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9793965 No.9793965 [Reply] [Original]

>Sold for 900k 20 years ago
>Now this

What the fuck happened to the real estate market.?
Population did not grow by 500% in 2 decades. The demand did not grow by 500% so why the fuck did prices grow by that much?

>> No.9793978
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> he's surprised

>> No.9793998

inflation and >>9793978

>> No.9793999

Chinese money laundering and trillions of dollars of money printing

>> No.9794000

Look who is finally realizing he is a literal slave to the boomers

>> No.9794034

Because living in small towns became 'uncool'. A lot of small cities have declining populations or at least slower growth rates than bigger cities.

Which is fine with me. I can work from an internet connection out in the middle of nowhere with a $300/mo mortgage and drive to town for meetings.

>> No.9794035

Start killing politicians over chinese money ruining your housing and they might change. No other way.

>> No.9794039
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Please don't be a brainlet.

Chinese buyers are not even a double digit percentage of all buyers. They can not be mathematically responsible for a huge increase. Besides this is the eastern part of Canada where Chinks have only just started to invest in.

>> No.9794041


>> No.9794050
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>dont be a brainlet, a larger circulating supply of the currency wouldnt raise nominal prices all else equal

>> No.9794052
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>Because living in small towns became 'uncool'
Doesn't help that most NA small towns that aren't tourist bait are ugly, dead as shit and filled with underachieving overweight hicks.

>> No.9794077
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>inflation raises price by 56% in that time span
>real estate rises by nearly 500%

Please, please kill yourself. Honestly, unironically you're human garbage. I know some pretty painless methods if you're scared.

>> No.9794095

>bubble pops
>ching chong chinks buy everything

>> No.9794138

60% inflation. so
900k> 1.4mil

7,138,795 > 8326100 change in quebec
population (16%)

Disposable income in this time has nearly doubled in Quebec

Increase in foreign investment (especially from non western countries - more cashflow (high value) so more demand) ((no stat))

The internet - Properties are much more discoverable now.

Boomers retired and invest savings in houses etc - increase in demand.

General population growth rate is at a deficit to amount of housing being constructed. (Reduces supply, increases demand)

Citys are growing quickly - In a more connected world, a smaller more global world, cities provide better networking, travel, entertainment options etc. In the age of instant gratification, people want convenience. Rich people can pay for convenience above all else. >> Increase in demand

And it goes on...

It's really not that difficult to ascertain why.

>> No.9794158

>thinking 500% over 20 years is alot

>> No.9794168

>pajeets flooding in thanks to unlimited H1B visas
>Chinks flooding in to buy speculative real estate
>beaners flooding in and splitting a one bedroom apartment between 15 people
>boomers allow this and pat themselves on the back, because "muh economic growth"

gee how could this have happened

>> No.9794197
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It's not as bad as whatever they portray in movies. Especially not bad if you're in a small college town.

>> No.9794212

>Population did not grow by 500% in 2 decade

this is where you are wrong in a couple ways. the ACCESABLE population has 20X, as now THE WORLD can buy a house in Canada. not just canadians. THE WORLD.

Not to mention inflation.

its the tragedy of the commons and flight from shit hole countries to quality ones.

>> No.9794223

Land supply is extremely inelastic.

>> No.9794225

why would I move to a college town if im not going to the college? youll just be that creepy older guy that stares at college girls at the bar

>> No.9794231

>General population growth rate is at a deficit to amount of housing being constructed. (Reduces supply, increases demand)
>population (16%)

Those two parts are the most absurd. We aren't Singapore. We have enough inhabitable, temperate space to accommodate 10 times our population.
Why aren't we building more to meet demand.

>Disposable income in this time has nearly doubled in Quebec
How so? Wages barely keep up with inflation I recall purchasing power being much higher in the 90s.

>> No.9794243

>a small college town.
Those are almost as expansive as major cities.

>> No.9794252

and for anyone saying inflation doesn't matter....

Canadas total money supply doubles every ten years. check https://tradingeconomics.com/canada/money-supply-m3

Meaning your purchasing power effectively is 50% less in 10 years when you are comparing it to the total money supply. official inflation numbers are calculated differently from this to obscure this truth.

that money you have in your bank...in ten years there is comparatively going to be twice as much floating around in the economy...

>> No.9794256

Supply is pretty much limitless in Canada and most US states


>> No.9794274

your on biz right, have you noticed this thing called bitcoin....have you wondered why its going up in value....could it be related to this????

>> No.9794291

>Canadas total money supply doubles every ten years. check https://tradingeconomics.com/canada/money-supply-m3
>Meaning your purchasing power effectively is 50% less in 10 years when you are comparing it to the total money supply. official inflation numbers are calculated differently from this to obscure this truth.
Yeah that was my gut feeling. Thanks for confirming.

If that money supplies mostly end up in real estate that explains the gap with standard goods price hikes and housing prices.

Who exactly can I blame for this?

>> No.9794298

we are building, but only in the cities, which are still heavily sought after. home prices havent increased in middle america nearly as much as the coasts/cities. everyone wants to live in fucking LA or NY

>> No.9794301

This happened because gold doesn't back the currency anymore so all our wealth is confiscated through inflation by the Jews

>> No.9794306

haha retard

>> No.9794320
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>who can I blame for this?

>> No.9794346

someone post the pic of small town america where its a collage of mcdonalds and walmarts dennys and gas stations with semis

>> No.9794349

Can you be more specific?

>> No.9794358

yes inflation
look at the percentage of jobs that do not generate wealth, but get paid.

how many people are just photocopying, writing reports that will never be read, working on large it projects that do what....send cat and thot pictures around, produce purple and blue hair dye for sjw's etc.

most of govt and a good part of priv sector that are tax welfare recipients.

the actual into the ground infrastructure no. so your paper money looses buying power.

welcome to slavery 2.0

>> No.9794362

Because college towns aren't literally a town of nothing but college students.

The thread is about expensive housing. You'd move there because it's cheap as fuck to live there.

Maybe if you visit trendy coffee shops.

>> No.9794378

>everyone wants to live in fucking LA or NY
I blame the relocation of rural factories to China. But even if they came back who the fuck wants to work at a glue factory when they can design hi-tech utilities in the cities?

>> No.9794393

>Maybe if you visit trendy coffee shops.
The point is about real estate.

>> No.9794397

inflation of money supply in other countries is also a contributing and compounding factor. That multiplied by the fact that anyone with money in the entire world can now buy Canadian real estate with no penalties. (though recently taxes of foreign buyers are being instituted, but its too little to late, and hardly having the effect it should) a 100% tax of foreign buyers should really be instituted.

>> No.9794411

It's fucking retarded

My Gf and I both make 65k+ and were in our mid twenties which is supposedly upper middle class income for Quebec but we can't even afford a house that's within an hour of Montreal. Brossard is ungodly expensive because of chinks but that's where public transit is

>> No.9794418
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Oh, then that's objectively false.

>> No.9794452

>Supply is pretty much limitless in Canada and most US states
not in cities where people wan tto live and not have to commute 3 hours to a good job

>> No.9794459

That's not a college town.

A tier 2 state college with 4200 students does not qualify for college town status.

Also that house is ugly as shit. But that's beside the point.

>> No.9794487

Why doesn't business just adapt and move closer to the new suburbs?

I'm in the same situation man. Exact same situation our wages are the same.
I cannot resign myself to live in the suburbs. They're ungodly ugly.
Do you have a plan in mind?

>> No.9794499

I can't find the interest to debate further. It's such an ancillary point for you to make.

But agreed, that's a shitbox, but it's really not bad for such a small amount of money.

>> No.9794509

Honestly right now the plan is to get a spacious condo somewhere close to parking Chevrier (busses every 10 min downtown) and hope I get richer off investments, salary increases and house appreciation to actually be able to afford a nice house in the area...

>> No.9794528

China and other foreign booming economies are storing their wealth away in real estate in other countries than their own.

