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9762056 No.9762056 [Reply] [Original]

I just saw the most retard headline ever that has pissed me off.
Miss America will no longer have a swimsuit competition. Personally dont give a shit about the competition but this and other things are a sign of a societal collapse which compounded with falling birth rates and growing debt will lead to a major economic collapse.
There is ZERO reason to be involved in any fiat currency when the shit hits the fan.

>> No.9762146


just lol

>> No.9762365

her back was karate chopped

>> No.9762380

Well no ones watching that ever again. Hopefully it will be a wake up call

>> No.9762384

I agree that it's ridiculous to cancel the swimsuit competition
and I agree that debt and fiat currencies are going to be the next major economic collapse
but I don't get how these two points are related to each other

>> No.9762516

2060 somewhere around that year it will all go to shit

>> No.9762560

im just looking at all the head winds. society falls into this absurdity then economy will fall shortly after that. Its just a lagging indicator.
I was skeptical for a bit but now i see it as clearly as ever. THERE IS NO HOPE FOR THE WEST or rather the only hope is that the snowballing effect of this madness slipping into the economy(causing economic weakness) forces more people to buy crypto which will kill and erode the tax base to reset this madness

>> No.9762590

yeah??.... try 2021 to 2024

>> No.9762747

All the crazy bullshit the liberals have been pulling the last few years.. Identity politics, Trannies, open borders, ‘everyone is equal’, pushing interracial shit, normalizing hate against the white man etc.
All that bullshit and it takes a beauty pageant not being based on beauty anymore to wake you up? What’s it like being an absolute normie?? I mean really, It’s been a decade or more since I’ve been one, how do you do it in 2018???

>> No.9762788

You are so stupid OP... you don't even know that REAL savings is gold! Not crypto.

Sure.... I'm not saying take 100% out of crypto but with fiat collapse coming you are absolutely dumber than a mexican of you don't have at least 30% in gold and silver considering that's real savings

>> No.9762831

Gold is what will reset the madness.... where ALL prices whether for a Toyota Camry or birthday cake in essence become gold prices. You need to own some gold and silver.

You stupid fags don't understand that crypto doesn't solve the DEBT issue. Gold does solve it by revaluing gold much higher one day, followed by a massive deflationary collapse.

It is gold and silver owners who will unirOnically make it

>> No.9762965

i have silver, just 100 ounces in 1 ounce coin though so not much. Im thinking of buying the george v sovereigns they go for $380 a pop

>> No.9763020
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>> No.9763116

>t. boomer
Your PMs are deprecated, crypto is the future, get with the times faggot

>> No.9763441

PM's don't depreciate you moron. A gold ounce 900 years ago is still that same gold ounce today... of stored economic energy.

You are the dumb faggot that values gold in terms of worthless fiat. Which is not how you measure the value of gold.

The primary function of money brainlet is to measure value of goods exchanged for it. Nothing does that better than gold which is why it has been money for thousands of years and why Russia, India, and china have been accumulating gold in record tonnage for years now

>> No.9763459

100 ounces is enough. Try and get 300 tho. 300 ounces will probably last you 15 years after fiat collapses

>> No.9763472

problem with gold...how do you carry $100million worth of money across the border if you are fleeing?

>> No.9763506

majority was bought when silver was $6 to $8 sold, I actualy had 170 ounces but sold a couple ounces at $20 $17 for some stuff i needed, i was thinking to try for 500 ounces

>> No.9763524

kek. can you send gold accross the border within seconds? can you carry $1,000,000 worth of gold in your pocket? can you mathmatically prove the total amount of gold that will ever be in existence?
oh whats that boomer, I couldnt hear you?

go back to the 1800's faggot. crypto is a better version of previous metals.

>> No.9763532

also thinking of using POS coins to buy silver, since i can program i could just have it auto order a couple ounces once it reaches a certain value

>> No.9763548

to me crypto is the t-bills bearer bonds of crypto boring but still valuable

>> No.9763587

Everybody knows this already, boomer retard. It doesn't matter. Bitcoin already replicates the properties that make gold valuable, except it does it better. And even if it didn't, PMs are finished as a reliable store of value as soon as asteroid mining becomes a thing (within 10-20 years max).

Again, get with the times faggot or get left behind.

>> No.9763637

PMs are finished as a reliable store of value as soon as asteroid mining becomes a thing (within 10-20 years max

youre kidding yourself if you think asteroid mining will be a profitable endevor in 20 years try never. Its just not worth it right now.

