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9919177 No.9919177 [Reply] [Original]

>that 30 year old Boomer who still smokes cigarettes

>> No.9919237

na I vape now

>> No.9919246

i rarely see people smoke these days

>> No.9919251

Bad idea unless its additive-free leaf like 100 yrs ago. Nicotine (found in tomatoes) doesn't cause cancer, carcinogens do. Smoking weed doesn't cause lung cancer either, but with legalization, big companies will prob start pumping chemicals in like they did w/ tobacco.

Cigs today are more toxic than 50 years ago. Because they now tell you it causes cancer on the box, they can dump straight formaldehyde in it. You were warned so don't complain.
Japanese cigs aren't so loaded, so Japan has less lung cancer rates even though they smoke more (academics call it the Japanese smoking paradox).
It's a free-for-all now. Now they dump so many chemicals in cigs you wouldn't believe it.

>> No.9919258


>> No.9919449

come to art school people fucking smoke everywhere

>> No.9919450

>he doesn’t know that organic tobacco is good for you

>> No.9919459


> art school


>> No.9919465


not when you catch it on fire and breathe the smoke deep into your lungs over and over again. Jesus Christ this board its literally dead.

>> No.9919476
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Oh fuck that's me

>> No.9919487

how can you stand faggots who are pretentious posers enough to think smoking makes them special and eccentric

>> No.9919500

Doesn't matter, tar still enters your body and fucks your health up. Smoking ANYTHING is bad for you. Period.

>> No.9919510

>Smoking ANYTHING is bad for you. Period.
Show me lung cancer w/ long term weed smokers. I'm waiting.

>> No.9919520

They should all die as soon as possible anyway so I’d say that’s good

>> No.9919526

Dont you guys think its suspicious how everywhere they are like "smokeing is bad for you", "dont smoke in movies", "dont promote smokeing", "remove graves cigarate (league)" etc.

But most new movies are promoting drugs. Makeing smokeing weed look like a cool thing. Just something people do. Drugs are suddenly ok.

>> No.9919536

Lt weed smokers are all retarded tho

>> No.9919537
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>that 50 year old millennial who smokes pot

>> No.9919538

Like this guy. Promoting weed. One of the worst shit you can take. You basicly stair at a wall for 4 hours and thats it. Not to talk about side effects. And literally every person I know (and I know many), who started with "na man, weed is harmless" are now full on drug addicts.

>> No.9919545


>> No.9919547


>> No.9919550

A pack last me like 3-4 months I like to smoke and cruise on the weekends

>> No.9919562

It's not just lung cancer you fucking stoner piece of shit, you get a whole range of other issues such as running out of breath + mental issues from long term weed use. Keep poisoning your body, idc but stop pretending like weed is a harmless substance.

>> No.9919567

I don't promote weed, because I'm not a lazy fuck.
My point is it doesn't cause cancer after smoking bongfulls every day for decades. So that tar cancer theory isn't right. Chemicals aren't added "yet".

>> No.9919962

How do you do it without fire?

>> No.9920012

You're dumb af if all you do is stare at a wall when high. You're obviously smoking too much at once if you do this. Kys

>> No.9920038

>that 30 year old Boomer

i think that's a young gen-xer

>> No.9920236

Tinctures, Oil, edibles, vaporization.

>> No.9920243

I drink a shot of whiskey daily, I dont know if thats bad or not. I can 80 push ups in a row though so thats something.

>> No.9920263

Thats such a pothead response. Thoughtless and lacking effort. I do believe you're a weed smoker faggot.

>> No.9920269

Why would I ever want to do that

>> No.9920528
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I know a lot of people who smoke weed and work and are pretty normal. Its a pretty normal thing like people drinking alcohol. However i started with weed when i was 15 and now a heroin addict at 25. But thats because i love drugs.

>> No.9920542

>what is bronchitis
stoners are fucking retarded

>> No.9920558

>staring at a wall for 4 hours
I think you are just mentally retarded
When will you stupid fucks realize that inhaling smoke from combustion of any kind is harmful to your body. All you fags ever do is repeat the same "it doesn't cause cancer lol" bullshit with no evidence to ever back it up.

>> No.9920561

Weed smokers usually mix it with tobbaco retard.

Also, carbon particles are carbon particles in your lungs. Gl getting rid of that shit.

>> No.9920580
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>> No.9920749

Smoking weed in your teenage years drops your IQ by 8 points.

>> No.9920764

I vape weed.

>> No.9920800

Boomers who smoke are even more retarded than boomers who have credit card debt. Literally giving their money to a corporation to kill them.

>> No.9920865

We’re all going to die so what the fuck does it matter you pussy.

>> No.9921148
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no thanks
t. engineer

>> No.9921157

carcinogens cause cancer
I'm sure vaping weed has almost no negative consequences

>> No.9921159

that's because we have to hide from you guys. we're probably one of the most ostracized groups in america. feelsbadman.

>> No.9921164


>> No.9921165

>non-/biz/ thread gets 41 replies

fuckin mods delete this shit already