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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 157 KB, 1209x755, ethereum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9805819 No.9805819 [Reply] [Original]

2 possible scenarios
1. ETH is a security for having an ICO; price will tank
2. ETH is exempted to being a security despite having an ICO; a bit unfair but lets assume, it would still be bad because other ICOs are deemed to be securities, ICOs will liquidate a lot of ETH

Why the fuck do you faggots refuse to hold BTC? There is literally almost none to little upside for ETH right now but with all the risk. You can talk about tech all you want but when BTC dumps this thing dumps harder.

If you notice BTC dominance has been slightly going higher these past few days despite BTC going sideways, why is that? Its because smart money is starting to exit alts and move to BTC.

>> No.9805832

3. It's just another trick to make people sell low

>> No.9805869

Stop being emotional about your bagholdings and think about it

>> No.9805989

I assume you are new to /biz/ and think that we are as stupid as reddit. You are using obvious fud wording.

Also, ETH does not have an ICO, ETC does.

>> No.9806091

He's right though this could be a bunch of bullshit.

>> No.9806101

>calls it bullshit
>doesnt give a case why the 2 scenarios are wrong aside from muh whales are tricking us

>> No.9806237

exact same advice for you
bitcoin is pointless, it will never become user-friendly or scalable in a decentralized manner to be used as a currency
ethers can be used right now to interact with a bunch of dapps... this is where you go and sneer at cryptokitties and some shit, but here's the thing, i don't give a fuck about your normie lifestyle, *i* use dapps for hours every day and ether has inherent worth to me because of that, regardless of any monetary value in any other currency
you can hold your bitcoins to 0 or 1MM, either direction has no relevance to people who are in crypto for the possibilities smart contracts offer

>> No.9806299

>bitcoin is pointless, it will never become user-friendly or scalable in a decentralized manner to be used as a currency
digital gold retard. doest need to be fast.

whatever you say you cant deny the fact that when BItcoin dumps, altcoins dump harder. if bitcoin dumps 90% your alts will be worthless.

there is literally no way for me who holds BTC to lose without you losing as well.

>> No.9806311

try rereading the post you're replying to, especially the last sentence
again, cut your emotional ties. you're so enamored with the memes of bitcoin you ascribe fictional positions to the people you're replying to. again, if bitcoin goes to 1MM, more power to you, no skin off my back

>> No.9806335

>cut your emotional ties
LOL im not the one who refuses to look at the facts that there is no way for BTC to die without everythinng dying as well.

I should have expected nothing from people who shill OMG, NEO, ICX hahahahahaha cant wait to post suicide threads soon

>> No.9806351

Icos already exclude burgers, storm in a teapot

>> No.9806356

calm down
for the third time, if bitcoin goes to 1MM that's completely cool

>> No.9806370

eth not being a security makes sense though

>> No.9806405

This. Anyone with half a brain is accumulating because full proof of stake is on the menu

>> No.9806411
File: 35 KB, 286x425, MoMoney-Poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP you are retarded. Holding or dumping are both risky right now. I'm leaning more toward dumping it being more risky, and here's why.

ETH is not a security, and their legal team has stated that they are confident that it isn't. It's the largest and most important technological advancement in blockchain, and the US govt isn't going to easily ban access to it. It would mean that the rest of the world would be using it while the US gets left in the dark ages, I don't see that happening.

Also, one of the reasons the price is being heavily suppressed is because of the anticipation of the news one way or another - I think it's more likely this will all blow over, and when that happens there's going to be a bit of a bull run for Ethereum.

>> No.9806423

>Holding or dumping are both risky right now.
Dumping ETH for BTC is risky? Ok. The only way for you to make money is that i make money too.

If I lose money, you would have lost more money HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAH REKT.

>> No.9806465
File: 127 KB, 1108x1001, 1480989477710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah because a 1% bull run for BTC is the same as a 12% bull run for ETH

Fucking brainlet

>> No.9806512

Not true retard. If BTC goes up too fast alts dump.

>> No.9806556

If retards want to dump that's fine I'll sell and rebuy lower but I'm not selling till they start dumping

>> No.9806578

>If retards want to dump that's fine I'll sell and rebuy lower but I'm not selling till they start dumping

Check whats happening to the smaller alts. Everything is losing satoshis while BTC is stable. That is normally a precursor that an alt dump is incoming. Smart money is going to BTC again

>> No.9806618

Another thing to point out is that ICOs that hold millions of ETH have weak hands because they basically got their ETH for almost nothing.

These guys will liquidate ETH extremely hard the moment shit hits the fan. Especially since some have ETH as a competitor

>> No.9806639

they can liquidate on foreign exchanges, nobody cares what the burgers think

>> No.9806662
File: 1.65 MB, 328x259, 1526223871798.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow thanks just sold 100k after thinking about it as you said, you surely have everyone's best interests in mind

>> No.9806682

All cryptocurrency is a shitty hold

>> No.9806688

no sane institution would pump money into bitcoin when they can continue barting longs and shorts. its also pretty obvious price is moving sideways while bitcoin hashrate continues to go up that mining profitability is also going to go down to 0, forcing miners to leave or dump some coins

>> No.9806698

>wow thanks just sold 100k after thinking about it as you said, you surely have everyone's best interests in mind

I know you are being sarcastic but ICOs like EOS are unironically dropping 200k+ bags on you. The "thanks sold 100k meme" might be funny but i doubt its funny whenever ICOs do it.

Then you have these ETH fanboys reeing "why did you sell EOS fuck you" hahahahahahahahahahahahaahahah thats a small part of their stack only btw



>> No.9806716

>no sane institution would pump money into bitcoin when they can continue barting longs and shorts.

