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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 368 KB, 947x776, Tobi_Manipulating_Dumping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9924212 No.9924212 [Reply] [Original]

i dont think any bizlet is surprised, but with all the freaking posts about wysshittoken in here it was obvious that numerous pumps were attempted. here is a screen from that pathetic pump group, more to come, revealing all the fails such groups do. /biz/ is smarter than this, lets send these tards right back to their pajeet land

>> No.9924328


Fuck this shit i'm selling all my tokens now.

>> No.9924343

i got rid of my bags when they attempted this shit they even bought some of mine thinking they knew what they were doing fkn joke

>> No.9924358

Lol nice attempt to crash the price to stack up huge amounts.
Wysker isn't even dependent on token price.

>> No.9924372

> project doesnt depend on price
typical excuse when shit hits the fan and project is dead on arrival, /biz/ wont buy yout bags you twats

>> No.9924377

low level fud lol. we all know who is posting this haha

>> No.9924381

they're german so back to krautland they go!

>> No.9924389

Sell allready I will buy them

>> No.9924399

haha pump group coordinating to the rescue to improve the image! doesnt even address the messages, instead makes up some shit to distract. lol what a fail

>> No.9924433

What ever. They are too legit to be influenced by some 10 people pump team

>> No.9924441

fail continues


>> No.9924452
File: 125 KB, 640x640, NewFaceNewDay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who needs /biz/ anymore when we have a countdown? Clock is ticking down boys, will you be in or out?


>> No.9924536

more pajeet shit incredible amount of energy to get people to buy a token - if it is so successful why need to shill it?

>> No.9924558
File: 20 KB, 318x326, LiterallyAryanButOk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it isn't a good investment, why spend so much effort fudding so you can buy in even more? ;)

>> No.9924569

etienne, is that you???


>> No.9924595

> assumes fud is for accumulation instead of warning new bizboyz not to get scammed

lol people have got out when they saw what you were doing

you and your kind are absolute scum and shit

>> No.9924600

If it’s a good investment, why did you show up here to do damage control after getting exposed, lmao?

>> No.9924603


>> No.9924616
File: 83 KB, 768x1024, Wysker2089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spreading the word about a cryptocurrency project on /biz/

>absolute scum and shit

MFW that is literally the only thing this board is used for.

Etienne wanted to provide content so we could make better memes, what an evil guy, what an evil team.


>> No.9924641
File: 1.14 MB, 841x1200, Wyskins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in all Wysker threads dispelling shitty FUD. I have been for a few months now. You haven't actually exposed anything?

A crypto team wants to sell some tokens for funding. How is that exposing anything?

>> No.9924668

It's a disaster for any crypto project. Who wants to buy in when the team is desperately selling to create volume?

>> No.9924671

No one goes out of their way here to help anyone. There's always an ulterior motive

>> No.9924720
File: 95 KB, 682x682, GibeMeWyskins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Desperately selling"? I don't see that happening. No tokens have left the team wallet since the bounty ended.

Check for yourself:


Someone is coordinating FUD right now for a reason :)

>> No.9924723

you guys dont even believe your own shit


>> No.9924753

Lol nice fud. Buying more cheap soon.

>> No.9924760

Please don't stop their fudding I want atleast 100k more before this rocket launches

>> No.9924797
File: 124 KB, 409x409, ComfiestRide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I dunno man, my name is in some of these screenshots, I don't want to be painted as some pump and dump scammer.

All I do is post memes and news about Wysker and discuss ideas to help in that regard.

>> No.9924823

O I thought this screenshots are subtle shill attempts from the same guys.

>> No.9924855
File: 1.27 MB, 1280x1280, SmellsLikeShopin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah its some FUD group "exposing" us for posting about Wysker on 4chan.

>> No.9924909


or fucking committing fraud for a company out of funds, as said by yourself autistic MarJay


>> No.9924927


Tobias Haag wallet.

You can see he owns 720k Shopin tokens. The plot thickens...

>> No.9924949

Lol seems like they are well funded after all if that is true. Thanks buddy

>> No.9924976


Well this is Tobias personal wallet. Says nothing about company funds but at least we know some more facts.

>> No.9925018
File: 38 KB, 479x375, Confused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What fraud?


Proof that that is his wallet, and not a whale who's fudding to accumulate more WYS?

