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9726096 No.9726096 [Reply] [Original]

>Full Disclosure: I am an American and I hold this token from the ICO. What follows is not baseless shilling but advice given with prepared thought and hope for the tokens use.

It's been a few days since I’ve seen a thread about Wysker so I figured I’d gather some thoughts after seeing the volume hit nearly $101k last week.

For those that are unfamiliar with the token, Wysker is mobile shopping app with an integrated ERC20 token. First, and foremost, the Wysker token (hereafter referred to as WYS) serves as a bridge of consent in regards to the data metric of specific consumers. By utilizing the app and creating a preference profile, the user’s data can be targeted at advertisers. While this idea is far from extraordinary, the user is empowered by being able to receive WYS in exchange for targeted promotion.

The wysker App divides its product inventory into two distinct sections. The first section is the organic channel. Here, wysker shows unbiased product results and can theoretically include any product that is available online. All products in this section are sourced through a custom built Google Chrome Plugin that supports easy content curation and will be automated through machine learning. The second section is the paid channel. Here, wysker gives advertisers the opportunity to market their products directly to potential consumers that want to claim an advertisers’ wys Token offering.

It is still early. The AdPlatform is set to launch late 2018 or early 2019

>10% of the total Token supply is reserved to incentivize wysker App usage. 10% of the 102,340,100 tokens at an average of $.10 each is an upcoming advertising budget of $1,023,401. While this isn’t a crazy huge amount for the e-commerce space, it’s nothing to ignore either.

>> No.9726103

With a growing wysker user base and App usage, more precise consumer data will be collected. As this data increases in value, attractiveness for and demand from advertisers will increase. The
data collected on the wysker App underpins the acceptance of the wys Token. Once all parties (users, advertisers, and retailers) are fully connected the demand for the wysker App will rise

Wysker fills the gap between inspiration and shopping. Discovery sites, such as Pinterest, Instagram, or Tumblr are appealing for discovery, but do not support a shopping and buying experience. Marketplaces such as Amazon, Wish, or Alibaba focus on shopping, but don’t provide compelling discovery tools. The wysker App differentiates itself from these competitors by providing an inspiring experience for shopping.

The WYS distribution reserves 60% of tokens for presale and ICO. 25% are reserved for the founders as well as current and future team members. 10% are used to incentivize early wysker users and foster rapid product adoption, secure retention and motivate engagement. 5% are reserved for future deals with strategic partners. This portion is also used to incentivize the very first advertisers to use the wysker AdPlatform.

Now onto the discussion about the daily volume pump and the subsequent calming…The price climbed to around $.12 per token on the day of $90k+ volume. A healthy correction retraced down to $.06 and we’re back at $.08 today. Most of us are not selling anything short of $1. I’m not selling anything under $10. It’s easy to FUD and dismiss this coin as some sort of washed out blockchain fad, but the truth stands—if this app delivers it will change the way mobile shopping is done all around the world.

I’ve spent quite a bit of time reading the white paper and I’m happy to answer any questions you possibly have.

Link to whitepaper: https://www.wystoken.org/media/wysker-whitepaper.pdf
Trade on IDEX: https://idex.market/eth/wys

>> No.9726432

Very nice elaborate shilling, pajeet

>> No.9726450
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can someone give a TLDR

>> No.9726657

normie centered pinterest/social type shopping app. zip thru hundreds of products quickly and efficiently with your thumb, earning WYS tokens along the way.
kek, his post was 3 short paragraphs you
lazy faggot

>> No.9726783

this is how biz used to shill projects, now it's just "get in or stay poor", "accumulate" and "why haven't you bought in yet?"

>> No.9726822 [DELETED] 
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>serves as a bridge of consent in regards to the data metric of specific consumers.

>> No.9726827

sounds like shit

>> No.9727090
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As wys is redeemable for discounts on products listed in app up to 100%, and wys can be atomically swapped, and by the eoy wys will have 10m+ products in inventory, i see this as the killa app for crypto. When their ad platform goes live, the advertisers will have to compete with each other, as well as a market buy pressure from the entire crypto space wanting to spend their crypto on consumer goods.

Oh shit, got a stack of dgb left over from citibank moon, do i sell it for btc, find a bitpay merchant, wait for confirmations and high fees or do i send my dgb to a wys address via a wysker integrated blocknet API and a market buy of enough wys for a 100% discount occurs behind the scenes and you get the goods. You also then stand to get a subsidy of your purchase by viewing sponsored streams to see if the AI can find you some dope scores.

Granted this is a bit over the head of most high buying, low selling brainlets but hopefully there's some other anons who can realise how huge this could be.

>> No.9727258
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I wouldn't even say it's normie centered. It's what most coins dream of to be able to spend their stash on 10m products without the hassle of converting. There will be serious buy pressure from the crypto space while the app will be shilled to normies for widespread adoption. Most people won't realise what's going on behind the scenes and will just be happy to save $5 every now and again while using the flashiest shopping app.

>> No.9727565

I have about 200k WYS since ICO. Once the App starts to get adapted and the reward system is working I'm expecting this to go at least to 2$, maybe even more if it collides with a strong bull market for the whole crypto space.
Its ridiculusely cheap right now.

When the time is right I'm starting to shill this to some friends if mine (the app, not the token).
Chicks that work as barbers especially, if they like the app the effect will be huge, shilling the app to every stupid chick that comes into their salon.

>> No.9727568
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Kek is gonna be properly amused by the intersection of a bunch of retards from a tibetan yak farming board and the vapid shopaholics getting shilled this AI pussy from their favourite fashion vlogger.
I'm gonna raid all their shitholes and make sure they're all downloading this fucking app so when the ad platform rolls out there'll be a big tasty honey pot of data to make them advertises fiend for my wys.

>> No.9727573

This coin trys so hard :*)

>> No.9727585
File: 94 KB, 750x1334, 70BB67E0-5005-4FAC-B4FC-0A4CD7A13C05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biz knows people are greedy, selfish and superficial.

Every person in the world wants to be unique, wants to stand out from the rest and wants to be admired by the rest. That’s why there is a trillion dollar-market for fashion, for gadgets and for all the things that let those superficial cocks and pussies feel like they are the most fancy person on the planet. These primal desires are the reason why there is no other way than Wysker to be a success. Because that’s exactly what Wysker aims to address. There are those fancy items to be found you never knew you wanted them, there is that customizable avatar cat, you can level up just by buying more awesome stuff. And you can show via direct linkage with instagram to all these other hipsters and fashion-victims that you‘re the greatest fucking hippster-styler asshole on earth.

To spread the word in this space they are going to run a giant influencer-campaign to make it popular all over the globe. Their unique style and marketing-language will definitely make Wysker appealing to a lot of hipsters out there.

That’s why Wysker is gonna be a huge success.

>> No.9727780
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Half a milly n not selling til $10+

>> No.9728743

Where can I buy this token? have 2 eth ready to buy!

>> No.9728757

Idex, I buy some too, looks like a ticking time bomb

>> No.9728835
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It is just that. And the counter nears to 0

>> No.9728896

Idex not woeking for me. Dont have a laptop for another week so on a tablet. Any other non shit exchanges?

>> No.9728935

Haha, already shilled the app to my smaller sister. And she is already addicted to it. I think, The app has some sort of psychological effect in her brain, speed, colors and shopping addiction. Thx 4chan for the tip about wysker

>> No.9728969
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kek based