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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 26 KB, 780x438, h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9819516 No.9819516 [Reply] [Original]

just here to remind you, that you will never have a girlfriend, even if you manage to make it.

>> No.9819527

doesnt matter

>> No.9819549

I do. She’s my wife... /thread

>> No.9819559

i have a wife, bro
she's awesome
don't be such a downer ffs
i wish this was the 80s again so you faggots would be out on the streets getting swirlies 24/7 instead of hiding in your parents basement

>> No.9819578

But what does that say about you being here, boomer?

>> No.9819581

if your girlfriend wasn't a kissless crushless rape-victimless teenager when you met her, she's not really your girlfriend

>> No.9819587

boomers can like stinky memes child...

>> No.9819595
File: 26 KB, 326x326, reee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get out of my safespace normie boomers

>> No.9819614

hey man i'm just here for the memes and brap posts

>> No.9819621

where else am i going to find fresh content to post on twitter tho #memegains #demfollowers

>> No.9819626

it's ok we don't hate you at all, just the nihilistic bullshit that wrecks the hope of others on biz. Don't have your temporary misery spawn some radicalized incels. you can change any part of your social life. you'll learn.

>> No.9819631

Cope is so consistent with you boomers

>> No.9819642

cope so comfy, come cuddle

>> No.9819646

Juat a reminder
If you shit up my board with obvious reminder threads, you will never make it.

>> No.9819676
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That would be a nightmare. I´m just waiting to make it before ending it, so that my life wasn´t complete waste.

>> No.9819728

youre life isnt a waste anon. you can do a lot. trust me fren. finding motivation is the hardest part of being an adult and honestly even boomers re-adjust where they're going.

>> No.9819739

good me just want to hire random football teams for fuck any ways

>> No.9819753

But I have a girlfriend now anon

>> No.9819763
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Already have one. Check and mate

>> No.9819797
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>> No.9819815

Fuck i was so close

>> No.9819828

groom, but don't overgroom
be pleasant, but don't be gay
go outside, but don't get caught trying

>> No.9819857

I got into pickup. Tyler Owen (RSD). Krauser and Roosh V. I hated night game so I did daygame. 3 years. Some of the best and tormenting times of my life.

>> No.9819871

Having a girlfriend is a meme for cucks like you, just like marriage, religion, school and shit like this.

A man should have multiple womans and do whatever the fuck he wants.

Enjoy your cuck life, cuck.

>> No.9819880

honestly do this for three months:
- stop eating all carbs
- run 30 mins a day at whatever speed you can
- drink tons of water

you will find yourself more attractive, confident, and still not a chad despite these chad like tendencies. I was once a room dwelling obese nerd but no longer. I didn't Chad up, but I found navigating the world so much easier without depression and fear. Seriously - the byproduct of exercise is losing weight. The regiment changes the way you're able to accomplish anything. I promise you won't be a chad. Do what i did. Don't tell anyone you're doing it.

After that, don't GUN IT for a girlfriend. Socialize yourself slowly. I was always social, but not attractive. If you know you're not social it's gonna take awhile to figure out how to not be weird. You can do it anon. I believe in you.

>> No.9819914
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I have once in my life interacted with a girl and she was almost crying and saying that I don´t have to be so kind all the time.

am I too cuck?

>> No.9819930

<<<< V I R G I N C O P E >>>>

>> No.9819943

you kind of need a larger sample size than one girl tho

>> No.9819948
File: 171 KB, 1508x892, apuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am already ~188cm, 95 kg "muscular teddy bear" (~16-18% bodyfat)

sounds gay as fuck now that I write it down

>> No.9820060

it only sounds gay as fuck because you socialize with the fucking psychopaths on here. Do you go out at all? Do you have any friends IRL near you? Do you go to bars just to have a drink with a friend?

The real truth is you need socialize without the intent of getting a girlfriend. Use meetup.com . find a local activity with people who like the same shit as you no matter how dumb or weird it is.

FFS there are FURRIE CONVENTIONS. The key is to just know what you like. Find the people that also like it and just hang out with them. You will meet LOTS of beautiful women/men (you could be gay? if so that's totally fine by most people your age unless you hang at a church?)

You need to learn how to just hang out with zero expectations. How to converse with actual humans, make them laugh, listen to their stories or troubles, and learn the basic social interactions you think you're cursed to NEVER have.

It takes a bit of time, but you can't force it. You will meet some one. You will be ok. You will be loved. Don't give up. It's not nearly as hard as it seems fren. You can do it.

