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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9838671 No.9838671 [Reply] [Original]

Bought a very large bag at 40 cent DCA. Anyone get chinked as hard as me?

Probably going to kms if it drops under 20c

>> No.9838696

i'd assume a lot of people bought at 50 cents. i personally bought most of mine at 37 cents, but some at 47. I will buy another big bag tommorrow

>> No.9838820

Don't buy ico pump and dumps, buy organic growers like 0xBTC

>> No.9838824

this post better be ironic

>> No.9838829
File: 500 KB, 728x640, 1524964311435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9838996

I'm buying some of this shit today my niggas... deep discounts. Waiting to see if we dump harder though first.

>> No.9839266
File: 521 KB, 2006x1600, n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are alright anon. I bought this at 50, 40 and 30 cents and I know this is super undervalued until the big news hit and the price will eventually surge to 3-5$ in this summer

>> No.9839307

what about ur satoshi price op
dont think in $usd

>> No.9839371

i bought the iotx dip like a chad
sorry op can't relate

>> No.9839417

what's the bet you don't even know what the internet of things is

>> No.9839428

What does NKN stand for? It doesn't say it anywhere on the website?

>> No.9839434

New kind of Niggor

>> No.9839436

New Kind of Network (New kind of Science play on words, Cellular Automata)

>> No.9839609

I'll buy below 20c

>> No.9839611

bought 1.3 btc worth at 37c
another 1 btc at 35c after the drop
another 1 btc today at 25c

will buy more if needed

>> No.9839699

Why don't you buy the next 50 Million coins released in july?

>> No.9839720

I will if it looks good. I have 20+ btc to trade so that's not a problem. Averaging down is pretty easy

>> No.9839977

I went on their telegram at $0.47 and told them to sell, thats when I also sold. That stupid guy kept saying the pricev won't go down because NEO won't dump. 100M to 200M ciruclating supply and they still didn't sell. Now its -50% like I said.

>> No.9839985

you struck it lucky. that's all.

>> No.9839998

No I didn't, it was obvious to sell when the supply doubled. Who in the hell would buy a coin after its gone x2 marketcap in a single moment?
Anyways dropped my ICO bags and went in rock bottom on Iotex and more on Quarkchain.

>> No.9840009
File: 73 KB, 678x535, 490E7A4F-0153-4914-B405-6FB18ACFD785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s gonna be such a great time when this thing hits 3+ dollars and everyone who sold realizes what they missed out on

>> No.9840022


Well you're a dumb fuck, enjoy the iotex inflation HAHAHAHAHA

>> No.9840036

that increase in circulating supply was wrong. it's just that CMC has a weird way of calculating it. CMC looks at private investor wallets who won't/cannot sell their tokens according to the admin in the telegram channel.

>> No.9840052

CMC had it wrong, it wasen't 50m increase it was 100m which is why it went -50% lol, confirmed by admin. Anyways my 2 bags quark and iotex are the only one on binance doing well, it was a stupid idea not to sell or to buy when the supply increase and not wait for the sell off. It was an obvious move.

thanks man :)

>> No.9840063

you stupid. admins already confirmed in the tg the current supply is 200mil. they're actually the ones who asked CMC to change the supply.

>> No.9840068

bought 3,5k at 0.0083 NEO

then it dipped

bought anotue 3,5k at 0.007 NEO

Now it's down to 0.0055

I have patience though

>> No.9840071

CMC is now right according to its own algorithm but wrong if you want to look at tokens 'actually' in circulation.

>> No.9840088

You clearly have none if you fomo bought high

>> No.9840105

Ahahaha wtf it dumped even more

>> No.9840114

>$0.25 (-21%)
lmao. this chinkshit is going straight to 1 cent

>> No.9840132

>implying anyone could predict the market

>> No.9840150

i will move my coins around to buy more of this baby at 0,20c

>> No.9840183

Moving 13 more ETH to buy more, thanks for dumping your bags in the red faggots I'll be happy to scoop everything up

>> No.9840234

come on fags my buy is at 39185 gwei on Gate, fill it up for me

>> No.9840247

ahahaha I just bought some on this major dump

>> No.9840261

couldn't be fucked to wait my order fill, just spammed buys and loaded up 13 more eth, if anyone's watching Gate you probably saw it

>> No.9840263

I saw you buy that 7 eth wall

>> No.9840304

this is a classic example of "be greedy when others are fearful", what coin with good fundamentals goes -30% in a day and doesnt recover? people dont have the patience to wait weeks man

>> No.9841149

Bumping for the positivity I detect

>> No.9841326

thank you fellow bizbro, hope you're planning on buying at least a small bag. still -18% for the day

>> No.9841335

you didn't get chinked, you got pajeeted.

>> No.9841376

>when nobody picks up coins - even after panic sell
>must be nkn

>> No.9841470

any chance of a pump during tomorrow conference?

thinking of dumping my IOTx for NKNs and prepare for tomorrow

>> No.9841482

the conference is in 2 hours 40 mins, no?

>> No.9841529


1day and 1 hour

>> No.9841539

that's open source... conference starts in 2 hours

>> No.9841552

trolling or you cant read numbers... but even the open source is in 16 hours and not 1 day and 1 hour, LOL. pajeet

>> No.9841588

Steady 0.40 after conference

>> No.9841659

mfw i need a 2x to break even on this, fucking kill me. Still not selling

>> No.9841677

don't sell my friend, this shakeout doesnt reflect NKN's true value and potential

>> No.9841695

yeah, just pissed that if i would've waited a week i could have double my stack, but hey oh well.

>> No.9841761
File: 87 KB, 900x900, 6AEA8027-B0B5-47BC-9EF1-684BE28B3493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks every time zone is the same
Well, I checked as well and the site said it will be released in one day and one hour. That got me thinking, where is this faggot from? Apparently he must be about 9 hours ahead of EST to think that it’s only 16 hours away. I figured I should look it up, and guess what area of the world is 9 hours ahead of EST? Pic related, go find a street to shit in Rakesh, and get off of this board

>> No.9841776

u just went fool retard... if something says 16 hours, it's 16 hours... timezones dont matter...

or when your friend tells u, we meet in 12 hour... do you count with fcking timezones? wtf retard

>> No.9841796
File: 1.92 MB, 1242x2208, C9F89DDC-3596-438B-A3DF-DFACF7738DE7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>responds within 30 seconds
>fool retard
>full damage control mode
>the state of street shitters
Learn to fucking speak English before you post kek

>> No.9841815
File: 356 KB, 821x673, Screenshot from 2018-06-11 17-14-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice kek, SUBHUMAN
15 hours

>> No.9841825
File: 130 KB, 708x633, 849F56E3-0D62-4DFA-91C5-FEE61C84E042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NKN is a good buy. I’m not a pajeet, I shit in a toilet.

These guys are pajeets, don’t believe their lies.

>> No.9841833


>> No.9841890

jesus christ. this thread stinks of fucking curry.

>> No.9842410

Haven't gone in yet, just reading up on it. NKN has a lot of long-term potential, but it's still unproven tech for now.

>> No.9842420

Open source soon, may be unproven for less than 10 hours

>> No.9842502

Heard big exchange coming and huuuuge news. Will break $1 this week

>> No.9842527


Haha, literally bought 20 NKN just to make it drop. Bogfags always dump it even when I buy a tiny bag.

>> No.9842528

i got scammed, bought at 50 cents

fucking curry shitting pajeets

>> No.9842651

I did sir, a cheeky 1k bag sir, felt good sir

>> No.9842685

i hope u sell, so u dont enjoy the gains later, subhuman.