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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 164 KB, 305x590, wyskerpump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9923261 No.9923261 [Reply] [Original]

I like you, stay out of ether today.
Wysker will get pumped hard in next 12 hours.
you heard it here first, do what you want with that information.

>> No.9923426

Thanks senpai

>> No.9923432

These leaks need to be stopped.

>> No.9923735

toasters if bananas

>> No.9923914

is this real desu

>> No.9923948

yes, a real bagholder trying to offload on naive bizlets.

i fucking hate india so much

>> No.9923963

as long as my buy order at 0.000095 gets filled I'm happy

>> No.9924155

these tards angry that they bought their own shit pump with their crap pump group and want to sell back their bags, what a joke of a project - who the fuck will shop on this shit?

>> No.9924218
File: 289 KB, 1000x1000, 1525742050526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i got 2k ether and some poor 3rd world shithole country desperate for money tells me to "stay" out of ether

>> No.9924243

Indeed. I tried the app, it's complete shit. Shopping this way is not exciting for anyone

>> No.9924250

here is the pump fail for all to see:


>> No.9924254

Agreed. Telegram is a joke as well. Community is split and the dumpers are the majority by far.

>> No.9924279

>telegram made it, so wys must also make it
normie logic

>> No.9924287

and now their failed pump group is even coming to light, they apparently cant even keep their pump group together... fkn fail

>> No.9924445

No it shows the people who are the majority of token holders are looking to dump. No reason to get in now if interested.

>> No.9924463


Implying this isn't yet another European cunt piece of shit PnD'ing like that bazingacoin faggot.

>> No.9924474

Na but SNGLS will be volume been picking up since this morning.

>> No.9924479

this means I misunderstood your previous post, sry my bad

>> No.9924551


I just feel like this coin died. I just bought some of this shit too. Fuck

>> No.9924917


company itself wants to dump

desperate for cash after milking people out of 2M USD for ICO

Who runs out of cash so fucking fast?


>> No.9924945


Tobias Haag wallet.

You can see he owns 720k Shopin tokens, SHOPIN is their main competition. The plot thickens...

>> No.9925008

the guy calls himself an x-Googler but he worked in sales for adwords. he was not better than a sophisticated indian telemarketer...

not even google usa, but google ireland

that guy has started so many failed startups, ask him about that

>> No.9925579

that's some pretty trash fud but still, these faggots setting up some little pajeet clique to dump on biz doesn't exactly excite me to buy it.

>> No.9925658
File: 95 KB, 682x682, GibeMeWyskins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a pajeet clique to make good memes and to talk about good ways to spread the word.

Not exactly the gestapo.

>> No.9925671


says user with the username 'BuyWysker'

you are worse than wagecuckers, spending all day inciting others to buy your garbage

>> No.9925749
File: 358 KB, 320x320, Cats4Profit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That is what /biz/ is for, talking about projects you think will succeed. You shouldn't buy something because I think it is good, you should buy it because you've DYOR and know that it is good.

You're either one of the fudders, or you haven't done your research.

>> No.9925767


LOL what research? Tobi's failed previous startups and that he is running out of money yet again?

GTFO you scumbag nigger

go promote your shit elsewhere, you desperately need buys

>> No.9925783
File: 45 KB, 629x454, 1528143876814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your retarded little pajeet clique has tainted what could have been a fairly good coin. No one can even talk about this shit in the main chat without the admin deleting stuff and going off on one.
I wanted to buy this but you pajeets, as always turn everything you touch to shit.

>> No.9925787
File: 24 KB, 460x417, TheCatspiracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really, I don't think WYS is going anywhere fast until 2.0 regardless of what gets posted now.

Gonna be until August at least before I start getting desperate ;)

>> No.9925823


fucking joke, just like when you were screaming UNTIL APPLE APPROVES WYS

Now its UNTIL 2.0

Then it will be UNTIL 3.0

Fucking niggers

>> No.9925880
File: 7 KB, 250x160, TwoFrogsOneCat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Until Apple approves WYS (as in, until WYS is actually on iOS), and 2.0 is the same thing.

So I'm just saying the same thing as before :)

>> No.9925951


Yeah and 3.0 will be the same thing too, Apple has decided we should implement this, we will be right back with improved 3.0

what a joke... how do you burn almost all the ICO money on this result? Tobi should be banned from entrepreneurship

>> No.9925973
File: 1.95 MB, 1200x1576, Cat=MC2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now you're just whining.

>> No.9925992


LOL, keep using all your memes, that will save your whole scheme and PnD

Hahaha, niggers never even addressed the problems, they spend all day making memes and that faggot Kristoffer is proud that he learned ho wot make memes LOL

Thats who you are investing with folks

>> No.9926017
File: 136 KB, 1280x720, Wyskerman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've addressed your points in the other post, your FUD is weak af man.

Also I haven't really made a lot of memes, these are mostly from the other dudes/randoms on /biz/.

>> No.9926037


lol, enjoy convincing others of this "great investment" you and your shillers have so much time to waste and aren't even convinced of your own decision

> You desperately need more buyers, work harder I guess? Fucking scum, rot in absolute shit

>> No.9926073

It’s hilarious that you faggots still pretend that there are enough retards to buy into this dumpster fire failed startup

>> No.9926095
File: 53 KB, 946x332, Purpose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You guys are trying way too hard. Post more screenshots or something instead.

>> No.9926112


You're the faggot not trying hard enough

Having to post some wys meme in every post you make as if it somehow cleans your image and all the fraud and price manipualtion you have done

ded startup is ded

if you are holding the bags, you are the sucker and somehow with all your shilling you guys are still the ones holding the bags LOL

>> No.9926132
File: 74 KB, 261x146, COPE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how you contradict yourself in the same post. I'm a shiller that's comitting fraud and manipulating prices and you're surprised that I'm still holding my bags.

As if the latter doesn't contradict the former. We post about Wysker because we think it's going to do great. No more, no less.

I will continue holding my bags until I think otherwise :)

>> No.9926161


LOL there is no contradiction there, just you being a trihard

You haven't offloaded nearly the shitload you guys bought and when you realized this was a trainwreck forming, you reverted to biz shilling

So now we expose you, enjoy your shitcoin as memorabilia

Hopefully the amounts you guys sold was enough to pay for your initial eth

>> No.9926233
File: 11 KB, 260x260, PixelatedWysMeme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't sold a single WYS.

There's only 1 wallet in the top 50 who's selling, and from what I hear its the same guy who took all these screenshots.

>> No.9926258


im sure thats exactly whats happening - people can check the blockchain and see your fucking empty lies

you guys have run out of shit to say

this is here for people to see, i think biz has spoken and can decide for themselves

the posts say everything

>> No.9926371
File: 45 KB, 540x480, ComeJoinUs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, they can decide for themselves. I just checked it again :)

>> No.9926379


Sure, make sure to show them your addresses and the volumes youve been pushing, you fucking scam artists

>> No.9926445
File: 179 KB, 1200x756, TheEndofanEra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



It's a bit embarrassing, but I'm a student so I have an excuse.

>> No.9926547

Enjoy prison. Hope you're not in the EU or US.

>> No.9926578
File: 85 KB, 728x960, FormerGreatPower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in the EU. I don't think posting memes on 4chan is gonna land me in any prison :)

>> No.9926625





>> No.9926642
File: 70 KB, 245x254, MFW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm gonna head to bed boys, good luck with whatever it is you're trying to achieve here.

>> No.9926645

>I'm in the EU.
Pray that we don't pass an ex post facto law for crypto scamming.
You have 2 years according to our data retention laws.

Scamming pos.