>> No.9794529

because the city is where the economic activity occurs. if everyone spread out to the suburbs then everyone is isolated from economic activity.

>> No.9794551

>It's such an ancillary point for you to make.
How so? When you say college town I picture Berkeley, not a plastic Oklahomo wasteland with a second rate glorified community college keeping it on life support.

>> No.9794578

Funny. I checked mansions in Europe for that price, one of them even had a indoor pool. Mind you, this was in a Western European country and not some Slavic shithole.
Honestly I get a bit angry when I see these boomers asking for more than what's it's worth. That house is worth 200k max

>> No.9794641

>if everyone spread out to the suburbs then everyone is isolated from economic activity.
How come business cannot adapt and form new downtowns to grab the potential workforce in the suburbs?

I don't envy you then. When I look at pic related it makes me want to die. And those are probably all above 600k.
I'm gonna end up moving to the third world if this keeps up. Work an isolated life dependent on the expat corporation but what choice do I have if I don't want to get the shed treatment?

> and hope I get richer off investments
Now that ecoins are saturated what do you have in mind

>salary increases
Are you really counting on that

> house appreciation
But it scales with the rest of the market.

>> No.9794673
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*pic related

>> No.9794685

money printing and Big Chink

>> No.9794704

Yeah no screw that, I'm sick of seeing these ugly ass bungalows built in the 70s selling for 350k. Fuck off.

I'm buying brand new. If it takes 600k that's what it'll take.

>> No.9794733

For salary increases, I work in a fairly lucrative niche (Linux devops) so I could see hitting low 6 figures

For investments, I've recently gotten into active investing and I've been doing pretty well this year. Mostly swing trading tech stocks.

>> No.9794842

tbf I find that good houses age like fine wine. But that applies to pre-50s houses.

> so I could see hitting low 6 figures
That's still not gonna buy you much if things keep going this way. My siblings earn 200k together but after taxes and frugal expanses they don't even have enough to afford more than a decaying shitbox in Rosemont on a 20 year credit.
There's enough optimism here for me to hang myself with.

> I've recently gotten into active investing and I've been doing pretty well this year. Mostly swing trading tech stocks.
I hope you can make something out of that. The downside is that whenever a crash happens your money is basically gone. You're a small fish feeding the bigger ones.

>> No.9794894
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hey guys, dum dum here. sooo does that mean that if I build the same house, for let's same $500k, it's going to be worth 4 million upon completion?

>> No.9794932

because your money is worth less.
Us and Canadian Dollars are inflationary. Whenever the government needs more, they just print some. Then the banks make loans on assets they don't own, paid for by money that was printed out of thin air.
Gold, Silver and BTC are deflationary assets. That why you want to own them.
A GOOD mans suit cost 1 ounce of gold in 1870, 1930, 1960, 1980, 2000 and 2018.

>> No.9794943

That house is in the most prestigious neighbourhood in Montreal, no shit youre gonna see exponential growth. Youre like 8 mins from downtown and yet in a peaceful area, extremly high demand. Montreal real estate was surpressed for years due to political instability by possible secession, but those concerns have long faded.

t. Montrealer

>> No.9794962

Well yea Rosemont is a rich area

You don't have to live there

>> No.9794974

yes now add the cost of buildeable land

>> No.9794991

No the land determines the value.
The only way to make a significant profit doing that is to buy peripheral agrarian land and lobby to change their status to allow residential/commercial developments.

>> No.9795009

It's another housing bubble. The financial system will crash this year.

>> No.9795026

>Well yea Rosemont is a rich area
You know I remember a time when it was considered a poorfag option.
And I'm not that old.

>> No.9795047

You are forgetting SF (highest residential real estate prices in the world).

SF housing is crunched on the demand side because of foreign (Chinese) money and to a lesser extent tech workers. A 700 sqft house down the street from me costs 1.2M USD with no backyard. Many homes here are bought in all cash (typically Chinese buyers) and over asking price.


A big problem is also regulations and NIMBYs preventing additional homes being built.

>> No.9795076

>no shit youre gonna see exponential growth
Didn't even experience exponential growth until recently.
Prices were stable for decades.

>extremly high demand
A lot of people prefer to live in the suburbs or in hip districts like the Plateau. I never noticed a particular fascination for Westmount in itself.

>Montreal real estate was surpressed for years due to political instability by possible secession, but those concerns have long faded.
I guess we found the solution

>> No.9795094

Why do you want to live on the island so bad? Takes me 30 min to get to work, door to door, from Brossard to my job downtown. That's quicker than when I actually lived in Montreal and took the metro

>> No.9795143

>Why do you want to live on the island so bad?
I'm sensitive to aesthetics. It's an unfortunate disposition but poor architecture literally induces depression and burnout in me.
I was born 20 years too late to invest in the vieux and get a comfy centuries old dwelling next to downtown.

>> No.9795154

Ah, then shit you're kinda screwed. Most housing is butt ugly.

>> No.9795230
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My only hope is for some miracle referendum to come and utterly crash the real estate market with droves of immigrants, jews and anglos moving to Ontario like in 95.

Levesque was right about everything.

>> No.9795286

>weatherford, OK
surely you're joking
That cuckshack costs $75k because literally nobody wants to live in a shithole like weatherford

>> No.9795357

Its whats on the margin that matters. If you got 100 plebs with mortgages and 10 guys with tens of millions, damn right those 10 guys will drive up the prices.

>> No.9795386

you really think LONDON BREED is gonna help you?

>> No.9795582

population didn't grow 500% but it doesn't have to. as long as the good locations become desirable to the people with the capital to afford it. even with moderate growth, as long as there are enough wealthy people to compete with each other, certain area's will rise in value.

>> No.9795597

>That cuckshack costs $75k because literally nobody wants to live in a shithole like weatherford

>> No.9795652

How does that work when the majority of Canada's real estate follows the same increase while foreign investments are still relatively limited outside of Vancouver?

>> No.9795664

Fuck, I knew it. I was certain everything roughly doubled in price since 2008.

The Five Guys on St. Catherine's has a poster up on the wall, a review from 2004 when a burger was $4... 2018 it's $10

>> No.9795732

chinks and oil money all trying to move to stable western countries

>> No.9795756

>flight from shit hole countries to quality ones
Literally what is going to kill Humanity, and probably the universal Great Filter.
Shit countries are shit because they're populated by subhumans, and since it ALWAYS goes shithole>human country, in time all countries will subhumanise.

>> No.9795781

because Vancouver and Toronto are skewing the Canadian average price of homes up. toronto alone can drag the canadian average price down 10% in a year, meanwhile prices in vancouver are still pushing up.

>> No.9796214

from January 2000 to July 2006, starting with Bush NWO leader's Housing Bubble, home prices surged 900%

Avg price of house around 1998 before globalisation and free-trade went full swing
>$180k in NYC (boros)
>$170k in SF
>$150k in LA
>$120k in DC
>$140k in Sydney
>$120k in Melbourne
>$140k in Toronto
>$130k in Vancouver
>£70k in London

Avg price of house after 2004 massive free-trade/open-borders
>$800k in NYC (boros)
>$1m in SF
>$600k in LA
>$500k in DC
>$900k in Sydney
>$700k in Melbourne
>$600k in Toronto
>$1m in Vancouver
>£500m in London
before free trade:
>domestic production of goods
>goods were affordable and of high quality
>lowest cost of living
>affordable housing (house costs only 2 times the annual salary)
>90% white

after free trade:
>homeless/opiod/suicide epidemic/white genocide
>highest cost of living
>unaffordable housing (10-20 times the annual salary)
>plummeting life expectance
>shit quality products that kill you
>millions of illegal shitskin locusts invading and killing whites

>> No.9796215

The majority of Canada lives in Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec and Calgary and have done so for a while now.

Modern rural exodus and immigration alone cannot justify a 500% hike.

>> No.9796235

>starting with Bush NWO leader's Housing Bubble
You mean the whole sup prime deal? How exactly does that work?