>> No.9925024

Wow this is some good fud

>> No.9925030


Ask tobi about all his failed startups

and about how come he can call himself an ex-googler if all he did was telemarketing for sales for google adwords?

you guys will believe any crap

>> No.9925044


>> No.9925058

this fud is coordinated as fuck but you dumb pajeets with your faggot channel made this so unbelievably easy for them to fud this.

>> No.9925418

ok how the fuck does this prove this is his wallet?

absolutely dumb as fuck lmao

>> No.9925562


LION 1,000,000+ WYS
TIGER 500,000+ WYS
LEOPARD 250,000+ WYS
JAGUAR 100,000+ WYS
LYNX 10,000+ WYS


>> No.9925596


the shilling is endless, fucking pathetic

plenty of shitcoins stay low marketcap, actually most of them do

good luck with your wysker that, as you admit, doesnt depend on price of the token for "success"

oh and look at Tobis past failed startups, that should warm you up for "success", you fucking scum scamming nigger

>> No.9925600

>no one is selling
Are we looking at the same Idex because I see a very weak Bids side and heavy Asks side?

>> No.9925725
File: 13 KB, 261x195, WysassinsCreed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The vast majority of the asks or way above current market price. Like, less than 100k tokens below 0.00019..

Not exactly a heavy Asks side if you give it some context.

>> No.9925756


endless shilling by you niggers

go scrap some more eth to buy up your own orders between your little group of faggots

>> No.9925906
File: 287 KB, 1248x776, bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, what bullshit. It's 20Eth to a mere 0.00016

>> No.9925950
File: 145 KB, 354x217, TheGift.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? That's exactly what I said?

There's very few asks below 1.9. 750k WYS on the ask side, and less than 100k of those at below 0.00019.

How is it a "heavy" ask side when there's asks for a miniscule portion of all tokens (750k of 60 million) for way above the recent average price?

TLDR: No one is really selling. If they were, there'd be more asks at 0.00012 no?

>> No.9925972


You don't even have a fucking clue of what you are saying NIGGER

How the fuck does anyone buy from your promo when you say word-salad-BS like this?

you realize what you are doing is worse than wagecucking?

>> No.9925988
File: 48 KB, 880x586, WysEternalProfitMachine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9926010


Your shilling isnt even worth shit anymore

The name under which you saved the pic says it all "WysEternalProfitMachine.png"

I think your mommy is calling, you need to take your shower before school, fucking poor nigger

>> No.9926044
File: 3.83 MB, 1849x1388, WysbizMagazine2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom died from drinking the waters of the holy river ganges, I'd appreciate it if you respected her death, thank you very much Sir.

>> No.9926057

hey do you have a better resolution of this? it's really neat

>> No.9926079


pathetic scum

>> No.9926082
File: 144 KB, 864x864, Winning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best I have, sorry. Search for Bitcoin Magazine 2018, it should have the unedited version without the WYS logo.

>> No.9926151

Oh please, no one pays any attention to sell orders that are massively higher than the current price. Why the fuck would you even mention that?
I pointed out that you needed 20eth to get it to a meagre .00016. That's not even that much of a rise from where it's at now.
How far would this dump if someone dumped 20eth? Pretty far, kek.

>> No.9926213
File: 555 KB, 960x833, NoStepOnDrek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How far would this dump if someone dumped 20eth? Pretty far, kek.

Well yeah. There are very few bids. That doesn't mean that anyone is selling. You were trying to argue against someone who said that no one is selling, but no one is selling.

It's pretty normal for a small cap coin to have an absence of buy orders, when they don't they tend to stop being small cap coins. That's sort of how buy orders work, you know?

Look at the top 100 wallets, look at how many of those are selling and holding.

>> No.9926284


LOL "No one is selling"

Fucking negative IQ NIGGER

What are all the asks currently being filled? THEY ARE SELL ORDERS

Jesus, the pajeets are endless in their fucking fake promo and empty promises

>> No.9926319

Ahahahaha what a joke the wysker team is

Even they are desperate to sell their bags HAHAHAHA

Don't know what's funnier though, that or the deluded wyskies here fucking kek

>> No.9926337
File: 90 KB, 1261x943, Shocked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put it like this.

No one is filling the bids.

If you think that someone filling up sell orders way above yesterday's price is a bad thing then I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.9926350

>TLDR: No one is really selling. If they were, there'd be more asks at 0.00012 no?
Well, we're seeing them at .000135 now kek.

