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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.43 MB, 2626x1534, Rebecca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9801943 No.9801943[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to DM her, what should I say?

>> No.9801955

can i see the vagene?

>> No.9801958

Great find. Holy hell.

The Salesforce rumors are true!!!!!!

>> No.9801968

"Hi I'm interested in learning how Salesforce might use blockchain technology to expand. Are you developing anything, or working with anyone on this currently?"

>> No.9801974

4. You will not post or request personal information ("dox") or calls to invasion ("raids").
Mods do your job

>> No.9801987

Sometimes I try to be nice to Biz

I don't think you understand that rule. Its for protecting people who use this board newfag.
This page is a public site with news about chainlink. Get fucked.

>> No.9801994

Not his find, it was posted in another thread

>> No.9802014

This is the first I've seen this. Thanks Astro for posting something good for once. Feeling comfy

>> No.9802015

Bullish info, feeling very comfy with my stack.

>> No.9802017

Lol astro taking revenge for his doxxing

>> No.9802030

ask her if she does anal

>> No.9802039
File: 927 KB, 1506x1875, 1528466159758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go away you pathetic faggot

>> No.9802044

He posts about a Salesforce employee and this is revenge? You can go take your meds now anon. It's going to be ok.

>> No.9802052

>what should I say?

>> No.9802061

>original post

>> No.9802062
File: 71 KB, 370x363, z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit she's also following Z

>> No.9802086

Doesn't matter who posted it first. Thanks to OP I'm seeing it for the first time.

>> No.9802111

She browses /biz/

Hi Janet,

Great to have you as a fellow LINKER.

We promise to keep the secret between us.

With all our love and collective moon mission to the 4th Industrial Revolution and on behalf of fellow LINK Marines,

General of Squadron 3, Link Marines.

>> No.9802112

>type in Salesforce architect in Twitter search
>numerous profiles appear
>none of the others are following chainlink related

She is literally nobody special and probably browses /pol/ looking at her other follows.

>> No.9802117

>brown-nosing a tripfaggot

how pathetic of a human being can you be? just kill yourself my man.

>> No.9802121


>> No.9802131

She probably knows Sergey from Couchsurfing

>> No.9802138

So much butthurt. lmao

Feeling so comfy my frend. We're gonna make it

>> No.9802147

are you retarded? this is neither a dox or a raid

>> No.9802167

That's impossible. Girls can't use 4chams.

>> No.9802182 [DELETED] 

We are going to have a lot of Fun together, real soon.

>> No.9802188
File: 51 KB, 806x280, Screen Shot 2018-05-22 at 6.52.34 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once Astro DMs her someone else needs to DM her and ask for Astro's Twitter handle so that we can dox him.

>> No.9802195

You think i'm going to use a real account? lmao

>> No.9802200

early investor here, I'll put a 15btc bounty on astros head. first one to post a pic of damage done to him along with an address wins. save this post for future reference. 100% serious

>> No.9802201

LINK Marines will not be defeated.

>> No.9802209

She also follows @airdrops_io. Confirmed /biz/tard

>> No.9802212

Why did you capitalise fun friend?

>> No.9802221

Its her personal account and she clearly follows things she has some personal interest in. Sleuth through her twitter follows to learn more.

Guys, this is clearly an indicator that LINK is in the Salesforce workflow.

>> No.9802223

Stfu you balding ugly cunt.

>> No.9802238

Sergey tweeted their CEO

>> No.9802249


>> No.9802262

it means nothing, she follows a few coins probably for personal reasons.
You think sergey has time to be partnering with Salesforce? He doesn't even have time to feel bad about how fucked his project is.

>> No.9802263

I hope you don't live in america. I've just reported that thread that got deleted to the FBI and I'm screenshotting this as well. You can't put hits on people online then pretend in court you was joking, you will learn faggot.

>> No.9802276

>being this autistic

nothing will happen you pathetic sperglord.

>> No.9802295

I hit on a Salesforce lady at a bar in SD a couple weeks ago. Really cute, short girl and pretty smart. I started talking about her work and the possibility of using decentralized Oracles for data, trying to get her to spill the beans.
She had no idea what Chainlink was or who Sergey is, and got extremely bored of talking about it and blew me off in a glorious fashion
She was either a bimbo, or Salesforce isn't even thinking of using Chainlink at all
Another lesson, don't talk about your stupid meme coins when hitting on ladies. Should be obvious but I was trying to squeeze out some juicy info

>> No.9802298

I know, and that has weight. This profile means nothing. She is just a crypto investor like the rest of us here. She is not someone high up at Salesforce. There are a number of people with the same title and they make no mention of Chainlink.

>> No.9802300

>sweetheart, your computer time is up, daddy needs to apply for food stamps again