>> No.9796306

>america sends industry, wealth, jobs to asia
>no domestic jobs
>recession 9.0
>rust belt happens
>hyperinflation rising cost of food, oil, products, houses
>businesses import 3rd world slavelabor to offset rising cost
>cost of housing, oil, food surges even more
>homeless, suicide, opioid epidemic

>free trade, open borders goes full swing
>transfer jobs/industries/wealth overseas
>no domestic jobs results in depressed economy
>govt and financial institutions provide a "bail out" in the form of low interest rates and lax regulations
>depressed domestic economy propped up by a housing bubble
>lack of opportunities (due to free trade) forces entire country to exploit and speculate housing market thanks "free money"
>bubble burst
>great recession
>bubble reinflates with "free money" Quantitative Easing to recover from previous bubble caused by Free Trade and Open borders

free trade and open borders DOOMED the west

>before 2000, no housing problem
>globalists push for "housing for everyone"
>import millions of locusts from asia/mexico
>hyperinflated housing bubble happens
>housing now a problem
>homeless epidemic
>millions of native homeless die from opioid epidemic

it seems like the globalists preemptively planned and pushed for "housing for everyone" in advance of open borders.
it was a stealth plan to house every locust invader while millions of natives go homeless
there was never a housing problem in the US before their NWO globalism

>send industries/wealth to asia
>economy collapses every 5 years (planned by globalists)
>massive layoffs every 5 years
>import millions of shitskins to replace those natives layed off
>impoverished natives get health issues
>get bankrupt by medical bills
>go homeless
>get on heroin
white genocide was never as easy as this

meanwhile trafficked poojeets/chinks are now the highest stolen income earners from the whites that perished under the globalist white genocide scheme

>> No.9796325

QE is a direct result of free trade and open border migration.

millions of immigrants have been flooding the west and are a net loss to the economy, QE is used to prop up the economy and feed the invaders.

Remove mass immigration. Remove foreigners. Close borders. Expel non-natives (roots going back 10 generations).

Less demand for housing.
housing bubble permanently busted.
Housing returns to pre-globalisation levels (1920s-80s)

When our entire industries went off to China (((they))) told us we'd be a 'smart goy' economy. We're just a bitch whore economy.

locusts swarming our real estate is how we get back some of the money we gave them to buy the things they make that we once made. It is called trade.

and once they've bought our estate we can buy it back for 1000 times as much.

real smart.

>> No.9796363

Greed. China is a very small part of it and only in certain areas, so don't let /pol/ brainlets tell you otherwise.

It's that real estate is an easy and guaranteed place to park your money

>> No.9796382

Point of contention. EVERYONE got richer in the 1980s. Not just the top. We ALL mostly saved a lot of money.

16% Interest rates on savings.

one simple example is the devaluation of US $ and hyperinflation of prices. the devaluation was the transfer of private wealth funds sitting in banks to china.

what happens when your money is in banks is it gets invested by the banks, that money ended up in china. the historically low savings rate in banks is another example of the invested money not being returned to you but being skimmed by the banks.

i'll let your gook brain figure out how the rest of western industry/wealth was transferred

this is the reason why bank savings interest rates have remained low since the rise of China and the deflation of the US dollar

bank savings interests rates were historically high prior to wealth transfer to Asia

your wealth which translated these savings rates were used by your gov't, banks, corporations to transfer wealth to China

just the tip of the iceberg m8s

>> No.9796386

now even if i add all those regions up it's not even half of Canada's 36 million people. the increase in property value is due to the fact that highly urbanized cities are highly competitive with wealthy people. nobody wants to live in buttfuck nowhere and people will compete for the best spots. vancouver and toronto are skewing canadian stats.

>> No.9796402

>The 2008 financial crises were caused by NIGGERS

>The Federal Reserve prints money to feed the NIGGERS

>When we remove everyone from the West who hasn't lived here for the last two hundred years (NIGGERS) the economy will be great and the white milkman will deliver to your country estate every Tuesday

>> No.9796421


whats propping the real estate prices in cali is:
1) chink/poojeet money laundering
2) mexican drug money laundering
3) packing 50 poojeeets/pablos into a room and collecting rent

Its a problem in all 'International Cities'. London, New York, Bay Area, Vancouver, Sydney, Melbourne, Singapore, Hong Kong etc. We're in the middle of a phase where the people who hold all the capital are reclaiming back the gains the middle class made in the last century. Workers rights are being wound back, police forces and state surveillance are being beefed up, and wealth/ownership is being concentrated back into the hands of the 1%.

In Australia, rich Chinese people who are sponsored by their government come here to buy property. Both houses in the cities, and land in the outback. They're a massive reason as to why the average house in Sydney is now more expensive than London.

This graduate engineer at my work is Chinese. His parents bought him a house and another house for a rental property which will be used one day for the parents to retire when they migrate from China.

This guy is in his early 20s and had 2 houses and a good career. Most Aussies will spend a life time buying a house if they are "lucky".

Our government sold us out

>> No.9796425

Dude this shit HAS to pop.

I live in Atlanta. One of my coworkers just bought an investment property. I went to take a look at it. 1000 sq feet, 2br/1ba. It was a COMPLETE piece of shit. She paid $270k for it and claimed it was a good investment property and would only go up.

Crash is coming boys.

>> No.9796431

who would want to live in canada. land of the cucks

>> No.9796442

US/Leafland/Straya also had a much lower cost of living and much higher quality of life before free trade/NAFTA/China.

Toronto, Vancouver, Sydney, Melbourne, Bay Area, Seattle, LA, San Diego, NYC, Boston used to all be working class blue collar white cities. The houses in these cities were priced at 2X the average annual salary.

It took a blue collar worker only 2 years income to afford a house in cities that are now out of reach for even white collar earning 6 figures.

Also, products were much cheaper and of higher quality before free trade.

Free trade raped the west.

>> No.9796458

Chinese launder corruption money to the West, creating gigantic housing bubble and hyperinflation. The following is a buying pattern of a Mainland Chinese in Southern California.
All the transactions here are for apartments in SoCal. The Mainland Chinese buyer can buy two apartments with 10+ units in a span of 10 days. The buyer mostly targets 1-bedroom apartment complexes. Chinese corruption money is a major reason why there's a housing crisis in the West and East Coast.


historically, before the locust hordes swarmed upon white cunts, houses were always no more than 2-3X the national salary average. housing was never a speculators/investors market. that was a time when white gentiles still had their country, before the great pillaging by sociopathic asiatics.

the asiatics switched their locust lifestyle and standards for a white one.

while the whites got the lifestyle and standards of the asiatic locust

housing became a problem after free trade/open borders.
when they let in millions of locusts.
this is when we had to house millions of shitskin invaders from asia/mexico. so housing became a problem thanks to open borders and free trade.
now we have millions of homeless natives. NOW housing is a problem

According to wolframalpha 3.3k 1950's USD when scaled for inflation equates to about 34k today. Notice that the median home went from 2x family income to nearly 10x family income. That is untenable and will lead to loss of social cohesion.

>> No.9796487


>Now blue collar workers can't buy property in the most desirable real estate on the planet

>Products were much cheaper and better before we used cheap labour and advanced robotics

No they fucking weren't. An $18000 Hyundai Cuckmobile today is an order of magnitude more fuel efficient, safe, and mechanically reliable than an equivalent low-price car from the late 80s.

>> No.9796536

It recently came out that a huge portion of the Vancouver housing market is driven by Triad money laundering for money made selling fentanyl.

So they're selling drugs that kill our youth, then the Chinese mob is using that money to buy our real estate.

this is millionaire Mainland Chinese nationals entering Canada on a "millionaire Visa" program, buying Vancouver real estate to launder money

If you have a house you're selling or thinking about selling, don't consider what its worth...list it for a price nobody would have ever have considered. If your agent tells you to list it at $3.2M, list it at $7.888. If it's worth $5.4M, list it at $14.888. Pick a number.

It's far easier for the Chinese to launder $10M on one deal than it is on three.