The first step is literally changing the day to day pattern you currently repeat that's making you super depressed, mentally unhealthy and socially empty.

>> No.9820116

I'm emgaged you manlet

>> No.9820183

Read up on some pickup. And stop fapping, no matter what other anons say.
That will give you fuel to go out and socialize

>> No.9820248
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I appreciate your effort on helping me and many other people wrestling with the same problems on this board.

>> No.9820259

i mean maybe? the key is to have confidence. It's the one thing chads have that everyone on here hates. Being confident (not overly confident) shows everyone that you have an ethos. If you don't have a core set of values... as stupid as this sounds... download a Tony Robbins audio book like "the power within." At the very least it can show you that, yes, you are worth people's time and that you can accomplish goals. "Making it" isn't a goal and the journey towards "Making it" is what will actually shape you as a person not just the fact that you have money. You can do it anon.

>> No.9820260

iv have already had 5 gfs lad

>> No.9820278

it's not effort. It's kharma. People with no sense of reciprocity are the Chad assholes that both this board and most of the world despise. Better yourself and you will attract people into your lifein both platonic and personal relationships. I didn't start until I was 24 and cannot begin to tell you how glad I am I finally did it.

>> No.9820315
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>he fell for the women meme

>> No.9820320

you normies dont get it

social interaction isn't that easy
you had it easy all your life, you managed to make friends early, you got experience

meanwhile there's other here that got rejected all life and never ever even had an actual conversation with a person before, basically starting from 0

what you are telling people is like telling a dog to play dead without ever teaching it how to do

you are privileged pieces of shit that dont know how well you are off, its like rich people telling legitmate poor people to just stop being lazy

>> No.9820327
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I actually am overly confident and sometimes even arrogant on some aspects which I handle very well because of almost autistic interest and fast learning ability, but on the other hand extremely insecure on some other areas like social skills, looks and that kind of things

>> No.9820393
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lol 3D
Just Monika.

>> No.9820413

Hey man,
I completely understand. I actually WAS this guy and so were my friends in High School. So i can only offer what I know.

I was bullied by the jocks and chads, not liked by girls due to my physical appearance, and was in no way popular.

Your dog analogy is definitely good, but the thing is, it can be learned and most of it comes from finally learning to like yourself rather than hope you accomplish x, y, and z so that others will hopefully notice and approve of you.

Normies aren't complicated creatures and they don't overthink as much as the hyper intelligent people on /biz/. You don't have to like them by any means, but you can gain a lot in life by learning how to interact with them instead of vilify them. Normies don't know they're normies and it really is that simple.

The only effort that's really needed is enough gumption to stand up and realize that being you is ok and that you'll only start on the path towards what you want to accomplish in life if you stop hating everyone around you.

you might be confusing being overly confident with trying to prove that you're smarter than most people. you don't have to do that at all. If someone is a dumbass at the bar, let them be dumb. Learning how to brush off stupid people that won't affect your life in any way is one of the greatest ways of getting rid of the angst of depression/anxiety. People know you're smart, but do it in ways that don't create enemies. Crack a joke, be witty, explain something to someone who really wants to know about said topic. There are a myriad of ways to show that you are a person that deserves to be valued, but you can't do it out of pomp, circumstance, and anger.

>> No.9820422

I've unironically browsed /biz/ with my gf before. Sometimes when I'm playing video games she'll yell "braap" and flash me her ass

>> No.9820595

bamp to halp frens in need

>> No.9820727
File: 95 KB, 960x960, 11429558_1019516754747559_690765330_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will all get qt gfs once we make it!

>> No.9820807
File: 36 KB, 553x567, making it 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you promise?

>> No.9820861
File: 138 KB, 750x547, QqaDARJ2iUQ5XaG88JWaHLST-fkFKrPEfhbzWnOOaIM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes anon once we become millionaires we will all get qt gfs i promise!

>> No.9820871

no you wont

>> No.9820935

If you are still a virgin and over 20 then wtf are you doing.
>inb4 virgin cope

You have access to so many bitches. Tinder bumble grinder, backpage, escorts, trip to Tijuana. You guys are closer than you think to some pussy.

>> No.9820990

Saving myself for my future wife.

>> No.9821020

That’s not how it works. Because right now she is 99.99% getting it from somebody else. Don’t lie to yourself to feel better. It gets better man

>> No.9821027

I'd never date a non-virgin girl so that would never happen.