>> No.9763662

Bitcoin (or some crypto) will kill it regardless. You are a dunce.

>> No.9763669

when shtf you want land and a gun boomer faggot. starving people have no use for gold.

have fun with your crypto when there is no electricity, millenial faggot. bitcoin won't feed your family.

>> No.9763686

you know you can prepare for different scenarios right?

>> No.9763688


>> No.9763717

>no electricity
>what is renewable energy
Holy shit what the fuck are you smoking. Do you unironically think we will end up in some kind of mad-max apocalyptic scenario?

>> No.9763731

russia and china are buying gold hand over fist at the moment. They wouldnt be spending their nations vast gdp to buy something they think will be worthless in 20 years. again whats wrong with diversifying and buying both. This is the point of the thread. The point is societal collapse is immiment and fiat will die or be near worthless

>> No.9763736

>have fun with your crypto when there is no electricity, millenial faggot. bitcoin won't feed your family.
If there is no electricity, ALL money will be worthless. The only currency will be violence.
That's not gonna happen ever, so Bitcoin will be fine.

>> No.9763742

It also doesn't matter at all if it isn't profitable, merely the news that gold is no longer reliably scarce will send the price tanking 95%+ over night.

>> No.9763750
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>> No.9763759

wtf is that shit for real?

>> No.9763768
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these pics


> "Miss America will no longer have a swimsuit competition"

= the fruits of Cultural Marxism

>> No.9763783
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>> No.9763787

This is actually true.

T. From Finland.

>> No.9763790

You are so stupid. Gold has been money for thousands of years and electricity was invented like 150 years ago.

And there is a difference between currency and money. Gold is both... but obv we aren't going back to transacting in gold... but it is More importantly real money that has to back the currency otherwise the currency is a fraud.

Why do you think inflation is getting out of hand and the dollar is dying? BecUse the currency isn't backed by gold.

60 years ago when the currency was backed by gold you could literally drive a bus and make it. Today couples with professional degrees can barely make it or have more than 2 kids.

Why? Because the fed and the Jews are devaluing the currency and getting rich off our backs.

Luckily for the Jews tho they know that 99% of the population both right and left have no idea that gold is real money so they are able to confiscate our wealth through inflation virtually undetected

>> No.9763800

Governments are full of retarded boomer faggots like you, and moreover it goes without saying that there is a lot of inertia in organizations that large. They are still perfectly capable of making terrible mistakes (of course, they'll still probably be clever enough to dump their gold before you do).

>> No.9763808
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>> No.9763811
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the scenaria itt is collapse of fiat

because everyone owns solar panels

>If there is no electricity ...
when society collapses the only currency will be violence. it's not like these kind of states are unknown from regions in a state of (civil-)war

>> No.9763852
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>Thousands of Somalis Soon Entering the Workforce

many keks were had

>> No.9763943

again it wont matter, commodities like gold are only valued based on what you can acquire now. There are trillions of dollars of gold under the earth. Only what has been mined is valued.
We already know there are quadrillions of dollars of iron and nickel in asteroid why arent those metals selling for pennies per tonne.

Secondly the cost to fly a rocket up to asteroid then setup the infrastructure to grab it, tow it to earth orbit, mine it, bring a refinery to a space(im guessing using the energy of nuclear reactor, good look getting governments to sign off on company have access to a reactor in space) then bringing the refine product back to earth or making something useful in space will cost a couple hundreds of billions. I bet you think we would be handle space miners in their space suits pan handling in space. We arent even close to being anywhere near future. Asteroid mining is simply outside our technological grasp for now.

Thirdly even if we went to MARs
we would just mine the resources there, plently minerals and metals like iron and no need to complex delta v to get asteroids near orbit. Nope sorry. Unless the human population growing to 100 billion... asteroid mining wont happen for another 200 to 400 years

>> No.9763967

Boomers? Dude... you are so brainwashed you dont even realize that the flight to crypto has nothing to do with there being a problem with gold. It's because gold doesn't back the currency which is why we have massive inflation.

Just listen to me and repeat this in your head a few times...

It is IMPOSSIBLE to lose owning GOLD! Why? Because gold is SAVINGS!

Do you understand that? GOLD is SAVINGS.

100 years ago gold equaled 20$ per ounce. 20$ was a good weekly salary back then. Today 20$ barely buys you 5 tacos at Taco Bell.... but that gold ounce.... converted into fiat.... is $1,300. And guess what? That $1,300 is still a good weekly salary. So that gold ounce whether 100 years ago or today is still worth a good weekly salary while the dollar has been absolutely raped.