Chink investors smuggle out millions in embezzled cash, hot money, bypassing the $50,000/year limit in legal capital outflows.
They make "all cash" purchases, usually sight unseen, using third parties intermediaries to preserve their anonymity, or directly in person, in cities like Vancouver, NY, London or S.
The house becomes a new "Swiss bank account", providing the promise of an anonymous store of value and retaining the cash equivalent value of the original capital outflow.

bay area is becoming this as well.
In span of 2 yrs rich chinks starting buying up everything,

It's literally Chink Triads laundering money by buying up 50% of your housing market, which causes skyrocketing prices that make it very hard for real people to afford homes. You are a fucking idiot if you take this as a sign of a strong, healthy economy.


>> No.9796561

fuck off gook


The average family income: $2,000
The average car cost: $850
The median home price: $4,000

The average family income: $3,300
The average car cost: $1,510
The median home price: $7,000
University of Pennsylvania annual tuition was $600:

Home price / income = 2.2
Car cost / income = .45
Tuition / income = .18

The average family income: $5,300
The average car cost: $2,000
The median home price: $12,000

The average family income: $9,000
The average car cost: $3,000
The median home price: $18,000

The average family income: $18,000
The average car cost: $5,000
The median home price: $55,000

The average family income: $29,000
The average car cost: $8,000
The median home price: $120,000

The average family income: $40,000
The average car cost: $16,000
The median home price: $130,000

>> No.9796621

these were all blue collar cities, you fuckin locust.

it only became expensive when you insectoids desired to invade Whiteman's land from your stoneage shithole

nys subhuman

>> No.9796660

And the government gives them diversity privileges.
Check your privilege bitch.

>> No.9796716

>will lead to loss of social cohesion.
What social cohesion? I thought it was long gone already.

>> No.9796719

see >>9796561 >>9796306

nope, 90s was the last decade of traditional american housing market (that spanned across centuries), with a house costing 2X avg salary even in metro areas such as NYC/LA/SF.
90s were in fact the last decade of american lifestyle, middle class, and the american dream. then bush came and all that was left was a trail of destruction throughout western civilization.

pre-bush, housing was never a problem

before 2000s/bush NWO/globalisation, the US has ALWAYS had avg housing price = 2X avg salary

>> No.9796740

God that would put houses around here like 100k.
Instead they're at least 3x that and still have mexicans around.

>> No.9796754

Daily reminder. The Australian government will confiscate your savings to bailout banks when the housing bubble pops

same in Canada too I think

>> No.9796774

what the fuck, leave that fucking palce and invest in south america, Chile/Argentina Patagonia, pretty based and relatively cheap.

>> No.9796789

houses in my state are around double median income outside of the city

>> No.9796814

That's nonsense. Rural exodus depleted a long time ago.

>> No.9796817

wtf you on about? get off the crack and move out of your trailor faggot

fuck off and learn basic chronological statistic analysis with emphasis on historical changes

opiod crisis zones are about that range

bogans will burn down entire cities and genocide all locusts, politicians, and kabalists

so that will never happen.

>> No.9796819
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You're all wrong for blaming other nations, unfortunately. I've lived for years in third-world shitholes like Brazil and China because of work, and they're experiencing the same absurd price hikes in property regardless of immigration or government policy, this phenomenon isn't exclusive to countries with positive migration influx.

The truth is that productivity, population and technology have massively increased everywhere in the last 100 years. Industrialized cities 100 years ago had massive hygiene (open sewage and carriage-horse manure on the streets), diseases (rats, pigeons, cockroaches, thick unfiltered smog in the air), high crime rates, supply problems (produce and meat came from far and refrigeration was expensive, food was already going bad by the time it reached local markets) and lots of others.

Most of these have been dealt with through technology, plus productivity has increased so much that the average table waiter at the local restaurant has access to more amenities than most aristocracy could in 1920, plus he can work some 8 to 10 hours a day and still have some energy left to pursue leisure and education in his spare time and weekends. The city has way more options and many more people to share them with than the countryside. There's very little downside most of the time. Not only that, but there's now ten times more people competing for these amenities, and not only in africa but in all of europe and america too. look at the population growth in these continents over the twentieth century.

If you want to know why rent prices are going up, go visit pure chaos in downtown new delhi, and try to imagine that this is better than any crowded european town could have been 100 years back. now go back and see what it has become, and you've got your fundamentals.

>> No.9796836

it's math, add up all the regions you listed. your assumption that only rural people migrate to cities is flawed. we also have international migration.

>> No.9796849

>implying China would be colonizing the planet without the help of US and Nixon/R'feller since the 70s
Rockefeller/Nixon literally created superpower China and the US continued to transfer the wealth and future of the west to China
would china be what it is today solely based on china's abilities and without western transfer of wealth and technology?

US is China's greatest ally. if it was not for the US, China would still be a country based on subsistence farming.
US literally created superpower China...
Nixon/Rockefeller birthed superpower China and the US continued to transfer the wealth and future of the west to China
china would not be what it is today solely based on china's abilities and without western transfer of wealth and technology

China's rise was due to a transfer of wealth from the west.

>murica transfer of wealth/technology/industry to poor rural china
>murica create power strong china
>murica claim a strong china a problem
>murica plans on fighting strong china with totalitarian TTP eroding more citizen rights
>not creating a scapegoat to implement totalitarianism

the power brokers transferred:
-literally all the financial funds of US workers to China,
-transferred technology and jobs to China
-hyperinflated the housing so that only the Chinese (recipients of western funds) could afford the housing

the transfer of funds was done involuntarily without the consent of the owners of the funds
the power brokers took western funds sitting in banks and invested all of that in China.

all that wealth transfer was from your pockets. the private funds in bank accounts, the housing assets, the jobs, all transferred by corporate USA without your knowledge or consent...

By about the year 2000 Communist China will be a “superpower” built by American technology and skill
-Sutton 1980

"America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones"

>> No.9796872


When I was in China, I was talking to this guy whose job was to repair AC units. He made enough money to own an apartment, a car, and support himself, his wife, and kid. They stole all the West’s wealth and are living like we did in the 1950s.

>transfer western industry to China
>transfer western technology and trade secrets to China
>China transfers excess population to west
>Chinese take ownership of western land, houses, resources, corporations
>Asian population in west the most powerful and affluent
>Chinese copy and under cut the few remaining western products (Iphone, Nike, Levis)
>Western companies profit in short term, bankrupt in the long-term due to Chinese competition
>whites now replaced by native Chinese merge with mainland China

>> No.9796890

I don't have to learn shit you ugly cunt.
That gobbledygook bullshit you emphasized doesn't even exist.

>> No.9796902

This is a huge problem that is never spoken of. Here on the West Coast exactly what you've described here is definitely occurring. Every single home in my neighborhood that goes up for sale is sold to Asians who rent it out to a as many as they can seemingly fit in there judging by all the cars parked all over the street and people coming and going at all times - ever single fucking one.

Also, in you go to Telegraph ave in Berkeley, and what once used to be a center for like counter culture hipster bullshit is like a sea of Asians fucking everywhere. I could go on and on about this, but you are completely correct in this and I see it happening and getting worse every single day.

I often wonder when does "china town" not be just some small little enclave - a street or two, but a literal Chinese town?

>> No.9796917

Can confirm. I lived in SoCal whole life, but only moved to LA about 5 years ago. I moved from a nice white town in the IE to a packed chink suburb of overpriced houses and the ghost of a white 50s era. Chinks literally demolish comfy homes and build three ugly townhouses on the plot. Absolute care for aesthetic or culture. Going to high school with them really freaked me out bad. They were ALL liars and cheaters and pretty much worked like ants. No personality whatsoever, extremely dull, boring. All the non Asian kids were so crushed by the soullessness that they were all pretty fucked in the head.

>> No.9796921

>The demand did not grow by 500% so why the fuck did prices grow by that much?
Yes it did. You have NGOs funding mortgages for the 30,000,000 foreigners living in the USA and Canada illegally, plus the Chinese are using western real estate as savings accounts.