>> No.9926361


LOL you morons will be exposed for buying your own orders

Fucking Christ you are either sbolute brainless twats or the worst scumbag scammers ever

>> No.9926496

let see what you got pajeet.
lets see how you prove what is not happening.
blockchain isnt lying. show your cards or gtfo

>> No.9926530


Lol that Rene newfag unfortunately doesnt know how to hide his tracks with blockchain

His 40 yr old gym-needing autistic ass will be exposed, we even have him fumbling on pms

You guys have not even addressed one shit of all you have done and manipulated and act as if the burden of proof is on others

Fucking nigger scum

>> No.9926532

I can't wait uncle sam, chinks, japan, and korea alongside europe to put stringent regulations and royally shaft those pajeet scammers.
Absolute pieces of shit.

>> No.9926603

What is pms?

>> No.9926639


Fucking niggers are at it again

Shilling their shit and promoting lies!!!!

>> No.9926681

I've checked out wys and price dosnt look like its being manipulated what's the big problem?

>> No.9926692


As long as you are okay with them lying like here


And selling their bags to you, then nothing I guess

>> No.9926709

Wait, what are they lying about?

>> No.9926734

OP exposed a group of people who like to created wysker memes and shilling on biz and thinks he got the next watergate exposed.
dont know whats wrong with him, probably sold low and want back the tokens.

>> No.9926756


they just made another one of thei shill posts saying that they have insider info apparently

these kids are worse than wagecuckers spending all day fabricating shit to get other peoples money

such psychos

>> No.9926787

Oh sure it's not like you did it to proof your point Shopin pajeet

>> No.9926814


absolute fucking psychos

will lie about anything to get their few extra bucks

GTFO here you are no longer welcome on biz you fucking scammers

>> No.9926835

This is /biz/, where the fuck do you think you are?

Shills shilling in biz is nothing out of the ordinary, and there is obviously a coordinated fud with 5 threads all at once which I find more suspicious

>> No.9926838

That's too funny. Good night pajeet.

Also saged

>> No.9926860



there is also a coordinate damage control, believe what you want

the evidence speaks for itself

>> No.9926888


you will need your rest to get energy to sell your shitcoin to the next-gen scammers

>> No.9926904


Evidence for what again? Your coming off kinda desperate, all I've seen are some out of context screenshots

>> No.9926938


out of context

fuck you have negative IQ, your really think coming here with one of your group buds will help your case?

Enjoy your bags

>> No.9926960

Ok so you got nothing

Moving on

>> No.9926976


What kind of context would put this in a good light?

>> No.9926980


Move right along, you won't scam anyone in here anymore kiddo

I think it's school time now, better get your lunch box

>> No.9927071

Like rest of the discussion by the group leading up to and after the 1 screen shot taken, this is some fake news level shit

>> No.9927094


Care to post the discussion before and after then?

You talk out of your ass, I can post the discussion before and after since you guys arent even able to get rid of your moles.

You still have leakers in your group, even after panicking and getting rid of 1/3 of your pump wannabe shit

>> No.9927125

Am not even in wysker you retard

Your just coming off as desperate

>> No.9927141


Sure, thats why you are spending your time defending this shit and telling people that it is out of context because rest of chat is not visible

GTFO here you brainless piece of shit, you're lies don't even hold up anymore

>> No.9927169

Nah am just laughing at ya m8 while I scratch my nuts in bed

You on the other hand seem genuinely angry friend

>> No.9927513

Hahaha this is fucking pathetic fud. I am smug. Every thread i made to shill wysker i had a bunch of whiney faggots complaining that no one was selling and none of the wysker holders wanted to sell. I wanted us to get the 100k volume to get on CMC so I said I would talk to Tobi about them putting a small regular amount on the market to increase liquidity in hopes that the buy and selling might rise the volume. When i spoke to tobi he said nah he didn't want to do that because it would be no good for investors. Hardly a fucking conspiracy you faggots.
The only manipulation i've seen is two 10k wys bagholders saying they're gonna take down their sell orders when someone wanted to buy a bigger bag.

