoins on shitcoins and counting gains on (((USD))), then regret 10 years later about how you could have been part of the new world order's Rothchilds.