>> No.9796926

>New York

You seriously believe that the best cities in the world are "blue collar" -- you're a fucking moron, that's why you're poor and bitter.

I see you didn't mention real estate prices in Tokyo. Was that a blue collar city too? Were housing prices in Tokyo caused by the immigrants in Japan?

Face the fucking facts. The best places in the world are going to be owned by the the people with the most money. If you're just average, you're not going to own nice flat in London, an apartment near Central Park, or a fucking shed in Vancouver. Ever.

>> No.9796958


Damn white people are so mad in 2018.

Just know I'm a second generation Pajeet from Sri Lanka and I'm a self made millionaire from crypto.

I have more money than your "native" ancestors have, combined. You'll be a wageslave your whole life getting shilled on by (((them)))

>> No.9796964

Imagine what would happen if over 2 billion Idian and Chinese people could afford a ‘western lifestyle’. It would ruin the world as we know it within decades. This is a very real scenario. How can we stop this future disaster without without any violence?

The Chinese government have stated openly that Siberia and Australia will be theirs by the end of the century.

>mongoloid reading comprehension

learn english you fuckin insect. THEY WERE BLUE COLLAR CITIES before you insects flooded in

thats past tense, you fuckin retard.

seriously neck yourself

>> No.9796970
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you're fucking tripping m8. this guy is successful as fuck in his business or he's larping. the average salary in china is 68k cny before taxes, a two-bedroom apartment anywhere close to a subway station in a big city will not go for less than 3k a month. believe me, i was renting one myself

>> No.9796981

What about real eastate prices? Doesn't seem so bad.


>> No.9796991
File: 39 KB, 238x200, 200_s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my parents bought the house we live for 20k 20 years ago
>paid their mortgage off in 5 years
>would now sell for 600k

>> No.9797044

a 2% increase in population each year does not justify a 6% increase in housing prices each year when we have limitless space to expand our cities.

>> No.9797045


1995 $130k
2017 $600k

6071 Roy St,Los Angeles, CA 90042

This place sold for $90,000 in 1986 during the bubble
LA average salary was $28k in 1986

in 2015, sold for $648,500
in 2018, worth $788,137





Sold in 1989 for $50,000


They come here and buy up housing property, which they keep empty just so they can raise the price of rent on the few places they actually let people live in. They buy up all the food businesses in shopping malls and staff them with asians only. They use the racist card constantly even though they are an extremely xenophobic people. They buy farmlands and then the product they grow they send back to Asia, the product they grew with Australian water, stealing it from Aussie farmers. They bring their mining corporations over and tear up the land, destroying prime farmland in the hunter area and sending Australian minerals back home to Asia.

They are taking over our schools, universities, our positions of authority such as doctors and psychiatrists, certain aspects of our government. They are laying the groundwork to completely and utterly subvert every facet of Australia. They want to own everything, even our food.

They are a bigger threat than wogs, Indians, niggers, Muslims and abos combined.

But it's ok, they can take over our nation and leave our children homeless because they make anime.

>> No.9797058

sucks to be you, if you had invested 20k into apple at the same time you would've had more then a million.

>> No.9797066

i dont doubt it. i live in perth and the chink menace is as blatant as ever. do you think will they vote right wing?

the only good thing is i tower above any chink and could fuck any of their bitches

>> No.9797068

appraiser anon here.

The main factor driving home prices like pic related is demand. You could find a similar home in most states for a quarter, or less of that prices.

So cal, Jew York and most of the East Coast has super high home prices because they contain the extreme majority of illegal immigrants (50 million), are already urban hotbeds, and are also major economic centers.

Should Trump actually deport ALL chinks, locusts, shitskins, illegals, home prices in cali, and most urban areas would see serious reduction, which the populace would benefit from immensely

>> No.9797080

thanks man this is eye opening. Quality posts.

>> No.9797096

California is expensive BECAUSE of the locusts (chinks, poojeets) and spics. Deport all the locusts and illegal alien spics in California and suddenly 20 million apartments/houses will open up and rent will go down.

sublet apartments or houses and cram 10 people into a 2 bedroom apartment.
mexicans and indians are used to living in squalor so they don't mind packing a house or apartment with 10 or more people. since theres millions of them they scooped up most of the available housing so normal families got priced out. I lived in thousand oaks once in a $1500/month studio apartment and I was the only white guy there besides the landlord. It might as well have been mexico.

My aunt was in the Marines for 20 years and bought property wherever she lived. She has a few homes in San Diego. One time a tenant was extremely late on rent and my aunt couldn’t get a hold of them. She had a property management company visit the house because she lives in Texas. 14 people were living in a 3 bedroom 2 bath home and not one was the original tenant. The original tenant was renting out the place to Mexicans and price gouging them. Unlike my aunt, the tenant wasn’t running their credit or criminal history so they were okay with the price. All Mexicans of course.

>> No.9797113

how does it not justify it? housing prices are based on the market. if the population segment growing is wealthy then they can afford to put more of their wealth to the desirable locations, like highly urbanized cities.

you absolutely do not have 'limitless space to expand' in cities. cities have geographic borders and the cost to build up requires exponentially more resources then a bungalow.

>> No.9797116

I was refering to prices in Tokyo. See the video. Something like 300k for a new detached place 30 mins from city center by train isn't bad at all. Or whatever exactly he said. I saw that quite a while ago.

>> No.9797122

Japs make anime, fuck you. If you're going to be racist at least be accurate fucknut.

>> No.9797133

will your stocks save you from being on chinks dinner plate?

>Chink from communist party talks about how China cannot sustain it's population
>The solution is to invade western countries and kill off the native populations
>This includes killing children
>They propose the best way to do this is to use biological warfare (Weaponized diseases)
>Australia is a target as well as the U.S

The way I see the Chinese takeover of Australia

> Chinese keep pouring into major cities
> Chinese own more and more Australian property and have business ventures here
> 2nd generation Chinese start taking roles in government, military and police
> Start demanding bilingualism in certain states
> Pressure from PR China mounts up
> Chinese start marrying more influential and well to do Anglos
> Eventually they become a significant majority
> Either war and annexation by China or they become an eventual majority

>> No.9797143

what does that even mean? i simply illustrated to him that some investments pay off and some don't. some people get lucky with real estate and some people get lucky with stocks and lotteries. perspective..

>> No.9797176

>investing is a gamble
but 2 billion locusts arent depending on their luck when they zerg rush the planet. they depend on their sheer numbers, which reduces their risk while increasing yours exponentially

>> No.9797187

Best, cleanest, most livable country in the world. Unless you're poor.

>> No.9797201

They will conquer the west by getting their women bred by whites and immigration, coupled with state-supported economic and financial takeovers.

The world will be reduced to a sea of subservient soulless uncreative obedient lookalike chink ants. Humanity will degrade to a hivemind of yellow slaves, incapable of genuine feelings or ideas.

Imagine being a yellow slant-eyed roundheaded chink manlet with a microdick, incapable of self-expression, genuine love or creativity, with no little to no dimorphism. No wonder they have no empathy or individuality. Why care or do something when you are a complete failure, which evolution has taken on the path of quantity, meaning there are merely you x billion copies of you, all equally inhuman.

This is the yellow nightmare. A slave race, sexually selected by thousands of years of confucian and bureaucratic obedience, resulting in soulles machines, devoid of human characteristics. It can be asked wether chinks are even living beings

>> No.9797216

maybe you should stop thinking about people as a collective and respect peoples individuality.

>> No.9797231

>if the population segment growing is wealthy then they can afford to put more of their wealth to the desirable locations
They're not? The majority of immigrants come with little capital only a few are chinese billionaires and the like. You're completely speculating on nonsense.

>cities have geographic borders
Do you even live in Canada?

>> No.9797239

Huge shitskin population increases creates huge demand is what has skyrocketted the price of San Fran, LA and other expensive cali homes. Furthermore, the invading spics from Mexico are willing to drive said 30 miles to get to work, which means those once-accessible housing are now third-world level shitholes, riddled with drug, crime and poverty (ensuring that millenials never go there).

