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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 53 KB, 375x360, chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9772593 No.9772593 [Reply] [Original]


"Even after the company’s oracle network is rolled out, it could take five or so years to reach maturity, Nazarov explained. The biggest data providers realize this new model could be good business for them, but they’re not willing to take the jump until they see a decent volume of smart contracts in play. So we’ll likely see smaller and mid-sized data providers move in first, with the rest following later. And the pace at which key data feeds become available will, to a certain extent, dictate how quickly the whole ecosystem is able to develop."

>> No.9772598

Made me look.

>> No.9772606

5 years of speculative growth after mainnet. Yes please.

>> No.9772754

Unironically posted the wrong link. Fuck me


>> No.9772807

Unironically will kms today

>> No.9772857

I can wait 5 years to lambo, will just buy 10k and literally forget about it. Put a notification on for when the price is $1K.

>> No.9772882
File: 707 KB, 602x800, 0FCA43A1-E7F9-4EEA-B7D0-49446A07569B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strap in boys....in 5 years, it’s happening.

>> No.9772892

This is "to mature" + Sergey was just guessing. Who says there won't be massive speculative gains until then? Weak FUD.

>> No.9772912

$5 EOY 2023!!!

>> No.9772917

Who’s looking forward to 1,825 more nights of “it’s happening tonight, strap in boys” threads?

>> No.9772943


Mate I wasn't trying to FUD, I just found an article I've never seen before and decided to post it here.

>> No.9772944

You could write a smartcontract to trigger a sale at $1k. LINK literally selling itself.

>> No.9772957

Guess I will be DCA-ing up to 10k after all

>> No.9773060

selling itself, like the dirty little whore it is

>> No.9773065

This was to be expected. Whoever thought they would attain a 1000% gain over the course of a year or two is utterly retarded. Bitcoin has been around sonce 2005 if i recall correctly. ETH, 2013.

If you want real organic growth and sustainability. Being around 5 years AFTER mainnets launch is very promising.

>> No.9773078

>Chainlink search bar
Stopped reading there.

>> No.9773095

>Read the title
>Read the link
>Open it anyway
Why am I so dumb

>> No.9773098

Kek. The fire rises.

>> No.9773104


I also found that very interesting. Clearly there's no search bar feature as of now. Maybe something they'll develop later on?

>> No.9773107

i wish i sold this piece of shit when the market was still bullish. it's back to merely 3x presale price, ffs. why didn't i just buy normiecoins like tron and ripple?

>> No.9773110

>Bitcoin has been around sonce 2005 if i recall correctly.
I still can't believe people were mining 10 Bitcoins a week on their PS3s back in the day.

>> No.9773121

Oh there's a real link. d
Well yeah so what? You realise it took bitcoin 10 years to get any sort of mainstream recognition, you think this shit is just going to explode out of no where?
Take a quick look at the google trends data for "smart contract" vs "bitcoin"

>> No.9773125


Please read the second link I posted, forgive me my retardation.

>> No.9773151

What you fags dont get is that Sergey is talking about smart contracts development and maturity in general. What he said also applies to every other smartcontract platform.

Once again, without link, smart contracts are not feasible.

>> No.9773195


>> No.9773248

This is not FUD. Sergey is in for the long run. He does not care about your lambo-dream. People like him have a plan and they will pull through with it no matter what. You can cry, you can die, its none of his concerns.

>> No.9773249

Who cares how long it takes. Bitcoin is barely adopted and ethereum has no use cases. All we need is banks to come out and say hey it’s chainlink. Also go read sergeys update in dec. 19000 people want to be node operators. How did he get that number ? There’s not even 19000 >100 link owners. All we need is these companies to start releasing shit. The 5 year adoption will affect stock prices in 5 years when they see tangible money affected

>> No.9773377

Bitcoin was created in 2009 and people could mine 10k Bitcoins a day with a shitty Core2Duo kek

>> No.9773429

Sergey confirmed main net to be released early october

>> No.9773504


>> No.9773544

sergey should hire these people to do the project....


>> No.9773896

Considering no one is using Ropsten (basically a free chainlink for now) is a really bad sign that adoption is going to take a few years.

>> No.9774068
File: 618 KB, 584x585, Pajeet_Wearing_Sunglasses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck anon

>> No.9774083

Yes i thought the same. Its like bitcoin speculative growth for last ten years before it becomes a world reserve currencyand have real utility as currency after lightning.

>> No.9774162

Look at NEO and RIPPLE and TRON and NANO and lot of others you fucking fuding idiot

>> No.9774174
File: 36 KB, 384x441, cryptoyummy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9774439

How many chain links for a proper noose, fellow marines?

>> No.9774464
File: 2.46 MB, 1670x1743, 1525487094977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 fucking years of bagholding

So fucking glad I dodged the link bullet. I almost fell for the meme back in February.

>> No.9774622

Sounds like Sergey has a 5-year plan which is nice.

Year 1 - (11/17 - 11/18) establish mainnet
Year 2 - onboard partners and data providers
Year 3 - grow, become compatible with more blockchains
Year 4 - weather the storm caused by mass adoption and mass media attention
Year 5 - 10,000 / coin

>> No.9774731

So? In one of the interviews from last year on youtube he basically says it takes at least 10 years to see smartcontracts mainstream adoption so its no surprise
That chainlink will take years to moon if it even survives that long