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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9862004 No.9862004 [Reply] [Original]

>Tfw you slowly start noticing people occassionally say *extremely* noob shit on biz, not newfag as in new to biz, noob as in new to money in general
>Everyone is suddenly a massive ETH fanboy, when even during the bull run your average bizraeli would still make jokes about how Vitalik unleashed scam ICOs on us and ETH is basically useless but still a good hold
>Instead of taking jokes or criticisms of your own coins, people have a lack of self awareness and fanboy mentality
>People not understanding ROI, market caps, not knowing what ETFs are
>Tfw you slowly realize /biz/ has been swarmed with something far worse than pajeets: teenagers who decided to get into crypto this summer with their lunch money
>Mfw I realise I've been wasting time having large arguments and deconstructing FUD with literal kids

>> No.9862032

Those aren't teenagers OP. Those are black people. Stubborn and stupid with a distinctive vocabulary.

>> No.9862051

This happens every summer

>> No.9862057

Too many niggers and pajeets.

>> No.9862069

t. as stupid as most noobs

>> No.9862081

baby's first summer

>> No.9862095

This happens literally every summer to every board

>> No.9862098

But that green ID tho

>> No.9862101

100% correct

>> No.9862109
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ayo hol up itz weird. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! up in tha beginnin I was fuddin Link ta accumulate mo' n' mo' n' mo'. which I did ultimately when dat shit was round 13 cent. I amassed 300K Link AYO HOL UP. I definately be thinkin I have enough ta make dat shit. tha problem though is dat I can't stop fuddin mah own investment where I be literally all-in wit mah game savings. gettin all jiggy with it. I designed a shitload of da most thugged-out hated n' posted memes regardin Chainlink. again... I be all-in wit mah live savings n' I have no intention whatsoeva ta shill dis project. instead I went ta crazy lengths ta meme fud whenever I can. sometimes I sit a whole dizzle up in front of tha screen n' I FUD FUD FUD FUD. I don't suttin' is poppin' off wit mah dirty nigga ass. but since I have invested up in Chainlink I feel helladifferent. mah behavior make straight-up no sense... yet I be 100% shizzle I gotta FUD mah own investment.

>> No.9862185
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I knew about summer on other boards, I didn't think it would happen to biz because I thought there'd be a higher barrier to entry.

The problem as well is that unlike when biz was full of pajeets where it was simple, just do the opposite of what /biz/ says, when its full of ADD riddled teenagers there's going to be so much chaos and noise that there will be a complete mix of good and bad advice because teenagers are just fucking random and impulsive.

So basically no moon mission til september and these faggots fuck off.

>> No.9862197

You just realized this? /biz has been shit since last June.

>> No.9862208
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>he stills calls people "noobs"

>> No.9862232
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>tfw you know op is talking about you and you're in your thirtirs
>tfw you know op is in his early twenties and makes miserable choices with his life
>tfw snatching teenage pussy right under his nose while he tfwnogfs, then shitposting on 4chin

>> No.9862400


I know that, but before it was shit because of pajeets, r*dditors, and the occasional roastie. Now it's full of teenagers which is worse than all of the other 3. And back when biz was full of /smg/ and /asx general/ and how to dress for work, it was more boring for teenagers so they didn't swarm here. This summer though all the kids have seen le epic bogdanoff meme video and are here shitting up the place. And here I was looking forward to finishing my dissertation so I could really dedicate more time to /biz/ and crypto...

>> No.9862435

>Everyone is suddenly a massive ETH fanboy
Suddenly? This board was absolutely ecstatic about eth for the first half of 2017
>Instead of taking jokes or criticisms of your own coins, people have a lack of self awareness and fanboy mentality
What? It was never the case. It's astronomically better than during the bull run when _every_ thing was summed up as 'fud'. Iota and tron fags were the worst.
>who decided to get into crypto this summer with their lunch money
I bet you decided to get into crypto half year ago

>> No.9862453

Wow racist much fucking idiot?!?!?

Anyway OP, Ethereum is the best and like I love it. I follow all the crypto people on Twitter and the one who is totes my ideal bf E>E>E> loves Ethereum.

He encourages me to be strong and says it doesn't matter what my gender is and I deserve the best. Women like me are the ones to break oceans.

>> No.9862537


Wrong, people were ecstastic about the gains, but there was a lot more 'level-headedness' in discussion about ETH. People would also frequently say that they held ETH and it was the future, BUT that it was also currently useless, might crash, and that it unleashes a wave of pajeet scams.