The solution requires the expulsion of nonwhites paired with military-style education for all millenials (including myself) and future generations. The stronger the men, the less the housing bubble becomes.


Yes. I mean just think about it. Why are they all clones? Perhaps long ago there was some diversity among them, but anyone who stood out as an individual was wiped out by the hive. All that is left is this nightmarish bug swarm. Anthropologically they are a species that has selected out all individuality and special characteristics because the Changs were greater in number. That's why they all have the same names as well, just like the Mohammeds. I never wanted to be racist like this but its the truth. It's not a coincidence. If I had been smarter and understood them all to be insects from the get go I wouldn't have gotten in trouble.

>> No.9797253

Collective is a lot stronger than you're making it out to be.

>> No.9797273

uh do you even know what municipal borders are?

the only margin that matters are the ones wealthy enough to increase the competitiveness of cities. all the price growth is situated at major cities. Toronto alone has enough sway to drop the Canadian average by 10% in a year.

>> No.9797285

If white people lose to this then they deserve to die. According to you they orchestrated it themselves. This is Darwinism. If the Chinese are so much better at this then they deserve to become #1.

>> No.9797301


The average person types between 38 and 40 words per minute (WPM), what translates into between 190 and 200 characters per minute (CPM). However, professional typists type a lot faster — on average between 65 and 75 WPM.

Scientific studies have demonstrated that reading—defined here as capturing and decoding all the words on every page—faster than 900 wpm is not feasible given the limits set by the anatomy of the eye.
*Bremer, Rod. The Manual: A Guide to the Ultimate Study Method (2 ed.). Fons Sapientiae Publishing. ISBN 978-0-9934964-0-0.

Your post contained 228 words (2 min 16 seconds), and replied to a post containing 47 words (4 seconds).
Lets assume it took 2 seconds to click his post number and click post when you're done and 0 seconds for captcha if you have a 4chan pass and 0 seconds to think of a reply. This gives us a total time of 2 minutes, 22 seconds.

The post before this one was posted 1 minute 58 seconds before.

Why are you posting this hard. Who are you shilling for?

>> No.9797315

>The best places in the world
Why is 90% of the world suddenly the 'best place in the world'.

This isn't about a few cities becoming hip and trendy while their predecessors become dirt cheap. This is about every major cities in the west that were once affordable becoming impossible to reach for the middle class.

Fucking retard.

>> No.9797335

need a ban on foreigners buying domestic real estate in our countries in ALL western nations, especially as 'investments'. we should own our own living space, its basic fucking logic.

its all fine and good to let them come and build factories and businesses, but our HOMES should be 100% nationally owned.

right now many westerns pay rent to foreigne entities to live in our own countries. we should never have allowed this situation to develop this far. its dumb jewry.

Selling the real estate of the country out from under the feet of the native citizenry is good for the globalist banksters who have no nation, bad for every nation who gets simultaneously chinked and jewed by the scam. China is already well on its way to buying up Canada and Australia. We slapped the Japs for doing less--the Chinese are only 10 or 20 years away from establishing a Greater Co-Prosperity Sphere.

>What if the US never tried to engage with Maoist China

Its breddy obvious

china would have balkanized with Turkestan and Tibet gaining independence in the 1970s. Inner Mongolia joining Mongolia.

whats left of china would be laos-tier, with constant massive famines and genocides reducing the population to 100k followed by an Japanese invasion

>> No.9797336


>> No.9797344
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I don't believe your numbers. I just did a test and got 88 WPM and I'm a NEET. those numbers might be accurate a decade ago but there's no way that's correct in 2018.

>> No.9797345

>Geographic borders
>Municipal borders
Moving goalpost I see.

>all the price growth is situated at major cities.
You know absolutely fucking nothing you gigantic waste of human resources. It's obvious you have only a vague idea that Toronto is the most populous city in Canada and base your retarded mental gymnastic on that. Please shut the fuck up and let informed posters answer the OP.

>> No.9797355

>>What if the US never tried to engage with Maoist China
I never said or implied this.

>> No.9797374

ya, that retard is obviously a mongoloid who doesnt realize Whites didnt live like 3rd world peasants before the insects brought the 3rd world with them

the only historically proven path is to quarantine the locusts and set up an Iron Curtain against their swarms

there are many ways you "adapt" one is by being a slave, the other is by removing the locust threat and developing internally

US faced the same issues in the 1800s. they didnt continue to harbor locust pests, but instead closed off (quarantines asia) and developed INTERNALLY

1800s america opened chinkland trade to get tea, spices, and porcelain. US got flooded with useless shit and unemployment surged. Millions were jobless and business went broke.
The 1819 panic further contributed to Americans’ resentment of trade with China due to fears that vast quantities of specie exports threatened the stability of the domestic economy.
By the 1830s, Americans no longer viewed trade with China as favorable to the US and talk of the trade became peripheral as Americans focused on inland development.

by removing the threat of the locusts, US experienced a golden age which lasted into the 1980s

just another advanced AI, m8

>> No.9797379



this while Vancouver prices are continuing to rise. Toronto alone has enough sway in Canadian housing prices. why? because that's where all the wealthy people are concentrated.

they are still borders you fucknut. guess what? every city is constrained by them regardless. there is no 'limitless space for cities to expand'.

>> No.9797408

Why would the west prop China when they can pose a real military threat to us?

Chinks may lack creativity but pointing fingers at that and ignoring the elephant in the room that is the western human decay is being nearly blind.
If they actually keep innovating and climb the tech curve, both economically and militarily they could utterly rape us.

At this point we can be almost pretty sure that both Russia and China are leaps ahead in nuclear warhead technology and this could pose a major issue if they reach a point where they can intercept everything the US sends them but our side can't.

>> No.9797422

I calculated for 100wpm. I'm guessing that test you took involves copying words on the screen too, not creating a post from scratch

>> No.9797449

HUGE geopolitical blunder

China was at war with USSR. USSR wanted to ally with US to nuke China. China was at the edge of collapse, actively looking for alliance with US.

Sino-Soviet split was a thing
they hated eachother and soviets wanted to nuke sinos with the help of US

Nixon was clueless. Mao put projects in motion to establish contacts with the USA along any lines he could as soon as it became evident that Sino-USSR partnership would not be able to move forward as it did. USA, if anything, rejected his advances initially, and he made several attempts until he hit with higher ups like Kissinger.

Russia wanted to ally with US and nuke China, but Nixon was a Rockefeller lackey and decided to transfer the industry, jobs, wealth and future of the west to insectoids

If Nixon didn't give the economic key to the western world, thus subsidizing Chinese economic growth, China would probably have collapsed

>> No.9797471

The reason the US is not really white anymore, and the reason the Chinese are out of the stone age, and the reason the Chinese will win against the US is very simple. The US is African tier corrupt country. It was African tier corrupt even with "white" murricans.

Who in the right mind imports subhumans for votes and for a % of distributing gibs? Who in the right mind modernizes a massive threat like China to fight an imaginary threat of failing Soviet Union? Who sells out to Chinese en mass. The US is beyond corrupt. Most US decision makers would cost the country billions to make a few grand. That's the mindset and that's why we are where we are.

Also now the niggers are running the US government, so it's even more corrupt. Wait until you find out that the US military can only extort the US taxpayer for more money, because this is what the US military does now. They can't fight real enemy. The military is the most corrupt military as far as big tickets items go. I'm sure the Russians and the Chinese are scared of the US, but if anything happens, the US will fail miserably. Pretty much like any late empire in a decay. The military is to oppress the population, not fight external threat now. All the generals received Chinese "donations" and will be compromised. The US is mostly the problem in the world, not the jews, the chinese or the russians. The are the violent niggerized retards of the planet.

>> No.9797487

>there is no 'limitless space for cities to expand'.
There absolutely is. No one ever brought the idea of individual municipalities up, it's a complete non argument. Surrounding municipalities can develop, fuse and collaborate together.
Whether or not they do it adequately is another issue entirely but that's clearly not what you're here to explain.