>> No.9927622


Lol you can spin this all you want, the team is out of funds and desperate for money, as you have stated yourself you Australia absolute piece of shit

Work harder to oflload your shitcoin and promote other shitcoins of yours like VTR to the WYS group, I'm sure that works, pathetic scamming fuck

>> No.9927756

Kek, i didn't say they're out of money, i said they're stressed about it because they lost 1600 eth to parity and the remaining eth from the 3k raised from ICO doesn't go far with a 17 person team and eth price halving, and everything is riding on 2.0. I also said i'm still hugely confident in it and bought another 8 eth worth the other day and have no intention of selling for two years. I might get you to write me a smart contract to lock them up for 2 years trinity you snitching faggot. The white knightin fudding is transparent as fuck.

>> No.9927785


You contradict yourself, people are not as stupid as you think you south-sided nigger

your conversation, as visible, is definitely stating what you proposed to Tobi and the fact that you consider it snitchin says everything one needs to know

And there is a reason CMC didnt list it after reaching 100k you brainless retard

Keep dreaming about your mansion and make sure you mention it in your shills, to convince any last soul to buy this shit

You can call it white knight all you want, I call out piece of shit scammers like you who try to damage-control after so much crap is shown to be happening behind the scenes

People will do what they want anyways

>> No.9927874

I don't contradict fucking anything. I speak truth and if you're too dense to know what to do with that information then not my problem. A number of people were complaining saying it shouldn't be on them to provide the liquidity on exchanges since none of them wanted to sell. Look at the amounts i was suggesting you fucking spaz. Start out with 50k at 9, see how quickly that sells, if it goes fast raise the price. That's like 4.5 eth, or 2k bucks. Hardly a problem Skycoin did the exact same thing except direct from their website rather than an exchange.

I Hope you whale faggots are for real and are trying to dump your stashs because i can't wait to make it without negative cunts such as yourself. The "pump and dump group" that you're trying to expose hasn't sold anything more than 30k wys in swing trading.

>> No.9927923


man you can keep the lies up all you want and fake comparisons

incredible that you keep promoting this shit even in your "defenses" here, absolutely disgusting

The difference with skycoin is that THEY TOLD PEOPLE THEY WERE SELLING, WHEN AND HOW MUCH

You guys have orchestrated so much crap like your "bro in law" who magically came in one day and provided the 100k volume

Good that CMC didnt list it when it was submitted for approval, they saw straight through the PnD BS you guys have been making

I fucking hope you completely rot inside, pump and dumpers like yourself and that fat autist MarJay deserve to go to jail, you are the fuckers ruining crypto

At least Tobi will have you to call when this iteration of his failed startups goes down, piece of shit, no wonder you are so hell bent on proving everyone wrong, you barely believe your own crap

>> No.9928019
File: 152 KB, 1364x700, wys1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wys > your mom faggots

>> No.9928036

dude go outside or something

its a fucking token man

dude has a point...theres no liquidity cause no one wants to sell until 2.0 comes out shit

>> No.9928053


lol say that to the countless people who bought their bags a triple the current price in dollar terms, they are pretty pissed off and no one ever told them that what they read was crap

keep holding until 2.0, maybe you'll convince another wave of suckers at that point

>> No.9928297
File: 2.78 MB, 480x366, 20180527_095516.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You guys have orchestrated so much crap like your "bro in law" who magically came in one day and provided the 100k volume

Learn to memory. There was already 90k volume and i said a mentioned wys in another projects chat when they were looking for 100x and then one dude said he bought wys, and the remaining volume appeared to get it over 100k. I have no idea who he is. The only time i mentioned my bro in law was to say he had a terraiota to the guy who is the iota android wallet developer and one of the top wys holders.

You can't hold a bunch of memers accountable for a price run up. I've been pretty much the only cunt shilling this since october and never saw any price action but just wanted some bizbros to be aware of the coin as i made money of stuff they shared. If you're in wys and use biz chances are you found out about it from me prior to about a month ago when some other guys realised they wanted to help grow a small cap coin that had some tough luck on their ICO.

>> No.9928507


fuck man you should be in law too with all this non-stop absolute BS explanations and you attempting to make this look like Shoppin FUD, such a lame-ass way of spinning things, you are absolute disgusting scum

You can give all these convoluted stories, the explanation is much simpler and plain for anyone to see you faggot, the same day we had a constant run up to 100k you mentioned your "bro in law" missed the ICO and wanted to get in, don't fucking lie about this shit too

Such pajeets shilling their coin because the wysker team never cared about the crypto-aspect other than to raise funds

here's an interesting one for ya: you werent even there in the slack days, and back then, people told the team not to use parity, yet they persisted thinking they knew better than people who have been around crypto for a while and were well meaning.