>> No.9821079

make sure she has her hymen intact, anon
make her spread her legs before you even spend a time
just like the arabs do, ya walking meme

>> No.9821100

t. fucks other guys' used goods

>> No.9821115

hey man, nothing wrong with getting your dick wet
unless you can't :^)

>> No.9821169

Until age 28:
>low income
>browsed r9k

Now, at 30:
>getting married this month
>crypto millionaire (gf doesn't know, I live frugally)
>cashed out enough to index funds to last 10+ years
>motivated again

I'm still an autist and friendless tho but things are looking up. It's amazing how much can change in just a year when you catch a break. It's also amazing the difference having a gf can make, tfwnogf is not a meme

>> No.9821226
File: 71 KB, 640x360, 1502951218982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good, i just need a bf

>> No.9821256
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good, would rather not waste money on a depreciating asset

>> No.9821277

> already got a a Korean qt gf
> already made it
But yea, getting rich won't magically make women attracted to you.

>> No.9821513
File: 670 KB, 300x268, tumblr_o6tpe8IgZp1qg4e0wo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a gf is not the solution to my problems.
i don't want some attention junkie housepet that thinks it's people.

i want to be a better trader.

>> No.9822200

I do have a girlfriend

>> No.9822271
File: 73 KB, 950x534, https___blueprint-api-production.s3.amazonaws.com_uploads_card_image_606054_f5ce8db1-3094-48d4-a9c7-4c9364125ec0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every girl has kissed thousands of times already
>Every girl has had sex with hundreds of guys already
>Every girl has 50 guys interested in them at any given moment
>There are no sweet, innocent virgin women anymore

>> No.9822300

Will find some bitch and I'll have the power to dump her if I get bored of her shits.

Yesterday I saw a 10/10 gold digger with a subhuman neckbeard driving a Porsche 911, don't know if crypto rich, lottery, inheritance or whatever but he really looked like someone that barely get out of his basement.

>> No.9822307

But I do, in fact I have an ex-wife you are welcome to and another GF that will boil your bunny.

>> No.9822311

That's just the thing. Will I make it?

>> No.9822328

Genx. Built the internet. Created chan and haxxor culture, have sex and am heavily armed, trust no one particularly in secular authority and shit on millennials as the worthless characterless over socialised drones they are. Fight club Vs Cape shit.

>> No.9822336

>There are no sweet, innocent virgin women anymore

You would not be n so keen on them if you'd dated one. They are virgins for a reason kid.

>> No.9822345

Who else wants to cut open zukerbergs skull just to see what's actually in there?

>> No.9822867

bamp to help my frens

>> No.9822893
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>> No.9823251

true. so what?

>> No.9823675

>>9819516 ur right cuz I have a hot wife, thnx anon

>> No.9824610

t. Will die alone as a virgin

>> No.9824622

Anon.. I don’t know how to tell you this.....

>> No.9824625
File: 34 KB, 590x550, 1528040431209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is it with this virginito cope on chin? I thought only alphas post on edgy imageboards

>> No.9825301
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>> No.9825314


she will know when they subpoena your net worth

>> No.9825333

I know.

>> No.9825815

Unless you're dating Japs you'll never fuck a virgin girl. (Assuming you're over the age of 21 in this hedonistic society).

>> No.9826019

Move to Japan where hook-up culture doesn't exist, slut shaming is RAMPANT, and girls value dating/hanging out more than fucking.
t. white guy in Japan

>> No.9826027

Gonna lose my wife now that all the money is gone

>> No.9826092

>+26 replies and 4 images omitted. Click here to view.
>being this beta
>in a country where every other girl under 30 has done porn at some point

>> No.9826112

I already have one
>tfw just had tender and loving sex
It's about you, not the money.

>> No.9826128

>just had tender and loving sex

hope your anus doesn't hurt too much. Don't worry, it'll heal soon enough so you can enjoy it all again.

>> No.9826146

When I make it I wont need one. Artificial womb and prostitutes here I come.

>> No.9826166

>44.2% of women -- almost half of Japan's millennial singles aged between 18 to 34 -- are virgins.

Maybe you should ACTUALLY visit sometime, instead of posting from your mother's basement. People like you with no life experience talking about things they don't know about are the worst, it's a 12 year old's mentality.

I love this country so fucking much. Free (and better) healthcare, less taxes, everyone is polite, nobody litters, no (((tipping))), and honestly the alcohol tastes better here. They make damn fine whiskey.

Also, MOST IMPORTANTLY, there are no fat people. They just don't exist here.
>70.7% of all females over the age of 21 are overweight or obese in America
Enjoy your used-goods ogre-faced stacy

>> No.9826265

amerilards jesus christ