Housing prices have climbed steadily all across Canada even in smaller towns a hundred miles away from larger agglomerations. OP pic is from Montreal. Toronto is the only major city slowing down right now. And they're only slowing down. Not actually crashing. They're not gonna crash.

>> No.9797507

the Rust Belt and decline of American industry started in the 1970s as a direct result of American policy of transferring jobs, industry, wealth to Asia (Taiwan, Hong Kong, Korea, Japan, China, India...)

NAFTA and transfer of industry to Asia is the reason for hyperinflated housing bubbles, subprime mortgage bubbles, Great Recession, Quantitative Easing, and all our economic, social, and military problems

the deinndustrialization of US started with Nixon/Rockefeller's globalist shift to China. the steel belt became the rust belt in the 70s due to their policies.

the clintons continued rockefeller's policies (including NAFTA)

the "Rust Belt" is a term that gained popularity in the U.S. in the 1970s, resulting from Rockefeller's globalist policies.

Since the 1960s, the expansion of Rockefeller's worldwide free trade agreements have been less favorable to U.S. workers. Imported goods such as steel cost much less to produce in Third World countries (china) with cheap foreign labor

Beginning with the recession of 1970–71, a new pattern of deindustrializing economy emerged.
Nixon/Rockefeller China project went to full swing in the 1980s.

Nixons China policy resulted in gradual expansion of the U.S. trade deficit with China in the 1980s. In the ensuing years the U.S. developed a massive trade deficit with the East Asian nations of China, Hong Kong, Taiwan. As a result, the traditional manufacturing workers in the region have experienced economic upheaval. This effect has devastated government budgets across the U.S and increased corporate borrowing to fund retiree benefits.


>> No.9797538

are you sure no one running the west is far sighted? Are you sure the elite Jews just suicidally cursed their descendants knowing the Chinese elites would replace them?

There must be an end game here. Not one that benefits us obviously but something nonetheless.

>> No.9797576

chinks are buying houses outright, in cash, despite the massive spike in price. This is overwhelmingly due to economic expansion in China, in which rich Chinese people make a ton of money in the booming economy but don't trust that the good times will last forever, so they get their money out of the country by investing in American real estate (among other nations' real estate, from Australia to New Zealand to Canada, in particular Vancouver). In order to lower prices, Trump would need to prevent non-citizens from purchasing property, but this will never happen because Democrats will block is being raycis.

So in short, no bubble this time around, no correction coming anytime soon, you're being priced out by rich people from China, and there's quite literally nothing you can do about it other than finding a way to get rich yourself.

all major cities are in the process of developing Chinatowns. I see chinks on the streets here every single day.

they had plenty of warnings from Spengler, Jack London, Stoddart going back 100 years and predicted these exact scenarios, but our leaders ignored them for personal gain. The same thing happened with USSR, Nazi Germany, Jihadists/Al Qaeda... We created them all...

USSR wouldnt have been the monster it was if the US industrialists didnt transfer their industry to USSR ~100 years ago. Ford, GM... all setup factories in USSR thinking it was good for business.

the Soviets then kicked out and gulag'd the americans and kept the industries for free without paying a cent to the western industrialists

globalism: pretty fuckin retarded

How America Helped Build The Soviet Machine

How We Built the Soviet Might


>> No.9797589

US bankers supported the Soviets, and this is well-attested
>Rockefellers assigned their public relations agent, Ivy Lee, to sell the American public the idea that the Bolsheviks were merely misunderstood idealists who were actually kind benefactors of mankind.
>Lee suggests the US should not engage in propaganda; makes a plea for peaceful coexistence; and suggests the US would find it sound policy to recognize the USSR and advance credits. Source: Antony Sutton, "Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development, 1917-1930", Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford University, Calif., 1968, p.292
>"In 1925, negotiations between Chase and Prombank extended beyond the finance of raw materials and mapped out a complete program for financing Soviet raw material exports to the US and imports of US cotton and machinery". Source: Ibid, Vol.11, p.226
>"Soviet government has been given US Treasury funds by the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks acting through the Chase Bank and the Guaranty Trust Company and other banks in NYC.
>Open up the books of Amtorg, the trading organization of the Soviet government in NY, and of Gostorg, the general office of the Soviet Trade Organization, and of the State Bank of USSR and you will be staggered to see how much American money has been taken from the United States' Treasury for the benefit of Russia. Find out what business has been transacted for the State Bank of USSR by its correspondent, the Chase Bank of NY [a Rockefeller bank]". Source: Congressional Record, June 15, 1933.

U.S. government was robbing American taxpayers in order to support grain trading companies

>> No.9797603

Zbigniew Brzezinski not long ago revealed that on July 3, 1979, unknown to the American public and Congress, President Jimmy Carter secretly authorized $500 million to create an international terrorist movement that would spread Islamic fundamentalism in Central Asia and "de-stabilise" the Soviet Union...
The CIA called this Operation Cyclone and in the following years poured $4 billion into setting up Islamic training schools in Pakistan (Taliban means "student").

Young zealots were sent to the CIA's spy training camp in Virginia, where future members of al-Qaeda were taught "sabotage skills" - terrorism.

Others were recruited at an Islamic school in Brooklyn, New York, within sight of the fated Twin Towers.

In Pakistan, they were directed by British MI6 officers and trained by the SAS.

The result, quipped Brzezinski, was "a few stirred up Muslims" - meaning the Taliban.

The Wall Street Journal declared: "The Taliban are the players most capable of achieving peace. Moreover, they were crucial to secure the country as a prime trans-shipment route for the export of Central Asia's vast oil, gas and other natural resources."

No American newspaper dares suggest that the prisoners in Camp X-Ray are the product of this policy, nor that it was one of the factors that led to the attacks of September 11.

Nor do they ask: who were the real winners of September 11?

>> No.9797618

Most people use their phones, which doesn't translate well to actual touch typing. Keep that in mind as it will pull the average down due to their numbers.

>> No.9797624

Crony capitalism can give 0 fucks about long-term economic viability because the burden is placed on the lower end of the upper class, middle class and lower when everything comes crashing down. i.e. bank bailouts (AKA oops we were overextending and giving out loans like candy and then washtraded our unpaid loans to other banks back and forth until the economy burst, guess the citizens of the country will have to go deeper into debt to pay us back for our mistake so the country can keep running, look at all this sweet land we own now though)

>> No.9797627

>USSR wouldnt have been the monster it was if the US industrialists didnt transfer their industry to USSR ~100 years ago. Ford, GM... all setup factories in USSR thinking it was good for business.

Something's off. Sounds deliberate especially when you know some guys like Ford had pretty crazy ideological agendas.

Similarly, why didn't American finish off the Soviet Union at the end of WW2, when their manpower and supply lines were exhausted, their logistics highly dependent on the USA and American aerial supremacy+atomic bomb making the game utterly one sided?

And why would they recklessly prop up china even today, knowing what's coming for them.

Something is just off.

>> No.9797640


>> No.9797651

the globalists want a permanent slave labor class and they want to cement themselves and their children as the permanent global aristocracy.

google the phrase short sleeve long sleeve short sleeve.

globalists are thrusting the west to destruction yet again

China is the dream of the globalist. Full totalitarian despotism and pro-censorship of anything the government deems 'hateful'. Oh, they would just loooove China.

It even has all the starvation, shortages, famines, fake food and corruption they love too!

protip: Rockefeller created China

US Middle Class Still Suffering from Rockefeller-Kissinger Industrial Transfer Scheme to China





founded by non other, than our Mr. John D. Rockefeller III in 1954


>> No.9797665

it is a bubble

>> No.9797696

Rockefeller 's Standard Oil (along with Bush mafia among others) not only created modern globalism, eugenics/nazis, the declining white births, the rise of Islam and China, mass migrations.... it also dismantled comfy cities and replaced them with suburban clusterfucks all to suite their Global Oil Empire

early 20th came along, some ruthless guy named Rockefeller started a company called Standard Oil...and everything went to shit.