People were realistic. And this is the REAL big red flag, back then people who OWNED ETH would promote alternatives for gains. People who had ETH were actively promoting Lisk for example, which ended up being shit, but they still looked at it and compared it and weighed it up and down and maybe threw some money in just in case it went up.

Now if you even mention EOS, which might end up being just as shitty as LISK, people who like ETH just go full on 'scam', 'vapourware', 'pedo coin', 'centralised shitcoin', like I've never seen this level of fanboyism. Even a year ago people who had one coin, would compare positives and negatives of another. People who were invested in Monero and had every right to spit on Verge, a blatant scam, still actually talked about it with some semblance of respect. There is a really intense wave of rabid, tribalistic, loyalty to your coins which imo is indicative of young people. Because as you get older you tend to not get emotionally loyal, you look at everything in terms of possible benefit, if there's no benefit you just ignore.

>> No.9862557

its teenagers too tho, i remember the wrestling threads a couple weeks ago.

>> No.9862609

Ah, so you're a butthurt soon-to-be EOS bagholder. So much for fanboyism.

>> No.9862720

Trannies aren't women brah

>> No.9862896

Had you considered that maybe the scammy, vaporware, centralised pedocoin you're fanboying over hasn't enough positives to make the negatives worth putting up with?

>> No.9863355


Even if you're right, and EOS is a scam, the sheer amount of 'raiding' that goes on nowadays is irritating. A year ago if you started a thread on Dogecoin, or Bitbean or Ark, people talked about those coins. Maybe there'd be some memes and a few insults. But if I start an EOS thread it's immediately drowned in a sea of spamming the same fucking points over and over. This isn't about the validity of EOS, this is about the fact that people on this board seem to have the energy to immediately drop down the same posts every time they see a thread with the EOS logo, this behaviour is very similar to the tribalistic fanboyism you get on /v/ and is similar to how teenagers act. It doesn't matter if you're right, it's the fact you have the time and dedication to go into those threads every time. It'd be on thing if there were 10x EOS threads at once, like ChainLink threads, or if they were obnoxious 'APOLOGIZE' smug threads, but even the ones that are just talking about the mainnet launch get fucking spammed.

I literally see more positive discussion in fucking 0xbitcoin threads, honestly justify that for a second. Justify why EOS deserves to be shit on more than 0xB? If EOS is truly a scam and you're saving ignorant bizraelis, then why not put the same effort into all the other scams shilled here? If EOS poses zero threat to ETH at all, why do you even care? Just filter the threads. And yet every EOS thread like clockwork the insults just come streaming in. I won't even call it FUD because it's not even concern trolling fear/uncertainty, it's just point blank spamming the same bullshit arguments.

People used to say Ripple was the ultimate 'centralized, banker scam coin' but even they didn't get as much hate as EOS. But you're probably so fresh here that you don't even remember the Ripple threads back in September. You faggots are straight from /r/crypto.

>inb4 you insult the length of my post instead of actually addressing any of my points.

>> No.9863410

Congrats anon, you've finally realised who you've been arguing with on the internet all those years. Literal children. Not even teenagers, 10 and 11 year olds.
Perhaps it's time to get a new hobby?

>> No.9863439

You're absolutly right anon. Noticed it too.

>> No.9863453

>higher barrier to entry
>no registration: just show up and spam
>hardly moderated
>zero age verification

Yeah biz seems pretty hard to access

>> No.9863461


>> No.9863464


Not in a literal sense.

>> No.9864075

its insane. Though to be fair the BCH bcash stuff was pretty intense for awhile. But the EOS stuff is just hate in all directions.

>> No.9864123

yeah funny thing is blacks have always been better at making money than dumbass fucking cracker that get by on fucking privilege and sucking on mommy and daddys teet

>> No.9864240

a 4 billion dollars scam compels more attention than a 4 million dollars scam
if anything, eos is underFUDed when you look at magnitude objectively

>> No.9864250

is this why most blacks have a negative tax contribution while most whites have a positive tax contribution?

>> No.9864273


reddit is no longer a banned word friend

>> No.9864311

sorry whites arn't smart enough to read up on tax shortcuts and workarounds

>> No.9864332

I turned my middle school cousin to biz this winter
its full of kids, guaranteed. and thats a bad thing

>> No.9864338

I'm sorry, but it sounds like you just can't put up with people discussing EOS in a non-positive way. Perhaps you need to take a step back emotionally from your investment.