How do you idiots. It understand something so easy to understand with the 2+2=4 spoonfed example I just gave you?

>> No.9764006

Yeah but it's fucking hard to extract that gold. You say we have trillions of dollars worth of it under the ground. Well it's not fucking above ground now is it???

You fucking morons literally don't even understand the primary function of money... which is to MEASURE VALUE...

If you go to the Bible you can find a passage saying that 1 ounce bought you 350 loaves of bread 2,500 years ago. Lo and behold... if you exchange that gold ounce for fiat today... you'll get 1300 bucks which equals roughly 350 loaves of bread just like it did 2,500 years ago

Gold is not a commodity gold is REAL fucking money. And yes you could theoretically make money anything... but how well would it work if we all went to live on the beach and deemed that sand was money? Not to well right?

Gold is money because it has all the properties that money has to be and nothing has done it better than gold for milennia. It's like you millennial faggots think that earth was born when you were born and that history is irrelevant.

>> No.9764042

You can go on YouTube right now and find literal starving Africans panning for gold in riverbeds and when they accumulate .01 grams of gold you can see them exchanging it for a lot of bread.

You are so fuckig stupid it is ridiculous. Violence is a currency? You make public school niggers look like geniuses with that kind of stupid talk.

>> No.9764053

>Violence is a currency?

>> No.9764062
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with jews you lose

wake the fuck up goyim

>> No.9764069

wrong person

>> No.9764129

My bad

>> No.9764196

>says that the west is collapsing
>posts pic of non white girl.

>> No.9764210

yeah cuz the east is the future nigger

>> No.9764272

>he thinks the east will accept him
Sorry bud, its fight here and die here. Or win.

>> No.9764287

I have silver and gold. Selling that shit is fucking a pain in the ass.

>> No.9764766

You aren't supposed to sell it for more fiat.

>> No.9764790

>he doesn't know all the contestants are trannies
>hiding his hip to shoulder ratio

>> No.9765572
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Problem with borders is they are all getting flooded with the dregs of the world, so there may not be anywhere to flee to when the shit hits the fan.

>> No.9765588

would plough

>> No.9765711

>he thinks the east will accept him
Asia: people mostly just leave you tf alone at worst and street vendors overcharge if you don't bargain
West: Venezuela meets Planet of the Apes

Oooh so sad the Asians won't "accept" me. Better stay here and "fight". Thanks for the advice.

>> No.9765771

omg sauce pls

>> No.9765831

lol your entitled ass would not do well in the east thats for sure

>> No.9766516


>> No.9766530

>I have silver and gold. Selling that shit is fucking a pain in the ass.
you're supposed to wait for a currency collapse and subsequent shift and sell it pre-regulation

>> No.9766590
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What people don't do is stock up on survival goods regardless if doomsday is 10 years way. Start off with a few bug out bags, med kits, canned goods, ammo, guns, silver, gold, crypto, exercise so you're in shape, shelter, a plan B, C, D, and E. Map out the area where you will be residing and routes to take if shit hits the fan.

It's not hard to be prepared and it doesn;t hurt to be. It's mind boggling to me that we spend our money on invisible tokens hoping it will make us rich in 5-10 years instead of also investing in what would keep us alive if electricity and martial law is called.

>> No.9766843

Have a look at DGX (gold backed crypto) and DGD which is the parent crypto token if you like gold and crypto.

>> No.9766877

I think you're right but that shit isn't cheap, need to have a few grand to blow on something with a less than 1% chance of happening. That means you need a cool 6 figure stockpile for it to make any economic sense. Otherwise odds are you are cucking yourself out of tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars if invest properly. Most of us don't have the ability to take a risk like that. It's an even larger risk than crypto, which is saying a lot.

>> No.9766925

You can throw it in your brief case and walk across a border. Not that difficult dummy.

>> No.9766944

You are a dumb shit defeatist faggot. All things must end but the West will rise up again like a phoenix and shake this earth to its fucking core.

>> No.9767196

Jeez I like black girls but she looks like a ladyboy

>> No.9767258
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Worked out great for playboy

>> No.9767270

Playboy became redundant with the rise of Free porn.
The whole no nudity thing is so they can publish their stuff in more safe for work places.

>> No.9767287


Agreed. The West was like Rome anyway. Doomed from the start.

Our downfall will be a return to normal.