Its actually amazing how much one man cucked the USA, and in some ways the entire world. He's not Rothschild tier, but he's pretty close.

Anyway, the USA doesn't want to use less oil, because guys like Rockefeller wanted to use the most oil possible. He not only helped kill/restrain our railways, but he also battled Henry Ford over making sure automobiles ran on oil instead of corn grain alcohol (which would have made more sense in every way)

All this shit we have now. The Global oil market, Saudi Arabia controlling the petrol dollar, China, Wahhabism, Nazi Germany etc etc. It can all be traced back to Standard Oil (Rockefeller)

By about the year 2000 Communist China will be a “superpower” built by American technology and skill
-Sutton 1980

"America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones"


>> No.9797698

>short sleeve long sleeve short sleeve
what the fuck? i agree with some of what you're saying but, —what the fuck?

>> No.9797699

If he took 4 seconds to read, 0 seconds to click reply, 0 seconds to click post, 0 seconds to think of a reply, he typed that in 114 seconds which puts his typing words per minute at 200.

An average professional typist types usually in speeds of 50 to 80 wpm, while some positions can require 80 to 95 (usually the minimum required for dispatch positions and other time-sensitive typing jobs), and some advanced typists work at speeds above 120 wpm.

The fastest typing speed on an alphanumeric keyboard, 216 words in one minute, was achieved by Stella Pajunas in 1946 on an IBM electric.[5][6][7] (Her speed over an entire hour was 140 wpm.[8][9]) As of 2005, writer Barbara Blackburn was the fastest alphanumerical English language typist in the world, according to The Guinness Book of World Records. Using the Dvorak Simplified Keyboard, she maintained 150 wpm for 50 minutes, and 170 wpm for shorter periods. Her top speed was 212 wpm.


>> No.9797729

You remember when you were younger and you would go to mexico or some other 3rd world shit hole on vacation.

You'd walk around and see other white people, each of you so much richer than the hardworking poor native mexican people.
You were so much richer than them
You lived such a more luxurious lifestyle
They depended on your foreign money to survive - yet it seemed like they barely got by

Fast forward 10 years to being a white male in Vancouver
I have realized I am now the mexican, and the chinese are now the foreign tourists.
They are massively more wealthy than the native class around
They live a much more luxurious lifestyle
Locals depend on their foreign investment

>feels bad :(

>> No.9797742
File: 338 KB, 860x558, mandela-sacp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is on fire, maybe he is an AI gone rogue.
And yes, some elite Jews literally funded and acted as advisors for communist China, in the same regard when they funded the ANC to depose the Boers and destroy South Africa.

>> No.9797764

>Implement monetary policy
>said policy leads to money flowing into real estate
>prices soar and a bubble is born
>let it go on and on
>change policy
>O No, a crisis happens of some kind, who could have foreseen this .....
>"fix" crisis by new laws, regulations and policy that under normal circumstances would not be accepted

>> No.9797785

>they want to cement themselves and their children as the permanent global aristocracy.

How is that gonna work with the Chinese elites calling the shots?
What's the plan to keep them under control?

>> No.9797790

Late 1990s:
>White Canadians were a 90%+ majority until the 2000s and Canada was conservative, no LGBTQ+ bullshit
>All of a sudden, start seeing Africans, Muslims, Pakis, Chinks, etc everywhere
>Multiculturalism expands to hyper levels, every school/university/work place/govt agency starts ramming diversity down our throats
>House prices start accelerating
>Wages start decreasing
Fast Forward 2017
>Toronto 30% white
>Vancouver <40% white
>Syrian Refugees 24/7 on TV/news
>White people can't find work, it's all non-whites getting jobs
>Average house price is $1M+ while salaries are 50K-60K max
>Refugees driving BMW and Mercedes
>Most Universities have non-white majorities
>Whites down to 65-68%
>Whites will be <50% by 2027
>Nobody really knows why this is happening so fast, govt always touts (((250-300k))) "reasonable" immigration a year
>But nobody has ever heard of a white person immigrating in the last 20 years
>Turns out Canada is letting in 750K on permanent residency a year via various immigration schemes not publicized
>Canada lets in 1.2M a year on "temporary immigration" that's 10 year work/live visas that lead to citizenship that aren't even counted in public statistics
>Turns out secret GBA+ (Gender Based Analysis Plus) program is forced down every govt decision maker including immigration officers to discriminate against straight whites
>Turns out 97% of immigrants are poor non-whites
>Turns out there is a secret organization called the Metropolis Project that holds an annual conference of 1,000+ govt bureaucrats with the sole objective of letting in as many poor non-white migrants a year
>Turns out this organization started in 1996, around the time of the change
>Turns out George Soros started and funded the Metropolis Project through his Open Societies Foundation
>govt passed M-103 anti-Islamophobia motion, setting road to criminalize any criticism of migration policy
You are here.


>> No.9797811


fellow vanfag here. Bro you are so shockingly correct it makes me fucking sick. 16 years of the liberal government whoreing out the lowermainland.

it is absolutely fucking disgusting what is happening here.

>> No.9797827

>he doesn't know about /pol/ raids
Fuck off pol. If I wanted to hear your unsourced and ad hominem diatribe, I'd visit the board. We're here to 100k on kneepads, not to racewar for LARPers who are too lazy to actually do something.

>> No.9797862

jesus christ anon, i had no idea it was this bad...
first im hearing of GBA+ and Metropolis Porject
of course Soros is behind it... fucking hell

>> No.9797868

>prosperity for 150 years
Fuck off stormkike. We don't mind racism, but stop lying so fucking much you double nigger. You actually shoot yourselves in the foot this way.

>> No.9797880

Have you ever actually been on /pol/?
They don't raid like this

>> No.9797891

Funny thing is im a poor non white immigrant that came to canada as a child in 2001. I've seen ontario turn into absolute shit.

>> No.9797902

How is it even legal for chinks to own our land? Why pay all taxes for a military when our enemies can just buy all the land. We're the most cucked country.

>> No.9797998


thats not even the worst imo
whats going to really fuck us in the future is the fact that we have the most fresh water of any country in the world and nestle gets most of it for less than pennies on the dollar.

go look up how much they pay for our fresh water, its something insane like $250 for 50 million gallons

>> No.9798081
File: 11 KB, 150x217, tuckercarlson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>youll just be that creepy older guy that stares at college girls at the bar

tfw age 30 but someone asked me if I'm over 18 the other day.

>> No.9798082

This dude isn't /pol/

>> No.9798088

Oklahoma is a fucking shithole, worst place I ever lived in my life. So many damn niggers and mexicans and white trash, and the rest of the whites are jesus sand nigger wannabes

>> No.9798090

>$250 for 50 million gallons
Jesus... we're going to become a desert so a globalist corporation can profit off everyone

>> No.9798101

looks like i got that wrong, its actually twice as much water for the same price


225$ for 100 million liters

our country is being whored out... for pathetic priced bribes.

>> No.9798113

isn't 50 gallon like 200 liters

>> No.9798125

And literally no one fucking knows or cares, even the environmentalist groups are completely controlled op and care more about muh warming 1000 years from now than a real looming disaster that can be fixed right this instant.

>> No.9798141
File: 16 KB, 638x175, Screen Shot 2018-06-07 at 11.05.46 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


turns out im retarded - mixed up freedom units for leaf units

>> No.9798157

Mad Max
a pretty good apocalypse setting
at least you're not mutated USA, la creatura but unironically

>> No.9798160

still a ridiculously inane number though

>> No.9798861

>Gf and I both make 65k+ and were in our mid twenties which is supposedly upper middle class income for Quebec but we can't even afford a house that's within an hour of Montreal. Brossard is ungodly expensive because of chinks but that's where public transit is

its already happening in L.A. no need to wonder.

>> No.9799131

>demand did not grow by 500%
you're right on that one
demand grew probably closer to 2000-3000%