For one thing, you're dismissing valid points as copy-pasted FUD - maybe there's a good reason the same arguments keep coming up? Second, you're acting as if it's always the same handful of people posting that way; maybe you hadn't noticed, but this Korean fish-raising forum is relatively popular and has anonymity enabled by default, so thousands of separate individuals may be putting down your baby on any given day. Third, you deflect by bringing up 0xBTC, and since you asked, the reason why EOS may deserve more disdain than 0xBTC is very simple: 0xBTC is a mining coin with a basic premise (lol BTC on ETH), while EOS was literally sold as an income stream for a private company with no implied or promised value or use, so they could develop software for someone else to use to launch platforms.

>> No.9864341

Yeaa that's not why. Hint: you might want to look at the average salary for blacks vs the average salary for whites (or Asians).

>> No.9864347

>is similar to how teenagers act
It's almost like December brought a whole bunch of teenage crypto "experts" here to shit up this board.

>> No.9864368

ay mane uz in the rong neighberhud mane

>> No.9864370

This. I stopped browsing /biz/ for crypto advices. I'm browsing /biz/ only for the rare pepes and apus now.

>> No.9864465


Ok like right now, be completely honest, there's no need to lie here, how now are you? You came from reddit didn't you? Like don't lie dude just be honest, this is an anonymous website.


XRP was at one point operating with 16 validating operators and had a marketcap of 22 billion with a circulating supply of 16 billion and a total supply of like 99 billion, and yeah there was a lot of FUD, and yeah it got shat on when it left containment, but EOS gets raided. Plus these 'valid' points you keep saying are posted are literally shit like 'pedophile coin' (does anyone remember Vitaliks child porn tweet, kek) and 'vapourware scam' stop acting like it's real high level debate here. I guarantee you 90% of people posting EOS FUD cannot even explain what delegated proof of stake even means, because if they good they'd know that EOS is miles above NEO which is worth 3 billion and has virtually no transactions and beyond the absolute most superficial level is actually more centralised.

You're complete lack of self awareness on the subject is extremely telling, for example you're actually the THIRD person I've talked to today who mentioned that it was somehow 'special' that EOS raised 4 billion, that it was more deserving of hate for that reason. An absolutely irrational statement by the most basic principles of logic, the fundamental NATURE of the coin, what it IS, is not affected by how much money it raised. Other coins have had higher market caps in the past, and market cap is ultimately a number. That's like being against bitcoin if its market cap became too high, market cap is not a valid criticism.


>> No.9864525
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What really highlights that you're not from here, is your fan culture. You see /biz/ and 4chan as a whole is distinguished from reddit by a healthy degree of cynicism. Yeah we've always had cunts who use tripcodes or LINK fags and shit, but as a whole people on /biz/ are all about gains, and it was always very perceptable, there was never this 'Oh I'm gonna buy X because they're gonna help save the environment' etc, and likewise even when you were invested in something, you'd often criticise or make fun of your own investment. You guys have not only brought your tribalism in terms of negativity towards other coins, but more nauseating is your open and outward love of ETH. Literally around 3 months ago criticism of ETH just disappeared. People used to mock Vitalik and just in general talk shit about Eth and how its only used for ponzi schemes and crypto kitties. Now every discussions its all about how Plasma and Sharding are gonna be the next big thing, and Vitalik is a genius etc.

You've brought the one thing I hate about reddit with you: unbridled optimism. I can spot you guys from a mile away because you talk about cryptocurrencies the way you talk about Marvel characters. I don't even know how to fully articulate it but there's this serious lack of perspective. It's 100% because you're all teenagers or just turned 20, and maybe these are your first ever investments so you've got that virginal attitude where you feel the need to passionately defend your investment like a sports team.

I don't get why even try to deny at this point, everyone who has been on this site for more than a year can spot you faggots a mile away.

FYI the first time I noticed this was with Nano fags, they were the EXACT same way. Every thread it was 'feeless, decentralised, payment structure' etc. like the nintendo-drones of /v/.

>> No.9864827

Maybe you didn't see my ID, but I've been here since the times when reddit was a convenient scapegoat for raids. Not that that's relevant.

>> No.9864912

Lmao not even you believe this