BTC is the most likely coin to have institutional buyers. If no instituion is going to get into BTC no institution will touch your alts either.

>> No.9806732
File: 23 KB, 399x370, 1519325193398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know you are being sarcastic
Is this the power of the boomer insight? whoa

>> No.9806827

funny how ETH fanboys sound so tough about holding and not giving a fuck about ICOs selling but when the ICOs do sell they bring out the pitch fork.

let me explain how ETH mooned. ICOs are in demand

1. When the ICO craze was starting no ICOs had that much ETH yet, so buying ETH to get into ICOs pumped the price. It peaked in satoshi values in July 2017

2. ICOs eventually had a lot of ETH and they are liquidating. good news is there is still a lot of demand for ETH so the price is stable

3. Demand for ETH is getting lower and more ICOs have ETH, ETH is overwhelmed by the downward pressume from ICOs and its 14% inflation rate.

The worst thing about ETH is its usage ironically. It is being used like a currency for ICOs instead of hoarded by retail investors. Look at what these fuckers are doign in biz, they prefer to hold small caps over ETH.

Smart investors on the other had preferred to hold BTC over ETH past July 2017 because whats the point of holding ETH over BTC when ETH dumps just as hard as BTC and doesnt gain as much as other altcoins

>> No.9806868

only burger icos will liquidate.... the smart icos will keep eth to stake. alts don't need institutional money lol some actually have a use case

>> No.9806902

>only burger icos will liquidate.... the smart icos will keep eth to stake.

You said burger ICOs will liquidate right?

If you spent $30,000 on marketing your ICO and got $30 million. Wouldnt you cash out the moment you feel shit is hitting the fan? You will try to cash out before the burger ICOs dump on you. It becomes a race to the exit for ICOs.

These guys dont have strong hands. They didnt hold, they were blessed with the gift of free ethereum. I dont see how you can rationalize this as a plus for ETH.

>> No.9806907

eth has held 44% of its ATH while btc has held 38% wtf can you pull facts from somewhere other than your ass

>> No.9806926

>its 14% inflation rate.
it's 7.7% last time I checked

>> No.9806933

You seem to be a bit slow on the head, let me clarify how no one cares about the inane shit you spew, feel free to gtfo back to your telegram and leddit i'm sure they'll care and you'll get more exposure for your agenda overall

>> No.9806943

>eth has held 44% of its ATH while btc has held 38% wtf can you pull facts from somewhere other than your ass

Not true. Otherwise the satoshi value for ETH would be significantly higher. ETH has never reached its satoshi value in July. Lmao these are facts.


>> No.9806968

> let me clarify how no one cares about the inane shit you spew

The ICOs dont care either if you hold lmao. They will happily dump their bags on you

>> No.9806971

most icos would have funded themselves from december-january. more recent icos would've funded themselves in april. and the point of having the ico was to build a business or to fund development, in either of these cases they would have partitioned money. if anything it's institutions cucking you right now to fud ethereum so they can get more money into bitcoin

>> No.9806992

what does satoshi value mean when they are cashing out -_-

>> No.9807010

>most icos would have funded themselves from december-january.

companies are about profit. Imagine funding yourself with 10% of your stack then you run a successful business.

its extremely likely that their earnings from their vapoware products are almost zero right now. the profit they had from hosting an ICO dwarfs whatever income they will make years to come.ETH losing in value = them losing profit. its a fuckign business folks

if you held an ICO and got millions ask yourself this, would you like to secure the money or you going to hope for a moon but risk other ICOs dumping on you? they dont need a fuckign moon they are loaded

>> No.9807023

Yes but new money buying into ETH, and ICO's cashing out in FIAT are not worried about SAT values, only $$ values.

>> No.9807025

>what is satoshi value
As expected from a retarded ETH fanboy who says im wrong but doesnt know what satoshi value is

>> No.9807039
File: 12 KB, 238x192, c4a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gee if i had nuclear missiles and my competitors had nuclear missiles too, would i launch them because my competitors would do the same to me

>> No.9807042

>not worried about SAT values, only $$ values.
Hahahah hard cope

>> No.9807052

>cash out
>satoshi value

2/10 troll kys

>> No.9807056

>comparing missles to cashing out
1. If i cash out all my stack and others cash out theirs. I would do fine. In fact i did well

2. If i launch missles and others retaliate, then im fucked.

The comparisons dont make sense brainlet

>> No.9807165

the only shitcoins at real risk of being a security are XRP and EOS, they're the only ones with enough attention to be retroactively classed as securities, and especially EOS since it hasn't even launched yet. otherwise most shit will be grandfathered in most likely. the regulators job is to regulate, not to cause a market panic that harms consumers.

t. bankfag that actually works with regulators.

>> No.9807192

These cant be classified as securities without eth being a security. Also the moment eos gets classified as a security blockone will dump their eth AGAIN

>> No.9807220

If this is true then why hasn't it been priced in?

>> No.9807242

'Think about it'? The burden of proof lies with the person making the claim. Provide actual evidence, or this is FUD.

>> No.9807246
File: 182 KB, 848x979, Theranos bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These cant be classified as securities without eth being a security
says who? you?

the only reason XRP is at risk because there's already multiple lawsuits gaining traction. and EOS is on track to be a $4b theranos when mainnet flops, which will harm a lot of retail "investors" and warrant special attention.

>> No.9807252

I just gave my reasond retard whatever you guys are hopeless

>> No.9807534

BTC has maybe 50%-70% more downside. All alts (except BCH) have >90% downside.