Well, they lost 1600 ETH in that wallet, so yes, they had a bad ICO, but its not "tough luck" as you keep spinning and changing these strories you fucking nigger, it's absolute idiocy and lack of humbleness from this team you are so in touch with

Get the fuck out of biz once and for all, you and your band of deluded pajeets, go shit on some other street

>> No.9928673
File: 102 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-06-18-11-05-36-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha the projection from you is epic. I was the one who told them to get slack and was probably the first couple of persons anne invited in there. Kys now faggot.

>> No.9928799


Man, you are one hell of a faggot, ignoring as always the main points, the actually important aspects and GRASPING AT STRAWS

If you think others are as stupid as you then idk what to say, good luck

Why did you let them use parity when everyone was telling them not to? Fucking hypocritical faggot. They "had tough luck in their ICO" - no they had what was coming for them for their actions back then and they are getting was is coming for them now

Once a scammer always a scammer.

Pray that your VTR bags will still be worth something too, you fucking pajeet shilling all the shitcoins you want and manipulating whatever you can get your hands on

Never addressed the main issues and never will, now fuck off

>> No.9928985

There are no main points to address you fuckwit.

>Why did you let them use parity when everyone was telling them not to?
I told them not to use ethereum to begin with as it's a trash coin. That was my opinion and what i offered as advice. I can't "let" anyone do anything. It's the CEOs perogative to do what he wishes with that info. One of the main dudes of solidity and parity lost 150m in the incident. It's not like wysker was some obstinate cunts, they just went with what the industry was doing.

>> No.9929033


The "industry" was not doing that at all tho and parity had MANY known issues, which were clearly written to your CEO buddy on slack

Your opinion on ETH is just as good as the next pajeet's and distracting as always from the main point

Im tempted to think your are the fucker in law, not some imaginary "bro" of yours, altho your constant diversions may work for the average cuck, this is not going to fly

Keep shilling this, you desperately need the buyers for your bags, I hope some fucker makes money at your expense too, like you've fiucked all the people who bought at triple the price and have expressed their thoughts today too

Scammers like you deserve a fate worse than death, I hope you have it

>> No.9929213
File: 51 KB, 640x640, ReneFag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember, this is who you are investing along, newfag who has only WYS as his investment "because of an article in the Aktionar - German penny stock pump and dump magazine"

You decide, you decide...

>> No.9929328

So why was 250m dollars lost in parity if it wasn't what shitloads of ICOs were doing?

There are no points to deflect. You haven't said anything that warrants anything more than being a faggot. Now i'm my own brother in law? Kek. Are you just a salty cos you bought the top, now wanna fud to get a better buy in average? None of my tokens have moved, i've added another 50k to my stack and i have no plans on selling for a couple of years.

Give me a straight list of what you want me to address without the histrionics and goal post moving.
>there was no volume and both prospective buyers and holders were frustrated
>i asked them if they thought it was a good idea for them to provide liquidity
>said no
>nothing happened
>some white knight tries to drum up a storm on /biz/ like a drama queen

>> No.9929364


I think you have spoken plenty without saying anything

You should apply for your local political runs

Funny enough, I have done my best to represent what you guys have done, I know you will keep spinning it and good luck convincing the next suckers

And fwiw, I was in pre-ico, sold my stack when i got a hold of your group and saw what was happening and then when people started complaining of actually having been fooled by your fake marketing and incessant pumps I took another look at your group to see just how nasty you fuckers have gotten.

>> No.9929385


Ewww scary. Autistic?

>> No.9929397


Yup, calls everyone "psycho" when he gets close with them

Wait until you see MarJay, he's the real deal Autist

>> No.9929403


Oh gosh that boomer is so annoying in the Telegram group. Fat people need to die

>> No.9929442


he always feels the need to tell people he's going to the gym

everyone knows he's going to binge on dad's pizza

>> No.9929497


and some currywurst of course too!

>> No.9929548


Of course, these pajeet scammers would eat that shit all day

>> No.9930513

thanks for saving me again /biz/ was about to buy into this "moonshot"