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972254 No.972254 [Reply] [Original]

>Europe commiting sudoku
>China fumbling
>Australia and Canada about to pop their real-estate bubbles
>Africa being Africa
>Middle East about to be glassed
>India pooing in the streets

Has there been a better time to be an American?

What's your plan to get a seat on the economic cannonball that's about to be fired out of Uncle Sam's dick?

>> No.972257

Hold USD

>> No.972258
File: 169 KB, 638x878, 1391100766534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw going to convert all my Canacukk dollars into USD and bitcoin when our conversion rates are better and bitcoin gets to a low then finish my degree and move to a country that isn't a fucking shithole

>> No.972262

Look back at the 50s:
>Rising moral puritanism
>Large body of single men flooding the country
>The rest of the world is in shambles
>A few years after a major financial crisis
>Technology is automating life in ways not thought possible until now

If I had to put all my chips on one number I'd say we are about to have a baby boom.

>> No.972263

>Australia and Canada about to pop their real-estate bubbles

Haha, nahhhh. The fact that India and China are failing means that Canada and Australia will have even bigger real estate bubbles; asians popping in and buying obscenely mediocre property for exuberant prices is what started the bubble in the first place.

>> No.972267

>baby boom
Why? That makes no sense. There was a baby boom in the 50s because most of the males were deployed fighting a war, and the first thing they did when they came back was fuck.

How is that the case at all now? There's a few thousand that are currently deployed, i assume.
I would say the exact opposite. There is no reason to have a child. It only puts an individual in a moderate level of income or lower at a further disadvantage.

>> No.972268
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>when our conversion rates are better

>> No.972272

>>when our conversion rates are better
Yeah. Sorry syrupbros, it's not going to get any better in the next decade.

>> No.972278

birth control is actually used now and people aren't having babies as young since both parents need to work now.
>generally speaking

>> No.972280

Amen to this. If we dissolved welfare the shitty people would finally stop fucking or die, and we could fix quite a few problems over the next century.

>> No.972281

I would say we are already at least 5 years into a baby boom. Nearly everyone I know over the age of 25 has at the very least one kid. Most have 2 or 3. Population booms dont always occur for the same reasons. I would say this one probably started when everyone was laid off at home and fucking, then people saw their friends having kids and decided to have their own. Would be cool to see some actual statistics on this

>> No.972285

Yes 1990-2006 was best time.

Ask your parents if they ever feared unemployment during that time. They didn't as they could hop freely.

>> No.972289

A government is there for its people. Newborn children have had no say in where they were born they deserve an equal chance at life. And they will return the investment in form of taxes they will pay later in life.

>> No.972290

Getting tax benefits for kids is sure nice... but yeah, taking the government benefits for having children away would probably have a positive effect on the countries average IQ. But it would make a large part of the poor, poorer. Who is going to buy iPhones then?

I would argue that what you're citing is just normal life. Not a boom.

And to the contrary, most of everyone I know do not want a kid at all. Those that have had them do not do so on purpose. I'm 22, in college.

>> No.972295

You're sheltered from the reality of these people. I'm not some 1%er talking down to the masses, I'm some shitty guy who had to live in two separate cities filled with these assholes.

>> No.972303

Sure, that sounds great.

The problem is that a significant portion of those born into poverty stay impoverished, contributing very little to society and a negative amount to the GDP.

>> No.972306


It won't be this shit forever.

As soon as it gets to like 0.85:1 USD to CAD I'll exchange them all except for what I need in the immediate time.

The funniest thing is that Bitcoin is probably better than Canadianbukkeroos

>> No.972307

I find it funny Americans don't even realize how niggerfied their country is getting.

>> No.972310

Sick burn, Kumesh.

>> No.972312

>>Europe commiting sudoku

Is no one going to call this out? It's seppuku, you tard.

>> No.972313
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>> No.972316

White people aren't having babies anon. Non-white people are fucking like rabbits.

>> No.972324
File: 122 KB, 541x1084, qt6PIMj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like you're right. Births were up 1% in 2014 for the first time since the crash, though, so we could be seeing an upwards trend starting.

Your girl Blanda Up on you, Sven? I'd be more worried about your darkies, you know, the ones that go boom

>> No.973066

>What's your plan to get a seat on the economic cannonball that's about to be fired out of Uncle Sam's dick?
taking the money and jumping ship to em's.

>> No.973079

>Who is going to buy iPhones then?
chinks and siamese chinks and russians

>> No.973430

Whats em?

>> No.973437

I have 1200 shares of activision blizzard. European stocks outperforming pretty hard still though.

>> No.973446


>highest external debt in the entire world
>63% white and dropping
>Nearly 70% overweight or obese
>Next president is bound to be a retard

Of course the countries/continents you mentioned suck, but the US isnt doing much better and certainly going downwards.

The future is in slavlands and some asian countries I guess.

>> No.973537

>highest external debt in the entire world
So you're saying US Treasuries are still the most popular investment in the world. Sweet
>63% white and dropping
>Nearly 70% overweight or obese
>Next president is bound to be a retard
Just like the last 50 Presidents. Who cares.
>Of course the countries/continents you mentioned suck, but the US isnt doing much better and certainly going downwards.
(citation needed)
>The future is in slavlands and some asian countries I guess.
Russia is repeating their Afghanistan mistake and will be bogged down in Syria for years.
No one wants to live in Cambodia